


1.My pen pal________in Australia.

2.Excuse me.Is there a post office ________here?

3.I want to see the koalas because they are very________

4.She __________a white uniform and helps doctors.

5.Does it often _________in winter in your hometown?


(    )1.一_______you come from Beijing?   ―Yes,I _______

  A.Are,am                B.Do,do               C.Is,is                    D.Does,does

(    )2.一Can you _________English?  一Yes,only _________

      A.talk,a little          B.say,little             C.speak,a little               D.tell,little

(    )3.She doesn’t have brothers________ sisters.

A.and                       B.with                             C.or                          D.not

(    )4.Tom likes__________ to the movies with his friends and ________sports.

      A.going,playing      B.go,play                C.going,play           D.go,playing

(    )5.Please write and tell me ________ yourself.

      A.about                         B.at                        C.on                          D.with

(    )6.一Where do your parents ______?―They _________Shanghai

    A.1ive in,live in     B.live,live              C.live,live in           D.live in,live

(    )7.―Is Zhongshan Park a good place _________for us on Sundays?

           一Yes,it is

    A.have fun                B.to have fun             C.having fun             D.has fun

(    )8.After you walk ______the park,you can see a post office ________from the park.

    A.through,cross       B.through,across      C.across,through     D.cross,through

(    )9.Jane and Julia enjoy ________TV 

    A.watching               B.watch                  C.to watch                 D.seeing

(   )10.―Is there _______hotel near here?  一Yes,there’s _________near here.

    A.a,the                 B.the,a                 C.a,one                   D.one,a

(    )11.―Excuse me,can you tell me the way _______the bank?

         ―Go down this street and __________right

    A.for,turn              B.of,take                C.to,turn                 D.on,take

(    )12.There is a teacher’s desk ______the classroom

A.in front of            B.to the front of      C.in the front of         D.to front of

(    )13.Bob doesn’t like ______ the hot dogs today,but he wants______ the hamburgers very much.

    A.eating,eating       B.to eat,eating       C.eating,to eat         D.eating,eat

(    )14.There are many _____ ______the tree.

    A.1eaf,on             B.leaves,in             C.leaves,on             D.leafs,in

(    )15.一What _____going to the zoo?  ―Good idea! Let’s go.

    A.in                       B.time                    C.color                     D.about

(    )16.There are all _______things in the supermarket.But it's______ far(远)from here.

A.kind of,kind of                                      B.kinds of,kind of

C.kinds of,  kinds of                                           D.kind of,kinds of

(    )17.一Does Molly like to play_______ her friends?  一Yes,she does

    A.for                      B.with                    C.and                        D.to

(    )18.一What do you think of the lion?一Well,I think it's _______ugly animal.

    A.a                         B.an                       C.the                        D./

(    )19.One of the girls ________from the USA

    A.come                   B.comes                  C.are                        D.goes

(    )20.一__________ is your father?  一He’s a driver

    A.Who                   B.Where                 C.How                      D.What

(    )21.I am a bank clerk.I work ________people and money.

    A.as                       B.in                        C.at                          D.with

(    )22.It’s half past six now.The Greens _______supper

    A.eat                      B.eats                     C.is eating                 D.are eating

(    )23.My teacher is talking ______my father _________my studies.

    A.about,to              B.to,about              C.with,to.             D.to,with

(    )24.Today he is wearing a new coat.He________.

    A.looks very cool              B.is like very cold     C.look cool                D.looks like cool

(    )25.Thanks for ________me _________my English

    A.help,on               B.helping,with        C.helps,on              D.to help,with


      Today is sunny.It’s a good day for  26  .So you can see,I’ll going for a walk  27  my grandmother.She  28  me an interesting story.  29  an hour later,we are lost(迷路).We 30 know where we are.A policeman comes to us and tells us the right way.We go down the street and  31  right.Then We  32  a big zoo.We find our way! We go into the zoo and see many animals.I like  33  .They are from Australia.

