

黑龙江省绥棱县克音河中学 谷俊明






王才仁教授在《英语教学的实质是交际》一文中谈到:“交际”一词的英语是communication,原意是“共享”、“共有”,现在释义为the exchange of ideas, feelings and information,即思想、感情和信息的交流,这是根据社会发展做出的新界定。可见,交际教学是多么地重要。优化中考口语表达能力测试题型,对交际教学将会起到极大的反拨作用。



1、  体现互动性,让学生在作答过程中体验到自己是交谈中的角色。


2、  对功能意念项目的考查可采用选择式,题干呈现小情境。


3、  选编的对话要自然,符合基本的英语表达习惯。


4、  对话内容应适合学生的年龄特点、生活经历和社会实践。


5、  可用小对话,考查正确运用日常交际用语的能力。


6、  针对话题对话可采用开放性的填空形式,为自主交流创造机会与空间。



(一)             选择式


-I’ve passed the exam.


A. Congratulations!                         B. Bad luck!

C. Thank you for telling me                D. It’s nothing.





1. Oh, no. You needn’t write it again. It’s good composition except for the spelling mistakes.


2. Take the medicine, and you’ll be all right in one or two weeks.


3. Are you all right? It’s so late. We were worrying all the time.


4. I wonder if I could trouble you a few minutes, Mr Simpson.


5. I’d like to set my watch. It stopped again. What’s the date?


6. It seems to me popular music is terrible. The singers all act strangely. They shout instead of singing.


7. Slow down, Bret. I see a police car behind us.


8. Would you like me to check on the computer to see if it’s been taken out?


9. We’ll meet at 6:30 in the restaurant. Will that be fine with you?


10. Oh, come on. Look on the bright side. You can have a good rest for a few days and find a better job.


A. I’m sorry. I’m quite all right, but my car isn’t.

B. Certainly. What is it?

C. Yes, it’ll be OK with me.

D. I will do better next time.

E. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.

F. Yes, please do.


G. It’s June 19.

H. I hope so.

I. My goodness!

J. I wish I could be all right tomorrow.


(Key:1-5 DJABG 6-10 EIFCH)



A: I decide to improve my English from now on.

B: Oh, really? (1) ________________

A: The best time to read English is morning. So I want to read English for an hour in the early morning.

B: (2) __________________

A: And I want to learn English on TV.

B: (3) _________________

A: I want to do more exercises and keep a diary in English every day.

B : (4) _________________

A: Yes. (5) _________________

B: Great! But you see, you spend so much time learning English every day. Then what are you going to do with the other subjects?

A: I’ve no idea.


A. Why do you plan to do so?

B. How do you like my plan?

C. Is that all?

D. What are you going to do?

E. Oh, that's a very good idea.

F. Do you need any help?

G. Anything else?


(Key:1-5 DEGCB)



A: Oh, dear. I can’t fix this seat-belt.

B: (1)______

A: Oh, thank you.

B: It’s very easy, like this… (2)______

A: Oh, no. I flew from New York to Paris once, but it was a long time ago.

B: I see. (3)______

A: Yes. I’m going to see my little grandson.

B: Oh, that’s nice.

A: Yes, my daughter lives in Australia and I live in New York, so I don’t see her very often.

  She married an Australian, you know.

B: That’s nice. And (4)______

A: He’s only four months old. I’m so excited.

B: I’m sure you are. I love children, and I have a daughter myself. She’s two years old.

A: How lovely! And do you live in Sydney?

B: No, I live in Ireland, but I go to Australia twice a year on business.

A: Oh, dear! What’s that noise?

B: Don’t worry. (5)______

A: I see.



1. A. What’s wrong?                                                B. Can I help you?

  C. Who can fix the seat-belt?                         D. It’s broken. Let me help mend it.


2. A. Is this your first flight?                             B. How often do you fly to Australia

  C. Now, can you fix it?                             D. Have you ever been to Australia?


3. A. Are you going to see your grandson?         B. Are you going to stay in Sydney?

  C. Where are you going?                  

D. Are you going to stay in New York?


4. A. What’s your grandson’s name?                  B. How is your grandson?

  C. How old is your grandson?                       D. Is your grandson four months?


5. A. We’re in Australia now.                                   B. I have fixed the seat-belt for you.

  C. The plane will land.                                 D. We’re going to take off.


(Key:1-5 BABCD)







Ann : Hello . is Tina there ?

    Tina : Hello, Ann. (1)       is Tina.

    Ann : Could I borrow your CD player tomorrow, please?

    Tina : Sorry. It’s not a very good (2)         . Could you speak more loudly, please?

    Ann : Sure. I said, could I borrow your CD player , please ? Mine is (3)         .

    Tina : Of course. (4)    4     do you want it?

    Ann : Tomorrow if possible.

    Tina : OK. I’ll (5)         it to school in the morning.

    Ann : Thanks! Bye.



(Key: 1. This  2. line  3. broken  4. When  5. bring)



A: Something terrible happened to me this morning.

B: ­­­What ________________________________________(1)?

A: I got a ticket from a policeman.

B: Were _______________________ (2)?

A: No. ­­­The police gave me a ticket for littering.

B: Oh, I’ve warned(警告) you about that. I’ve seen you littering a few times before. I thought _____________________ (3).

A: All I was doing was drinking a bottle of Coke.

B: ­­­And ________________________ (4)?

A: Well…I threw it on the ground.

B: ­­­I’m afraid ______________________ (5). So you’ll have to….

A: Er…I’ll have to pay for it.

B: How much is it?

A: It’s 50 yuan. A lot of money for not throwing my empty bottle in the garbage(垃圾) box.

B: Yes, but that will teach you not to litter any more.



[Key:1. happened / is that 2. you driving too fast  3. I thought you’d get caught sometime. (or: I thought you would be punished sometime.)  4. And what did you do with the empty can? (or: And where did you put the empty can?)  5. I’m afraid you’ve done wrong. (or: I’m afraid you have made a mistake. I’m afraid you are wrong.]



 (Mrs White-W, Bill-B)


W: Hello, 82016496.

B: Hello. (1)__________________________________?

W: Sorry. (2)__________________________________. Can I take a message?

B: Yes. This is Bill, Mike’s friend. I want to ask him for some Chinese stamps. He told me he had got some recently. I just want to add some Chinese stamps to my collection.

W: OK, I’ll tell him. (3)__________________________________?

B: Well, I won’t be home later today. Would you please ask him to ring me tomorrow morning?

W: Sure. Has he got your telephone number?


B: Oh, sorry. (4)__________________________________. The new number is 86733558.

W: OK. I’ll leave a message on his desk.

B: (1)__________________________________. Thank you very much. Bye.

W: Bye.



(Key:1. May/Can/Could I speak to Mike, please?  2. He isn’t in at the moment. / He is out at the moment.  3. Would you like him to ring you back later? / Could you tell him to ring you back later?  4. My number has been changed.  5. It’s really nice of you.)


例1虽然是填空题,但答案有唯一性,可视为客观性试题。例2和例3答案词数不限、有弹性、不唯一,是个主观性试题,近两年各省市用的较多。考虑使用“一意多种表达”,如例3。又如“好久没见”常用有I haven’t seen you for long. / It’s a long time since we met last time. / Long time no see. 三个说法。





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