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初三英语Unit 2?A




 (时间:100分钟  分数:120分)

第Ⅰ卷  选择题(70分)

















1.A.Not at all.                        B.Thank you all the same.

C.Sorry,I can't use it,either.

2.A.I'm not sure.                              B.Certainly.                       C.Yes,give it to me.

3.A.I will be there tomorrow.     B.Let's meet tomorrow.

C.See you tomorrow.

4.A.By bus.                          B.Five days a week.             C.For five days.

5.A.In a bookstore.                    B.With her students.        C.Yesterday.


6.Where is Mr. Wang?

A.In hospital                       B.At the boy's home.         C.At the girl's home.

7.What time should they get to school in the morning?

A.At 7:00 am.                     B.At7:15 am.                C.At 6:45 am.

8.What does Mrs. Read want?

A.She wants some cakes.         B.She wants some mooncakes with eggs.

C.She wants some mooncakes with meat.

9.What's wrong with the woman?

A.Her computer is old.           B.Her computer doesn't work.

C.She wants to play computer games.

10.Where did the robbery happen?

A.In the street.                             B.In the Guangming Square.   C.In the clothes store.


11.Where is the new sports centre?

A.On long street.                    B.On straight road.         C.At the station

12.Who did Bob go to the sports centre with last week?

A.His father.                       B.His mother.                 C.His brother.

13.What can't you do in the new sports centre?

A.Play table tennis.                B.Play volleyball.            C.swim.

14.How much will Jane pay a year if she goes to the new sports centre?

A.16 dollars.                       B.40 dollars.                 C.60 dollars.

15.When will Jane and Bob go to the sports center?

A.On Friday.                       B.On Saturday                 C.On Sunday.


16.Where will David have his birthday party?

A.In a restaurant.                   B.At home.                     C.In his uncle's house.

17.Who will cook dinner before the party?

A.David's parents                     B.David and his father.

C.David and his mother.

18.How many classmates of Davis' will come to the party?

A.Fourteen.                        B.Fifteen.                     C.Sixteen.

19.How long will the party last?

A.Three hours.                      B.Three and a half hours.      C.Four hours.

20.What are they going to do at the party?

A.To dance.                        B.To exchange their CDs.

C.To have a fashion show.


American High Schools


English,science,math and  21 

In English classes

Students study  22   and read famous novels.

In science classes

Students study biology,chemistry and  23 


History is more  24   to some students.

Other subjects

Music and  25


26.There is ________ “N” and ________ “u” in the word “number”.

A.an,an            B.a,an             C.a,a               D.an,a

27.After the exam,we'll have a ________ holiday.

A.three - days        B.three - day          C.three days           D.three day

28.It's too noisy,could you ________ your radio?.

A.turn on          B.rum up              C.take off             D.turn down

29.--Li Lei,________ you ________ your pen?

--Not yet.

A.did,find          B.have,found       C.has,found         D.do,find

30.I have ________ money than she,but I am ________ than she.

A.less,happier     B.fewer,happier     C.more,richer       D.much,richer

31.--Mom,where is my box?

--It ________ to the second floor by your father last night.

A.has carried         B.has been carried      C.carried              D.was carried

32.Turn off your camera madam.Look at the sign.It says ________.

A.No Smoking      B.No Parking         C.No Photos           D.No Visitors

33.Please help me with my Chinese,________?

A.will you            B.shall we            C.don't you            D.won't you

34.--We can use MSN to talk with each other on the Internet.

--Really? Will you please show me ________?

A.what to use         B.how to use it           C.where to use it     D.when to use it

35.It's clever ________ her to say good -bye at that time.

A.for               B.of                 C.by                  D.with




Kate Smith(English Teacher)


Mr.(√)/Mrs.(   )/Ms.(   ):Wang

Telephoned(   )  Called in( √ )  Wrote a note(   )


His daughter Angela will not be back at school until Thursday because she is sick.He would like to speak to you about the lessons she is missing.His phone number is 5859754.


Telephone(√)  Write a note(  ) Make a time to see(   )


Monday,April 12th

Time Mr. Wang visited


Notes: Call in来访;note 便条

36.What's wrong with Angela?

A.She can't find her way home.               B.She doesn't feel well

C.She didn't finish her homework.             D.She doesn't want to go to school.

37.When Will Angela be hack at school?

A.On April 15th.     B.On April 13th.      C.On April 12th.      D.On April 14th.

38.From the above chart we know that Mr. Wang

A.is Angela's English teacher                   B.is a man who answers telephones

C.is Angela’s father                          D.is Angela's doctor

39.Where was Mr. Wang at 1:50 p.m.on April 12th?

A.In the hospital.                                        B.In a shop.

C.In his office.                                                  D.In Angela's school.

40.What will Kate Smith probably do after reading this information?

A.Call Mr. Wang.                          B.Go to Mr. Wang's home.

C.Send Mr. Wang an e - mail.                 D.Write a note to Mr. Wang.


Have you ever dreamed of walking in space? On September 25th,2008,three Chinese astronauts went into space on the Shenzhou Ⅶ spaceship.Zhai Zhigang wore the Feitian spacesuit(太空服)and took a space walk on September 27th.This was an important step on the road toward building a space station.Our whole country felt happy,excited and proud.

But why does an astronaut need a spacesuit for a walk? The answer is that they need special clothing for the unique conditions in space.

Think about how you dress when you go outside on a cold winter day.You will put on thick clothes to protect yourself from the cold.In summer,when the sun is hot,you will carry an umbrella and wear sunglasses to protect yourself from the sunshine.Just like on Earth,in space astronauts have to protect themselves.

