0  2123  2131  2137  2141  2147  2149  2153  2159  2161  2167  2173  2177  2179  2183  2189  2191  2197  2201  2203  2207  2209  2213  2215  2217  2218  2219  2221  2222  2223  2225  2227  2231  2233  2237  2239  2243  2249  2251  2257  2261  2263  2267  2273  2279  2281  2287  2291  2293  2299  2303  2309  2317  3002 



第I卷  (选择题)







(考试时间:90分钟  注意:只交第Ⅱ卷)





第Ⅰ卷  选择题部分(70分)




第Ⅰ卷  选择题部分(70分)





1.My pen pal________in Australia.

2.Excuse me.Is there a post office ________here?

3.I want to see the koalas because they are very________

4.She __________a white uniform and helps doctors.

5.Does it often _________in winter in your hometown?


(    )1.一_______you come from Beijing?   ―Yes,I _______

  A.Are,am                B.Do,do               C.Is,is                    D.Does,does

(    )2.一Can you _________English?  一Yes,only _________

      A.talk,a little          B.say,little             C.speak,a little               D.tell,little

(    )3.She doesn’t have brothers________ sisters.

A.and                       B.with                             C.or                          D.not

(    )4.Tom likes__________ to the movies with his friends and ________sports.

      A.going,playing      B.go,play                C.going,play           D.go,playing

(    )5.Please write and tell me ________ yourself.

      A.about                         B.at                        C.on                          D.with

(    )6.一Where do your parents ______?―They _________Shanghai

    A.1ive in,live in     B.live,live              C.live,live in           D.live in,live

(    )7.―Is Zhongshan Park a good place _________for us on Sundays?

           一Yes,it is

    A.have fun                B.to have fun             C.having fun             D.has fun

(    )8.After you walk ______the park,you can see a post office ________from the park.

    A.through,cross       B.through,across      C.across,through     D.cross,through

(    )9.Jane and Julia enjoy ________TV 

    A.watching               B.watch                  C.to watch                 D.seeing

(   )10.―Is there _______hotel near here?  一Yes,there’s _________near here.

    A.a,the                 B.the,a                 C.a,one                   D.one,a

(    )11.―Excuse me,can you tell me the way _______the bank?

         ―Go down this street and __________right

    A.for,turn              B.of,take                C.to,turn                 D.on,take

(    )12.There is a teacher’s desk ______the classroom

A.in front of            B.to the front of      C.in the front of         D.to front of

(    )13.Bob doesn’t like ______ the hot dogs today,but he wants______ the hamburgers very much.

    A.eating,eating       B.to eat,eating       C.eating,to eat         D.eating,eat

(    )14.There are many _____ ______the tree.

    A.1eaf,on             B.leaves,in             C.leaves,on             D.leafs,in

(    )15.一What _____going to the zoo?  ―Good idea! Let’s go.

    A.in                       B.time                    C.color                     D.about

(    )16.There are all _______things in the supermarket.But it's______ far(远)from here.

A.kind of,kind of                                      B.kinds of,kind of

C.kinds of,  kinds of                                           D.kind of,kinds of

(    )17.一Does Molly like to play_______ her friends?  一Yes,she does

    A.for                      B.with                    C.and                        D.to

(    )18.一What do you think of the lion?一Well,I think it's _______ugly animal.

    A.a                         B.an                       C.the                        D./

(    )19.One of the girls ________from the USA

    A.come                   B.comes                  C.are                        D.goes

(    )20.一__________ is your father?  一He’s a driver

    A.Who                   B.Where                 C.How                      D.What

(    )21.I am a bank clerk.I work ________people and money.

    A.as                       B.in                        C.at                          D.with

(    )22.It’s half past six now.The Greens _______supper

    A.eat                      B.eats                     C.is eating                 D.are eating

(    )23.My teacher is talking ______my father _________my studies.

    A.about,to              B.to,about              C.with,to.             D.to,with

(    )24.Today he is wearing a new coat.He________.

    A.looks very cool              B.is like very cold     C.look cool                D.looks like cool

(    )25.Thanks for ________me _________my English

    A.help,on               B.helping,with        C.helps,on              D.to help,with


      Today is sunny.It’s a good day for  26  .So you can see,I’ll going for a walk  27  my grandmother.She  28  me an interesting story.  29  an hour later,we are lost(迷路).We 30 know where we are.A policeman comes to us and tells us the right way.We go down the street and  31  right.Then We  32  a big zoo.We find our way! We go into the zoo and see many animals.I like  33  .They are from Australia.

