







6.A.I don't think so.      B.Thank you.        C.Me.too.

7.A.For two years.    B.Very much.        C.Never mind.

8.A.A doctor.            B.At work.                  C.Yes.he is.

9.A.It's$30.               B.Cheap.              C.Pretty good.

10.A.Congratulations!     B.It doesn't matter.   C.That's all right.



11.Which subject isn't the boy good at?

A.Math.               B.English.            C.Chinese.

12.Where do the speakers want to go?

A.To the museum.    B.To the zoo.        C.To the cinema.

13.Who is the youngest?

A.Mary.               B.Mike.                C.Lily.

14.What are they talking about?

A.A sweater.         B.A hat.               C.A watch.

15.How was the weather yesterday?

A.Sunny.              B.Rainy.               C.Windy.



16.What was the man running with?

A.A bag of money.   

B.A TV set and a recorder.

C.A suitcase.

17.When the incident(事件)happened,M r.Zhang                       

A.was on the way home   

B.worked in the office

C.was at home already

18.Who shouted,” Stop him! He is a thief.”?

A.Mr. Zhang.           B.A policeman.        C.Several people.

19.Why was Mr. Zhang surprised when he got home?

A.His house was broken in.

B.The thief was his neighbor.

C.His house was on fire.

20.How was Mr. Zhang feeling according to the passage?

A.Excited.            B.Unlucky.           C.Relaxed.





21.Look!There is picture on    wall.

A./:the               B.a;/                  C.a;the                   D.the;the

22.―What a hot day! 一Yes.Let's        

A.go shopping                                             B.go swimming

    C.go dancing                                                D.go fishing

23.―Would you like some water or tea?

           .A cup of coffee,please.

A.Neither                B.Both                    C.Either                    D.None

24.Dick, it is the                time in days that you've made the same mistake.

    A.two:three          B.second;three         C.two;third             D.second;third

25.一What's on TV tonight?―There's               .It's boring.

A.something interesting                               B.anything interesting

C.everything interesting                                 D.nothing interesting

26.一I'm going to an amusement park.


    A.So am I               B.So are you             C.So you are             D.So I am

27.一Li Lei, summer vacation is coming.Where will you go?

    ―I decide to Mount Email.

A.go                       B.will go                C.going                     D.to go

28.Wow! The flowers look beautiful and smell              

A.comfortable         B.bad                     C.sweet                     D.terrible

29.Attention,please! There will              a class meeting              the morning of May 4th.

A.have;at              B.have;on             C.be;at                   D.be;on

30.―Mum.              I go out to play?

  ―Yes.you can.But you must finish your homework first.

A.must                   B.may                    C.will                       D.need

31.People learn English because it            widely    it the world.

A.is:used              B.is;using             C.does;use              D.was;used

32.一Excuse me,do you know               ?

   ―It's over there in front of the park.

A.where is the post office                            B.where the post office is

C.where was the post office                            D.where the post office was

33.Nancy looked around,        didn't see anybody.

A.and                     B.so                       C.but                        D.because

34.I don't have enough money,so I have to go to the                   to get some.

A.restaurant            B.police station          C.bank                      D.shop

35.I love Urumqi because it is becoming      

A.more and more beautiful                         B.beautiful and beautiful

C.clean and clean                                          D.more and more clean



             A                                                               B

36.Let's to hiking.                                     A.Sorry,he isn't in.

37.What can I do for you?                           B.I am not felling well.

38.May I speak to Mr. Green?                        C.1 want to buy a coat to my son.

39.What's wrong with you?                            D.You'd better take an umbrella with you。

40.The radio says it's going to rain.               E.Good idea!



A.Before this, the world record for the largest hamburger was 47.6 kilos.

B.Then the owner sold it for$379(about 3032 Yuan).

C.An owner of a restaurant in the US made a large hamburger.

D.which weighs 55.79 kilos.

E.He wants to be in(想借此进入)the Guinness Book of Records.



    One day,a   46  with his rich family took his young son to the countryside. He wanted to show him the poor people in the fields.They   47   a day and a night on a farm of a very poor family.Then they went back   48   .The father asked his son,“Did you see   49   poor the people are?”


    “  50   what did you learn?’’

    The son answered, We have one dog, and   51  have four. We have a pool. It is in the garden. They have a long river with  52  end. We have small lights in the garden. They have the  53  in the sky. The father   54   say nothing.

    Then the son said,“Thanks,Dad.Now I know that we are. 55    ”

    If you have love, friends family,health,and know how to have fun,you will have everything! You can't buy any of these things.You must work hard to get these things.If you have a poor spirit,you will have nothing! Money won't make you happy.You always want more.

46.A.mother                B.parents                C.father                    D.farmer

47.A.1ived                         B.spent                   C.took                             D.had

48.A.home                         B.to his country         C.to school                D.to a city

49.A.what                   B.why                    C.that                       D.how

50.A.For                     B.So                       C.But                        D.Or

51.A.we                      B.you                     C.I                           D.they

52.A.1ittle                   B.no                       C.any                        D.some

53.A.stars                    B.birds                   C.clouds                    D.kites

54.A.would                 B.should                 C.might                    D.could

55.A.poor                    B.rich                     C.happy                   D.healthy




The president of Sri Lanka and his wife came to China.They gave a five-year-old elephant to the Chinese people.The elephant is a gift of friendship.His name is Migara.

    The baby elephant weighs nearly l 000 kg.His new home is in the Beijing Zoo.

    Elephants are the mascots(吉祥物)of Sri Lanka,some elephants have no family.People help them.They put those elephants in elephant homes.Migara comes from an elephant home in Sri Lanka Many Chinese children go to the zoo to see the baby elephant now.They want to make friends with little Migara.“Migara has no parent's.We should help him.”A 7-year-old boy says.

