


第Ⅰ卷 选择题 (75分)



1. A. It's Saturday.                                 B. It's December tenth.             C. It's spring.

2. A. It's warm here.                         B. it's in the USA.                C. it's a beautiful city.

3. A. Winter.                              B. Autumn.                    C. Summer.

4. A. Yes, you do.                         B. Thanks a lot.                  C. That's a good idea.

5. A. Sorry, I'd like to read at home.    B. Yes, I have.                          C. It's winter now!


6. What's the temperature today?

     A.24℃.                              B.12℃.                               C.22℃.

7. Why is Lane tired?

A. Because he went cycling.

B. Because he babysat his cousin.

C. Because he played ping-pong.

8. When will flowers blossom in Tom's city?

A. in March.                           B. in May                              C. In February.

9. What was the weather like in Hainan?

A. Fine.                                   B. Too hot.                               C.Showers.

10. When will the sun rise?

A. About at 5: 40.                   B. About at 6: 00.                     C. About at 6: 20.


11. What is the woman waiting for?

A. She is waiting for the man.

B. She is waiting for her mother.

    C. Site is waiting for a bus.

12. According to the dialogue, what's the weather like in Florida this March?

    A. Cool.                                B. Very hot.                             C. Cloudy.

13. Where has the man lived for ten years?

    A. In Florida.                         B. In New York.                  C. In Indiana.

14. Why have the woman and her mother moved here from Indiana?

A. Because it is very hot there.

B. Because it often rains there.

C. Because it is very cold there.

15. In the woman's opinion(观点), which city the weather in is better than that in Florida?

    A. Indiana.                             B. New York.                           C. California.


16.          has a famous river, the Volga River.

A. Asia                                   B. Russia                                  C. Moscow

17. The Volga River is about         kilometers long.

A.3,750                                   B.3,680                                 C.3,700

18.What is the area of Canada ?

A .About 17.1 million square kilometers.

B. More than 9.9 million square kilometers.

C. About 9.4 million square kilometers.

19. Which has the smallest area of the three countries?

    A. The USA.                          B. Canada.                            C. Russia.

20. Which two countries cover almost the same areas?

     A. China and Russia.          B. The USA and China.     C. The USA and Russia.


21.――What's the weather like today?

   ――It's            .

      A. windy                   B. Tuesday                C. May 28                    D. black

22.Rebecca often gets up             seven o'clock             Sundays. 

A. on; in                   B. at; in                     C. on; on                     D. at; on

23.――I will go to Hainan to for a visit this summer vacation.

  ――             .

A. So do I                 B. So he does             C. So will I                  D. So she did

24. I was working on the computer             the light went out.

      A. after                     B. when                    C. while                             D. until

25.Two             of the teachers             women in our school.

      A. thirds; is               B. third; are               C. third; is                   D. thirds; are

26.To my             , the hard―working boy didn't pass the exam this time. 

A. pleasure                B. surprise                 C. luck                        D. joy

27. The weather report will show you             .

  A. What will the weather be like tomorrow. 

B. how the weather will be like tomorrow. 

C. how will the weather be like tomorrow. 

D. what the weather will be like tomorrow.

28.――A lot of people got SARS two years ago. it was terrible.

  ――Yes, We should             ourselves and keep healthy.

A. look for               B. look over           C. look after            D. look up

29. This book is             for him to read.

A. easily                 B. easy enough          C. enough easy             D. enough easily

30. In the old days, he             work day and night to make a living.

     A. had to              B. could             C. must                  D. was able to

31. He             famous as a writer since he was 21. And now he is writing his seventh   book.

A. is                    B. was                   C. has been                D. had been

32. The population of Japan is             than that of China.

A. more                 B. smaller                C. fewer               D. bigger

33. Keep             and you'll succeed in the end.

A. trying                 B. to try               C. tries                   D. try                                     34. There are many flowers on             side of the street.

A. all                    B. both                   C. every               D. each

35. Nobody thought it easy to finish so much work in             time.

A. two day's            B. two-days              C. two days'               D. two days




      Learning English is not an easy job. Almost every student sometimes asks questions like these: Can I really learn English well? Can I really learn it well to communicate with others?

      The answer is yes. According to some studies, almost anyone can learn a foreign language it" he or she wants to. Some might learn it faster and some slower. Some might learn it easily and some with difficult). But with the right ways and right attitude(态度), almost anyone can learn it.

         Many students also have their own special ways in learning English. The following are some examples:

         I make it a rule that the first thing I do every day is to listen to an English radio program. This has really helped my listening comprehension(理解).


One of my English teachers made every student speak up in class. At first I was very nervous, but after trying several times. I found it was not as difficult as I thought. Thanks to that teacher, my English is now getting better.


I like to read English aloud in an open field.


36. According to the next,          can learn English.

A. no one                 B. only someone         C. almost any person   D. no student

37.The underlined(画线的)word "studies" means          in Chinese.

A.研究                      B.学习                      C.书房                         D.思考

38.          usually learns English on the radio.

A. Neal                  B. Helen                 C. Vincent                  D. Jenny

39. Which of the following is TRUE?                                                                                  A. All people learn English in the same way.

B. One must study English in class if he wants to learn it well.

C. Each person has his own special way of learning English.

D. English is hard to anyone.

40. Which is the best title of this passage?

       A. Learning English is not very easy.

       B. Improving your English by listening to the radio.

       C. Reading English aloud is a good way to learn English.

       D. How to be successful English learner.


Sunny English Club

For students 16:00~18:00

Every Saturday

200 yuan a month

NO.9, Zhouyu Street


Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more! 