    34 about 5 o’clock,We get home.  35  my parents know about our story, they laugh.That is very finny, right?

(    )26.A.running         B.swimming      C.walking          D.singing

(    )27.A.with             B.to                 C.and                 D.at

(    )28.A.is saying        B.is telling       C.is singing        D.is writing

(    )29.A.But              B.And             C.So                  D.Or

(    )30.A.doesn’t         B.isn’t             C.aren’t             D.don’t

(    )31.A.go                B.turn              C.look                      D.come

(    )32.A.look             B.watch           C.see                 D.found

(    )33.A.penguins       B.tigers            C.koalas             D.lions

(    )34.A.At                B.On               C.In                   D.For

(    )35.A.If                 B.Before          C.when              D.At



    Let’s talk about Johnson’s family.Mr. Johnson is a manager(经理)in a big company(公司).He works very hard.He is very busy.He makes much money.But he is always tired.He says to his friend,“I want to be a reporter because I like talking to people.”

    His wife Mrs. Johnson is a good doctor, She works in City Hospital.She likes Chinese medicine (中医)very much.

    The Johnsons have a daughter called Selina.She is a teacher of French.She loves her job and she works very hard.

(    )36.There are ________people in the Johnsons.

    A.four                    B.three                   C.two                       D.five

(    )37.Mr. Johnson is a __________.

    A.worker                B.doctor                 C.reporter                 D.manager

(    )38.Mr Johnson is a _________.

    A.can make much money                             B.is very tired

    C.wants to be a reporter                               D.A,B and C

(   )39.How does Mrs Johnson like Chinese medicine?

    A.She likes it a lot.                                   B.She likes it a little.

    C.She doesn’t like it.                                          D.She doesn’t like it at all.

(    )40.What does Selina do?

A.A doctor                 B.A student                C.A teacher                D.A reporter


My name is Tom.My best friends are John and Ann.We do many things together.John lives near my house and we are in the same class.He’s fifteen years old and he’s tall and thin, he has blonds hair and blue eyes.He is very good at math and he helps me with my homework sometimes.He usually wears jeans and a blue T-shirt.But in the photo he’s wearing black jeans and a yellow T-shirt.We often play basketball in a park in the neighborhood and sometimes we play computer games at my house.

Our friend Ann doesn’t study at our school.She’s short and of medium build with straight brown hair and brown eyes.She’s a little bit shy.We all have Kongfu lessons every Tuesday and Friday afternoon.We call her the“Kongfu kid” .She sometimes plays basketball with us, too.In the picture she is wearing a dress, but she often wears T-shirts and a baseball cap.The three of us have great fun together.

(    )41.Who has blue eyes?

       A.Tom                       B.Ann                       C.John                D.Tom. Ann and John

(    )42.What are John and Ann’s favorite clothes?

A.T-shirt                   B.Jeans                   C.Trousers        D.Jackets

(    )43.Who is good at math?

A.Tom                    B.Ann                    C.John             D.We don’t know

(    )44.When do the children have Kungfu lessons?

       A.Every Thursday                                          B.Every Tuesday afternoon

C.Every Friday afternoon                             D.Both B and C

(    )45.Where do they play computer games?

       A.In the nearby park   B.At John’s house       C.At Tom’s house       D.At Ann’s house


       It’s Sunday today.The Blacks are all at home.Mrs Black is in the kitchen(厨房).She is making cakes.Mr Black is in the living room(客厅).He is sitting in a chair and reading a book.Tom is in the garden with Mike.Mike is Tom’s classmate and good friend.They are playing soccer.Where is Sue? Oh, she and her friend, Ann, are in her bed room.They are watching TV now.

(    )46.There are ______people in Mr Black’s family.

       A.there                      B.four                       C.six                  D.five

(    )47.Who is in the kitchen?

       A.Sue’s mother          B.Ann’s mother          C.Tom’s father    D.Mike’s mother

(    )48.What is Mr Black doing?

       A.Watching TV          B.Playing soccer         C.Reading a book              D.Making cakes

(    )49._______are playing in the garden.

       A.Tom and Sue          B.Tom and Mike         C.Ann and Mike         D.Mike and Sue

(    )50.Which is RIGHT?

       A.Mike and Tom are in the same class.

