
一. 听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(共6分,每小题1分)

  1. A. He’s washing his clothes.

    B. He’s closing the window.

    C. He’s walking outside.

  2. A. He went to the zoo.

    B. He saw a film.

    C. He went shopping.

  3. A. At the shop.

    B. At the school.

    C. At the doctor’s.

  4. A. In the garden.

    B. At the tea house.

    C. In the room.

  5. A. He doesn’t know why they should make coffee.

    B. They need some more coffee.

    C. They shouldn’t make any more coffee.

  6. A. The post office wasn’t open.

    B. They didn’t receive any letter.

    C. He wasn’t able to pick up the letter.


二. 听对话和短文,根据对话和短文后的问题,分别选择正确答案。对话及短文读两遍。(共18分,每小题1.5分)


  7. A. A teacher.

    B. A reporter.

    C. A shop assistant.

  8. A. During weekdays.

    B. At weekends.

    C. Twice a week.


  9. A. He hurt his foot.

    B. He had a pain in his leg.

    C. He had a car accident.

  10. A. It happened while Tom was playing basketball.

    B. It happened while Tom was playing football.

    C. It happened while Tom was driving.


  11. A. $30        B. $ 60     C. $ 90

  12. A. Monday morning.

    B. Right now.

    C. Sunday afternoon.


  13. A. Student name and student number.

    B. The number of class.

    C. Both A and B 

  14. A. On the wall.

    B. On the blackboard.

    C. On their students’ books.

  15. A. Half an hour.

    B. 90 minutes.

    C. 120 minutes.


  16. A. He was weak in his history.

    B. He did very well in his history.

    C. He was ready for the history exam.

  17. A. The coming exam.

    B. Jack’s notebook.

    C. Jack’s call.

  18. A. Jack knew Paul.

    B. Jack knew Paul very well.

    C. Jack wanted to help Paul with his history.



三. 单项填空。(共20分,每小题1分)


  19. I have a new teacher. He teaches ________ English and I teach _________ son Chinese.

    A. I, his           B. my, him

    C. me, his          D. mine, him

  20. January is _________ month in Beijing, but it is different in Australia.

    A. cold         B. colder

    C. coldest          D. the coldest

  21. -You like hiking.


    A. So do I          B. Nor do I

    C. So am I          D. Neither am I.

  22. For the first few months in America, Li Ming didn’t understand what American people said, ________?

    A. couldn’t he         B. could he

    C. didn’t he           D. did he

  23. We feel hot and thirsty. Let’s go for some ________.

    A. hot dogs         B. cold drinks

    C. dumplings            D. salad

  24. Since the opening up to the outside world, there have been _________ foreign companies in Beijing.

    A. hundreds of          B. hundred of

    C. two hundred of       D. two hundreds

  25. A soldier saved a baby last night, but nobody knew _______.

    A. who he is            B. who is he

    C. who he was           D. who was he

  26. -I’ll go to Tibet for my holiday this summer.

    -It’s really a beautiful place. I _________ there twice.

    A. was          B. went

    C. have been        D. have gone

  27. -Where are you, Xiao Lin? I can’t see you.

    -I am waiting __________ the No. 7 bus stop.

    A. for      B. at       C. to       D. in

  28. -Could I have a talk with you, Bruce?

    -Sure. But only _________ time.

    A. a little         B. little

    C. a few            D. few

  29. Last winter I often saw some people ________ off the snow in the street.

    A. to sweep         B. swept

    C. sweep                D. sweeps

  30. -How long have you ______ here?

    -Since 1997.

    A. arrived          B. moved

    C. come         D. lived

  31. I bought a present for my friend, _____ he didn’t like it at all.

    A. and          B. but

    C. so           D. or

  32. The radio says the rain will last for two days. I guess the sports meeting may be ________.

    A. put away         B. put up

    C. put down         D. put off

  33. Can you see the bridge over the river? It __________ last month.

    A. is built         B. was built

    C. is building      D. was building

  34. -It’s very important to save water.

    -I agree with you. I hope __________ can realize that.

    A. nobody           B. everybody

    C. anybody          D. somebody

  35. -You are here for two months. How do you get on with your classmates, Jane?


    A. Very well            B. Well done

    C. That’s OK           D. I’m fine

  36. In the past few months, people have known __________ to keep away from bird flu(禽流感).

    A. what         B. who

    C. when         D. how

  37. -_______ exciting the news is! Yang Liwei is the first Chinese to go into space.

    -Yes, we are ___________ him.

    A. How, pleased with

    B. How, proud of

    C. What, amazed at

    D. What, interested in

  38. I’m afraid our team will _________ the football game.

    A. fail         B. beat

    C. lose         D. win


四. 完形填空。(共12分,每小题1分)


    It was already dark when we left for the next town, which according to (根据)the map was about fifteen miles away on the side of the hills. There we felt   39   that we would find a bed for the night. Darkness fell soon   40   we left the village, but luckily we met no one as we drove quickly along the narrow winding (弯曲)road that   41   to the hills. As we climbed higher, it became colder and rain began to fall, making it difficult   42   to see the road. I asked John, my friend, to drive more slowly.