    34 about 5 o’clock,We get home.  35  my parents know about our story, they laugh.That is very finny, right?

(    )26.A.running         B.swimming      C.walking          D.singing

(    )27.A.with             B.to                 C.and                 D.at

(    )28.A.is saying        B.is telling       C.is singing        D.is writing

(    )29.A.But              B.And             C.So                  D.Or

(    )30.A.doesn’t         B.isn’t             C.aren’t             D.don’t

(    )31.A.go                B.turn              C.look                      D.come

(    )32.A.look             B.watch           C.see                 D.found

(    )33.A.penguins       B.tigers            C.koalas             D.lions

(    )34.A.At                B.On               C.In                   D.For

(    )35.A.If                 B.Before          C.when              D.At



    Let’s talk about Johnson’s family.Mr. Johnson is a manager(经理)in a big company(公司).He works very hard.He is very busy.He makes much money.But he is always tired.He says to his friend,“I want to be a reporter because I like talking to people.”

    His wife Mrs. Johnson is a good doctor, She works in City Hospital.She likes Chinese medicine (中医)very much.

    The Johnsons have a daughter called Selina.She is a teacher of French.She loves her job and she works very hard.

(    )36.There are ________people in the Johnsons.

    A.four                    B.three                   C.two                       D.five

(    )37.Mr. Johnson is a __________.

    A.worker                B.doctor                 C.reporter                 D.manager

(    )38.Mr Johnson is a _________.

    A.can make much money                             B.is very tired

    C.wants to be a reporter                               D.A,B and C

(   )39.How does Mrs Johnson like Chinese medicine?

    A.She likes it a lot.                                   B.She likes it a little.

    C.She doesn’t like it.                                          D.She doesn’t like it at all.

(    )40.What does Selina do?

A.A doctor                 B.A student                C.A teacher                D.A reporter


My name is Tom.My best friends are John and Ann.We do many things together.John lives near my house and we are in the same class.He’s fifteen years old and he’s tall and thin, he has blonds hair and blue eyes.He is very good at math and he helps me with my homework sometimes.He usually wears jeans and a blue T-shirt.But in the photo he’s wearing black jeans and a yellow T-shirt.We often play basketball in a park in the neighborhood and sometimes we play computer games at my house.

Our friend Ann doesn’t study at our school.She’s short and of medium build with straight brown hair and brown eyes.She’s a little bit shy.We all have Kongfu lessons every Tuesday and Friday afternoon.We call her the“Kongfu kid” .She sometimes plays basketball with us, too.In the picture she is wearing a dress, but she often wears T-shirts and a baseball cap.The three of us have great fun together.

(    )41.Who has blue eyes?

       A.Tom                       B.Ann                       C.John                D.Tom. Ann and John

(    )42.What are John and Ann’s favorite clothes?

A.T-shirt                   B.Jeans                   C.Trousers        D.Jackets

(    )43.Who is good at math?

A.Tom                    B.Ann                    C.John             D.We don’t know

(    )44.When do the children have Kungfu lessons?

       A.Every Thursday                                          B.Every Tuesday afternoon

C.Every Friday afternoon                             D.Both B and C

(    )45.Where do they play computer games?

       A.In the nearby park   B.At John’s house       C.At Tom’s house       D.At Ann’s house


       It’s Sunday today.The Blacks are all at home.Mrs Black is in the kitchen(厨房).She is making cakes.Mr Black is in the living room(客厅).He is sitting in a chair and reading a book.Tom is in the garden with Mike.Mike is Tom’s classmate and good friend.They are playing soccer.Where is Sue? Oh, she and her friend, Ann, are in her bed room.They are watching TV now.

(    )46.There are ______people in Mr Black’s family.

       A.there                      B.four                       C.six                  D.five

(    )47.Who is in the kitchen?