B.Sue and Ann are watching TV in Ann’s bedroom.

C.Mike’s mother is making cakes.

D.Mike's father is reading a book.



Sam:Maria?Hi!    51    ?

Maria:I’m in Mexico! I'm calling to say happy birthday!


Maria:So,     52      ?

Sam:Great! How about you?

Maria:Pretty good!    53    ?

Sam:I’m having a party.My whole family is here.

Maria:Oh,      54      ?

Sam:What are you doing now?

Maria:I'm visiting my grandmother.

Sam:Well,    55     in Mexico?

Maria:Terrible, It’s cold and raining

Sam:You’d better wear warm clothes

Maria:Thank you!

(    )51.A.Who are you?                           B.Where are you from?

              C.Where are you?                                   D.Where are you going?

(    )52.A.How is it going?                        B.How’s the weather?

              C.What do you look like?                 D.What are you doing?

(    )53.A.What are you doing?                  B.What’s the weather like there?

              C.What do you want to be?               D.Are you having a party?

(    )54.A.That’s very kind of you!              B.That sounds a good idea!

              C.That sounds like fun!                    D.You are good-looking!

(    )55.A.How’s the weather like?              B.What does it look like?

              C.What’s the weather?                      D.How’s the weather?


56.Andrew speaks English and Chinese.  (划线提问)

_______ ________ _______Andrew _________?

57.Where is Johnny Dean from?同意句)

Where _______Johnny Dean _________ _________?

58.John often lies on the bed and reads books.(用now改写)

    John _______ ______ on the bed and ________ books now.

59.Jack and I want to be policemen.(划线提问)

    _______ _______Jack and you _________to be?

60.It’s cold and windy today.(划线提问)

    _________ the weather _________today?

61.The children are having a good time in the park now(同意句)

    The children are _________ _________in the park now.

62.Thanks for your help.(同义句)

_______ ________for__________ me.


1.  选词填空(不用变换形式)

  surprised  going  other  live  through  quiet  photos  vacation  left  weather

63.Do you_________ in Toronto?

64.Turn ___________and go straight.

65.Take a walk ________the park on Fifth Avenue.

66.She’s very shy, so please be very ____________.

67.What ________jobs do you know?

68.How’s the ________ in Jinan?

69.Do you like taking __________?

70.How’s it __________?

71.There are many people on __________.

72.I’m _________they are here on time.


  swim  talk  study  write  go  have  read  give  see  lie

73.Can you _________to me soon?

74.Disneyland is a good place __________fun.

75.Why do you want ___________the lions?

76.I like _________to people.

77.Jack with his mother ______ _______ on the beach now.

78.Let’s ___________shopping.

79.Thanks for __________me so much help.

80.Look at that group of people ____________at the pool

81.Lucy often ___________books on Sundays.

82.Please be quiet! My sister ___________for a test.



The post office is ________ __________the supermarket.


Thanks a lot for _________me ___________my English.


      What do you want _______ ________when you are older?


      What __________you usually _________ when it is raining?


We must study hard ___________ ________ ________improve our English.


    He never ________ ________in class.


She has long curly blonde hair and is _________ ______ ________.


      My work is interesting but _________ _________dangerous.


Look at those people in the picture.some are taking photos,Others _______ ________on the beach.


根据提示,写一篇短文。描述公园中的场景,60―70词卷面要求整洁,字迹不清者,酌情扣分。请写出天气,地点,人物,动物的动作。提示:fly(飞翔) boat(v.划船) ride(骑,乘…)







6.  A.The same to you.  B.Not at all.         C.OK.             D.That' s right.

7. A.It's five.        B.It's sunny.        C.It's June 1 st         D.It's Tuesday.

8. A.I think so.        B.Good idea.        C.I don't think so.   D.I don't know.

9. A.Thank you.        B.You're welcome.  

C.I'm well.         D.It doesn't matter.

10.A.He is a worker.                        B.He is fine.Thank you.

    C.He works in a factory.                    D.He often works in a factory.


11.A.Yes, he can.       B.No, he can't.       C.Yes, he is.         D.No, he isn't.

12.A.Yes, it is.         B.No, it isn't.        C.Yes, he is.         B.No, he isn't.

13.A.Forty-five.       B.Twenty-five.       C.Twenty.          D.Thirty.

14.A.England           B.America.        C.Japan.            D.Australia.

15.A.Two.            B.Three.           C.Four.            D.Five.