    Some orphans(孤儿)like Migara very nine and say that they are very happy because Migara is an orphan just like them.He has a new home in China and he is no longer an orphan now.

56.Migara is a mother elephant to China from Sri Lanka as a gift of friendship.

57.Migara is an orphan without parents.

58.Now Migara is living in his new home,the Beijing Zoo.

59.Elephant home is the place for anyone who has no parents to live in.

60.Children in Beijing want to make friends with Migara.


61.Where can you find the information about America?

A.On pages 517~528.                              B.On pages 529~615.

    C.On pages 480~481.                              D.On pages 493~496.

62.If you want to know more about the Chinese film star Cheng Long.Where should you begin your search?


B .POPULATl0N on pages 616~619.

C.ACTORS AND ACTRESSES on pages 385~399.

D.POSTAL INFORMATION on pages 513~516.

63.One who likes surfing can find the information about how to surf on pages                   

A.884~978            B.336~338            C.142~l44               D.131~141

64.If you are interested in Thomas Edison.you may search   





65.You can find “Thanks giving Day’’on pages   

A.747~749            B.841~873            C.108~109               D.80~101


    One morning,a blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet.He held a sign which said,“I am blind.please help me.”

    There were only a few coins in the hat.A man was walking by.He took out a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat.He then too the sign,turned it around,and wrote some words on it.He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by could see the new words.

    Soon the hat began to fill up.A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy.That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were.The boy recognized his footsteps and asked.“Are you the one who changed my sign ill tile morning? What did you write?”

    The man said,“I only wrote the truth.I said what you said.but in a different way.”

    What he had written was,“Today is a beautiful day.but I cannot see it.’’

    Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?

    Of course both signs told people the boy was blind.But the first sign simply told people to help by putting spine money in the hat.The second sign told people that they were able to enjoy the beauty of the day,but the boy could not enjoy it because he was blind.

    The first sign simply said the boy was blind, while the second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind.

    There are at least two lessons we can learn from this simple story.

The first is:Treasure what you have.Someone else has less.Try you best to held those who need your help.

    The second is:Be creative.Think differently.There is always a better way.

66.From the passage we know that   

    A.the boy always has a hat on his head

    B.the man is one of his neighbors

    C.the boy is blind and needs held

    D.the boy works for the man

67.On the sign the man wrote some words which said.“    .”

    A.He is blind.Please help him

    B.today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it

C.We are so lucky that we are not blind

D.Treasure what we have

 68.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?

A.The hat began to fill up after the man wrote some words on the sign.

B.The man took away the few coins from the hat.

C.The boy pretended to be blind.for he didn’t want to go to school.

D.Nobody wanted to give coins to the boy.

69.The underlined word “recognized” ill the passage means   

A.知道                   B.懂得                   C.理解                   D.辨认出

70.According to the writer,from this simple story we can learn:   

A.Be careful not to be blind.

B.Be creative.There is always a better way!

C.Be kind to the blind!

D.Don't always get,but offer!


    ■An 88-year-old Indian farmer,named Virmaram, becomes the father of a baby boy.  7 1  says he takes long walks every day and has been drinking fresh camel milk since childhood.He has three wives.His third wife is 45 years younger and gave birth to the boy twins last month,but only one boy was alive.

    ■Workers are showing a handmade cloth shoe.The shoe,apart of a blessing for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,was make at a shoe factory in Yichang,Hubei Province.  72   The shoe is 2 meters in length and it weighs 49.5 kg

    ■A girl shows her painting at a pressure control class in Beijing.  73          and tell a story according to the drawing to reduce their pressure.

    ■  74   The dried noodles have become a new source of income the villagers.They produce the fine noodles in a traditional way.

    ■A man,who stole about 5,000 pairs of school shoes,was caught by the police on Wednesday.“I enjoy the smell.”28一year.old Massashi Kamatl said to the polite.“   75   ”

A.The teacher requires every student to paint freely

B.The rich farmer,with a white beard and an old face.

C.The smell of indoor shoes for school makes me excited.

D.A man dries noodles in the open air in Yanxic village of Lingbao city, Henan Province.

E.It took workers 208 days to finish it.





heard from    experience    themselves    different    Luckily

76.He                 his best friend yesterday.

77.I think living in a city is        from living in a country.

78.She can't forget her unusual                 as a business woman.

79.                     .he was not badly hurt in the accident.

80.Nowadays many teenagers lose                   in computer games.


we    bottle    also    good    deal

   It's very important    8 1  with rubbish in cities.If there is too must rubbish everywhere,it will pollute   82  environment.So,we should recycle waste paper.waste   83  and waste plastic.  84   the polluted water can be used again.What's more.we should make laws and try our   85  to protect our environment.



86.The girl is so young that she can't go to school.

  The girl is                 young                   go to sch001.

87.David is l3 years old and Kerry is l3 years old.too.

                     is as               as David.

88.Hurry up! Or you will miss the train.

                    you                hurry up,you will miss the train.

89.My dream is to travel around the world.

  My dream is to travel                                  the world.

90.He likes reading books better than watching TV.

  He                     reading books               watching TV.



    There was something w    9 1 with the crocodile's teeth.He couldn't e    92anything.So he went to see a d    93.When they met each o    94,the crocodile thought,“I am scared!” And the dentist thought.“I'm scared!”

    When t    95were close to each other,the c    96thought, “Should I do this?” And the dentist thought,“Should l do this.?”

  When they said g                     97to each other,they were polite,saying,“Thank you very much.See you u    98year.”In fact,h    99,they both thought.“I don’t want to see you a    100.”







