2008年江苏新课标初三综合复习(Test(4) for Unit4-6)




1.Where does Li Lei's grandpa live?


A.Shanghai.  *       B.Nanjing.            C.Beijing.


2.Whose nose is Mary’s nose like?

    A.Her lather's          B.Her grandfather's    C.Her mother’s


3.What are they doing?

    A.They're talking about Mr. Wang.

    B.They're talking in the office.

    C.They're talking on the telephone.


4.What is the man?

    A.A teacher.         B.A parent.           C.A doctor.


5.How many students haven't got the books?

    A.Five.                B.Thirty―five.    C.Forty.




6.What did Peter do yesterday evening?

    A.He did his homework.

    B.He watched TV.

    C.He played the piano.


7.Did Peter go to bed early or late?

    A.Early.               B.Late.                 C.Neither too early nor too late



8.What's wrong with the woman?

    A.She has a toothache.

    B.She has a cough.

    C.She has a headache.


9.What did the doctor ask the woman to do?

    A.Take the medicine three times a day.

    B.Have a good rest.

    C.Drink more water.



10.Who sent a new camera to the boy?

    A.His mother.       B.His father.         C.His uncle.


11.How did the boy like the camera?

    A.Just so so.         B.Not so good.      C.Very nice.


12.Where does Uncle Robert live?

    A.In the boy's home.

    B.In a big city.

    C.In the country.



13.How much will the mail pay if he decides to live in a two-bed room?

    A.285 dollars a month.

    B.250 dollars a month.

C.35 dollars a month.


14.Which is NOT true?

    A.A two―bed room is much bigger.

    B.There is a washing machine in.all the one-bed rooms.

    C.A one―bed room is cheaper.


15.What can the man do if he lives in the hotel?

A.Play table tennis.

B.Play tennis.   

C.Swim in the pool.



16.How old was Johnny?


    A.7.                     B.8.                     C.9.


17.When Johnny came back home that day,he                           

    A.was pleased

    B.didn't look happy

    C.felt very tired


18.Johnny kept Mrs. Parsley's note in his                

A.trousers' pocket 




19.What did Mrs. Parsley think of Johnny?

    A.A boy who studied very hard.

    B.A boy who liked to answer questions.

    C.A boy who often made trouble.


20.Why did Mrs. Parsley ask Johnny's mother to have a serious talk with him?

    A.Because he stole money from Mrs. Parsley's handbag.

    B.Because he answered a question in Mrs. Parsley's class.

    C.Because he put a dead snake in Mrs. Parsley's handbag.





1.The witness gave a d               (描述)of the murderer to the police.


2.The teacher looked a               (愤怒)at me for I broke his glass.


3.Three r                    (抢劫案)have taken place in the last few weeks.


4.Mr. Zhang is a good teacher who has rich e                  (经验)in teaching.


5.At the age of eighteen,she s                (担当主角)in a famous film and became famous at once.



6.The traveler was too tired to go any                     (far).


7.The journalist                 (interview)Premier Wen Jiabao is from Germany.


8.The light is thought to be the second                     (use)of all these inventions.


9.I think action films are terrible,but he                (agree).He likes them very much.


10.Her                (decide)sounds good,but it's hard to carry out.



11.Waste things shouldn't                  (throw)about.


12.It                   (know)that the earth travels around the sun.


13.Jenny found the naughty boy               (canoe)on the lake when she walked past the park.


14.The patient                   (lie)on the bed for two and a half hours.


15.The police are trying their best to save the boy who                  (kidnap).



1.                is spoken the most widely in the world.

    A.Chinese               B.English                C.French                   D.Russian


2.―Don't step on the grass next time,Mike.


    A.Is that so?            B.Don't worry         C.I don't know.        D.Sorry,1 won't


3.This is Elizabeth Tina Brown,our new teacher.You may call her                  

    A.Mr. Brown           B.Miss Brown         C.Mr. Tina                D.Ms Elizabeth


4.―Which would you like,tea or coffee?

  ―                     is OK.I really don't mind.

    A.Both                   B.None                   C.Either                    D.Neither


5.Lin Tao is good at all the subjects at school,               English.

    A.really                         B.mostly                 C.especially               D.exactly


6.―Whose picture is better,Jack's or Tom's?

   ―Both of them are good.I think Jack draws                     Tom.

    A.as good as            B.as well as             C.better than              D.worse than


7.Soccer is different                 American football.It's played all over the world.

    A.from                   B.for                      C.in                          D.on


8.I asked Lily for               paper,but she didn't have                  

    A.any:sonic          B.any;any             C.some;any             D.some;some


9.When l was a child,my grandmother often                 me funny stories.

    A.spoke                  B.told                     C.said                       D.talked


10.Dad,the phone is ringing.I guess either you or Mum                    on the phone.

    A.is wanted             B.are wanted           C.wants                     D.want


11.―The novel isn't difficult for him to read,is it?

    ―                  he should be given a more difficult one.

    A.No,it is             B.Yes it is               C.Yes,it is               D.No,it isn't


12.―Excuse me.Do you have a table for two?