There are also harmful rays(有害射线)and small rocks in space,Temperatures there can reach as high as 200℃ in the sunlight and as low as -100℃ in the shade.A spacesuit should work like a small spaceship.It creates an Earthlike environment for the astronaut and allows the astronaut to walk safely in space.

A spacesuit can help the astronaut deal with some other problems,too.It can provide the astronaut with oxygen to breathe and make it possible for the astronaut to communicate with people on Earth.

41.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A.Ordinary people can go on a trip into space in the future.

B.China is working hard to build a space station.

C.China launched the Shenzhou Ⅶ spaceship on September 27.

D.The Feitian spacesuit was made by Zhai Zhigang.

42.What does the underlined word “conditions” mean in Chinese?

A.环境                   B.生物                   C.行星                      D.病菌

43.What is the temperature like in space?

A.It is always very low.                     B.It is always very high.

C.It can be very high and very low.            D.It is neither too high nor too low.

44.Which of the following CAN'T spacesuits do for astronauts?

A.Provide astronauts with oxygen.

B.Protect astronauts from harmful rays.

C.Let astronauts communicate with people on Earth.

D.Provide astronauts with food and drink.

45.What does the passage mainly want to tell us?

A.Why astronauts need to wear spacesuits in space.

B.The problems astronauts need to deal with in space.

C.How astronauts communicate with people on Earth.

D.China has made much progress in space technology.


It seems that many young people still think that smoking is “cool”.There are many reasons for this,for example,films.Many actors smoke in films and this can lead teenagers to think that smoking can be cool.But now,top actors are refusing roles that need them to smoke,so hopefully the “cool” factor(因素)will become much smaller.

I know that in England,many young people believe that smoking makes them look cool and attractive(吸引人的)! But it's probably true that smoking makes them look older.Doctors say that along with sugar and wine,smoking ages(使……老化)the slain faster than anything else.Do you really want to see wrinkles(皱纹)on your face at a young age? Do you really think that smoking will make you more attractive to that boy or girl in your class? Do you really believe that he or she will like someone that smells bad? This is simply a bad idea.

Besides causing cancer,smoking will also make you look bad and sad.So,boys and girls,forget about smoking ! Don't ever start.If you are smoking,give it up as quickly as possible.Let's live a healthy life without smoking.

46.Some young people think smoking is “cool” because _________.

A.many actors smoke in films

B.their parents often smoke before them

C.smoking can help them to grow up sooner

D.smoking can make them have more friends

47.Besides smoking,_________ can make people look older.

A.meat                                    B.milk and grain

C.ice cream                                D.sugar and drinking

48.Which of the following is NOT a result of smoking?

A.Smoking can cause cancer.                        B.Smoking can make people look old.

C.Smoking can make people look sad.           D.Smoking can make people go mad.

49.This passage is written for _________.

A.students who are against smoking             B.young people who like smoking

C.old people who think smoking is cool          D.parents who think smoking is cool

50.What's the writer's opinion on smoking?

A.Smoking can make young people popular in class.

B.Young people shouldn't smoke.

C.Adults should smoke to look cool.

D.Actors shouldn't smoke in films.

阅读理解       第二节


It was the hottest time in summer and everyone was complaining(抱怨)about the heat.This made the sun very angry,so he went away from the world.

The earth then became cold and dark.人们请求太阳原谅他们。They wanted him to come out again,but he refused.People decided to send someone to see the sun and chose a rooster(公鸡)in the end.

The rooster went to the sun’s palace and told him about the difficulties everyone was facing because of his absence in the sky,but the sun was unmoved.

“I will never appear in the sky again,” he said.“You can tell that to everyone.”

“That means I will have to go back home in the dark,” said the rooster sadly,“I'm sure the tiger is waiting for me in the forest.He said he would eat me if I couldn't bring back heat and light.Would you please come to help me if I'm in danger? And I will crow(打鸣)if I have trouble.”

The sun agreed.

The rooster went some distance and then started crowing as loudly as he could.The sun rushed out.He went in search of the rooster across the sky but the rooster was nowhere to be seen.He had hidden himself.

From then on,the sun will come out whenever he hears the rooster crow.

51.Why did the sun go away from the world?

52.People sent the rooster to the sun to ____________________.


54.The underlined word “absence” in the third paragraph probably means _________.(给出相近的汉语意思)

55.What do you think of the rooster?



School education is very important and useful.Yet no one can s___56___ everything at school and a teacher cannot teach his s___57___ everything they want to know.His w___58___ is to show his student h___59___.to learn.He teaches them how to read a___60___ how to think.So much more knowledge is to be learned outside school by the students t___61___.

It is always more i___62___ to know how to study b___63___ oneself.It is quite e___64___ to learn something,but it is difficult to use it to solve problems.Great inventors do not get everything a___65___ school,but they still can i___66___ many things and change the world a lot.

How can the inventors do all of this? O___67___ of the answers is:they k___68___ how to study.A lot of things are not t___69___ in the classroom.They got a lot o___70___ knowledge by reading outside school.They work hard and never give up all their lives.



A:Hi,Yao Ming ! I'm from Lives of the Very Famous magazine.Thank you for talking to me today.

B:Oh,___71___.It's nice to meet you,Amy.

A:Yao Ming,our readers want to know what famous people do for vacation.___72___ for your next vacation?

B:Well,I'm going to Australia.

A:Oh,___73___ there?

B:It's sunny and warm!

A:Really? ___74___ there?

B:Oh,going to the beach - maybe playing volleyball.But I don't want to play basketball there.

A:Oh,anything else?

B:Oh,yes,going sightseeing.I love traveling.

A:And ___75___?

B:Oh,only for two weeks.You know I have to go back to play basketball in the NBA.

A:Ok,I hope you'll have a wonderful time in Australia.











时间:120分钟   总分:120分





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