
英 语 试 题






第一节  听下面5个句子。每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出所听句子中含有的那个选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

1. A. fold                 B. hold                    C. had

2. A. cup                  B. cut                             C. care

3. A. drive                B. dream                          C. drink

4. A. international          B. internet                         C. national

5. A. farthest                       B. funniest                         C. fewest

第二节  听下面5个句子。每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出与你所听到的句子表达的意思相同或相近的选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

6. A. The students had a great time on the school trip.

B. The students had a terrible school trip.

C. The students had a bad time on the school trip.

7. A. You are too young to learn new things.

B. You are so young that you can't do things.

C. You can start doing things at any ages.

8. A. Some girls are going to exercise more because they are ill.

  B. Some girls are going to do more exercises to keep healthy.

  C. Some girls are going to do more exercises to get good grades.

9. A. You can't use my computer because I have to go to work.

  B. You can't use my computer because I have to use it myself.

  C. I'm working now. You can't use my computer.

10. A. Funky Fashions is worse than other clothing stores.

  B. Funky Fashions is the most fashionable clothing store.

  C. The clothes in this store are fashionable.

第三节  听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。

11. A. The zoo             B. The aquarium.              C. The park.

12. A. Toby.             B. Bill.                    C. Tommy.

13. A. Cloudy.                   B. Sunny.                     C. Rainy.

14. A. They went to the party.     B. They went to the park.   C. They performed.

15. A. Yes, there were.           B. There was.                C. No, there weren't.

第四节  听下面一段对话,回答第16至第20五个小题。现在你有20秒钟的时间阅读这五个小题。

16. Tony is going to _________ tonight.

    A. a movie                  B. a talk           C. a concert

17. Tony is going there to _________

    A. sing                B. listen to music   C. practice singing

18. Tony is going to be _________ when he grows up.

    A. a singer                  B. a leader of a band      C. a musician

19. His band is going to play _________

    A. in Beijing                B. in Shanghai     C. in Beijing, then all over China

20. When is he going to start his band?

    A. Next month.             B. Next year.      C. After he goes to college (大学:).

第五节  听下面一段短文,回答第21至第25五个小题。现在你有20秒钟的时间阅读这五个小题。

21. It's_________ for kids to do some chores at home.

    A. good             B. bad                    C. fun

22. _________ families ask the kid to do chores.

     A. All                    B. Not all         C. Few

23. Kids _________ how to do the chores when they are young.

     A. know                 B. shouldn't know        C. should know

24. In China, many kids _________ do the chores.

     A. have to          B. can            C. can't

25. In western countries, people who have a lot of money _________

     A. also want their kids to do chores

     B. don't want their kids to do chores

     C. give their kids some money to use



第一节  单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

26. ―Can you come to my home for dinner?

   ―Yes, _________.

     A. I'd love to        B. I will          C. I can't come

27. Please _________ the light. I can't see anything.

     A. turn on             B. open           C. tuna off

28. There ______ two slices of turkey on the table and there _______ some relish on the slices.

     A. are; are            B. are; is            C. is; are

29. ―Why are you studying the subjects your son learns at school?

   ―I want to _________ better _________ him.

     A. look, at                 B. do, than                 C. communicate, with

30. When I _________ up, I _________ what I want to do.

     A. will grow, am going to do     B. will grow; do  C. grow; am going to do

31. I think the Gold Theater has the _________ seats.

     A. more comfortable           B. most comfortable     C. much more comfortable

32. ―Do you like _________ your bed?

   ―No, not really, but I like to _________ the dishes, because it' s relaxing.

     A. cleaned; make                B. making; do    C. do ; 'makes

33.―_________ you start learning skating?

  ―At the age of six.

     A. When do                    B. When did           C. How long did

34. It was Sunday yesterday. Where did you go on your _________?

     A. day off                      B. holidays        C. workdays

35. ―Jane, could you please _________ the blackboard now? It's your duty.

   ―Yes, sure.

     A. cleaning                     B. to clean           C. clean

第二节  完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

    We usually call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There is a name  36  each Chinese year. We may call it the year of the  37, the year of the monkey or the year of the dog.

    Before New Year's Day, people are 38  shopping and  39 their houses. On New Year's eve, there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up late to 40 the New Year. On the 41 day of the New Year, people 42 their new clothes and go to visit their friends. They say "  43 " and some other greetings(问候) to each other. People 44 have a good time 45 the festival.

     36. A. in       B. on              C. /                D. for

     37. A. fish      B. cat        C. tiger            D. dolphin

     38. A. free             B. busy            C. happy            D. beautiful

     39. A. clean            B. to clean         C. cleaning          D. cleaned

     40. A. welcome         B. hold            C. fall             D. stop

     41. A. first             B. second           C. third            D. fifteen

     42. A. dress      B. take off   C. buy             D. put on

     43. A. Goodbye         B. Best wish        C. Good luck        D. Thank you

     44. A. sometimes        B. then         C. never      D. usually

     45. A. in               B. to               C. for        D. until



     Once, when Tom was a little boy, his mother went out for a picnic. Before she left, she said to him. "Tom, while I am away, stay near the door and watch it all the time!" She said this because there were a lot of thieves in their town.

