



卷Ⅰ(选择题   共95分)



1.A.change                          B.challenge                   C.charge

2.A.two months time       B.two-months time        C.two months time

3.A.a book about dolphins   B.dolphins in the zoo     C.learn about dolphins

4.A.The girl looks more like her mother.

   B.The girl looks more like her father.

C.The girl doesnt look like her father or mother.

5.A.He didnt give me any medicine.

B.His medicine was useless.

C.He didnt help me.


    6.A.Dont worry.                    B.With pleasure                C.Yes, go ahead.

       7.A.Its very hard.                  B.Fine, thank you.             C.Not bad.

       8.A.OK, I will.                      B.Yes, I think so.               C.Is that so?

       9.A.Yes, he does.                   B.Of course not.                C.No. He isnt.

       10.A.Dont be so serious.        B.I’m sorry.                      C.It doesn’t matter.


       11.What does the man want the woman to do?

              A.Go to the airport for him.

              B.Drive him to the airport.

              C.Help him fix his car.

       12.Where are the speakers?

              A.At a coffee shop.            B.At a KFC.                      C.At a hotel.

       13.What time of the year is it now?

              A.Autumn.                        B.Summer.                        C.Winter.

       14.Where does the conversation take place?


       15.How will the man get into his own house if he forgets the keys again?



       16.Where does the conversation probably take place?

              A.At school.                      B.At home.                       C.In the office.

       17.How many hours will the girl work every day?

              A.Two.                             B.Four.                             C.Six.

       18.How much will she get every week?

              A.$24.                              B.$120.                                   C.$168.

       19.What did the man want to find this morning?

              A.The cafeteria(自助餐厅).

              B.The Lost and Found.

              C.The student activities center.

       20.What did the man do last night?

A.He sent an e-mail.          B.He posted a letter.           C.He bought a computer.

       21.Where is the language lab?

              A.Behind the computer lab.       B.Next to the library.         C.Next to the sports field.

       22.What does Andy like?

              A.He likes driving.            B.He likes drinking.           C.He likes swimming.

       23.How many times has Andy decided to give up drinking?

              A.Once.                            B.Twice.                           C.Three times.

       24.Why did Andy get off his car and push it?

              A.Because he left his license at home..

              B.Because he had drunk too much..

              C.Because something was wrong with his car.

       25.Which of the following sentences is NOT true about Charlie?

              A.He is helpful.                 B.He is a friend.                C.He does not like Andy.




       26.What’s behind         door? I can’t open it.

              Let me have a look.Oh,it’s    chair.

              A.a,/                   B.a, a                        C.the, a                      D./, the

27.After class, I think playing computer games and chatting      my friends      the Internet.

              A.to, by              B.with, on                  C.for, in                     D.about , through

       28.This is the       time in      days he has made the same mistake.

              A.second, third    B.tow, three               C.two, third               D.second , three

       29.Please       come in      go out; dont stand there in the doorway.

              A.either, or                                            B.neither, nor            

C.both, and                                            D.not only, but also

       30.I wonder if your wife will go to the party.

              If your wife      , so       .

              A.does, does she  B.will, will mine        C.does, will mine        D.will, will I

       31.I heard Back Street Boys would sing in our city.

              Where did you       ?

              A.put that up              B.make that up           C.pick that up             D.take that up

       32.We went out for a camp last Sunday. Luckily the weather       it is today.

              A.is not so wet as                                    B.was not so wet as

              C.was not so wet than                              D.is not so wet than

       33.The woman didnt want       of the two shirts and asked to be shown       .

              A.all, the others                                      B.both, the other

              C.either, another                                     D.neither, the others

       34.He is getting       now. I think he will be       enough to come here tomorrow.

              A.well, well        B.well, good                     C.better, good             D.better, well

       35.      she gets ready for it ,      she is leaving.

              A.The quicker, the sooner                        B.The more quickly, the sooner

              C.The quickly, the sooner                        D.The fast, the soon

       36.There used to be some big trees in front of your classroom,        

              A.isnt there        B.wasnt there             C.usednt there            D.werent there

       37.Tom is afraid of         before the whole class.

              A.laughed           B.being laughed at      C.laughing at              D.being laughed

       38.They asked me to have a drink with them. I said that it was at least ten years since I      

a good drink.

A.had enjoyed                                        B.was enjoying          

C.enjoyed                                             D.had been enjoying

       39.No one but his parents       going to see him off at the airport tomorrow.

              A.are                  B.is                           C.will                        D.has

       40.Whose       to go to the cinema?

              I suggested that.

A.idea it was              B.ideas are they          C.idea it is                 D.idea was it

       41.The students asked the teacher             .

              A.if would they have an English test         B.when they would have an English test

              C.they would have an English test            D.when would have an English test

       42.This is       bedroom. The twin sisters like it very much.

              A.Anne and Jane                                    B.Anne and Janes

              C.Annes and Janes                                 D.Anne or Janes

       43.I like this silk dress because it       so soft and comfortable.

              A.feels                B.is feeling                C.has felt                   D.is felt

       44.Turn off the lights when you leave the room. Dont have them       all the time.

