


I. 听句子,根据所听内容选择最佳答语,句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

(  )1. A. OK.                      B. It doesn’t matter.              C. You are welcome.

(  )2. A. Of course not.      B. OK, here you are.           C. Sorry, I can’t.

(  )3. A. She often goes shopping.          B. She takes a taxi.

            C. She likes her work.

(  )4. A. Very high.           B. I’m fine.                               C. Very good.

(  )5. A. Yes, I am.            B. Yes, I do.                       C. Sure, I’d love to.


(  )6. Does the girl like bananas best?

A.Yes, she does.         B. No, she doesn’t.         C.We don’t know.

(  )7. Where are they talking?

A.At school.              B. In a shop.                C. In the kitchen.

(  )8. What does the boy like in a sandwich?

A.Tomatoes.              B. Beef.                      C. Lettuce.

(  )9.What do they want to make?

A.Vegetable salad.     B. Fruit salad.               C. Sandwiches.

(  )10. How many apples do they need?

A.A.Two.              B. Three.                      C. Four.

III. 听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案,对话读两遍(每小题1分,共5分)

(  )11. How did Li Fei go to the countryside?

A.By bike.              B. By boat.                   C. By car.

(  )12. How long did Li Fei stay there?

A.For one day.        B. For two days.           C. For three days.

(  )13. What did he do there?

A.He played computer games with his cousin.

B.He played cards with his cousin.

C.He played chess with his cousin.

(  )14. Who is more outgoing, Li Fei or Li Yu?

A.Li Fei.                 B. Li Yu.                     C. We don’t know.

(  )15. Where are they talking?

A.At school.            B. In a supermarket.      C. In a restaurant.




How often



(16)Every ___________



Every morning



(18) __________ a week


Playing basketball

(19) __________ a week


(20) Go __________

Twice a week



I 词汇(10分)


1. Although we’re twins , Liu Li is more o_______ than me. I’m quieter.

2. There’re sixty m________ in an hour.

3. ---Does your father go to work by bus or by bike ?

  ---Neither(都不是). He goes by s_______.

4. Her mother is i_______ in hospital.

5. She is so s________ that she never laughs.


depend on , add to ,  leave for , have to , be good at , think of ,

how far , study for the test , worry about , come over to      

1.---When are we going ?

---I don’t know. It _________ the weather.

2.________ some more salt _______ the popcorn , please.

3.I ________ look after Miss White’s cat , because she went away to Hong Kong.

4.Remember _________ my house when you come to Beijing.

5.Don’t ________ him. He’ll get well soon.

6.Susan is smart and she ______________ math.

7.__________ is it from your school to the bank ?

8.---What’s Julie doing ?

---She ______________ at home. The exam is coming.

9.---Can you go hiking with us tomorrow ?

---Sorry , I’m going to _______ Hawaii.

10. What do you _________ the transportation in Changchun?

II. 单选(1’×15=15分)

(    )1.Ben goes to work _______ and his sister gets to work _______.

   A. by car ; on her bike                                  B. by a car ; on her bike 

C. by cars ; by bikes                                    D. by his car ; by bike

(    )2. Mr. Green is from England. He ______ speak English.

   A. can’t                    B. shouldn’t             C. must                   D. mustn’t

(    )3. There are _______ students in this high school.

   A. three hundred of                                             B. three hundreds of

C. three hundreds                                          D. three hundred

(    )4. This film is _______ interesting than that one.

   A. more                    B. much                  C. very                         D. the most

(    )5. It ______ my mother 4 hours ______ housework every day.

   A. costs ; do                                                 B. spends ; doing 

C. takes ; to do                                             D. pays ; doing

(    )6. --- Anna, can you come to play volleyball ?

  --- ________. I have to finish my work first.

   A. Thanks                                                    B. Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t

C. Sure                                                        D. OK

(    )7. Aren’t you tired ? Why not ______ a rest ?

   A. to have                 B. having                C. have                   D. had

(    )8. There are many stores on _______ sides of the road.

   A. each                     B. both                    C. all                      D. others

(    )9. My hair is much longer than ______.

   A. hers                     B. her                      C. him                     D. she

(    )10. The room is dark. Please turn _____ the light.

   A. on                       B. off                    C. up                     D. down

(    )11. --- Do you think sandwiches are very popular in China ?

   --- No , _______.

   A. I guess                 B. I don’t think so    C. I’m OK              D. I’m afaid

(    )12. Look! Mother _______ the milk into the glass.

   A. pour                    B. to pour               C. pours                  D. is pouring

(    )13. The boy is getting ______.

   A. taller and taller                                         B. more and more tall

   C. tall and taller                                           D. more taller and taller

(    )14. Thanks for ______ me to go to your party.