  This is Harry.He is an Australia boy and he is  l6  His father is a policeman.His  17  is a teacher.She teaches us English.We all  18  her.Harry is my friend.We are in the  l9 class.We often learn from each other and  20  each other.


21.――What__________your sister want?――She_____________a sweater.

      A.do.want            B.does,want          C.do,wants              D.does,wants

22.一Is Lingling English?一No,she_____________.She is Chinese.

     A  is                        B.isn't                     C.are                        D.aren’t

23.一Are __________in Class 3?一Yes,I am.

      A.I                         B.he                       C.she                        D.you

24.I don’t know Chinese.Can you___________it in________________?

      A.say,Chinese                                          B.tell,English

      C.read,English                                                  D.say,English

25.一Can you swim? 一Yes,I______________.

    A.can’t                   B.can                      C.do                         D.am

26.一_____________any fruit?一No,we haven’t.

      A.Have they got         B.Have you got         C.Has she got            D.Has he got

27.China is a country___________________________________a long history.

      A.with                    B.and                     C.or                          D.at

28.一___________are the people in the photo?

  一Betty’s grandma,grandpa and mum.

      A.What                   B.Who                    C.Where                   D.How

29._________________________________room is big and bright.They like it very much.  A.Tom and Sam                                          B.Tom’s and Sam       

C.Tom and Sam’s                                          D.Tom’s and Sam’s

30.一_____________________to come to my house on Sunday? 一That’s a good idea,

      A.Would you like    B.Do you like             C.Can,you                 D.Are you

31.一Hi!Ann,I have good news for you.一________________What is it?

      A.What                   B.Who                    C.OK                        D.Really

32.Please give___________a pencil.______________________pencil is at home.

      A.he.His               B.him,His             C.his,Him               D.his,His

33.一________________people are there in your family? 一There are five.

     A.How many           B.How much           C.How old                D.Where

34.Our school is a little different_______________________other schools.

     A.in                       B.to                        C.at                          D.from

35.一What’s in the picture?―There is_______________and some cats in it.

     A.four horses          B.three dogs            C.two boys                D.a tree

36.One of_______________up and answers the question.

     A.boys stand                  B.the boy stands         C.the boys stands       D.the boys stand

37.一Why don’t you_______________a plan before you begin to work?

    一That’s a good idea.

     A.make                   B.write                   C.want                      D.see

38.一_______________________does the man do?He’s a worker.

      A.How                   B.When                  C.What                     D.Who

39.一Switch ________________________the TV first。then choose a channel(频道).

  一       OK.what's next?

      A.on                       B.for                      C.at                          D.off

40.一Would you please pass me today’S newspaper? 一_________________________.

      A.Yes,please         B.Here you are           C.You are weleome    D.I think so


  Our class is going to the zoo  4 1 tomorrow morning.There are many animals in it.There are some tigers and two old lions.They eat  42  meat every day.

  There 43  one baby elephant and two big elephants,too.The elephants are kind animals.They like 44.Children often give them  45  .Elephants like bananas best.

46  the zoo there are also brown bears,black bears and white bears.They can  47 on their hind(后)legs,hold up their fore(前)legs and ask  48  food.They like cakes very much  There’s also a children corner in it.Children can ride horses and watch monkeys there.The monkeys are very funny.They climb 49  ropes(绳索)and jump down again and play  50 each other like small children.

41.A.at                        B.in                        C./                          D.on

42.A.many                         B.much                   C.a few                     D.a little

43.A.are                      B.is                        C.be                         D.am

44.A.children               B.girl                     C.boy                     D.child

45.A.bread and bananas                                   B.bread and banana

      C.breads and banana                                     D.breads and bananas

46.A.On                      B.At                       C.For                     D.In

47.A.stand                   B.stands                  C.standing               D.to stand

48.A.to                       B.for                      C.about                     D.with

49.A.up                       B.down                   C.out                        D.in

50.A.and                     B.with                    C.to                        D./



    In China, there are many different kinds of food.Some of them are very popular.The real Chinese food is dumplings.Now let's talk about them, OK?

Everyone in China likes dumplings very much, and there are many different kinds of dump-

lings.Some have meat and vegetables in them, others have sugar, eggs and so on.I like dumplings with vegetables and pork better than any other kind.

    Usually people make dumplings at home.If you have no time to make them, you can buy th-

em from any supermarket.Then you take them home and eat them with vinegar.

