





26.Spiderman Ⅲ is          exciting movie.

A.a                         B.the                      C.an                         D./

27.My father plays sports every day,so he is          in our family.

A.strong                 B.stronger                  C.the strongest           D.too strong

28.Which of the following signs means “No Smoking”?

29.--Mary,could you help me?

--Wait a moment.I         

A.read a book                                             B.did my homework

C.was watching TV                                       D.am cooking dinner

30.--Are you going to Jim's birthday party this Sunday?


A.I'm going to see my grandma this Sunday     B.I'm going there with Tom

C.I have to study for a test                              D.I have no time this Sunday

31.--Do you know whose dictionary it is?

--It          Li Lei's.His name is on it.

A.can be                 B.must be                  C.may be                  D.might be

32.My sister is a          girl.She always makes mistakes whatever she does.

A.careful                   B.patient                  C.serious                   D.careless

33.--Is Mr. Baker at home?

--Sorry,he isn't in.He          to Dalian for vacation.

A.has gone              B.went                       C.is going                 D.goes

34.--Would you like some orange juice,Linda?

--         .It's my favorite.

A.Yes,please                                            B.No,thanks

C.Yes,I do                                               D.No,I'm not thirsty

35.--I want to be a Chinese teacher when I grow up.

--That's great.Chinese teachers          in China and some foreign countries.

A.need                    B.are needing             C.are needed              D.will need

36.--Does your cousin plan to work in Shenzhen?

--        .He has been invited by three companies(公司)in different cities.He doesn't know which one to choose.

A.Yes,he does       B.That's true               C.He hasn't decided    D.Certainly

37.--Alice,I hear there is a new library in your city.Could you tell me         ?


A.how far is it                                            B.how I can get there

C.where is it                                                 D.which bus should I take

38.--Do you think most of the people in Beijing can talk with foreigners in English?

--Yes,I think so.         the young          the old are learning to speak English.

A.Either,or                                                     B.Neither,nor

C.Between,and                                           D.Not only,but also

39.--Could you help me do some cleaning tomorrow?

--If I         ,I will do it.

A.am free               B.will be free             C.will have time               D.had time

40.--That is the man          saved ten children in the earthquake(地震).

--How brave he is!

A.who                    B.which                   C.where                    D.what



Tom:Hi! Alice,you look so sad.   41   

Alice:I failed the English exam.

Tom:    42     But you don't need to worry about it all the time.

Alice:I really don't know how to study English well.    43    

Tom:I think you'd better study with a group.

Alice:Oh,that's a good idea.    44    

Tom:Certainly.And we can learn from each other.

Alice:Sounds good.When can I join you?

Tom:     45    

Alice:That's very kind of you.

A.What should I do?

B.It's wonderful.

C.Could I join your group?

D.What's wrong?

E.I'm sorry to hear that.

F.How do you learn English?

G.Tomorrow if you like.



Jack:Hello,Ann.I want to have a party next week.   46     ?

Ann:That's great! I'd love to.What’s it for?

Jack:It's my birthday on Wednesday July 2.I'm going to be seventeen.

Ann:Oh dear! I'm afraid    47  ,I don't have time on Wednesday.

Jack:   48  .My birthday is on Wednesday,but the party is on Saturday.

Ann:Oh,that's OK.   49  

Jack:At 9:00.

Ann:Right,that should be no problem.

Jack:It's going to be at the Friendship Hotel,near the museum.

Ann:OK.  50    .I have a map.

Jack:Wonderful.See you then.

Ann:See you.




People should                  the nature.


It                   health to do sports every day.


                   to turn off the lights when you leave the room.


When I got off the bus,he                 


We               ,but now we write e-mails.





How Much Water Is Needed a Day?

Many people think they should drink eight glasses of water a day.Why? Because that is what they have been told all their life.But a new report oil science gives some different suggestions:people should drink according to their bodies.59.They should drink as much water as they would like to drink

The report says most people meet their daily needs for water by letting thirst be their guide.It also gives people some good suggestions:women should get about 2.7 liters(升)of water every day,while men should get about 3.7 liters.

There is an important difference.60.The report doesn't tell people how many glasses of water to drink.Instead,the experts say it may not be possible to know how many glasses people really need.This is because the daily want of water can include the water in foods.  





Last Friday our class had a barbecue(烧烤)in the Forest Bay(海湾).At 7:00 in the morning,we   61   at the school gate.One and a half hours later our school bus   62   us to the Forest Bay.Our wonderful day began.When we arrived there,we started playing different ball games on the beach.At 11:00,we began to prepare   63  .We had many things to do.First,  __64   of us walked around the hill near the bay to pick branches(树枝)for fire,and then we began cooking the food on the barbecue by   65  .For most students,it is the first time to cook with wood,  66   we got very excited.We cooked meat,potatoes and other foods on the fire  __67  .They smelled good.I was sure our food tasted   68    than food in any other restaurant.After lunch,we put out the fire and cleaned the beach.At 3:00,we   69   into several groups and swam in the beach.It is quite different   70    indoor swimming.We left the Forest Bay at 5:00 and went back to school on the school bus.

