0  2072  2080  2086  2090  2096  2098  2102  2108  2110  2116  2122  2126  2128  2132  2138  2140  2146  2150  2152  2156  2158  2162  2164  2166  2167  2168  2170  2171  2172  2174  2176  2180  2182  2186  2188  2192  2198  2200  2206  2210  2212  2216  2222  2228  2230  2236  2240  2242  2248  2252  2258  2266  3002 





英 语       



        3、1―20 小题、26―65小题的答案填涂在答题卡指定位置上;21―25小题、66―86 小题的答案填写在答卷指定位置上。








Part one  听力测试(30分)



6.A.Good night.               B.Bye-bye.                  C.Nice to see you, too.

7.A.My pleasure.              B.It doesn’t matter.      C.It’s very kind of you.

8.A.1 like apples.              B.I’m hungry.              C.Well done.

9.A.Not at all.                         B.Thank you.               C.That’s fight.

10.A.I’m Ann.                  B.I don’t agree.            C.This is Ann speaking.



11.Whose ruler is this?

A.Betty’s.                    B.Lily’s.                      C.Lucy’s.


12.When will Jane go to the party?

A.Next Saturday.         B.This Saturday.          C.Tomorrow evening.


13.What color is Mary’s hair?

A.Red.                        B.Yellow.                    C.Black.


14.What does Kate’s father do?

A.A driver.                  B.A teacher.                 C.An office worker.


15.What did Bruce use to do during the summer vacation?

A.Go fishing.               B.Go shopping.            C.Go camping.

16.Where is Bruce’s house?

A.Near the lake.           B.Near the sea.             C.Near the river.

17.What does the woman think of Bruce?

A.Silly.                       B.Clever.                     C.Friendly.


18.What is Sam doing?

A.Flying a kite.            B.Making a kite.          C.Mending a plane.

19.Who is the present for?

A.Sam’s mother?          B.Sam’s sister.             C.Sam’s friend.

20.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Mother and son.        B.Father and daughter.     C.Brother and sister.


21.Where is Rose now?

A.In Hainan.                B.In Shanghai.             C.In Nanjing.

22.Which subject does Rose like best?

A.Math.                      B.Chinese.                   C.English.

23.When does Rose go to the English comer?

A.On weekends.           B.On Saturday morning.  C.On Tuesday afternoon.

24.How often does Rose go to the school library?

A.Every day.               B.Once a week.            C.Twice a week.

25.How is Rose’s school life?

A.Hard.                       B.Busy.                       C.Interesting.


When to go

This 26            

What to do

Go 27            

Where to go

The 28           

How to go

By 29           



Part Two语言知识运用(25分)


31.--Do you have         pen?

--Yes.I have one.

A.a                         B.an                       C.the                        D./

32.--When did the Olympic Torch Relay start in Fujian?

--       May 11th, 2008.

A.In                       B.At                       C.On                        D.From

 33.--Kate,          you dance the disco?

--Yes, I can.

A.may                     B.can                      C.must                       D.need

 34.--What do you think of the TV sitcom Home With Kids?

--It’s very        .Many children like watching it.

A.boring                 B.funny                  C.surprising               D.terrible

35.--What a nice model ship!

--Thank you.It         me three days to make it.

A.paid                    B.spent                   C.took                             D.wasted

 36.--Peter jumps         than any other boy in our school.

       --I’m sure he will be the winner in the high jump.

A.higher                 B.longer                 C.faster                     D.farther

 37.--        you ever       Chinese mooncakes, Diana?

--No, never.But I have had noodles.

A.Do;try              B.Will;try             C.Did;try                D.Have;tried

38.--Do you know the girl        is standing under the tree?

    --She is my little sister.

A.who                    B.whom                  C.whose                    D.which

39.--What is your brother going to be when he         ?

    --He is going to be a doctor.

A.wakes up             B.grows up             C.stands up                D.hurries up

40.--Which do you like better, skating or skiing?

--        of them.I like running.

A.All                      B.Both                    C.Either                    D.Neither

41.--        has your brother studied in New York?

    --For two years.

A.How far              B.How old              C.How often              D.How long

42.--       the soldiers are very tired,        they keep on working.

    --They are great.We must learn from them.

A.Because;/         B.Though;/         C.Because;so           D.Though;but

43.--John, my computer doesn’t work.

    --Why not ask Mr. Liu         it?

A.to buy                 B.not to buy            C.to check                 D.not to check

44.--Excuse me, could you tell me         ?

    --Certainly.Go straight ahead and you’ll see it on your left.

A.where the post office is                            B.when you will visit the museum

C.where is the post office                               D.when will you visit the museum

45.Which of the following is NOT a traffic sign?



Leonardo da Vinci was a great artist.He lived in   46   in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.He painted some of  47  pictures in the world.Mona Lisa is a good example of his works.He  48  painting Mona Lisa in 1503.

Da Vinci loved science and  49 .He used darkness and light in a clever way in the painting.And a person can  50  see that there is a lot of geometry(几何学) in Mona Lisa.The face of Mona Lisa is  51  many circles and round shapes like balls.Even her  52  Can be seen as a small part of a large circle.

