










1. A. sail                          B. seek               C. sell

2. A. reported                  B. repaired             C. replied

3. A. considered            B. continued            C. created

4. A. main                B. magic              C. major

5. A. broke               B. bum                C. below


6. A. Both my uncle and I like coffee.

   B. Neither I nor my uncle likes coffee.

   C. Not only my uncle but also I like coffee.

7. A. Could you tell me where you live?

   B. I'd like a new dress.

   C. Need I go to your home right now?

8. A. It's difficult for him to make it in 2 hours.

   B. He spent 20 yuan on a book yesterday.

   C. It took him 2 hours to look for a bookstore yesterday.

9. A. I like coffee better than milk.

   B. I don't like coffee or milk.

   C. I like coffee, but I don't like milk at all.

10. A. My mother would like to eat great snacks.

   B. My mother works in a restaurant as a cook.

   C. My mother can cook great snacks.

第三节  听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。

11. A. America.                 B. England.            C. Australia.

12. A. He had gone shopping.                             B. He had gone to a party.

   C. He had forgotten Nick's appointment.

13. A. Because he didn't like math.                 B. Because he was exhausted.

   C. Because he got up late this morning.

14. A. By car.                  B. By bike.            C. On foot.

15. A. Dave held a costume party.                       B. Dave fooled her.

C. Linda was late for the party.


16. What are they doing?

    A. They are talking in a hospital.

    B. They are talking on the road.

    C. They are talking on the phone.

17. Who is ill in hospital?

     A. Li Lei's aunt.          B. Ann's aunt.          C. Ann's uncle.

18. Does Li Lei know the way to the hospital?

     A. Yes, he does.

     B. No, he doesn't.

     C. No, he wants to ask a policeman.

19. How far is the hospital from Ann's home?

    A. About 16 kilometers. B. About 60 kilometers.       C. About 6 kilometers.

20. What does Li Lei decide to do at last?

    A. To stay at home.      B. To ask a policeman. C. To help Ann.



21. _________ is very interesting.

    A. Listening to the radio       B. Watching TV           C. Reading English

22. Many children can see a lot and know many things _________.

    A. by listening to the radio   B. by listening to the tape     C. by watching TV

23. TV can help children open their_________.

    A. minds              B. eyes                       C. both minds and eyes

24. Watching TV too much is _________for your health.

    A. bad                     B. good                       C. better

25. If you watch TV too much, you _________ in your lessons.

    A. can do better              B. can't do well                C. will do well





26. --Why didn't you go to Shenyang EXPO with us last week?

   --Oh, I just don't like places _________ there are too many tourists.

    A. which        B. that             C. where            D. /

27. -- Excuse me. Could you please tell me _________.

   -- Sure. Go straight on and take a right turn. It's around the comer.

    A. where is the nearest supermarket            B. how can I get to the supermarket

C. where to get to the supermarket               D. how I can get to the supermarket

28. My flight had already _________ when I reached the airport.

     A. taken away          B. taken up        C. taken off         D. taken down

29. -- Do you know Betty very well?

   -- Yes. She and I _________ friends since we met in Guangzhou last year.

     A. have made     B. have become          C. have been        D. have turned

30. -- The skirt looks different from others and it is nice.

     -- Thanks. It _________ by my mother last month.

     A. made          B. is made   C. has been made   D. was made

31. He looks sad, Let's _________him _________.

     A. cheer; up      B. put; up           C. set; up         D. call; up

32. -- I didn't see you at the meeting yesterday, why?

   -- I _________ for a telephone call.

     A. had waited   B. have waited       C. was waiting      D. would wait

33. Nobody thought it easy to finish so much work in_________.

     A. two days' time        B. two- days time   C. two day's time   D. two days time

34. -- Where is the pay phone?

   -- It' s _________ the post office _________ the library.

     A. from; to       B. across; from     C. between; and    D. among; and

35. My sister would like to go _________ because she is afraid of cold.

     A. somewhere cold                      B. cold somewhere

     C. somewhere warm                     D. warm somewhere



Once a foreigner traveling in France came to Paris for a few days.  36  the very first day of his staying in the French capital he  37  a telegram(电报) to his wife  38  the name and address of the hotel   39   he was staying. Then he decided to go out and  40   the places of wonders in the capital. He took a long walk along the streets of the city, visiting a few museums and by the end of the  41 he felt tired.

    He wanted to 42  the hotel to take a rest there, but suddenly he  43   he remembered 44   the name nor the address of the hotel. He felt quite   45   and slowly walked along the street, not knowing what to do. Suddenly he found  46   in front of a post office. He quickly ran inside and said  47  an excited voice. "Give me a telegram form, please." "Here you are," a man answered, giving him a form. It did not  48   !~hg to fill it in. A minute later he handed in the telegram and paid the man.