              A.burning           B.burn                       C.burnt                      D.burns

       45.With the money         he had saved, he helped some children go to school.

              A.those               B.what                       C.it                           D.that



       Money makes the world go around. That’s what  46   people think. They spend their days thinking about ways to get  47 . To make money, business people always try to do their best. A business may be as  48  as one woman selling her homemade cookies or it can be a large one with hundreds or even thousands of people working for it.

      Every business has a  49  .The business head has to spend long hours working at a job. Sometimes, he has to work on Saturdays and Sundays  50   travel a lot. Many of his days are spent  51   meetings. Business people who work in a large business must have studied for many years.  52   ,that is not enough; they also must know how to  53   other people what to do, how to decide things, how to work  54   difficult problems, and how to talk with other people.

       Many people go in business because they want more money.  55   can give it a try and see how well he can do in a business. But only those who work hard and have good luck can make money.

       46.A.wise                B.common                 C.business                  D.happy

       47.A.happiness         B.changed                  C.health                     D.money

       48.A.big                  B.large                      C.small                      D.much

       49.A.nose                B.top                         C.company                 D.head

       50.A.but                  B.and                        C.or                          D.yet

       51.A.on                   B.in                           C.over                       D.with

       52.A.Besides            B.However                 C.Whatever                D.Though

       53.A.ask                  B.tell                         C.teach                      D.explain

       54.A.out                  B.at                           C.in                           D.for

       55.A.Someone         B.Anyone                  C.No one                   D.None




       Every day, every hour and every minute we see ads in the newspaper, on the television, and hear them over the radio. Even when we watch a ball game , we can see ads around us, It is very difficult to find a public place without ads now.

       Ads in business activities are useful. They tell consumers(消费者)about new products so that more and more people want to use them to improve their life. Such kind of ads help both the consumers and businessmen.

       Not all ads are true to the products. Some businessmen who hope to win a bigger market and sell more of their products are dishonest. They dont tell the truth about the things for sale. People hate such kind of ads.

       Suppose you are watching a TV play which tells a sad story. Then suddenly it is stopped by some cosmetics(化妆品)ads. How would you feel? And there are also some ads for children. Children can easily get excited with the ads. Then they will keep asking their parents to buy something they see in the ads, without thinking if they really need it.

       56.Which of the following pictures doesnt have an ad on it?

57.Which of the following is mostly like an ad for clothes?

       A.Good wine knows your taste.

       B.Leave your footprints(足迹)here. Take your memory away.

       C.Fine feathers(服饰)make fine birds.

       D.Use it and enjoy fresh air at home! New product!

58.Which of the following sentences is not a ad?

       A.Here is your second sweet home. Come and have a good time in our hotel.

       B.Honesty is the best policy(策略)。

       C.Have a drink of “Deer Beer”. Youll never forget it!

       D.First come, first served.

59.Which is not right according to the passage?

       A.Ads help businessmen win a bigger market.

       B.Some businessmen sell things which are not so good as the ads say.

       C.The sudden cosmetics ads disturb(打断)the people watching the TV play.

       D.Consumers hate ads because they dont need them.

60.Which is the best title for the passage?

       A.People Dont Need Ads                        B.People and Ads

       C.Ads: Good or Bad?                              D.Ads: Honest or Dishonest?


“Life is speeding up. Everyone is getting unwell.”

This may sound like something someone would say today. But in fact ,an unknown person who lived in Rome in AD53 wrote it.

We all love mew inventions. They are exciting, amazing and can even change our lives.

But have all these developments really improved the quality(质量)of our lives?

Picture this: Youre rushing to finish your homework on the computer. Your mobile phone rings. A QQ message from your friend appears on the screen. The noise from the television is getting louder and louder. Suddenly the computer goes blank(空白)and you lose all your work..

Now you have to stay up all night to get it done. How calm and happy do you feel?

       Inventions have speeded up our lives so much that they often leave us feeling stressed and tired. Why do you think people who live far away from noisy cities, who have no telephones, no cars, not even any electricity often seem to be happier? Perhaps because they live simpler lives.

       One family in the UK went “back in time” to see what life was like without all the inventions we have today. The grandparents. With their daughter, and grandsons Benjiamin, 10, and Thomas, 7, spent nine weeks in a 1940s house.. They had no washing machine, microwave(微波炉),computer or mobile phones.

       The grandmother, Lyn, said, “The more things you have, the more difficult life becomes.” The boys said they fought less. Probably, they said, because there was less to fight over, such as their computer. Benjamin also noticed that his grandmother had changed from being a “trendy(赶时髦的),beer-drinking granny, to one who cooked things.”

       61.The writer uses the quote(引语)at the beginning of the story to          .

             A.tell us a truth about our lives

              B.tell us what life was like long time ago

              C.point out what causes such a thing to happen

              D.point out that you experience some big problems and they may be the same

       62.In the passage the writer describes a picture to show that new inventions          .

              A.have brought trouble to our lives

              B.have improved the quality of our lives

              C.make people feel happier

              D.help people live a quieter life

       63.The family chose to spend some time in a 1940s house because         .