The Spring Festival is very important in China.When it comes, we make dumplings, usually we  

put a coin in a dumpling.If one eats the dumpling with the coin in it, he will be lucky in the year.

In the old days,people couldn’t often eat dumplings,because they were very poor(穷).Now our country is becoming stronger(强大) and stronger, and our people are richer and richer.We can eat them very often.

     Now tell me, do you like dumplings?

     Welcome to China.We will invite you to eat the real Chinese food―dumplings.

51.In China, the real Chinese food is__________________________________________    A.noodles               B.dumplings                  C.mooncakes             D.vegetables

52.The writer likes dumplings with____________________________________best.

      A.meat                   B.seafood                C.vegetables and pork D.vegetables

53.You can buy dumplings from the supermarket when_______________________________.

      A.you have time    B.you are tired             C.you are busy           D.you are hungry

54.The word “vinegar” in the passage means_______________________________?

      A.香油                   B.酱油                   C.辣椒                      D.醋

55.Which of the sentences is NOT true?

A.The Chinese like dumplings very much.

B.If one eats the dumpling with the coin in it, he will be lucky in the year.

C.In the old days,people often ate dumplings because they were poor.

D.Now people are richer and they often eat dumplings.


     Hank lives in a small town, but then he found work in a big city and moves there with his wife and his two children.

on the first Saturday in their new house,Hank takes his red car out of the garage(车库).He is washing it when one of his friends comes by.The friend stops and looks at it for a minute.Then Hank turns and sees him.

  The friend says.“That’s a nice ca r.Is it yours?”

  “Sometimes,”Hank answers.

  The friend is surprised(惊讶).“Sometimes?” he says,“What do you mean?”

  “Well,” answers Hank slowly,‘‘when there’s a party in town,daughter Jane uses it.After I wash it,and it looks really nice and clean,my wife uses it.And when it needs gasoline(汽油)it’s mine.When there’s a football game,it comes to my son Joe.”

56.How many people arc there in Hank's family?

      A.Three.             B.Four.            C.Five.             D.Six.

57.What colour is Hank's car?

     A.Blue.            B.Yellow.          C.Red.             D.Black.

58.What's Hank doing when his friend meets him?

      A.He's driving his car.                     B.He's mending his car.

     C.He's washing his car.                    D.He's taking his car out of the garage.

59.Who will use the car if there is a football match somewhere?

      A.Mr BIack.         B.Mrs Black.        C.Jane.                    D.Joe.

60.Which is the best title of the story?

      A.A New Job(工作)for Hank.               B.A Busy Car.

      C.A Happy Family.                                     D.A Clever(聪明的)Answer


  If(如果)you go to the fields(地理)you may see hares(野兔)here and there.Hares live in warm and cold countries.They live an active life all around the year.The hare is a small animal with fur(毛)all over its body.Its fore legs are short but its hind legs are long.It is a very good runner.

  The hare is very clever and afraid(害怕)of everything.It makes its home in the grass or under the ground.In the daytime the hare is always there.At night it often goes into the fields to look for food.In the morning the hare comes back to its home.There it's safe because the colour of its fur is the same as the colour of the field.

  Hares have a lot of enemies(敌人).People are also their enemies because they often kill hares for their meals.At the first signal of danger(危险)the hare runs away.when people hunt(打猎)the hare.it runs as fast as it can or goes to the water because it swims very well.

61.You can see hares_______________________________________.

      A.in spring or summer                                       B.in autumn

      C.in winter                                                   D.in any time of the year

62.The hare’s hind legs are much____________________than the fore ones.

      A.1onger                B.shorter                 C.fatter                     D.smaller

63.You Can find the hare’s home___________________.

     A.in the water   

B.in the trees

     C.under the big tree in the field

     D.either(或者)in the grass or under the ground

64.The hare usually goes out for food___________________________________.

     A.in the daytime                                         B.at any time

   C.only in the morning                                     D.at night

65.It is safe for the hare to hide(藏)in autumn because________________.

     A.its colour is something like the colour of the grass in autumn

     B.it isn’t afraid of its enemies

C.it swims very well  

D.it can run away when its enemies find it


A.When do you use the computer?

B.Where is the computer?

C.How do you write your homework?

D.Where do you play computer games?

E.Does he play computer games?

F.What does he do on the Internet?

G.Do you often go online?

A:Bill,I hear(听说)there is a computer in your home.