       A.Sue’s mother          B.Ann’s mother          C.Tom’s father    D.Mike’s mother

(    )48.What is Mr Black doing?

       A.Watching TV          B.Playing soccer         C.Reading a book              D.Making cakes

(    )49._______are playing in the garden.

       A.Tom and Sue          B.Tom and Mike         C.Ann and Mike         D.Mike and Sue

(    )50.Which is RIGHT?

       A.Mike and Tom are in the same class.

B.Sue and Ann are watching TV in Ann’s bedroom.

C.Mike’s mother is making cakes.

D.Mike's father is reading a book.



Sam:Maria?Hi!    51    ?

Maria:I’m in Mexico! I'm calling to say happy birthday!


Maria:So,     52      ?

Sam:Great! How about you?

Maria:Pretty good!    53    ?

Sam:I’m having a party.My whole family is here.

Maria:Oh,      54      ?

Sam:What are you doing now?

Maria:I'm visiting my grandmother.

Sam:Well,    55     in Mexico?

Maria:Terrible, It’s cold and raining

Sam:You’d better wear warm clothes

Maria:Thank you!

(    )51.A.Who are you?                           B.Where are you from?

              C.Where are you?                                   D.Where are you going?

(    )52.A.How is it going?                        B.How’s the weather?

              C.What do you look like?                 D.What are you doing?

(    )53.A.What are you doing?                  B.What’s the weather like there?

              C.What do you want to be?               D.Are you having a party?

(    )54.A.That’s very kind of you!              B.That sounds a good idea!

              C.That sounds like fun!                    D.You are good-looking!

(    )55.A.How’s the weather like?              B.What does it look like?

              C.What’s the weather?                      D.How’s the weather?


56.Andrew speaks English and Chinese.  (划线提问)

_______ ________ _______Andrew _________?

57.Where is Johnny Dean from?同意句)

Where _______Johnny Dean _________ _________?

58.John often lies on the bed and reads books.(用now改写)

    John _______ ______ on the bed and ________ books now.

59.Jack and I want to be policemen.(划线提问)

    _______ _______Jack and you _________to be?

60.It’s cold and windy today.(划线提问)

    _________ the weather _________today?

61.The children are having a good time in the park now(同意句)

    The children are _________ _________in the park now.

62.Thanks for your help.(同义句)

_______ ________for__________ me.


1.  选词填空(不用变换形式)

  surprised  going  other  live  through  quiet  photos  vacation  left  weather

63.Do you_________ in Toronto?

64.Turn ___________and go straight.

65.Take a walk ________the park on Fifth Avenue.

66.She’s very shy, so please be very ____________.

67.What ________jobs do you know?

68.How’s the ________ in Jinan?

69.Do you like taking __________?

70.How’s it __________?

71.There are many people on __________.

72.I’m _________they are here on time.


  swim  talk  study  write  go  have  read  give  see  lie

73.Can you _________to me soon?

74.Disneyland is a good place __________fun.

75.Why do you want ___________the lions?

76.I like _________to people.

77.Jack with his mother ______ _______ on the beach now.

78.Let’s ___________shopping.

79.Thanks for __________me so much help.

80.Look at that group of people ____________at the pool

81.Lucy often ___________books on Sundays.

82.Please be quiet! My sister ___________for a test.



The post office is ________ __________the supermarket.


Thanks a lot for _________me ___________my English.


      What do you want _______ ________when you are older?


      What __________you usually _________ when it is raining?


We must study hard ___________ ________ ________improve our English.


    He never ________ ________in class.


She has long curly blonde hair and is _________ ______ ________.


      My work is interesting but _________ _________dangerous.


Look at those people in the picture.some are taking photos,Others _______ ________on the beach.


根据提示,写一篇短文。描述公园中的场景,60―70词卷面要求整洁,字迹不清者,酌情扣分。请写出天气,地点,人物,动物的动作。提示:fly(飞翔) boat(v.划船) ride(骑,乘…)
