
英 语 试 卷2007.5






第I 卷  选择题 (76分)

第一部分 听力(24分)

一.听简短叙述,选择正确答案。每段听两遍。(共4分, 每小题1分)




                 A.                B.                  C.





                 A.                 B.                  C.






               A.                 B.                   C.





A.               B.                  C.  




5. A. The weather.                B. A lady.                            C. A film.


6. A. Museum.                            B. Club.                       C. Cinema.


7. A. $ 11.17.                       B. $11.70.                    C. $ 11.07.


8. A. Jim.                                   B. Jeff.                        C. Mary.


9. A. Australia.                     B. America.                  C. Canada.


10. A. Writing                      B. Listening.                 C. Speaking.







11. Who is going on holiday this weekend?

 A. Jim and Bob.             B. Betty and Bob.          C. Jim and Betty.


12. How are Jim and his parents going to Xi’an?

 A. By air.                       B. By train.                  C. By taxi.




13. Which of the following is the lost boy?



         A                        B                     C


14. Where can the boy’s mom find him?

A. In the clothing section.       B. In the store office.   C. In the sports section.




15. What does Ann think of the Internet?

A. Everything on the Internet is useful for students.

B. The Internet is a bad thing.

C. The Internet can help students find useful information.


16. What does Tom usually do on the Internet?

A. He often visits sports sites that he likes.

B. He has Internet classes once a week.

C. He downloads some books to read.



17. What does Joe think of Tom using the Internet?

A. Tom spends too much time for fun on the Internet. 

B. Tom should look for information on interesting sites.

C. Tom should visit music sites that he enjoys.


第二部分 笔试(52分)





18. --- Where’s your mother from?

   --- ________ is from London.

A. He                    B. She                   C. It                      D. Her


19. Jimmy was born ________ May 5th, 1993.

    A. on                    B. in                            C. at            D. for


20. --- Please help _________ to some meat and vegetables, Tom.

   --- Thank you.

A. myself                     B. himself             C. yourself            D. themselves


21. It’s raining outside. You’d better take your ________.

    A. key                   B. computer           C. umbrella           D. glasses


22. I ________ a birthday party next Saturday. I hope you can come.

       A. have                 B. had                   C. will have           D. would have


23. --- ________ are you getting on with Peter and Betty?

   --- Very well.

   A. How                   B. Who                 C. What                D. When


24. --- Look, there isn’t ________ good on TV at the weekend.

  --- Let’s go to the park instead.

A. something         B. nothing             C. everything     D. anything


25. Football is now _______ with the school girls than before in China.   

       A. popular                                         B. more popular           

C. most popular                                 D. the most popular


26. My mother often tells me _______ watch TV too much.

A. not               B. to not          C. not to          D. do not


27. --- Must we get to the station before 6:00?


   --- No, you ________. The train leaves at 9:00.

   A. mustn’t        B. needn’t        C. won’t               D. can’t


28. Mrs. Li did too much housework last night, _______ she is very tired today. 

      A. for                   B. but                   C. or                     D. so


29. We’ll have a sports meeting if it ________ rain tomorrow.

    A. won’t         B. isn’t          C. don’t                D. doesn’t


30. ---How do you like the food?

   --- It ________ good.

    A. turns                 B. feels                 C. smells               D. keeps


31. We _______up by a clock every morning, so we always get to school on time.

A. wake                B.    woke              C. were woken       D. are woken


32. --- Don’t forget to finish your homework today, will you?

   --- I _______ it.

       A. have already finished                      B. had already finished

C. would finish                                  D. am finishing


33. Does anybody know ________ at the meeting yesterday?

A. what Mr. Smith said                      B. what did Mr. Smith say        

C. what Mr. Smith says                         D. what does Mr. Smith say


34. He is so careful that he always looks over his exercises to ________ there are no mistakes.

A. make sure           B. find out             C. think about        D. try out


35. ---Hi. Haven’t seen you for ages! You look fine.

   --- _______. You look well, too.

   A. Oh, no                B. Thanks              C. Great          D. Just fine


(二) 完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)通读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项。

I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase(行李箱)and my father followed with two more. When I got to the third floor, I was    36   and at the same time feeling lonely. Worse still, Dad missed a step and   37   , sending my new bags down the stairs. “Damn!” he  38  , and his face turned red. Whenever Dad’s face turns red, I know I will have  39  .