     Tom sat down near the door and watched it. After an hour, one of his uncles came, and he asked Tom, "Where's your mother?" Tom answered, "At a picnic." "Well," said his uncle. "We' re going to visit your house this evening. Go to tell your mother. "

     His uncle then went away, and Tom began to think, "Mother said, ' Watch the door well all the time!' and uncle said,' Go and tell your mother. ' " He didn't know what to do. He thought and thought, then, at last, he said, "I know!" He took down the door, and put it on his back (后背). and went to his mother with it.


     46. One day Tom's mother went out for a walk with Tom.

     47. Tom's mother told him not to leave home and watch the door.

     48. After his mother left, one of Tom's uncles came.

     49. Tom and his uncle went to see his mother.

     50. Tom went to his mother with the door.


     Last week, Wang Ming made a survey of the five hottest future jobs among the students in his school. The following diagram shows the result.

51. The diagram shows the survey result of the five hottest _________ in Wang Ming's school.

     A. jobs                       B. subjects     C. sports      D. teachers

52. About 200 students want to be _________

     A. computer engineers B. managers        C. drivers     D. doctors

53. The number of the students who want to be teachers is the _________

     A. highest          B. largest    C. smallest     D. lowest

54. About _________ students want to be drivers.

     A.580                  B.300          C.470        D.150

55. According to the survey, which of the following is TRUE?

     A. The most students would like to be doctors.

     B. The fewest students would like to be managers.

     C. Fewer students would like to be computer engineers than doctors.

     D. More students would like to drivers than teachers.


This week I tried two new restaurants-Michelle’s and Anton’s. They are both French restaurants downtown.

Michelle’s is a place with about twenty table. The waiters and waitresses are very friendly, and I had a chocolate cake and coffee. The chicken was delicious, but the cake was too dry. The meal cost about twenty dollars.

Anton’s is a much bigger restaurant, and it was very crowded on that night. I waited twenty minutes for a table. Anton’s is noisier than Michelle’s, and the waiter was very slow with my meal. I ordered soup and a steak(牛排) with fried potatoes and vegetables. The soup wasn’t very hot. The steak was OK, but the vegetables weren’t very good. For dessert, I had ice cream. The meal was really expensive-about forty-five dollars.

Now you know why I would go to Michelle’s a again, but not to Anton’s.

56. How many tables are there in Michelle’s?

A. 20           B. 25             C. 30             D. 35

57. Anton’s waiters and waitresses are _____.

A. friendly            B. rude           C. slow          D. smart

58. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Michelle’s is much bigger.              B. The writer had a steak in Michelle’s.

C. Anton’s is very dirty.                   D. They are both French restaurants.

59. Why does the writer decide not to go to Anton’s again?

A. Because the food was awful.           B. Because the meal was expensive.

C. Because the service was had.           D. All of the above.

60. The writer tried _____ new restaurants.

A. three         B. two            C. one           D. many



第一节  听力填表题(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


Date of birth

Working place


Prize in the golf competition

Mr Brown

March 61______


Playing 64_____

the 65_____place

Mr Green

March 62______


Playing golf

The first place

第二节  根据句子中汉语词义或首字母提示写出所缺单词的正确形式。(10分)

66. You should follow the  _________  (说明) before you take the medicine.

67. Jim's  _________  (梦想) is to be a reporter for magazine.

68. Could I _________  (邀请)my friends to a party?

69. I'm going to _________ (旅行)all over the world when I grow up.

70. Town Cinema is the best movie theater. It has the _________ (最热情的) service.

71. The ice is too thin. It's dangerous to s_________ on it.

72. My brother h _________ traveling by air, but he likes taking the trains.

73. Sanya is in Hainan Province in s _________ China.

74. Yao Ming is a very f________ basketball player in China.

75.―How m _________ yogurt do we need? ―One teaspoon.

第三节  根据括号内关键词提示,把下列句子翻译成英语。(10分)



77.你星期六过来时,帮我打扫一下地板好吗?(come over)


78.这听起来像个好主意。(sound like)




80.你休假那天过得怎么样?(day off)


第四节  阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答下列各题。(10分)

   Dave was very weak and often ill so his parents wanted him to learn Chinese Kungfu. But nobody liked to take him as a student because he looked very ugly.

   One day, a teacher from a Kungfu school came to his village. Dave asked him, "Would you like to teach me Chinese Kungfu? I want to be strong. "The teacher looked at him for a moment. Then, kicking away(踢开) a small stone, he said, "Go away!" The young man said good ?bye to the teacher and went away.

     Three years later, the teacher came to the village again. On his way back from the village, some young men wanted to fight him. He was in danger. At the moment, Dave came and said, "Let's fight them together, Mr. Smith." He kicked a small stone away and hit(打击) a man heavily with the sound of "Go away"!

     The teacher looked at Dave carefully and said, "You saved my life. Thank you very much. But how do you know me?" Dave said happily, "You taught me to kick stones three years ago. Do you remember that?"

     "Oh, I'm sorry," the teacher said with his face red. After that, the teacher never judged (判断) a man by his looks.

81. Why did Dave's parents want him to learn Chinese Kungfu?


82. Did the teacher take him as a student first?


83. What did Dave learn from the teacher?


84. Where was the teacher when some young men wanted to fight him


85. What can we learn from the story?


第五节  书面表达:根据所给的信息续写短文。词数要求60左右。(10分)

    你的朋友准备了如下原料:turkey,yogurt,honey,bread,lettuce and an apple.请你教你的朋友制作火鸡三明治。

Here's a recipe for______________________________________________________________

