0  2156  2164  2170  2174  2180  2182  2186  2192  2194  2200  2206  2210  2212  2216  2222  2224  2230  2234  2236  2240  2242  2246  2248  2250  2251  2252  2254  2255  2256  2258  2260  2264  2266  2270  2272  2276  2282  2284  2290  2294  2296  2300  2306  2312  2314  2320  2324  2326  2332  2336  2342  2350  3002 



(满分 :120分  时间:90分钟)

I. 单项选择:(共20分)

(    )1.Jane’s mother was ill yesterday, so she had to look ____ her.

A. at                    B. for                  C. after                         D. out of

(    )2. ---______will it take us to get there by bus?  ---About two hours.

A. How soon             B. How often             C. How long              D. How quick

(    )3.It’s _______book, and ______is on the desk.

A. mine; his                    B. my; his                 C. mine; he               D. my ;he 

(    )4.---How about going out for a walk?   ---________

A. Good idea                                                B. The same with you

C. Wait a minute                                           D. Not at all

(    )5. ---_______ do you have an English party?  ---Once a month.

A. How old            B. How far                   C. How long           D. How often

(    )6.The meat is too big, let’s ______.

A. cut them up       B. cut it up                   C. cut up them         D. cut up it

(    )7.---Were there any seals in the aquarium?   ---________.

A. Yes, there was                                         B. No, there wasn’t

C. No, there were                                        D. Yes, there were.

(    )8. _______ the day , all the actors visited the Hope Project School.

A. In the end           B. In the end of      C. At the end of      D. By the end of

(   )9.It _______ me two hours to finish my homework yesterday.

A.took                 B. takes             C.spent               D. taked

(    )10.Arther is a _________ grandfather.

A. love                B. lovely          C. loving             D.loves

(    )11. She majored ________science in Peking University.

A. at                        B. on                C. in                D. with

(    )12. The students stop ______when the teacher came in . 

A. talk               B. talking            C. talked             D. to talk

(    )13.They get up early ___ Friday morning.

A. in                 B. on               C. at                D. /

(    )14.How about ______ TV at home?  

A. watch             B. watching          C. to watch          D. watched

(    )15.How ______ your brother ______his weekend?

A. does, spended      B. did, spent           C. did spend            D. did spended

(    )16.There ______ a large number of students in our school, and the number of them ______600.

A.is, is                    B.are, are              C.is, are                        D.are, is

(    )17.______ it is raining, ______ they are still working in the field.

A.Although,/            B.Although, but       C./,/                      D.If, but

(     )18.I thought about _______ to Canada.

A.moving                B.moves                C.move                  D.moved

(    )19.---What can I do ____ my English?

      ---You should practice reading it every morning.

A.improve              B. to improve        C. improving          D.improved

(    )20. ---Could I please use your computer?   ---             

A. Yes, I can.          B. Yes, you can’t     C. Sorry, you can’t    D. No, I can’t.

II.补全对话(共15分) A.根据表格内的选项完成下列对话:( 5分)

A: Do you like ball games?   B:  21 

A: Which ball game do you like best, football, basketball, or Ping-Pong?    B: 22 

A:I think I like football best.B:  23   But I like basketball better than football.

A:  24  .              B:Yes, most of the boys in my class are good at it.

A:  25  .                  B:Sorry, I'm afraid not. We'll have a class meeting this afternoon.

A.Football is very popular in our school.

B.Shall we have a basketball game after school?

C.It's hard to say. What about you?

D.Very much.

E.Are you good at basketball?

B. 根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个词),使对话完整。(10分,每小题2分)

A: Hi, Tina.(26)________________________ your school trip?

B: It was great.

A: Did you go to the zoo?

 B: (27)______________.I went to the aquarium.

 A: Were there any sharks?

 B: (28)______________.But there were some really clever seals.

 A: (29)_________________________.What else did you do?

 B: I met Jake Dean, the famous actor.

 A: Really? Did you get his autograph?

 B: No, I didn’t.(30)_____________________.Here it is.

 A: Wow. He looks very cool.

III. 完形填空(共20分)


It was the last lesson before   31   holidays.The students   32   very happy.Their English teacher was very happy,  33  .The teacher   34   played nice games with them. He sang some nice songs, and then he went to the blackboard and wrote “SMILES”  35  it.“This is one of the   36   words in English”, he said to the class.The   37  class laughed, and then one girl   38  and said,“Why is it one of the longest words in English?”The teacher said   39  for a while.Then he smiled and said,“ Because there is a mile between the   40   letter and the last.”