61.A.collected              B.met                        C.came                     D.went

62.A.takes                     B.took                    C.brings                    D.carry

63.A.lunch                    B.breakfast                C.supper                   D.dessert

64.A.either                    B.neither                  C.both                             D.all

65.A.yourself               B.yourselves               C.ourselves                D.myself

66.A.then                      B.but                      C.so                          D.or

67.A.happy                  B.happily                   C.happiness               D.happier

68.A.good                     B.well                    C.better                     D.best

69.A.were divided        B.are divided              C.divide                    D.will divide

70.A.of                       B.in                        C.into                       D.from




All over the world,sports fans cheer when they watch their favorite players on TV.More and more people like   71    various sports games such as the Olympics and the World Cup.

Fans   72    180 countries watch soccer,the most popular sport in the world.In Italy everything stops   73    their soccer team is on TV.The same thing   74   in Brazil and other countries.When their team scores a goal(进球),the shouts of the fans fill the streets.

Likewise(同样地),basketball fans are   75   when their favorite team wins a match.In Asia the number of TV basketball fans is growing   76    than in any other place.People in China,  77    and South Korea are now big NBA basketball fans.

TV sports fans watch all kinds of sports―from ice skating to tennis,from high jump to volleyball.For them,sports   78    entertainment(娱乐).Sports bring excitement to  79__ lives.When their team wins,the fans feel like   80  ,too.




Passage 1

On a cold winter afternoon,I was walking home from a supermarket.I was feeling a little tired,as I was carrying my shopping bags.They were so heavy that I decided to stop to have a rest in the park.I walked towards the gate of the park.I noticed a poor mad walking out of the restaurant in front of me.He was holding a paper bag.He walked to a nearby dustbin(垃圾箱)and started looking through it.

I suddenly felt sad.I knew this man would take all that he could get,so I went up to him and gave him some fruit.The man,with wrinkles(皱纹)on his face,looked up in surprise and took what I gave him.

A big smile appeared on his face and I felt very happy.Then he said.“Wow! First someone gave me this sandwich,then this drink,and now some delicious fruit.This is my daughter's lucky day.Thank you,boy.” Then he went away,singing a song.

Just then,I understood what the saying “Giving is getting.”really meant.Everyone in the world needs help,everyone can offer help and everyone will be helped by showing kindness.Giving sometimes doesn't cost much,but it means a lot to the people who you help.

The man's happiness at that moment comes into my mind every time I have the chance to help others.

81.The writer felt a little tired because                   

A.he worked so hard                                      B.he carried heavy shopping bags

C.he walked too fast                                       D.he helped the poor man carry the dustbin

82.The writer gave the poor man some fruit because                    

A.he couldn't carry so much fruit

B.he knew the man’s daughter liked the fruit

C.he wanted to help the poor man

D.the poor man asked him for some fruit

83.The poor man's daughter couldn't get                    that day.

A.a new skirt           B.a sandwich              C.some drink           D.delicious fruit

84.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.The poor man's daughter might be sad.

B.It was the poor man's daughter's birthday that day.

C.The poor man had no money to buy such delicious food for his daughter.

D.Giving sometimes costs much.

85.The passage mainly tells us                   

A.not to look through the dustbins                   B.not to be a poor man

C.to give others fruit                                      D.giving is getting

Passage 2


A young man saw an old couple sitting down to have lunch at McDonald's.He noticed that they had ordered one meal and another empty cup.As he watched,the gentleman carefully divided the hamburger in half,and then counted out the fries,one for him.one for her,until each had half of them.Then he poured(倒)half of the soft drink into the empty cup in front of his wife.The old man then began to eat,and his wife sat watching.

The young man decided to ask if they would allow him to buy another meal for them so that they didn't have to share theirs.

The old gentleman said,“Oh no.We’ve been married for 50 years,and everything has always been and will always be shared,half to half.”

The young man then asked the wife if she was going to eat,and she replied,“It's his turn to use the artificial teeth(假牙).”

86.The old couple had              for lunch.

A.only a hamburger

B.only some fries

C.a hamburger,some fries and soft drink

D.only some drink

87.The old couple ordered one meal because           

A.they didn't have enough money

B.they didn't want to spend much money

C.the old woman wasn’t hungry

D.they had the habit to share things

88.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.The old man divided the hamburger in half.

B.The couple each had half of the fries.

C.The old couple used the same cup.

D.The old man said they had been married for 50 years.

89.The young man wanted                 

A.to help the old couple divide the meal

B.to buy another meal for the old couple

C.to share the same meal with the old couple

D.to ask the old man to buy another meal

90.The old woman didn't eat together with her husband because             

A.she had no artificial teeth at that time

B.she didn’t want to share the meal with her husband

C.her artificial teeth didn't work well

D.she didn't like the meal

Passage 3

91.If you want to take part in Annual TV-Turnoff Week,please telephone                   

A.609-4377                B.368-6061                C.609-3744               D.753-1307

92.The final(最后的)soccer match is                    

A.at 2 p.m.on Saturday                             B.at 2 p.m.on Sunday

C.at 8 p.m.on Friday                                 D.at 3 p.m.on Monday

93.People can't                     in Annual TV-Turnoff Week.