     His wife was greatly  49  when an hour later she received  50   telegram from her husband: "Send me my address at once!"

36. A. At             B. In                     C. On                  D. For

37. A. sent             B. made          C. carried               D. did

38. A. of              B. by                     C. in                   D. with

39. A. which         B. where                  C. with which           D. for which

40. A. watch         B. notice          C. look                D. see

41. A. museum         B. day                  C. city                 D. street

42. A. look for         B. search                  C. find out              D. return to

43. A. realized          B. noticed         C. considered      D. thought of

44. A. both            B. any                    C. either                D. neither

45. A. missed                B. worried        C. alone         D. worrying

46. A. someone        B. a person        C. himself         D. him

47. A. in          B. with            C. at             D. of

48. A. cost              B. spend                   C. take                   D. get

49. A. frightened         B. surprised.                C. disappointed     D. angry

50. A. the first     B. a quick                 C. other                   D. a second




      Mr and Mrs Smith had always spent their summer holidays in New Jersey(新泽西州) in the past, staying in a small inn(小旅馆) at the foot of a hill. One year, however, Mr Smith made a lot of money in his business. So they decided to go to London and stay at a really good hotel while they went traveling around that famous city.

     They flew to London and arrived at their hotel one evening. They expected that they would have to go to bed hungry, because in that small inn in New Jersey, no meals were served after seven. They were surprised when the man who received them in the hall asked whether they would take dinner there that night.

     "Are you still serving dinner?" asked Mr Smith.

     "Yes, certainly, sir," answered the man. "We serve breakfast from seven to half past eleven in the morning, lunch from twelve to three in the afternoon, tea from four to five, and dinner from six to half past nine."

     "But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of London." said Mrs Smith.

     51. Mr and Mrs Smith _________ in the past.

          A. had often stayed in a big hotel in New Jersey

          B. had traveled to many places

          C. had always spent their summer holidays in New Jersey

          D. had made a lot of money

      52. They decided to go to a really good hotel because_________

          A. it was famous                            B. it was difficult to find a cheap hotel

          C. it was near many interesting places     D. they now had enough money

      53. When they arrived at the hotel, they found_________.

          A. no meals were served after seven               B. dinner was still being served

          C. their plane had arrived too late                D. they had to go to bed hungry

      54. When the man told them the time of meals at the hotel, Mrs Smith felt_________.

          A. disappointed         B. tired       C. pleased      D. satisfied

      55. Mrs. Smith_________.

           A. thought she would have plenty of time to see the sights

           B. was afraid they would have no time to tour around London

           C. thought the hotel was not as good as the small inn

           D. thought the hotel was much better than the small inn for its good meals


    In 1826, a Frenchman named Nieple needed pictures for his business. But he was not a good artist. So he invented a very simple camera. He put it in window of his house and took a picture of his garden. That was the first photo.

   The next important date in the history of photography was in 1837. That year, Daguere, another Frenchman, took a picture of his reading room. He used a new kind of camera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very dearly, even the smallest thing. The kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype.

     Soon, other people began to use Daguerre's way. Travelers brought back wonderful photos from all over the world. People took pictures of famous buildings, cities and mountains.

 In about 1840, photography was developed. Then photographers could take pictures of people and moving things. That was not simple. The photographers had to carry a lot of films and other machines. But this didn't stop them, for example, some in the United States worked so hard.

     Mathew Brady was a famous American photographer. He took many pictures of great people. The pictures were unusual because they were lifelike. Photography also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century. Some photos were not just copies of the real world. They showed the author's ideas and feelings, like other kind of art.

     56. The first photo taken by Nieple was a picture of _________.

A. his business         B. his house       C. his garden       D. his window

     57. The Daguerreotype was_________

          A. a Frenchman                 B. a kind of picture

          C. a kind of camera               D. a photographer

     58. If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840, he had to_________.

          A. watch lots of films

          B. buy an expensive camera

          C. stop in most cities

          D. take many films and something else with him

     59. Mathew Brady_________.

          A. was very lifelike                     B. was famous for his unusual pictures

          C. was quite strong                 D. took many pictures of moving people

     60. This passage tells us_________.

          A. how photography was developed

          B. how to show your ideas and feelings in pictures

          C. how to take pictures in the world

          D. how to use different cameras


     One day in April, a special activity called "Food Street" was held in the playground at railway No.1 Middle School in Xi' an.