   A. ask                      B. to ask                 C. asking                D. asks

(    )15. I want to know __________.

   A. where does our teacher come from              B. where our teacher come from

   C. where our teacher comes from                            D. where does our teacher come

III 句型转换(0.5’ ×10=5分)

1.Bob takes the train to get to school.

  _______ does Bob get to school?

2.Wang Jie is 14 years old. Wang Lei is 14 years , too.

  Wang Jie is ________  ________  ________ Wang Lei.

3.Sarah is a student. Marie is a student , too.

  ________ Sarah ________ Marie ________ students.

4. This box is heavy.That box is light.

  This box is _______  ________ that one.

5. We need two teaspoons of sugar.

  How _______ teaspoons of sugar do you need ?

IV 交际运用(10分)

(A) 从方框中选择适当的句子填空,使对话完整、正确。 (1’×5=5分)

A: Hi , Alice. I’m going to have a party next week. ___1___

B: A party? ___2____ What’s it for ?

A: It’s my birthday on Wednesday. I’m going to be sixteen.

B; Oh, dear ! ___3____

A: It doesn’t matter. My birthday’s on Wednesday , but the party is on Friday.

B: Oh , that’s OK. What time will it begin?


B: Right , that should be no problem.

A: It’s going to be at the London Hotel , near the town center on Shindy Street.

B: OK, ___5____ I can find it.

A: Wonderful! See you then.

B: See you.

A.At eight thirty.

B.I’ve got a map.

C.Would you like to come?

D.That’s great!

E.I’m afraid I can’t come on Wednesday.

(B) 填入适当的词,补全对话,每空一词。(0.5’×10=5分)

A: ___1___ that ?

B: That’s Sam.

A: ___2___ you know him ?

B: Yes , he’s my good friend.

A: Why __3___ you like him ? ___4___ looks so strange.

B: ___5___ he’s funny. He can always make me laugh.

A: ___6___ is he ___7___ ?

B: He’s outgoing and friendly ___8___ others.

A: But I don’t like a boy ___9___ such long hair.

B: I don’t care. I don’t think appearances (外貌)are ___10___ in a friendship.


A. jobs  B. about  C. to come  D. works  E. better  F. lives  G. cousins

H. to get  I. from  J. friendly

   Sandra is twenty years old. She comes from Wuhan , a city in China. She ____1___ with her aunt and uncle and three cousins in Manhattan (曼哈顿), a part of New York. Her parents and two brothers still live in Wuhan. Her brothers want ____2___ to the United States , but her parents are going to stay in Wuhan.

   Sandra works in a small shop on Broadway(百老汇大街). One of her ___3___ owns (拥有)the shop. She ___4___ six days a week ___5___ ten in the morning to eight at night. The job isn’t hard , but the hours are long and the pay (薪水)is low. Sandra wants to get a ___6___ job , but she doesn’t know any English. If one doesn’t know English , it’s too difficult ___7___ a good job.

   Life in New York city isn’t easy for Sandra. The weather is cold , the Americans seem cold , and sometimes her room is cold. When she comes home from work , she thinks ___8___ her parents , brothers , and friends in Wuhan. Sometimes she cries a lot. She dreams of going back , but she can’t. In Wuhan the weather is warm and the people are ___9___ , but there are no ____10___ there for Sandra.



    A young man was in love with a beautiful girl.One day she said to him , “It is my birthday tomorrow.” “Oh, ” said the young man , “I’ll send you roses , and one rose for each year of your life.”

    That evening he went to the flower shop. As he knew the girl was twenty-two years old , he paid for twenty-two roses and asked the shop assistant to send them to the girl the next day.

    The assistant of the flower shop knew the young man very well because he often bought flowers in his shop before. When the young man left the shop , the assistant thought , “The young man is very kind to me. He often comes to buy my flowers.In return(作为回报) I’ll send ten more roses.”

    The next morning the roses were sent to the girl.When the young man came to see her, she didn’t want to speak to him.And he never knew why she was so angry with him.


1. How many roses did the young man want to send to his girlfriend for her birthday ?

   A. 10                       B. 22                        C. 32                        D. 42

2. The shop assistant sent ________ roses to the girl.

   A. 10                          B. 22                        C. 32                      D. 42

3. The young girl got the roses _________.

   A. the evening after her birthday                   B. the day before her birthday

   C. a week later                                            D. on her birthday

4. The assistant wanted to _______.

   A. make the girl angry                                 B. sell more roses

   C. make the young man happy                      D. get more money

5. From the story we learn that _______.

   A. roses should be sent for one’s birthday

   B. one may do something wrong even out of kindness

   C. young people are often angry with each other

   D. some girls don’t like roses


   Lingling is going to have a party on Saturday night.She has to shop and clean the house. She is shopping for the food on Saturday morning. Her friends like hamburgers and ice cream.In the afternoon , she’s cleaning the living room and kitchen.She wants to go to the movies at 3:00 , but she has to babysit her brother from 2:00 to 4:00.The party is at 7:00.