B:Yes,my father buys it.


B:It's in my father's study(书房).


B:Sorfietimes.But my father often goes online.


B:He gets information for his work.


B:No,he never plays computer games or listens to music.


B:On weekends.

A:Oh.I see.Thank you.

B:You are welcome.



71.usually play games and d______________music on the Internet.

72.It’s l2:00.I usually have I_______________at schoo1.

73.The camels lives in the d____________________________________.

74.There are many a_______________________in the zoo.

75.Do you often read m ___________________________?


76.Would you please let me_________________(have)a break?

77.She often______________________(wash)her face at six o’clock.

78.Little Bob________________(have)a nice toy car now.

79.There____________________(be)some books and pens on the desk.

80.Who usually__________________________(do)the shopping in your family?



  __________________and fish are_______________________food.


  What about_________________to Qingdao for a________________________?


  It’s time________________us______________go home.


  They are twins,__________________they are________________.


    1 want _____________  ___________________Mr Zhang.










  listen to music,go to concert















(    )1.Yang Lei had _______unusual experience in Gansu Province. ________experience changed her life.

    A.a,The                 B.an,The              C.an,A                   D.an,An

(    )2.There ________a basketball match on CCTV-5 tonight.

    A.will have                      B.is going to have      C.will be                   D.are going to be

(    )3.If there is_______ pollution,the air in our city will be __________dirtier.

    A.less;more            B.more;much                C.less;less               D.more;more

(    )4.My grandpa lives _______in the country, but he doesn’t feel ________

    A.alone;alone         B.lonely;lonely        C.alone;lonely         D.lonely;alone

(    )5.I will be an astronaut ________

    A.after ten years.      B.in ten years            C.ten years ago          D.since ten years

(    )6.―Won’t books be only on computers?

           ―______ they ________.Books will still be on paper,

    A.Yes;will            B.No;will                      C.Yes;won’t            D.No;won’t

(    )7.Marcia isn’t going to the party tomorrow.I'm not going there,_______

A.too                     B.also                      C.both                             D.either

(    )8.―Why are you so upset?

        ―Because all my classmates passed the English test _________me.

    A.with                    B.except                 C.without                  D.for

(    )9.We must listen to the teacher as _________ as possible.

    A.careful                B.carefully              C.more careful           D.more carefully

(    )10.Yesterday I ______to take my homework with me.I_______ it at home.

    A.forgot;forgot    B.left;left              C.forgot;left            D.left;forgot

(    )11.Alice often borrows things _______me but she never _______them to me.

    A.from;returns       B.from;gives back   C.of;returns             D.to;returns

(    )12.You are supposed _______on the message to your teacher.

    A.pass                      B.passed                    C.to pass                   D.passing

(    )13.Nowadays teachers may find ________hard _______middle school students.

    A.that;teach            B.that;to teach         C.it;teach                D.it;to teach

(    )14.The news made Bob ________.

    A.feel exciting           B.feel excited            C.feels exciting          D.feels excited

(    )15.When the alien________ out of the museum,Jimmy ______an ice cream.

    A.came;was eating   B.come;was eating   C.comes;ate        D.was coming;ate

(    )16.While we _______about Mr Wang in the classroom,he came in.

    A.talked                  B.are talking              C.were talking           D.talk

(    )17.Linda was shopping when she saw a strange woman _____out of the supermarket.

    A.went                      B.gets                      C.get                        D.to go

(    )18.My father ________a newspaper at 9:00 last night.

A.is reading              B.read                       C.reads                     D.was reading

(    )19.Anna looked for her dog________ but she didn’t find it_________.

      A.everywhere;anywhere                             B.somewhere;somewhere

    C.anywhere;somewhere                               D.everywhere;somewhere

(    )20.The little boy _______stop playing computer games_______ his father come back.

    A.won’t;until          B.didn’t;until                C.doesn’t:after               D.doesn’t:when

(    )21._______ amazing the result of the basketball match is!

    A.How                   B.How an               C.What                    D.What an

(    )22.Please these books,to the library and _________back here some new ones.

    A.take;bring           B.bring;take           C.take;take              D.get;bring

(    )23.Jack is _________ math and I do_______ physics.

    A.well at;good in     B.good in;well in    C.good at;good at    D.good at;well in

(    )24.Mother was mad ______ me because of my ___________report card.