     This activity was part of the English Art Festival in the school. The students in each class were divided into several groups. And each group sold different kinds of food. The students did the shopping and the cooking all by themselves. The students cooked delicious food such as fried chickens, potato chips and vegetables. They all worked hard and sold the food at low prices. The customers, who were junior students, teachers and parents, all praised them for the nice food.

     "It's really hard work," said one of the students who took part in the activity. "We must make a plan before the cooking. We must know how much we should spend on the things we need. Also, we must learn how to serve customers well."

     "This activity is to give a chance to the students to develop their practical abilities(实践能力) ," said one teacher, "What' s more, the students will not only learn how to make money by their own hands, but also know the meaning of life."

61. "Food Street" was _________.

    A. a street for students to sell food along

    B. a kind of food sold by the students

    C. part of the activity about English

    D. a competition for food prizes among the students

62. It seemed that _________.

    A. the food made by the students was not well received

    B. the prices of the food were too high

    C. the teachers and parents spoke highly of the students

    D. the students didn't enjoy the activity

63. Which of the following can the students NOT learn in the activity?

    A. How to grow vegetables.              B. How to work well.

    C. How to make money.                   D. What life means.

64. Before the activity, the students _________

    A. had to be customers

    B. made a plan about the cooking

    C. asked their parents to do the shopping

    D. had to serve the customers well

65. From what one student said, it showed that _________

    A. the activity was not easy

    B. the students like the activity better than their class lessons

    C. the whole cooking was too much work

    D. they don't like to make Chinese food



第一节  听力填表题(共5小题。每小题1分,满分5分)




 What was the first thing that man invented for sports?

It Was the 66._________.

What Was children’8 favorite game in ancient Egypt(埃及)?

67._________ stones.

Why were balls invented for children’s  game?

Because they were 68._________than stones.

What were the first balls made of?

They were made of grass or 69._______.

What did ancient Egyptians(埃及人) think of ball playing?

They thought it Was a 70._________way to train young people.



71. I hope you can _________ (提供) me with some information about the vacations.

72. Hold on to your _________ (梦想); one day they may just come true.

73. Mary is very _________ (相似的) to her mother.

74. Liz got a _________ (专门地) trained dog, and it helped her a lot.

75. I don't like eating chocolate. It _________ (尝起来) too sweet.

76. His little pet fills his life with _________ (快乐).

77. Have you ever _________ (锁) your keys in your house?

78. The young man asked his girlfriend to _________.(嫁给) him, but the girl said "no".

79. The air in the mall isn't _________ (新鲜).

80. Excuse me, could you please tell me where to _________ (停车) my car?

第三节  阅读短文。并用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时,可加助动词或情态动词等;把答案写在短文后81―90小题空白处。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

     I've never 81 _________ (be) late for school, but yesterday I 82 _________ (come) very dose. My clock didn't go off, and by the time I 83_________ (wake) up, my father had already 84 _________ (go) init, to the bathroom and I had to 85_________ (wait) for him to come out. I had to really 86_________ (rush). I took a quick shower, had some breakfast and then 87_________ (run) off to the bus stop. Unfortunately, by the time I got there, the bus had already 88_________ (leave). I started 89_________ (walk), but I knew I couldn't get to school on time. Luckily, My friend Tony and his father gave me a ride. When I got to school, the final bell 90_______ (ring). I only just made it to my class.

     81. _________82. _________83. _________84. _________.85. _________

     86. _________87. _________.88. _________89_________90. _________

第四节  获取信息和回答问题(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


     At the age of 40, Tom Bloch was the head of H&R Block, a huge company that 'helps people do with their tax(税) forms. He was very successful. Although Bloch was very rich, he wasn't very happy. He spent too much time at work and didn't have enough time to spend with his family. Suddenly he left H&R Block and became a teacher in a poor neighborhood. "I want to help people who didn't have the chances I had." Bloch explained.

 Learning to teach the students was hard at first. But the results are great. He helps children and hears students say he's their favorite teacher. And Bloch is able to spend more time with his family.

      91. When was Tom Bloch the head of a big company?


      92. What does Mr. Bloch's company do?


      93. Why did Mr. Bloch become a teacher in a poor neighborhood?


      94. How was Mr. Bloch's teaching at first?


      95. Is Mr. Bloch able to spend more time with his family now?


第五节 书面表达(10分)


    1、今晚7:00在贵诚购物中心(Guieheng Shopping Center)有一场你盼望已久的时装表演(fashion show)。

    2、将会有来自全国各地的名模参加演出(model the clothes)。门票已经买好。



                                                                                    January 12th

Dear Michael,



Li Ming