Ocean Museum

9:00~17:00 From Thursday to Saturday

Ticket:50 yuan

NO. 132, Xueyuan Street

Tel: 543987l

Show you a full picture of sea lives!


Health Centre


NO. 16, Yingze Street

Tel: 380245l

Free examinations for those over 70

Give you good advice to keep healthy!

41.Sunny English is for        .

A. nurses                    B. policemen              C. businessmen          D. students

42.You will pay         yuan if you want to learn in the English club for half a year.

       A.200                          B.600                           C.1,200                        D.2,400

43.You can visit Ocean Museum         .

       A. on Saturday              B. on Wednesday          C. on Monday               D. anytime

44.One can get free examinations in Health Centre if he is         .

       A.9                              B. 17                           C. 67                           D. 73

45.If you are interested in fishes, you should go to         .

       A. Health Centre                                              B. Ocean Museum

       C. Sunny English Club                                     D. No. 16, Yingze Street


      What do yon hear? Sounds all around you! You can hear the sounds of cars, the wind in the trees, a dog's barking, your own breathing and lots of other things.

      But what is sound? Sound happens when something vibrates(震动)or shakes. We can make something vibrate by hitting it. Try this experiment. Put your ruler on your desk and part of it sticks out(突出) over the side of the desk. Put your hand on the part of the ruler that is on the desk. Now pull the part out of the desk down, and then let it go. The part you let go will vibrate, it will move up and down very quickly, and it gives out sound.

     The part of the ruler out of the desk makes the sound. If you make that part longer, you will hear a lower sound. When you make it shorter, you will hear a higher sound. Why does this happen?

     When you make the ruler out of the desk shorter, it will vibrate more quickly. When something vibrates quickly, it makes a higher sound. If you lengthen the part, it will vibrate more slowly and it makes a lower sound.

46. Sound happens when        .

    A. something vibrates                             B. something is longer

    C. a ruler is at the side of the desk                 D. something is short

47. We can make something vibrate by        it.

A. eating                   B. hitting                C. showing              D. taking

48. We can hear a       sound if we make the part of the ruler out of the desk short.

A. higher                   B. lower               C. small                 D. nice

49. The word "lengthen" in the last sentence means        .

A.加长                      B.缩短                              C.摇动                      D.撞击

50. The best title for this passage will be       .

A. An Experiment                                         B. A Way of Making Sound

C. Sounds Are around Us                              D. Sounds

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题,计45分)



Dear editor(编辑) ,

After I finish my homework, I often go online and chat with my friends. Sometimes I play computer games. But my parents hate to see me playing games on the computer. Maybe they have heard too much news about how QQ and computer games harm(伤害)children. Once I went to a net bar(网吧)to play games after school. But after that I told my parents that I was playing basketball at school. I said so because I didn't want to make them unhappy. I feel bad about it. However, I need to rest for while by playing computer games after studying for a long time. I really want my parents understand that (1). Do foreign parents do the same to their children? Please help me.

                                                                 Li Ming

Dear Li Ming,

       I think it's not strange for parents to keep their children away from anything bad. Foreign parents will do the same as your parents! They may not let their children watch TV for too long a time, or like your parents, they don't want their children to play computer games.

       Talk to your parent and be honest to them, I think. Tell them what you are doing and why you are doing so to make them understand you. It's never good to do things behind your parents' backs.(2) They aren't fools as you think sometimes! Our parents seem to know what the best is for us. Remember. To be honest is the best way.

       Good luck!




3. What does Li Ming often do on the Internet?

4. Did the boy tell a lie to his parents? Why?

5. What does the editor think that children should do?

四.完形填空(共10小题,每小题l分,满分l 0分)


Greenland is the largest island in the world. It is in the n  6   of Europe. There is a  7   island near Greenland. It is small. It' c  8    Iceland.

       Do you think that Greenland is green and warm? Do you think that Iceland is w  9   with ice? If you do, you are wrong. Not many people l  10   on Greenland. That is because Greenland is not green, but white. Most of the island is covered with lost of i  11  , and the ice covering Greenland is h  12   than the world's tallest building.

       What about Iceland? Is it colder than Greenland? No, it isn't. Iceland has ice, b  13  not as Greenland. Iceland has a lot of springs(温泉). They give out how w  14  and steam(蒸汽). The climate(气候) in Iceland is not as cold as t  15  in Greenland. And there are much more people who live on Iceland.



Hello, 78563399! Ms. Wang speaking.

Hello, Ms. Wang. This is Danny, Mike's classmate.  16 .

Sorry. He's gone to Beijing.

Really?  17

He's just left home. I think he's just reached Yangzhou Station or maybe he's got on the train.


    Mm... Let me see .Oh, it's Z30.

    Great! We're on the same train. I'll go to Beijing, too. The train starts at 7:53 p.m, doesn't it?


    And my seat number is 12 in No.13 car. 19  The train hasn't started yet. I want to find him before the train starts.

      20    Then yon can help each other. His seat is 8 in No.5 car.

Ok, see you, Madam.

Good luck!

六.书面表达(共1题,满分l 5分)

    假定你班明天下午将召开一次以 “Keep Our School Clean” 为主题的班会,请根据以下要点用英语写一篇简短的发言稿。







Good afternoon, everyone!



That's all. Thank you!