A.talk about their dreams                                B.take a walk

C.listen to music                                            D.have a picnic

94.There is a T-shin which is¥100 at New Mart Mall.You should pay                if you want to buy it at 7 P.m.on Father's Day.

A.¥40.                 B.¥60.                C.¥50.                D.¥70.

95.Which movie star can you see on Saturday night?

A.Michelle Yeoh.                                     B.Jackie Chan.

C.Gloria Green.                                                 D.Rowan Atkinson.

Passage 4

If you are hungry,what will you do? You may eat your favorite meal and be contented after that.Just like your stomach,your mind can be hungry.But it never lets yon know,because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover,favorite star and many such absurd(荒谬的)things.

The hunger of the mind can be satisfied through a lot of reading.Reading has been the most helpful tool used by us from childhood.There are so many books which will answer all your questions.When you read a book,you don't just run your eyes through the lines,but your mind also explains it to you.The interesting part of the book is kept in your mind as a seed(种子).Now this seed is unknowingly(不知不觉地)used by you in the future to develop new ideas.

The more books you read,the more your mind will open up.Also this improves your speech skills a lot and makes a big contribution(贡献)to your vocabulary.Please give food to your thoughts by reading,reading and more reading!

96.According to the passage,          can make your mind open up.

A.reading more books                                    B.eating more food

C.doing more exercise                                    D.thinking about more questions

97.The meaning of the underlined word “contented” in the passage is          

A.骄傲的                B.满足的                   C.难过的                D.失望的

98.If you read more books,        

A.your stomach will feel full                          B.you won't have new ideas

C.you won't need delicious food                      D.you can learn more words

99.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Mind never lets you know it's hungry.

B.When you read a book,your mind does nothing.

C.You can get the answers to your questions from books.

D.The writer wishes us to do more reading.

100.The best title(标题)of this passage is          

A.The ways of reading                                          B.Improving your English

C.Feeding your mind                                     D.Eating favorite food


Passage 5

Gift giving is different from culture to culture and person to person.

When giving gifts,sometimes color is important.For example,for many Chinese people around the world,red is a lucky color,and people often like to wrap(包装)gifts in this color.However,do you know that in Korea(朝鲜),red is a color of death? That is why you should not wrap gifts in this color if you are giving a gift to a Korean person.

What about western countries? In western countries,the color of wrapping paper is not really important.But color does matter when giving flowers,especially roses.You should not give red roses to a western person you don't know very well because they are a symbol(象征)of love.You could give yellow roses instead as these are a symbol of friendship.You could also send pink roses as girls to say thank you.

What other things should you remember when giving gifts to someone from a different culture? Well,one thing you should keep in mind is the person's religion(宗教).When choosing a gift for a Muslim(回教徒的)or Jewish(犹太族的)friend,you should never get food including pork,or things made from pigskin.Another thing that you should not get for a Muslim person is alcohol(酒).


101.In which country do people think red is the color of death?

102.How can we show our friendship to the western friends?

103.Can we give a Muslim friend a bottle of alcohol as a gift?

104.How many colors are mentioned(提到)in this passage?

105.What’s the main idea of this passage?

Passage 6

Last week our reporters asked how people prefer to shop.People were asked where they preferred to shop,what they bought,and about advantages and disadvantages.

Larry is a twenty-seven-year-old engineer.He buys all his food,clothes and other things he needs in the shops near his home.He likes the friendly shop owners and the fresh food.However,he says there are two main problems.First,buying things from small shops costs more money.Secondly,he can't find the tracks he reads in the small bookstore near his home.He has to go to the big bookstore downtown(市中心).

Jan is a thirty-year-old mother of two children.She and her husband both work as teachers.They like to shop at the mall with their children because it's safe and clean.There are always interesting things for the whole family to see.Another advantage is that the prices are good.Malls also have many more kinds and sizes of everything than mall shops.Jan says that the main disadvantages are that the mall is always crowded,and it's so big that children can easily get lost.

Roger is a twenty-year-old student who prefers to shop on the Internet.He thinks the main advantage is that he can shop at any hour of the day or night.Besides this,he can buy fascinating(吸引人的)things from all over the world.According to Roger,the biggest difficulty is that it isn't safe to buy things on the Internet.Last year,someone stole his credit card(信用卡)number and bought things with it.Also,once he paid for things and never received them.


106.Larry thinks the shop owners are very            

107.From the passage we know that the big bookstores downtown are           from Larry’s house.

108.Jan's family like to see           at the mall.

109.Both Jan and her husband work in          

110.Roger thinks buying things on the Internet is not          .,





Dear Li Lei,

My parents and I are going on vacation tomorrow.I need your help.


崇山中学将要与一所贫困地区学校(a school in the poor area)开展手拉手活动。学校团委提出了以下几种活动方案。

1.捐赠(give away)学习用品。