    ―I'm sorry,               there aren't any seats now.Would you mind waiting for a while?

A.but                      B.and                     C.or                          D.so


13.―Remember this,children,             careful you are,          mistakes you will make.

    ―We know,you will make.

    A.The more;the more                                B.The more;the less

    C.The less:the more                                           D.The less;the fewer


14.The river near our school smells terrible.People must             the waster water into it.

    A.be stopped pouting                                  B.stopped from pouring

    C.stop to pour                                               D.stop pouting


15.They thought                important to look right and left when                 the road.

    A.it's;cross            B.it;to cross          C.it;crossing            D.it was;to cross


   My friend Mr. walker is an able doctor and has a hospital.So he has enough money to  1  all over the world.And he's been to a lot of places of interest.He likes to  2   the children and has

a lot of little  3  .They often ask him to tell them all kinds of funny(滑稽的)things he  4  

It makes them happy and his room is always  5   children when he's free.

  It was my little son's seventh   6   yesterday.The boy insisted on(坚持)asking his old friend Mr. Walker to the  7  .He called Mr. Walker himself and told him about it.The joker   8   his invitation(邀请)happily.At half past seven the boy  9   his coming at the gate.As soon as he

saw his car,he ran towards him.Mr. Walker came on time,with a nice  10  in his hand.After dinner the children sat around the  11  and asked him to tell them some funny stories.Mr. Walker agreed and his stories made them  l2  again and again.At last he told them the funniest story.He said,“One day I reached a city on a foggy(有雾的)day.The fog was the thickest in the world’’

  “Please wait a  13  ,Mr. Walker,”said my son.“It's said the fog in  14  is the thickest in the world.”

  “You're  15  ,my boy,”said the funny man.“But the city had much fog that day.” “What's it.then?’’

    “The fog was so thick that I couldn't see it at all,”the joker said with a smile.


1.A.work                     B.travel                         C.live                       D.fight


2.A.beat                      B.look over             C.play with                      D.listen to


3.A.friends                         B.brothers               C.workers                 D.classmates


4.A.read                      B.wrote                         C.thought                D.saw


5.A.empty                   B.filled                   C.full of                    D.covered with


6.A.birthday                B.term                    C.month                    D.year


7.A.meeting                 B.game                   C.sport                      D.party


8.A.heard                    B.received               C.met                       D.found


9.A.watching               B.was watching         C.waiting for             D.was waiting for


10.A.sweet                         B.tomato                 C.present                   D.eraser


11.A.traveler                B.farmer                 C.soldier                   D.teacher


12.A.smile                   B.laugh                   C.cry                        D.afraid


13.A.minute                B.day                     C.week                     D.season


14.A.Paris                   B.London                C.Moscow                 D.Tokyo


    Today there are 6 billion people on the earth.By the year 2050 there may be 12.5 billion.This is a lot of people to feed.We need more food.

    One way to produce more food is by growing stronger plants.For thousands of years,farmers  have made plants better.Every season,they pick the best plants for the next season.It works very  slowly.Since l 983,scientists have been able to change plants more quickly by changing their genetic material(遗传物质).Foods from plants grown in this way are called genetically modified foods (转基因食品),or GM foods.

    By changing the genetic material of a plant,it is possible to make new plants.They make  plants which are strong against plant diseases.They can also help in our diseases:a kind of rice is  being prepared(准备),for example,which stops people from becoming blind.

    Rich countries produce GM foods because they are easy to grow and bring in more money.Poor countries are interested in them because they help produce more food.


    GM plants are not natural.No one knows how good or bad they are.Making GM foods is only one way of feeding people in 2050.There are strong feelings against them,because they are unnatural.They may feed people,then hurt them or their children later.But,both rich and poor countries are very interested in their use,and they are not going to go away.In 2050 we may think differently about them.

l.GM foods are made by                  

    A.farmers               B.workers               C.scientists                D.plants


2.What are the good things about GM foods?

    A.They make plants strong against diseases.

    B.They are unnatural.

    C.They can help in human diseases.

    D.Both A and C.


3.GM foods               

    A.are a quick way to produce food                 B.grow in the wild(野生)

    C.are safe                                                     D.are grown only in rich countries


4.Why do some people not like GM foods?

    A.They are not useful                                  B.They are not helpful

    C.They are not natural                                   D.They are not cheap


5.From the reading we know that                   

    A.GM foods will disappear one day in the future.

    B.GM foods will not disappear in the future.

    C.People will not be interested in GM foods.

    D.People will have to stop using GM foods.


    Take three basins(盆).Fill the first basin with water which is as hot as you are able to bear(承受)with your hands.In the second basin mix hot water with cold water.Fill the third basin with cold water from the tap(自来水管).Now place the basins on the table.Put your fight hand in the hot water.Put your left hand in the cold water.You will find that your fight hand feels hot and your left hand feels cold.After twenty seconds move both your hands into the lukewarm(微温的)water.What do you feel? Your left hand feels warm and your fight hand feels cold.But both hands are in the same basin of water.