(    )31. A. a                B. an           C. the                   D. much

(    )32. A.is                 B. are           C. was                    D. were

(    )33. A.too               B. eight         C. neither                D. also

(    )34. A. a little        B. little         C. any                      D. also

(    )35. A.before           B. on           C. in                        D. in front of

(    )36. A.long             B. longer        C. longest                 D. short

(    )37. A.whole           B. each           C. all                       D. both

(    )38. A. stand up      B. sit down       C. stood up              D. lay down

(    )39. A. something   B. anything       C. nothing               D. everything

(    )40. A.one               B. first           C. two                      D. second



fly, find, put, throw, wing, beat, reach, come, learn, close, watch

White Tom and Mary were on holiday at the seaside, they enjoyed   41   the seagulls(海鸥). They 42  a lot about these birds. They will often come  43    to on the beach when you are eating anything. If you   44   a piece of bread to them ,they soon snatched (抓住) it up.

Seagulls swim well, but they do not often dive(潜水) for fish. They are also good at   45  with their large wings. When a seagull is flying, he   46    his legs under his body.

Tom often watched them   47   closer to the ground because he liked the way they   48   the air with their wings and brought down their feet before they   49   the ground.

Mary liked to see them gliding (滑翔) over the sea as they often do, without their   50  moving, but she said she didn’t like the noise they make.

IV. 根据汉语意思与英语提示完成句子(共15分,每空1分)

51. 昨天我们在公园照了相。

We__________ __________in the park yesterday.

52. 请把牛奶倒进杯里。

Please __________ the milk __________ the cup.

53. 他出生在一个大城市里。

He __________ __________ in a big city.

54. 谢谢你照看我的狗。

 Thanks __________ __________ __________ __________ my dog.

55. 我想找一份兼职工作干一两年,攒些钱。

 I’m going to find a ________ ________ for a year or two and_______ ________ ________.

V.阅读理解(共30分,A--D每小题1分; E每小题2分)



Personal Information

Ludwing Von


born in 1770 in Germany

a musician

died in 1827

Florence Nightingale

born in Italy on May 12th,1820

an English nurse

died in 1910


Bill Gates

born in 1955 in the USA

wrote Business @ the speed of Thought

owns Microsoft



born in 1847 in the USA

made over 1,000 inventions

died in 1931


Yao Ming

born on September 12th,1980 in Shanghai, China

a basketball player

playing in the Houston Rockets, USA


(    )56.Thomas Edison is From________.

       A.Canada             B.Italy                 C.the USA           D.China

(    )57.The________was born in 1770.

A.musician           B.nurse                 C.businessman        D.scientist

(    )58.Business @ the Speed of Thought is the name of a________.

A.country              B.book                C.school             D.film

(    )59.Florence Nightingale died in________.

A.1931               B.1827                C.1847              D.1910

(    )60.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Yao Ming is playing basketball in America.

B.Beethoven made over 1,000 inventions.

C.Edison was born in 1820.

D.Bill Gates worked in Microsoft in 1955.


It was two weeks before Christmas, and Mrs Smith was very busy. She bought a lot of Christmas cards to send to her and her husband’s friends, and she put them on her table in the living-room. Then, when her husband came home from work she said to him, “Here are the Christmas cards for friends, and here are some stamps, a pen and our book of address(地址). Will you please write the cards while I’m cooking the dinner?”

Mr. Smith did not say anything, but walked out of the living-room and went to his study(书房). Mrs Smith was very angry with him, but she didn’t say anything. In a minute Mr. Smith came back with a box full of Christmas cards. All of them had addresses and stamps on them. Mrs Smith was surprised.

“These are for last year,” he said to her. “I forgot to post them all.”

(    )61. This story happened on__________.

A. December 25                                 B. November 25

C. January 15                                   D. December 11

(    )62. Mrs Smith was_________write the cards.

A. too free to                                   B. so busy that she had no time to

C. not busy enough to                            D. so free that she couldn’t

(    )63. Mrs Smith was very angry with Mr. Smith because__________.

A. he worked there 

B. he said nothing

C. he didn’t want to write the Christmas cards

D. he forgot to post the old cards

(    )64. There was a box filled with Christmas cards__________.

A. in his study                                 B. in the living-room

C. out of his study                              D. out of the living-room

(    )65. Which of the following is wrong?