The woman in the painting is  53  on a balcony(阳台), and mountains can be seen behind her.Da Vinci loved to study rocks and mountains.  54  we can see these in his other paintings.

The woman is sitting with her knees to the side.Her hands are held together  55  her.This way of sitting is now used by many artists when they are painting a picture of a man or a woman.

46.A.China                  B.Italy                    C.Japan                     D.Canada

47.A.less famous                                             B.more famous

C.the least famous                                         D.the most famous

48.A.forgot                 B.began                  C.allowed                  D.remembered

49.A.math                   B.music                  C.English                  D.chemistry

50.A.early                   B.easily                         C.safely                    D.happily

51.A.used for               B.worked out          C.put away                D.made of

52.A.cry                      B.tears                    C.smile                     D.sadness

53.A.1ying                  B.walking               C.sitting                    D.reading

54.A.so                       B.but                      C.or                          D.until

55.A.under                         B.behind                 C.next to                   D.in front of

Part Three阅读理解(20分)


A     Xia Chimei, 51, has become both classmate and granny of kids at Xiping Primary School in Xuan’en county, Hubei Province.By far the oldest student at the school enrolled(人学)in first grade earlier this year.She is now learning pinyin with children just six and seven years of age.Her husband and children encouraged her to go to school when the new term began early this year.She had never been to school in her life.

B     A dog owner in Dalian, Liaoning Province, was very surprised when his 4-year-old dog picked up a 5-yuan note and gave it to him on Monday on their way to a market.

Days earlier, Mr. Ye had dropped a 10-yuan note on his sofa and let the dog pick it up for him.He then showed the pet other notes and told it how to use money.He did that just for fun.But he never thought the animal would take to(喜欢) dealing with money so naturally.

C   Wang Xiaoyan, a farmer in Duanjiawan village, Shaanxi Province, has carried his daughter, who suffers from polio(小儿麻痹症), to school every day over the past lo years.

Wang’s daughter, Wang Dan, lost the use of her legs after catching polio in 1995, at the age of three.Three years later when it was time for Wang Dan to go to school, Wang Xiaoyan decided he would carry her.The girl has repaid him by her excellent studies.

56.How old did Xia Chimei begin her study in Passage A?

A.6.                     B.7                         C.15.                   D.51.

57.What’s the best title for Passage A?

A.Practice makes perfect.                             B.It’s never too old to learn.

C.Clothes don’t make the man.                            D.The early bird catches the worm.

58.In which province did the story happen in passage B?

A.Liaoning.          B.Hubei.              C.Fujian.                 D.Shaanxi.

59.What does the underlined word “repaid” mean in Passage C?

A.付款                   B.赔偿                   C.报答                   D.贷款

60.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passages above?

A.Xia Chimei came to school with her husband and son.

B.The dog was so clever that it taught itself to borrow money.

C.Wang Dan lost the use of her legs because of polio when she was three.

D.Mr Ye picked up a 5-yuan note and gave it to the dog on the way home.


Can you imagine keeping an alien dog as a pet?

This is what happens in CJ7―the so-called “first Chinese sci-fi(科幻)movie”.It came out in January, 2008.The movie is about a poor man Ti, his son Dicky and their Mien dog CJ7.

Dicky, a 10-year-old boy, lives a poor life with his father Ti, a worker.One day, his father discovers a ball in the trash(垃圾) and he gives it to Dicky.The ball becomes a cute alien dog.It’s a small dog with big eyes and green hair.It can talk and do magic.Soon the dog comes to love Ti and his son.It goes to school with Dicky.It makes him laugh, but it makes trouble, too.

When Ti falls off a building and dies.CJ7 saves his life.Because the dog loses all its power, it becomes a doll.But Dicky still wears the dog around his neck.He hopes that CJ7 will come back to life one day.

61.The movie CJ7 came out in January, 2008.

62.Dicky’s father is so rich that he buys an alien dog for him.

63.CJ7 is a cute alien dog with small eyes and gray hair.

64.CJ7 can not only make Dicky laugh but also make trouble.

65.At last Ti comes back to life because his son and CJ7 save him.


Part One语言知识运用(20分)




66.--Will you please bring me some         , Sally?

--All right.

67.We have           hundreds of trees in the park recently.

68.The wind is blowing          now.I have to stay at home.

69.Be          , or you will make mistakes in your English exam.

70.China’s first moon satellite Chang’e I            into space in October, 2007.


71.--Would you mind                      (关掉) the radio.

--Of course not.I’ll do is at once.

72.Li Lei is                  (擅长) playing chess.

73.It’s cold outside.You’d better                 (穿上)your coat.

74.I                    (等候)you at the school gate.but you didn’t come.

75.There are many wild animals                  (处于危险中), such as pandas and tigers.




A hobby is an interesting way of spending your free time.There are so 76        different hobbies for different people to choose.Some hobbies are very popular, 77        others are quite unusual.You may choose one that you are interested 78       .You may enjoy collecting things such as stamps, stones, foreign 79          and so on.