6.The writer is talking about                   

    A.hot water                                                B.cold water

    C.basins                                                       D.an experiment(试验)


7.How many basins are needed in the experiment?

    A.One.                 B.Two.                 C.Three.                  D.Four.


8.Your left hand feels warm and your right hand feels cold because              

    A.they are in the same basin of water.

    B.Your fight hand is stronger than your left hand.

    C.your left hand is stronger than your right hand.

    D.they Were in different basins of water a short time ago.


9.After putting your hand in the cold water,you put it in the hot water.You will find            

    A.the water too hot for you to bear.

    B.the hot water feels lukewarm.

    C.the water feels cold.

    D.your hand turns black.


10.This experiment shows that                 

    A.sometimes our senses(感觉)deceive(欺骗)us

    B.we can always get to know whether something is hot or cold by feeling it with our hands.

    C.hot water and cold water do not mix.

    D.one of our hands is stronger than the other.


  Rice is a big part of Chinese life.In the past,people greeted each other by saying “Have you had your rice?” Some people still say it today.


  China is the world's largest rice―growing country.In 2003,China grew 166 million tons of rice.

  But it is not easy to feed the world's largest population.In the 1960s,thousands of Chinese died because they had no food to eat.

    In the 1970s,a Chinese scientist,Yuan Longing,grew a new kind of nee called hybrid rice

(杂交稻).It makes 20 percent more rice than other types of rice.Hybrid rice is much stronger than com啪n(普通的)rice.It can grow in lots of water or in not much water.It also doesn't easily get diseases or worms(虫子).

    Yuan is known as the “father of hybrid rice”.  At the end of last month,he won the World

Food Prize for his work to help feed so many people.

  Today, half of China's rice plants are Yuan's special hybrid.China uses Yuan's hybrid to grow much more rice than before.


11.In the past,Chinese people greeted each other by saying“                ?”

    A.How are you                                           B.How old are you

    C.Have you had your rice                              D.Where are you going


12.“China is the world’s largest rice―growing country ”means“                   ”.

    A.China’s rice is bigger than other countries' rice

    B.China is a big country

    C.China is becoming bigger

    D.China grows more rice than any other country in the World


13.Hybrid rice is special because                    

    A.it makes more rice than other types of rice

    B.it can grow in lots of water or not much water

    C.it doesn't easily get diseases or worms

    D.A.B and C


14.Yuan Longping is famous because he                 

    A.grows a lot of rice on his farm                         B.is a famous business man

    C.invented hybrid rice                                   D.helps people to kill rice worms


15.The best title for this passage is                  

    A.Rice.growing in China                           B.Types of rice in China

    C.How to Grow Rice                                     D.Rice Harvesting


    After a tiring day in outer space(外部太空),China's first astronaut(宇航员),Yang Liwei,touched down safely at about 6:00 a.m.,October l6,2003,in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.The 21 hours' flight showed China became the third country to send a person to outer space successfully.He did a very good job for our country.


  Yang Liwei was born in Suizhong Country,Liaoning Province on June 21,1965.The man is 5 feet 6 inches tall.When he was young,he was an athletic(体格健壮的)child who enjoyed swimming and ice skating.His parents were strict with him.Yang Liwei was good at his lessons and he could draw well and he also learned music.


    He joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army at l8.He graduated from the N0.8 Aviation College of the PLA Air Force in l987.In January 1998 Yang became a member of astronauts.

    He has a kind wife,who does all the housework,and a lovely son.In his wife's eyes,he is a very good husband.In the eyes of his son,he is a great father.His son says,“Though I can see my dad about once a week,I have his photo.Whenever I see the photo,I can overcome(克服)all the difficulties.”

    He works for the Aviation Military Unit of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.The man is strict in his work.Every time he is required to do something,he always tries his best to do it,and every time he can finish his work very well.


16.From the passage we can know that Yang Liwei began his flight at about                

A.9:00 a.m.,October 15       

B.6:00 a.m.,October 15

C.9:00 a.m.,October 16

D.6:00 a.m.,October 16


17.What did Yang Liwei like when he was young?

    A.Swimming.         B.Ice skating           C.Drawing.              D.All the above


18.The passage tells as that               

    A.Yang Liwei is not a good husband

    B.Yang Liwei doesn’t have a family

    C.Yang Liwei is not strict with his son

    D.Yang Liwei is an excellent pilot


 19.How long has Yang Liwei been a soldier?

    A.About 20 years.                                    B.About 38 years.

    C.About l8years.                                         D.About 5 years.


20.Which of the following is NOT true?

    A.Yang Liwei is the first person that reaches the outer space in the world.

    B.China is the third country that can send man to the outer space successfully.

    C.Yang Liwei is a very strong man.

    D.Yang Liwei is strict in his work and he can finish it very well.


    假如你是李晓,明天上午轮到你值日。你准备给全班同学介绍你在附近书店买的新书――《人与自然》(Man and Nature)。请你就此写一篇值日报告。