A. Mr Smith was perhaps(也许) working while his wife bought the cards.

B. The cards would only be sent to Mr Smith’s friends.

C. The cards would be sent to Mr and Mrs Smith’s friends.

D. Mr Smith didn’t remember to send the cards last year.


Tom and Simon were Americans. Once they visited Spain. One day they came into a little restaurant for lunch. They did not know Spanish(西班牙语), and the waiter did not know their American English, either. They wanted the waiter to understand that they needed some milk and eggs. At first Tom read the word “milk”many times. Then Simon spelled it on the table. But the waiter could not understand them at all. At last Tom took out of a piece(张) paper and began to draw a cow. The waiter looked at it and ran out of (跑出去) the restaurant.

“How clever you are!” Simon said to Tom, “He understood us at last!” After some time, the waiter came back, he brought no milk with him, but two tickets for a bull-fight(斗牛) down on their table!

(    ) 66. Where did Tom and Simon visit?

A. America           B. Spain                     C. England           D.China

(    )67. Tom and Simon went into a restaurant __________.

A. to buy a cow                                     B. to have lunch

C. to have dinner                                    D. to draw a picture of cow.

(    )68. The waiter did not understand Tom and Simon ______________.

A. because he ran out of the restaurant

B. because they wanted some milk and eggs

C. because they wanted some milk

D. because he didn’t know American English and they didn’t know Spanish

(    )69. Why did the waiter give them two tickets for a bull-fight?

A. Because Tom drew a cow not a bull(公牛).

B. Because the waiter was foolish.

C. Because the cow looked liked a bull.

D. Because Tom was foolish

(    )70. How many people are there in the story?

A. Three.           B. Two.             C.One                 D. Many.


One day,Mr Smith is going to take a train to his hometown.When the train starts,one of his shoes falls to the ground.The train is running faster and faster and he can't pick it up.Then he quickly takes off the other one and throw it on the ground near the fallen shoe.A little boy on the train asks him,“Why do you do that?”“I've already(已经)lost one shoe.”Mr Smith answers,“If a man picks them up,he may get a pair of shoes.”

(    )71.Mr Smith is going to his hometown____________.

A.by bus                    B.by train               C.by bike               D.on foot

(    )72.What happens to the man when the train starts?He loses___________.

A.his shoes                 B.his watch              C.one of his shoes     D.nothing

(    )73.Mr Smith can't pick up the fallen shoe because____________.

A.he don't want to take it                            B.the little boy has picked it up

C.he thinks it is too old                              D.the train has already started

(    )74.__________throws the other shoe on the ground.

A.Mr Smith                                              B.The little boy

C.Nobody                                                 D.The man and the boy

(    )75.Which of the following is true?

A.The boy wants the shoes.

B.Mr Smith doesn't want the shoes.

C.Mr Smith throws his fallen shoe on the ground.

D.Mr Smith thinks a man may get a pair of shoes to wear if he throws the other near the fallen shoe.


  Hello, everyone.Here is something important for everyone going to London next month. As you know, you are going to stay with a family for two weeks.Now, the most important thing is money. You should take about $530 with you.I think it will be enough for everyone.Then, when you arrive, your new family will meet you.You must remember to wear a red shirt, so the family will find you easily.They’ve been told you all wear red shirts.You’ll also need to take with you 4 photos of yourself and, of course, it’s very important that you take the school letter.While you’re there, if you have any problems, you can call Leech School Office.I’ll give you the office phone number now: it’s 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs Belcher…She’s in the office from nine o’clock in the morning until five in the afternoon every day.OK.That’s everything.Have a good journey!旅行)


76. Where are they going to ?


77. How long are they going to stay there for ?


78. Why must they wear red shirts?


79. What’s the school office telephone number?


80. What could Mrs Belcher’s job be according to the reading?



81. This pen is cheaper than the other two.(同义句转换)

This pen is ____________ ____________ of the three.

82. Jane came back home from school.(改为否定句)

Jane ____________ ____________ back home from school.

83. It’s 3 kilometers from my home to school. (提问)

    ____________ ____________ is it from your home to school?

84. We need one teaspoon of yogurt. (就划线部分提问)

 ____________ ____________ teaspoons of yogurt do you need?

85. I was in Beijing last week. (改为一般疑问句)

 ____________ ____________ in Beijing last week?

VII. 书面表达:(10分)

以Zhang Huan’ s Birthday Party 为题写一篇短文,不少于60个词。

提示词:12th birthday  celebrate(庆祝) card  dance  sing  cake  friend  happy

Zhang Huan’s Birthday Party





(总分:120 分     考试时间:100分钟)

第I卷 (共100分)



1.A.activity                              B.assistant                         C.Australia

2.A.country                              B.story                              C.dictionary

3.A.language                            B.age                                C.bridge

4.A.cabbage                              B.classmate                        C.cloudy

5.A.mind                                  B.market                           C.magazine


6.A.Thank you.                         B.Welcome.                       C.You’re welcome.