              A.they loved to live simple lives

              B.they wanted to know how people lived without modern inventions

              C.they were tired of modern inventions

              D.they were so poor that they couldnt afford the modern life

       64.According to the passage, which is NOT right?

              A.people who live far away from noisy cities often seem to be happier.

              B.The unknown Roman was sure that the quality of life would get better.

              C.The family changed when they lived in a 1940s house.

              D.With the improvement of our lives, we often feel stressed and tired.

       65.The passage is mainly about           .

              A.problems caused by inventions

              B.improvements of our lives with inventions

              C.changes of country life

              D.inventions in the past 700 years


Is it time to get MP3?

       Your computer has been playing music for years, one CD at a time. Now hundreds of songs can be stored in your PC if theyre in the MP3 format(格式).

What is it?

       MP3 compresses(压缩)music into small computer friendly files(文件夹). You get MP3 music several ways: Tunes can be downloaded from websites that have changed vast(巨大的)music libraries into MP3. Or you can put prerecorded CDs into your PC and change songs in minutes into MP3. Once MP3 music is on your PCs hard drive, you can play it through your computers speakers, “burn it” onto blank(空白的)CDs or swap(交换)MP3 files with friends using e-mail.

How much?

       Software needed to play and change MP3 music is often free. It comes preinstalled(预先安装)on most new computers or can be downloaded from many websites, including MP3.com. Some MP3 sites are free. Just type “MP3 site”into any search engine. Compact portable(便于携带式)MP3 players start at around $50 and can hold hundreds of songs. A blank CD on which you can record music costs about a dollar.


       MP3 turns your home PC into a jukebox(自动唱机).Tiny MP3 players are the size of a deck(一副)of cards, making it easy to take hundreds of songs with you.


       You may find that music at many sites is limited(限制).And some only allow you to listen rather than download offerings. Others let you download music that then cannot be copied to MP3 players. And a growing number of new of new CDs make it impossible to copy all the songs to a computer.

       66.Your can get MP3 music by        .

A.turning your home PC into a jukebox

B.copying songs to a PC through the speakers

C.taking your own music or songs with you

D.downloading music from some websites

       67.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

              A.Software needed to play and change MP3 music is often free of charge.

              B.MP3 music can be “burned” onto blank CDs or swapped with friends by e-mail.

              C.MP3 music can be taken along while traveling.

              D.It is possible for you to copy all the songs to your computer.

       68.How much will you pay for an MP3 player possibly?

              A.Free of charge.                                    B.Fifty-one dollars.

              C.About fifty dollars.                              D.About a dollar.

       69.What is the disadvantage of an MP3 player?

              A.It is very expensive

              B.It can not be carried everywhere.

              C.You can not copy all the songs to your MP3 player.

              D.It is easily broken.

       70.The purpose of the passage is to         .

              A.introduce MP3 to readers                            B.sell MP3 music to readers

              C.point out the advantages of MP3           D.make readers laugh



       How will you be successful? Can others brings success to you? No, Depend on yourself! It is natural and necessary to every man. Parents can help you. Teachers can help you.  71   .

       There have been many great men in history. Many of them were very poor when they were young. They had no uncles, aunts or friends to help them.   72  .They could not depend on them for education. They had to work with all their efforts to know something   73  .

       One of the most famous teachers in England used to tell his pupils. “I can not make great men of you, but I can help make men of yourself.”

         74  . And its a great pity. They can make little progress unless they see their weak points and change the way they are doing things. They are nothing now. And they will be nothing as long as they live, unless they listen to their parents and teachers, and depend on their honest efforts.

       A.But these only help you to help yourself.

       B.They worked hard until they became successful.

       C.Some young men have no ambitions.

       D.Schools were few and not very good.

       75.Which is the best title of the passage?

       A.Depend on Yourself                                    B.A Famous Teacher in England

       C.Young People                                             D.How to Teach Pupils

卷Ⅱ(非选择题  共25分)

听 力 部 分(第二节)


Information Sheet

       First of all, joining a 76     is a good choice.

       If you want to be a volunteer, you can call 77     form Monday to Friday.

       “Meeting a New Family” gives you a chance to 78     for a certain time.

       In the summer camp, you can 79       and 80       your English.

       You can practice English in different games, speech contests and so on. Do you like it?

笔 试 部 分



81.Before answering an examination paper, youd better have a       (迅速的)look at the questions first.

82.There are a lot of           (女工人)in Mr.Kings factory.

83.Parents should           (树立好榜样) to the children.

84.We have            (用完,用光)three tons of coal. Youd better buy more as soon as possible.

85.If you like, you can go       (代替)me..

Ⅹ. 基础写作(共计15分)


86.are, the, wanted, John, phone, you ,on


87.the, book, who, is, a, window, at, reading


88.the, received, that, him very, I, is, yesterday, form, important, letter


89.bus, she, on, was, to, the, not, told, school, eat


90.the, he, walking, with, stopped, and, old, caught, man, him, up, on, form




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