


第I卷   选择题(共67分)

第一部分  听力



1. (    )      2. (    )      3. (    )




4. (    )      5. (    )      6. (    )




7. The ticket is for a basketball game.


8. Tom has enough money to pay for the ticket now.



9. Nancy is going to the supermarket.


10. They will have dinner together.




11. Who is in the hospital?

  A. John’s wife.                    B. John’s daughter.              C. John’s mother.


12. What does John want Mrs. King to do?

  A. To take care of her daughter.

  B. To see a patient in the hospital.

  C. To allow him to leave for a few days.



13. What’s the relationship (关系) between the two speakers?

  A. Brother and sister.           B. Old friends.                    C. Old neighbors.


14. What does the man do?

  A. A reporter.                     B. A teacher.                       C. A doctor.


15. What do we know about Emma?

  A. She has gone to England.

  B. She will go back to her school.

  C. She may get together with her friends.

第二部分   基础知识运用




16. ―It’s __________nice day, isn’t it?

  ―Yes, it is.

  A. a                      B. an                       C. the                     D. 不填


17. ―Is this your bike?

  ―No. _________bike is over there.

  A. I                      B. My                     C. He                     D. His


18. People like swimming ________summer.

  A. at                     B. on                      C. in                      D. for


19. Li Lei was badly ill _________he didn’t go to school last week.

  A. or                    B. for                      C. but                    D. so


20. I have two pens. One is black, __________is blue.

  A. the other           B. another               C. other                  D. the others


21. Tony went __________a film with his father yesterday.

  A. see                   B. to see                  C. seen                   D. seeing


22. Don’t worry! I __________you as soon as I arrive in Shanghai tomorrow.

  A. call                  B. called                  C. will call             D. have called


23. ―_________do you watch TV, Mary?

  ―Twice a week.

  A. How often        B. How far              C. How long           D. How many


24. I usually go do school by bike, but sometimes I ___________.

  A. walks               B. walk                   C. will walk            D. have walked


25. I think football is _________than basketball in China.

  A. popular            B. more popular       C. most popular      D. the most popular


26. ―Where is Jack, do you know?

  ―He _________the zoo with his friends.

  A. has been to       B. have been to        C. has gone to         D. have gone to


27. I __________my homework when my father came in.

  A. will do             B. do                      C. does                   D. was doing


28. My mother was very ___________when I bought her some flowers on Mother’s Day.

  A. sad                   B. afraid                  C. worried              D. happy


29. We __________a sports meeting in our school last Friday.

  A. have                 B. has                     C. had                    D. will have


30. ―May I borrow your dictionary, please?


  A. Thanks a lot                                     B. Not at all

C. It doesn’t matter                             D. Here you are


31. ―It’s eleven o’clock. Why don’t you ________a rest now?

  ―That’s a good idea.

  A. to take              B. take                    C. taking                D. taken


32. Some foreign languages ___________at middle school in Beijing.

  A. are taught         B. teach                   C. will teach           D. taught


33. ―Do you know _________now?

  ―Sorry, I don’t know.

  A. where does Mr. Brown live               B. where did Mr. Brown live

  C. where Mr. Brown lives                      D. where Mr. Brown lived



I stood in the doorway, watching my older brother carefully putting clothes into his bag. I coughed uneasily. Finally     34    that I was there, Rocky turned toward me with a sad smile.

“I’m     35    tomorrow,” he said.

“I know.” My     36    was almost a whisper (低声). I was angry with myself for being so weak, but I tried to keep back my tears (眼泪).

“My     37    is tomorrow morning. There is still enough time to go to the airport,” he said. Seeing the    38    look on my face, he quickly added, “I promise (答应) I won’t leave without saying goodbye.”

I tried to say something, but didn’t. it’s always    39    to keep quiet if you’re about to cry. “You promised you wouldn’t cry,” he said to me, thinking that I was close to    40   .

I remember the day he taught me how to ride a bike.    41   I thought he was always right behind me, holding the seat to keep me from     42    . I was happy with this, but he knew he couldn’t hold me up all my life. He told me that one day he would have to let go.

His coughing stopped my thinking. What was left to say? How could I say    43   to the person who taught me everything?

The next morning I     44    up, looked at my alarm clock, and realized he had left hours ago. We never even said goodbye.

Goodbye, Rocky! Although he may have been many miles away, I knew he heard me,    45   it was only an answer in his heart.


34. A. forgetting        B. realizing                 C. hoping               D. showing


35. A. arriving           B. staying                   C. coming              D. leaving


36. A. voice               B. sound                     C. noise                 D. word


37. A. ship                B. flight                     C. train                  D. bus


38. A. surprised         B. excited                   C. sad                    D. nervous


39. A. harder             B. better                     C. worse                D. easier


40. A. tears                B. smiles                    C. shouts                D. jokes


41. A. In the end        B. Ever since then       C. At first              D. Some times


42. A. riding              B. running                  C. stopping            D. falling


43. A. goodbye          B. hello                      C. yes                    D. sorry


44. A. got                  B. stood                     C. looked               D. woke


46. How can we win a prize?

  A. Take a photo.                                B. Draw a picture.

C. Write an article.                            D. Make a model.


47. How many kinds of prizes can we win?


  A. 1.                    B. 2.                    C. 3.                    D. 4.


48. What’s the first prize?

  A. A trip to Japan.                            B. A trip to TOYOTA.

  C. A 24-colour pen set.                      D. A 36-colour pencil set.


One Monday morning in 1971, Bob Hunter walker into the Vancouver Sun newspaper office we share and told me what he’d been up to the night before. “It was in a church,” he began and said how he and a group of people decided to do something about the US nuclear (核) test to take place at Amchitka, in the Aleutian Islands off Alaska.