    A.at;disappointed                                       B.at;disappointing

    C.with;disappointed                                    D.with;disappointing

(    )25.When I came back home,my baby ________cry _________.

    A.no;more              B.doesn’t;more       C.didn’t:anymore D.won’t:anymore

(    )26.The teachers ask us _______mobile phones to school.

    A.bring                    B.not bring             C.don’t bring             D.not to bring

(   )27.The policewoman asked the little boy _________.

    A.where did he live                                     B.where he lived

    C.where he lives                                                  D.where does he lives

(    )28.一I don’t know if it _________ tomorrow.

         ―Well,if it ______,we won’t go for a picnic.

    A.will rain;will rain        B.will rain;rains      C.rains;will rain      D.rains;rains

(    )29.If you bring snacks to school,the teacher will _______.

    A.take it away           B.take away it            C.take them away       D.take away them

(   )30.―How long have you been collecting coins? 


    A.Since 5 years ago    B.Since 5 years          C.In 5 years               D.When I was 5

Ⅲ 完形填空(10分)

How to practice spoken English?

      How can we practice our spoken English(英语口语)?

      The first and most important thing is to believe  31 .You should always have confidence or you  32  be able to improve your English.You should often encourage(鼓励)yourself,“Come on,don’t be afraid!”

      You should never lose heart and never give up.

      Maybe you are afraid of losing face,but you should think we are students,and we’re  33  ,there’s no need to worry  34  anything.You must always be active in practice.There’s no problem that your pronunciation and intonation(语调)can’t be as good  35  the native(某国的,当地的)people because we are Chinese,and we don’t have chances to live in foreign countries and talk with the people there  36  .But you must know that the main way to study English is to make ourselves understood and understand other people.You should believe that native speakers will not  37  you,  38  they will encourage you,If you are brave(有勇气的)enough,you’ll certainly be better at  39  English than before.

     40  be shy or afraid! Just have a try.

(    )31.A.itself            B.yourself        C.themselves             D.myself

(    )32.A.can’t never      B.are never      C.will                       D.will never

(    )33.A.learning        B.saying          C.students                 D.teaching

(    )34.A./                B.to                 C.about                     D.for

(    )35.A.so                B.with             C.as                          D.than

(    )36.A.some time      B.sometime      C.sometimes              D.all the time

(    )37.A.laugh at        B.get over        C.open up                 D.seem like

(    )38.A.so                B.instead          C.or                          D.nor

(    )39.A.speaking       B.speech          C.speak                     D.spoke

(    )40.A.Don't           B.Not              C.No                        D.Do

Ⅳ 阅读理解(10分)


    Long,long ago there was no zero.To write the number sixty-three people wrote 63.To  write six hundred and three,people wrote 63.The space between six and three was there to mean.“not any”tens.Sometimes people did not remember the space.It was hard to see and  read.

    Later people used a dot to hold the space.Six hundred and three looked like this 6.3.But the dot was hard to see.So people put a circle around it like this 6⊙3.Then people could see the dot.They remembered the space.at last,only the circle around the dot was used.It was like a zero.This is one story of how the zero came to be used.

    Now zero has many important uses.Zero tells how many.Can you tell some other ways of using zero?

(    )41.Long long ago people didn’t know how to_____.

    A.write                     B.write zero              C.write numbers         D.sixty-three

(    )42.Long long ago if they wrote two hundred-eight,people wrote______ .

    A.28                          B.2 8                              C.228                       D.208

(    )43.Later ________ was used to mean space.

    A.“not any”            B.letter“0”             C.zero                       D.a dot

(    )44.People used circles _________.

A.to remember ways                                    B.to remember numbers

C.not to forget the space                                 D.to mean nothing

(    )45.The story tells us _______.

    A.how zero came to be used                           B.how to write zero

C.what’s the use of zero                                 D.that zero means a dot,a circle or space


      If you get lost,this is what you should do.Sit down and stay where you are.Don’t try to find your friends-let them find you.You can help them find you by staying in one place.There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you.You can shout or whistle(吹口哨)three times.Stop.Then shout or whistle three times again.Any signal(信号)for three times is a call for help.

      Keep up shouting or whistling.Always three times together.When people hear you,they will know that you are not just making a noise for fun.They will let you know that they have heard your signal.They will give you two shouts or two whistles.When a signal is given twice,it is all answer to a call for help.

      If you don’t think that you will get help before night comes,try to make a little house with branches(树枝).Make yourself a bed with leaves and grass.