   Judy is coming to the party.She wants to help Lingling on Saturday , but she can’t.She has a soccer game in the morning.And in the afternoon , she’s going to her uncle’s house.She’s coming to the party at 8:00.

   Ann isn’t busy this Saturday.On Saturday morning she is going to buy a present for Lingling. In the afternoon she is going to help Lingling with the cleaning. She wants to come to the party at 7:00.


1. Lingling can go to the movies on Saturday afternoon.

2. Judy is coming to the party at 8:00.

3. Judy is coming to help Lingling with the shopping.

4. Ann is busy on Saturday.

5. Lingling’s party is on Saturday night.



In the morning

In the afternoon

At night




have a party



go to her uncle’s house



buy a present


be at the party



★Two bananas

★Two spoons (150g) of ice cream

★125ml of fresh milk

★Chocolate , cream and fruit

Don’t ask your mother for help with this one !

It’s very easy and it takes two minutes to make it.

Put the bananas in the blender with the ice cream and the milk.

Blend for about ten seconds.

Pour it into a glass.

Put some cream , chocolate and fruit on the top.

It’s nice and cold with that ice cream in it --- so drink it quickly. Enjoy it.


1.How many bananas do they need ?  ________________________________

2.How much ice cream do they need ? ________________________________

3.Is it easy to make a banana milk shake ? ________________________________

4.How long does it take to make it ? ________________________________

5.How long do they need to blend ? _______________________________

VII 书面表达 (15分)

(A)Peter 将于一月一日下午三点在家中开生日聚会,请你补全下面的请柬,每空一词。(1’×5=5分)


要求:1. 不得将表格中的信息简单罗列,要成文。

2. 文中至少要有3句话要运用形容词的比较级。

3. 字迹工整,书写规范,字数不得少于60字。

Kobe Bryant

Date of birth : 1978.8.24

Height : 201cm

Weight : 99 kg

Nationality : American

Language : English

Job : Basketball player


Han Geng

Date of birth : 1984.2.9

Height : 181cm

Weight : 62kg

Nationality : Chinese

Language : Chinese , Korean

Job : Singer


I Give the spelling of the following according to the English explanations (0.5’×10 = 5)

1. m__ __ __: adj. bigger or more important than all other things , ideas etc of the same kind.

2. g__ __ __ __ __ __ __: n.words that you say when you meet someone.

3. h__ __ : v. put one’s arms around someone else.

4. s__ __ __ __: n. a Japanese dish that consists of small cakes of cooked rice served with raw fish.

5. s__ __ __ __: v. move quickly , from side to side , up and down.

6. t__ __ __ __ __ __ __: n. a meal that you buy at a shop or restaurant to eat at home.

7. h__ __ __ __ __ __ __: adj. made at home and not bought from a shop.

8. d__ __ __ __ __ __ __: n. someone whose job is to make plans or patterns for clothes , furniture , equipment etc.

9. t__ __ __ __: n. the final number or amount of things , people etc when everything has been counted.

10. g__ __ __ __: n.a vistor, someone whom you have invited.

II Tell whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE according to the texts in this unit. (1’×5 = 5)

1.Close friends or relatives always shake hands when they meet each other.

2.Pizzas are from Italy.

3.£5.70 is “Five dollars seventy pence”.

4.Dessert is the first course in a meal.

5.When two friends meet , they say Hi to each other.

III Complete the converstion. Use a , some or any. (0.5’×10 = 5)

(Sue and Martin is going shopping. They’re making a shopping-list. )

Sue : Let’s see.There’s ___1___ rice in the cupboard.

Martin: Is there __2___ oil ?

Sue : No , there isn’t ___3___.Are there ___4__ vegetables ?

Martin : Yes , I think there are.Yes, there are __5___ onions ? there !

Sue : Good.Are there __6___ carrots ?

Martin : No.There are ___7__ tomatoes , but there aren’t ___8__ carrots.

Sue : OK.I think there’s __9___ beef in the fridge.

Martin : Yes , we don’t need to buy __10__.

Sue : OK. Let’s go.

IV.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words (1’×5 = 5)

1.Have you met each other before? No , we’re _________ (strange).

2.I was being tested for a ________ (drive) licence for the third time.

3.Please ________ (deliver) the food to : 702 Washington Avenue.

4.I’d like 2 ________ (loaf) of bread , please.

5.Frank MacKondy is the ________ (manage) of the food shop.