Hunter had come up with the idea starting an organization called “Don’t Make a Wave”, which would said to Alaska to block the explosion (爆炸) and protect (保护) the environment. He told us that as he had left the meeting, he had put up his hand and said, “Peace.” A young man then replied, “Make it a green peace!”


And so this young man became the first Greenpeace president (主席) by 1973 and made the organization change into what it is today: an international organization in 41 countries and with more than 2.5 million members worldwide. Time magazine once named Hunter one of the top environmental heroes of the 20th century. He died in May 2005, only 63.

At his memorial (悼念的) service, nine speakers gave their talks, including two of his children and his wife. Premier (首脑) of Ontario said Hunter was “a citizen (公民) of the world who had changed history”. A new ship would be named “the Bob Lorne Hunter”. Everyone leaving the service was handed a small seedling (树苗) with a note:

Embrace (拥抱) your friends

Love your family

Celebrate all life

And hug (拥抱) this tree

For me

Love, Bob

My little tree grows well, as are my memories of a lifelong friend whose idea helped change the whole world.


49. When did Hunter decide to take his first action?


  A. In 1971.    B. In 1973.    C. In 2005.    D. In 2007.


50. Who gave the organization its name?

  A. Only Bob Hunter.

B. Only the young man.

C. Both Hunter and the young man.

D. Neither Hunter nor the young man.


51. From the article, we know Greenpeace’s work is __________.

  A. to fight against the US government

  B. to improve most people’s health

  C. to plant trees to remember the dead

  D. to take care of the environment


52. From the note, we know Hunter wanted us to ___________.

  A. remember him for ever                  B. continue to do what he did

  C. give love to everybody                   D. celebrate what he achieved


If you’ve ever shopped on the Internet or played a game on your mobile (移动的) phone, you’ve used the computer language, named Java that James Gosling co-invented. Java’s great success, however, didn’t come at all as he had imagined it would.

Gosling and his workmates at Sun Microsystems developed Java in the early 1990s and wanted to sell the program to telephone companies. But when those companies discovered that Java would let their customers (顾客) use a lot of different equipments-not just the ones they provided-they refused the new language.

“You put your heart into something for years, and it dies a sudden death for some stupid (愚蠢的) reasons. You just want to scream (尖叫) into the wind,” Gosling says. “We had built a better mousetrap (捕鼠器) and tried to sell it to people who really liked mice.” Still he continued to improve Java. And while telephone companies may have seen the program as something terrible, the new environment of the Internet quickly caught on to its advantages. Java became popular among programmers.

Gosling may have failed first, but he didn’t stop trying. That’s not true of many of us, however. Too many people are afraid of failure (失败). Some of us let it keep us from trying new things, telling ourselves we’d be no good at it. Some lower our goals (目的) to only what we feel completely sure we can be successful. Others among us try something once, and when it doesn’t work out, we decide that is not for us.

That’s unfortunate because, according to many top scientists, failure is nothing to fear (害怕). Not only is it inevitable (不可避免的), they say, it is even our close friend. “In the lab,” says Gosling,” failure is a good thing. If everything you try is very successful, it means you’re playing it safe; you’re not out on the edge. Failure means that you’re learning.”

Nobel Prize winner John Polanyi agrees. “To ask a scientist whether he has experienced failure is like asking an artist whether he has ever made a sketch (素描). The answer is ‘a million times’. That is the price of success. The truth is that after many failures we meet with an unexpected success.”


53. The telephone companies refused Java because _____________.

  A. they were afraid to lose the customers

  B. they didn’t want to change their equipments

  C. they found the language very difficult

  D. they wouldn’t share the program with others


54. Who did Java become popular among at last?

  A. Computer producers.                     B. Program designers.

  C. Mobile phone owners.                    D. E-shop customers.


55. What is unfortunate according to the writer?

  A. It’s difficult for Gosling to become successful.

  B. Others don’t have as many failures as Gosling.

  C. It took a long time for us to understand failure.

  D. Many are afraid of failure and won’t try hard.


56. The conclusion (结论) we can draw from the last two paragraphs (段落) is that ________.

  A. if you’re not afraid, failure will become nothing

  B. one should like failure much better than success

  C. every time we try something, we will fail first

  D. failures are natural and important toward success

第II卷   非选择题(共53分)

第四部分   语言运用

In the village,

you can see the farm     1    .

From the Tea Room,

you can watch your kids    2    outside.

Park Farm opens

at     3    in the morning every day.

You can save money

if you buy a     4    which costs 15 dollars.

We know Park Farm

is a good place     5     .


A. math              B. friendly               C. spend more time with friends

D. angry             E. have less homework      F. P. E.

G. take part in more activities     H. English       I. wear their own clothes

J. careful             K. eat less food            L. hard-working



1. Of all the subjects, most of the students like __________, __________and __________best.


2. They like the teachers who are ___________, ___________and ___________.