    After we had traveled for about twenty miles, there was still no   43   of the town which was marked on the map. We were beginning to get worried. Then, without   44  , the car stopped. A quick   45   showed that we had run out of petrol(汽油). Although we had   46   food with us, only a few biscuits (饼干)and some chocolate, we decided to spend the night in the car.

    Our meal was soon over. I tried to go to sleep at once, but John, who was   47  , got out of the car after a few minutes and went for a walk up the hill. Soon he came running back. From the top of the hill we had seen, in the valley(山谷)below, the   48   of the town we were looking for. We at once took all our things out of the car, and tried hard to   49   the car to the foot of the hill. Then we went back for the things, put them back into the car again and left the hill. In less than a quarter of an hour we were in the town, where we found a   50   quite easily.

  39. A. sorry          B. sure         C. worried          D. disappointed

  40. A. as         B. after            C. before               D. since

  41. A. sent           B. showed       C. took             D. went

  42. A. at times       B. at night     C. at once              D. at last

  43. A. place          B. sign         C. road             D. view

  44. A. warning        B. hitting          C. driving              D. breaking

  45. A. think          B. look         C. exam             D. test

  46. A. some           B. little           C. enough               D. no

  47. A. a strong driver    B. a brave walker   C. a strange climber        D. a poor sleeper

  48. A. lights         B. streets          C. trees                D. houses

  49. A. run            B. draw         C. pull             D. push

  50. A. restaurant         B. family           C. hotel            D. way


五. 阅读理解。(共22分,每小题2分)


    Blaze is three years old. He is brown all over except for a white mark on his face. That mark is called a blaze(火焰), and that’s why his name is Blaze.

    Blaze is a wonderful young horse who will soon work for the New York City police. But first he must learn all the things he needs to know to be a police horse. That’s why his trainer is teaching him to jump over obstacles(障碍),to stand very still, to run like the wind. He is also learning to keep calm(镇静)in traffic, or when children are close to him.

    One day, during all this training, Blaze showed that he was the best pupil in the training school. He was in Central Park with his trainer, Mac, when suddenly people began shouting and pointing to the lake. A little girl was in the water. She was crying.

    “Let’s go, Blaze, ”said Mac, and Blaze ran across the grass, jumped into the water and swam as fast as he could. Mac caught the little girl by her dress and lifted her out of water and onto Blaze’s back. A few minutes later, Mac gave the little girl back to her happy mother.

    The people crowded around Blaze. Someone even gave him an apple. A photographer(摄影师)was there, and that night Blaze and Mac’s picture was in all the newspapers.

  51. The horse’s name comes from ________.

    A. his owner

    B. the mark on his face

    C. his trainer

    D. the training school

  52. Blaze must ___________ before he becomes a police horse.

    A. keep calm            B. love children

    C. learn a lot          D. be friendly

  53. Blaze became famous because __________.

    A. he saved a girl’s life

    B. he was well trained

    C. his picture was taken

    D. his trainer was the best

  54. Which of the following is the picture printed in the newspaper?




    The following form shows the result of a survey (调查)of parents from five countries who were asked why children are important to them, and they were asked to choose three main reasons from seven. For example, the three most important reasons for Japanese parents are Item 4-strengthening (加强)family ties(51%), Item 5-developing oneself through raising one’s children (60%),and Item 7-raising responsible citizens(抚养有责任心的公民)(45%).





U.S.A. (%)



(1)To see oneself going on in future






(2)To keep the family line






(3)To receive care in old age






(4)To strengthen family ties






(5)To develop oneself through raising one’s children






(6)To enjoy raising children






(7)To raise responsible citizens







  55. Among all the countries, only ________ parents think that keeping the family line is their most important reason for raising children.

    A. American             B. French

    C. Japanese             D. Korean

  56. Which reason is thought the least important by the parents of most countries?

    A. Item 3           B. Item 2

    C. Item 6           D. Item 7

  57. Which item do the most countries think is one of their main reasons?

    A. Item 1           B. Item 5

    C. Item 4           D. Item 6

  58. Which two countries have the same main reasons for raising children?

    A. Japan and Korea.

    B. America and Britain

    C. Britain and France

    D. Japan and America.



    Fires at home can be very dangerous. Sometimes they can be deadly. Each year in the United States more than 4,000 people die from fires and burns. Not all of these fires happen at home, but many do. A fire at home can start without warning.

    Most fires at home start in the kitchen. Food can catch fires in just a few seconds. Sometimes oil and bits of food on the stove (火炉)get too hot and catch fire. There are other causes of fires at home. Sometimes a fire starts when someone throws a hot match into a wastepaper basket. Sometimes fires at home are caused by flammable (=easily burning)materials, such as paper, wood and some chemical materials. Faulty electrical wiring(不合格电线)can sometimes cause fires in the home. So something is done to make sure a fire doesn’t start, such as, keep the stove clean; put matches in water or make sure they are cool before they are thrown away; never let small children play with matches or lighters; and store these flammable materials outside your home if possible. Even with the most careful planning, not all fires can be prevented. When a fire starts in your home, it is very frightening. When you’re frightened, you don’t think clearly. So, the best time to plan what to do when a fire happens is before one starts.