If you like to work with your hands, you may enjoy model making and 80       cutting, which both need great attention in detail.Or you may 81         creative hobbies, like painting and writing.Many people 82         outdoor activities to indoor activities.They get great pleasure from 83        , cycling and so on.which they can enjoy with others.

Wherever you live, there 84       always a hobby for you to choose.The hobby can help you relax after your daily work.The hobby can give you many hours of pleasure and make your 85       time interesting and creative.The hobby can bring you happiness, knowledge and friendship.

Part Two  口语应用(15分)


           I                                                             Ⅱ

86.How are you?                                        A.Me, too.

87.Happy New Year!                                   B.I’m fine.

88.May I have your name?                           C.I hope so.

89.How much is the dictionary?                      D.Bob Smith.

90.Why didn’t you come yesterday?             E.It’s 100 yuan.

                                                                   F.The same to you.

                                                                   G.Because I was ill.


A:Hi, Tony.91           

B:A lot of people were badly hurt in the Wenchuan earthquake.

A:Yes.I feel so sorry about that.92              

B:What shah we do?


B:Good idea! Money must be a problem.


B:We can also collect school things for the students there.

A:Right! 95             

B:You are so kind.

  A.What else can we do?

  B.I’m glad to hear that.

  C.Can you do me a favor?

  D.You look so sad, why?

  E.Let’s do something to help them.

  F.I’ll buy some with my lucky money.

  G.What about raising some money for them?


D=doctor        P=patient

D:What’s the matter with 96      , young man?

P:I cough day and night.I can’t sleep well.

D:Let me see.Open your 97       and say “Ah”.

P:Is there anything wrong with my throat?

D:No.98         serious.Do you smoke?

P:Yes.These days I am smoking a lot.

D:Don’t smoke too much.It may 99          cancer.

P:I see.I’ll try to give up smoking.

D:Well.take this medicine three 100       a day and have a good rest.You’ll be all right soon.

P:Thank you very much.

D.You’re welcome.

Part Three阅读理解(20分)



101.Mike is fond of music.Sometimes he goes to the concert.

102.Father’s Day is coming.Linda wants to invite her father to dinner.

103.Tom is a sports fan.He often watches ball games with his classmates.

104.Judy will graduate from a college next month.She’s looking for a job.

105.Mr. Chen is a kind-hearted man.He’s always ready to help others.


(A)An old horse has three sons.One day the father horse says to them, “It’s time for you to learn some skills.” So the three horses all leave their home.

(B)In three months, the youngest son comes back home, too.He learns nothing.Only his hair looks different.

(C)Soon, the eldest son comes back home.He learns the skill of running from a leopard(豹).He can run very far without stopping.His father is happy with him.

(D)Why is this? Because he sees a lion.The lion’s hair is curly.He thinks that it is very cool.So he makes his hair curly, too.He also dyes it red.He feels happy with his hair.

(E)The old horse is very angry.He whips(鞭打) the youngest son and tells him to get out of the house.People see the marks of the whip on the youngest son’s body.and call him “Zebra”.

(F)In two months, the second son also comes back home.He learns to carry things on his back from the elephants.He feels OK even if he carries many things on his back.His father is happy with him, too.

The right order is:








The Development of China’s Sports

Sports have developed fast in our country these years.

In 1974, our country first came to the Asian Games.In 1978, in the 8th Asian Games, our country won the second place.Our country has won the largest number of gold medals in the past six Asian Games since 1982.

In 1984, China competed in the Olympic Games, and won the fourth place with 15 gold medals.In 1988, China won five gold medals in the 24th Olympic Games.In the 25th and 26th Olympic Games, we both won 16 gold medals and ranked fourth.In 2000, for the first time, we ranked third with 28 gold medals.In 2004, we won 32 gold medals and ranked second in the Athens Olympic Games.We felt very proud of our great country.

At the same time, our country tries to improve the ability of hosting international games.In 1990, we hosted the 11th Asian Games successfully.To our pride, the 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing and the 16th Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou in 2010.It shows our success in sports is accepted by the world.

Clearly, our country has become a powerful country in sports.

111.Our country has won the largest number of         medals in Asian Games       1982.

112.In 1984, our country       part in the 23rd Olympic Games and won the        place.

113.In 2004, we won gold medals       as many        we did in the 25th Olympic Games.

114.We’ll hold the 16th         Games in Guangzhou in two        

115.From the passage, we know that China has       great progress in       so far.

Part Four书面表达(20分)




★should;exercise;every day   →  116.                                 

★be;important;sleep well     →  117.                                   

★need;eat;healthy food      →   l l8.                                 

★should;tell…about;feelings  →  119.                                  











l      位于福建东部,风景优美;

l      历史悠久,人口6,700,000;

l      这些年发生巨大变化,新建了许多高楼、道路等;

l      有很多名胜,如鼓山、三山两塔等。



提示词:history;population;places of interest;Mount Gu;Three Hills and Two Pagodas



Good morning.everyone! I’m on duty today.






That’s all.Thank you!




第I卷  (选择题共70分)




  第I卷  (选择题共70分)




第I卷  (选择题共70分)














第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共65分)







第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共65分)