How could I get him to help me with the suitcases when he shouted at me in front of the other girls, girls I would have to spend four years with? Doors were opening and faces were peering out(探出)when Dad walked in a hurry. I felt that my college life was having a  40  start.

 41  the room quickly,” I thought. “Get him into a chair and calmed down(镇静). But is there a chair in Room 316? Or will it be an empty room? ”

Finally I turned the key in the lock and   42    the door open when Dad   43  complained (抱怨)about a hurting leg or something. I put my head in and expected the worst.   44   to my surprise, the room wasn’t empty at all. It had tables and chairs, a TV and even some pictures on the walls.

And there on a bed sat Amy, my new  45  . “Hi, you must be Cori,” she said. Then, she     46  the music and looked at Dad. “And of course, you’re Mr. Faber,” she said, smiling. “Would you like a glass of iced tea?” she asked.

I knew soon that Amy and I would be  47   and my first year of college would be a success.


36. A. tired                   B. lazy                         C. proud                       D. happy


37. A. ran                            B. fell                          C. jumped                    D. walked


38. A. said                    B. talked                      C. shouted                    D. spoke


39. A. danger                B. luck                         C. trouble                            D. chance


40. A. new                    B. good                        C. late                          D. bad


41. A. Find                   B. Book                       C. Enter                       D. See


42. A. knocked              B. tried                        C. pushed                     D. broke


43. A. only                   B. still                          C. already                     D. yet


44. A. So                      B. And                         C. As                           D. But


45. A. roommate           B. classmate                  C. neighbor                  D. team


46. A. turned on            B. turned down             C. played                      D. enjoyed 


48. If weather changes, birds’ temperature ________.

      A. comes down                                         B. changes a lot     

C. goes down                                            D. stays about the same


49. Birds have feathers ________ in cold weather.

      A. to keep them warm                                  B. to wash their faces

      C. to move fast                                D. to keep young


50. Birds near the sea usually like to eat _______.

   A. fish            B. fruit              C. insects        D. seeds


51. What is the passage about?

      A. Feathers.         B. Birds.                C. Food.             D. Weather.


( B )

Read the newspaper articles below and answer the questions.

French Film Festival


The fourth French Film Festival starts tomorrow, Friday, October 9. From Friday to Sunday there are eight different films. The ticket price of each film is $5.00. You can buy tickets at the Coleman Art Theater or by calling 555-9753. But do quickly because some shows are already sold out. For more information about each film, you can get a brochure at the theater.

Schedule of films



3:30 pm―Wild Nights

5:30 pm―November

7:30 pm―After Love

10:00 pm―Tito and Me

10:00 am―The Man of My Life

3:30 pm―Wild Nights

7:30 pm―November

10:00 pm―Max and Jeremy

1:00 pm―Indochina

3:30 pm―The Little Prince

7:30 pm―November

10:00 pm―Max and Jeremy


Enjoy Family Fun at the Agricultural Fair


It’s that time again. The Agricultural Fair opens today, October 8, and runs to October 22―two weeks of fun for the whole family. So, put on your most comfortable shoes and come to the State Road 41. Shows and rides will be open from 10 am until 11 pm every day.

This year at the fair you can see many different kinds of animals, rides, and shows, so get ready to enjoy them, eat cotton candy, and pet all the lovely animals.

One of the most interesting shows is called “Too big to eat.” Here you can see huge tomatoes, cabbages, and other vegetables, some weighing up to 15 pounds.

There are many places to eat at the fair. You’ll find lots of food such as French fries, candy apples, and popcorn.


The ticket price is $6.50 for adults and $3.50 for children under 12.


52. If you want to watch the movie After Love, you will go to the cinema before ______.

A. 7:30 pm on Friday                                 

B. 10:00 am on Saturday

C. 10:00 pm on Friday                               

D. 3:30 pm on Sunday


53. What can you do at the Agricultural Fair?

A. Cook food.                                           

B. Plant apple trees.

C. Make cotton candy.                                              

D. See huge vegetables.


54. If a mother and her 5-year-old son go to the Agricultural Fair, she will pay ________ for the tickets.


A. $3.50                 B. $5.00 C.                   C. $6.50                D. $10.00


( C )

As prices and building costs keep rising, the “do-it-yourself” (DIY)trend(趋势)in the U.S. continues to grow.