    If a fire starts in your home, you need to know how to get everyone out safely and quickly. During the daytime, a fire may be noticed more quickly. Then you will have time to leave through a door-an easy escape route(路线). At night when everyone in your home is sleeping, you’ll all need to know two ways to get out of your bedrooms. The first choice is through the door. But if you are stopped by fire or smoke outside the doors, you need to have another escape route. One escape route could be through a window. Once you have planned your escape routes, make a diagram of your home. Clearly mark the escape routes on the diagram.

    If you live in a two-story house, make sure to have a fire ladder upstairs. A fire ladder is a rope or metal ladder that can be hung out a window if the stairway is full of smoke or fire. Make sure everyone knows where to find the ladder and how to use it.

    If you live in a tall building, never get in a lift when there is a fire. Lifts can become fixed during a fire. Instead, you’ll need to know where the fire escapes or fire stairs are in your building.

    Fire escapes are stairs that are connected to the outside of buildings. Fire stairs are stairways in many buildings that keep fire and smoke away. Always close the door behind you after entering the fire stairway. Also, know what the fire alarm(警铃)in your building sounds like and how to leave your home if you hear the alarm.

    One last thing you need to do is to agree on a place to meet once you leave your home. The place should be nearby, such as a neighbor’s home, a school, or a store.

  59. ______ can easily cause fires at home.

    A. Burnt matches in the wastepaper basket

    B. Chemical materials close to hot places

    C. A pan filled with fat and hot oily food

    D. Wood and newspapers piled in the corner

  60. Which of the following is correct according to the passage?

    A. Escaping through doors is always the easiest and safest way.

    B. Planning as carefully as possible helps to keep off the fires.

    C. Fires happening at home often start suddenly and unexpectedly.

    D. No matter where you live, a fire ladder is fully needed.

  61. Which do you think is the best title of the passage?

    A. Fire Safety          B. Fire Prevention

    C. Fire Escape          D. Fire Warning




六. 选词填空(共5分,每小题0.5分)


six    clean    go    not go to bed    until

when     oneself    run    pick    finish

  1. Why not ________ there by boat?

  2. Mrs Green lives on the ________ floor.

  3. His mother told him _________ too late.

  4. He was cooking _______ he heard a knock at the door.

  5. I didn’t know the news ____________ she told me.

  6. She visited some places in Hong Kong and enjoyed _________ very much.

  7. Look! The boy ____________ faster and faster.

  8. The students _________ a lot of apples on the farm two weeks ago.

  9. The students are busy ____________ the classroom.

  10. Your homework must __________ today.

七. 完成句子(共5分,每小题1分)


  1. 我一接到你的信就出发。

    I’ll start out _____________.

  2. 你最好别玩电脑游戏。

    ___________ computer games.

  3. 今天的天气真好!既不冷也不热。

    The weather is very nice today. It’s ____________.

  4. 赢了比赛后,汤姆高兴地说不出话来。

    After winning the match, Tom was _________________ say anything.

  5. 工人们将用大约一年的时间建成这座博物馆。

    _____________ this museum.


八. 补全对话,在横线上写出所缺少的句子。(共10分,每小题2分)

    A: Good morning! (1)_________________?

    B: I want to buy a sweater.

    A: (2)___________________?

    B: Light green.


    A: No, it is made in Australia.

    B: How much is it?

    A: 300 yuan.

    B: (4)_____________. Have you got anything cheaper?

    A: Look at this one, please. It is cheaper and nice.

    B: May I try it on?

    A: Yes, please.

    B: Oh, it is very comfortable. OK. (5)________________.


九. 阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题。


    George and his wife Marge go to the State Fair every year. Every year George would say, “Marge, I’d like to ride in that plane. ”

    And every year Marge would say, “I know, George, but that plane ride costs ten dollars, and ten dollars is ten dollars. ”

    This year George and Marge go to the State Fair, and George says, “Marge, I’m 71 years old. If I don’t ride that plane this year, I may never get another chance. ”

    Marge answers, “George, that plane ride costs ten dollars, and ten dollars is ten dollars. ”

    The pilot(飞行员)is bored to hear the argument (争论)once a year, and he says, “I’ll give you a chance. I’ll take you both up for a ride. If you can stay quiet for the whole ride and not say one word, I won’t ask you to pay for it, but if you say one word, it’s ten dollars. ”

    George and Marge agree and up they go. The pilot does all kinds of twists (旋转)and turns, rolls and dives, but not a word is heard. He does all this over again, but still not a word. They land and the pilot turns to George, “I did everything I could think of to get you to call out, but you didn’t. ”

    George answers, “Well, I was going to say something when Marge fell out of the plane, but ten dollars is ten dollars. ”

  1. How often do George and Marge go to State Fair?


  2. Does George want to fly very much?


  3. What does Marge think of the plane ride?


  4. What does the pilot want them to do on the plane?


  5. Who thinks more of money, George or Marge?



十. 书面表达。根据中英文提示,写一篇50词以上的短文。(共12分)



    at a high price     wealth(财富)      have nothing to do with         success