    When you need some water, you have to leave your little branch house to look for it.Don’t just walk away.Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk in order to go back again easilyWhen you are lost,the most important thing to do is to stay in one place.

(    )46.If you get lost in the forest,you should _______.

    A.try to find your friends                               B.stay in one place and give signals

    C.walk around.the forest                                    D.shout as loudly as possible

(    )47.Which signal is a call for help?

A.shouting here and there

B.crying twice

    C.shouting or whistling three times together

    D.whistling every where in the forest

(    )48.When you hear two shouts or two whistles,you know that_______.

    A.someone is afraid of an animal                  B.people will come to help you

    C.someone needs help                                 D.something terrible will happen

(    )49.What’s the meaning of the underlined sentenc97(划线句子)

    A.Drop branches to find your way back

    B.Pick off branches to build another house

    C.Use branches to make a bed

    D.Drop branches to look for water

(    )50.The main(主要的)idea of the passage is ______.

    A.how to travel in the forest

    B.how to spend the night in the forest 

    C.what you should do if you want to get some water

D.what you should do if you are lost in the forest


V 补全对话(10分)

      A:You look unhappy.  51  

      B:My parents want me to learn to play the piano after school.

      A:  52  

      B:But I have no time.  53 

      A:You should talk about it with your parents.

      B:  54  .They won’t listen to me.

      A:Why not ask your uncle for advice?

      B:  55 

A:That’s a good idea.

B:No.I don’t think so.

C:What should I do?

D:Thank you very much.

E:They want you to learn more.

F:What’s wrong?


      In l896,the first modern Olympic Games was held(被举行)in Athens,Greece.Since then many countries have successfully held the Olympics,such as England,France,Germany,Canada,the USA,Spain and Australia.After more than a century the Games returned to its hometown in the year 2004.

      When people hold the Olympic Gaines,they always make an emblem(会徽).The emblem of the Athens Olympic Games of 2004 is a white circle of oliver branches in the sky.

    Four years later,the Olympic Games was held in China.The emblem of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games has a single Chinese character on a red seal and means“Chinese seal―dancing Beijing,”  Below it.there are the words“Beijing2008”.The character in the emblem is“Jing”.It means“capital”of China and it is also like a runner or a dancer.The running figure(人形)of the emblem shows the spirit of the Olympics-faster, higher and stronger

56.In which country was the first modern Olympics held? ________.

      A.Greece                B.China.               C.Australia.             D.France.

57.How many years passed when Beijing held the Olympic Games?

      A.100.                 B.104.                  C.108.                  D.112.

58.Which city if the capital of Greece?


58.What is the emblem of the Athens Olympic Games of 2004?





61.I always get _______ when I answer the questions in class.

62.Are you for or _______ the plan?

63.When the accident happened,I was in my ______ shop.

64.They ________ last week.

65.Nancy _________/met/one of her friends in the supermarket yesterday.




66.We should care for the animals in________ .

67.When I saw the snake I was so_________.

68.Please__________ down the music.It’s so loud,

69.I don’t want to ________him.

70.My grandparents are in good __________.


run out of,rain,spend,raise,unlucky

71.I didn’t buy the Mp4 yesterday because I _______money.

72.________I failed to pass the test.

73.Tom ________an hour writing to his pen pal.

74.If it _________tomorrow, we’ll have a school trip.

75.For every hour they skate,each student ________ten yuan for charity,


76.There will be a basketball match this afternoon.(改为一般疑问句)

   _________there _________a basketball match this afternoon?

77.He should say he is sorry.(就划线部分提问)

      What _________he __________?

78.You mustn’t wear jeans to school.(改写同义句)

    _________ _________to school.

79.Mary asked,“Can I borrow your math book?”(改为间接引语)

    Mary asked me _______she ___________borrow my math book.

80.I have been skating for seven years.(改写同义句)

I have been skating_________ seven years __________.



      All his dream ________ _________at last.


      I need some money to _______ _________summer camp.


    The girl ________ ___________when the alien got out of the UFO.


    Our flight will ________ ________in an hour.


    She’s _______ _________snow globes for 7 years.



Report Card


 Chinese:very good

 English:good at writing


 Math:lazy student,should do more exercises

 Science:can do better, should listen more  carefully in class

 History:not careful enough

Dear Aunt,

      I finished my end-of-year exams last week and got my report card today.