“We needed furniture(家具)for our living room,” says John Ross, “and we just didn’t have enough money to buy it. So we decided to try making a few tables and chairs.” John got married six months ago, and like many young people these days, they are trying to make a home at a time when the cost of living is very high. The Rosses took a 2-week lesson for $ 280 at a night school. Now they build all their furniture and make repairs around the house.


Jim Hatfield has three boys and his wife died. He has a full-time job at home as well as in a shoe making factory. Last month, he received a car repair bill for $ 420. “I was surprised and worried about it. Now I’ve finished a car repair class, I should be able to fix the car by myself.”

John and Jim are not unusual people. Most families in the country are doing everything they can to save money so they can fight the high cost of living. If you want to become a “do-it-yourself”, you can go to DIY classes. And for those who don’t have time to take a lesson, there are books that tell you how you can do things yourself.


55. We can learn from the text that many newly married people_____.

A. find it hard to pay for what they need

B. have to learn to make their own furniture

C. have DIY lessons with their friends

D. never go to a store to buy things


56. John and his wife went to evening classes to learn how to_____.

A. open a DIY shop                                  

B. make or repair things

C. save time and money                     

D. improve their lives


57. When the writer says that Jim has a full-time job at home, he means Jim_____.

A. makes shoes in his home                

B. does another job at night

C. does his own car and home repairs

D. keeps house and looks after his children


58. What would be the best title for the text?

A. The Fun of DIY.                                  

B. You Can Do It Too!

C. Welcome to Our DIY Class!           

D. John and Jim: Believers in DIY.

第II卷 非选择题(44分)


一、语言知识运用(II)(共10分, 每小题2分)根据中文意思完成句子。

1. 昨天天气不好,很多学生上学都迟到了。

The weather was bad yesterday. _________________________________school.


2. 林涛一离开学校就去了南方。

Lin Tao went to the south ___________________________________________.


3. 露西花了50元买了这本字典。

Lucy ________________________________________________ this dictionary.


4. 吃早餐对我们来说是很重要的。

________________________________________________________ breakfast.


5. 这个孩子不但对英语感兴趣,而且数学也很好。

The child ___________________________________________________ maths.

A:  Good morning, doctor!

B:  Good morning!  6                                    ?

A:  I’ve got a headache and a cough.

B:   7                                         ?

A:  Yes, I have. My temperature is a little high.

B:  8                                          ?

A:  Ever since yesterday. Is there anything serious, doctor?

B:  9                                          . You’ve just caught a cold.

A:  Do I have to stay at home?

B:  Yes. You’d better have a rest for a few days and take the medicine three times a day.

You ’ll be all right soon.

A:  10                      , doctor! Bye-bye.

Imagine you receive an e-mail that looks like this: ARE YOU GOING TO CLASS TODAY? How does reading this message make you feel? Why does the sender use all capital(大写)letters? Was he or she angry? Usually using all capital letters in an e-mail is the way that people shout online. Following are some of the suggestions of dos and don’ts for chatting politely with others online.

Always remember that you are sending messages to a real person, not just a computer. Don’t type anything that you wouldn’t say to someone’s face. Also, remember that the person who receives your message cannot hear you, or see you, so make sure your meaning is clear.

Don’t take anything without paying for it, unless it is free. Don’t use information that someone else has written, and say it’s yours. Don’t read other people’s e-mails. Do share your knowledge of the Internet with others. It’s a big place with lots of information, and there are many new things to discover.

Remember that people judge(判断)you by your words. So send polite, well-written e-mail messages to others. If you are not sure about how to spell a word, look it up. There are lots of helpful books and websites.

It’s OK to express your ideas online in chat rooms or message boards, but don’t start fighting with people. That can be interesting to read, but is often unfair(不公平) to other members of the group. Express your ideas, but fighting is not right. Remember that you’re not the only one traveling on this highway!


三、阅读与表达(共10分, 每小题2分)阅读短文,根据其内容简要回答问题。