7.A.Yes, I like apples                B.Yes, please.                    C.No, I don’t like dumplings.

8.A.I can’t stand them.              B.There aren’t any.             C.I watched them.

9.A.Yes, I am.                          B.The movie is interesting.  C.No, I don’t.

10.A.He is watching the football game on TV.

B.He is in the shop.             C.He is very tall.


11.A.Room 2004.                      B.Room 2006.                   C.Room 2002.

12.A.Potatoes and tea.               B.Pizzas and milk.              C.Sandwiches and coffee.

13.A.To the movies.                  B.To school.                      C.To the library.

14.A.He went to the park.          B.He went to see the doctor.   C.He stayed at home.

15.A.Yes, there are some.          B.Yes, there are many.        C.Yes, there is a little.


16.The writer (作者) came to New York ________.

A.a week ago                      B.two weeks ago                C.two days ago

17.The writer is studying in a ________.

A.language school                B.middle school                 C.Chinese school

18.How many classes does the writer have every day?

A.Five classes.                     B.Three classes.                  C.Six classes.

19.The writer has to speak English most of the time because ________.

A.the writer likes to speak English

B.the teachers ask the students to speak English at school

C.there aren’t many Chinese students in the school

20.Are the Taylors friendly to the writer?

A.We don’t know.               B.No, they aren’t.              C.Yes, they are.


21.― ________ did you sleep last night?

― For 8 hours.

A.When                  B.How long             C.How often            D.How many

22.Where _________ Mary and Tina live?

A.is                        B.are                       C.do                        D.does

23.The boy likes reading and ________ music.

A.listening to           B.listen to                C.listening               D.listen

24.Do you know Peter? He’s the tall kid ________ short hair.

A.with                    B.has                       C.have                     D.had

25.― What’s your mother like?

― ________.

A.She’s OK                                              B.She likes apples very much 

C.She’s very tall                                       D.I don’t know

26.This is a ________ boy in the corner.

A.three years old      B.three-years-old      C.three-year-old       D.three year old

27.― Is your friend a boy or a girl?

― ________.

A.Yes, she is            B.No, she isn’t         C.She’s a girl           D.She’s a boy

28.― What’s the weather like?

― ________.

A.I like the weather                                   B.It’s rainy

C.I don’t like the weather                           D.It’s nine

29.― Would you like another cup of tea?

― Yes, ________.

A.please                  B.I would like          C.I would love         D.I would want

30.― Is Ann from ________?

― No, she is ________. She can speak Japanese.

A.France; Japanese   B.Franc; Japan         C.France; Japan        D.French; Japanese

31.― ________?

― Take the second turning on the right and you’ll see it.

A.Where can I go                                     B.When can I get to the station

C.Where is the shop                                   D.Which bus can I take

32.Jim put his hands behind his back, ________ nobody could see them.

A.so                        B.because                 C.or                        D.but

33.― What did he say to you?

― He wanted me ________ him up after lunch.

A.ring                     B.rings                    C.rang                     D.to ring

34.Come and work for the clothes shop ________ a sales assistant.

A.like                     B.for                       C.as                         D.to

35.We ________ school uniform every day.

A.wear                    B.put on                  C.puts on                 D.wearing

36.― What are Mr. and Mrs. Black doing?

― They ________ tea in the garden.

A.are drinking         B.drank                   C.have drunk            D.drink

37.― How about the movie you saw yesterday?

― Some people think it’s boring; ________ think it’s exciting.

A.others                  B.other                    C.the others              D.another

38.There was a strange (奇怪的) sound outside. Mary went out and ________ around, but she    _______ nothing.

A.looked; saw          B.saw; saw               C.watched; looked    D.looked; find

39.― Would you like ________ orange juice?

― No, thanks. I’m not thirsty.

A.any                      B.some                    C.many                    D./

40.― How was your weekend on the farm?

― Great! We ________ with the farmers.

A.enjoy ourselves     B.went fishing          C.will work              D.make friends



One day Li Hong’s class had an English exam. The teacher marked (评分) the student’s papers and then gave them   41   to the students. Li Hong   42  his paper. He saw his mark was 86.

Class was over. The students all   43   out and played on the playground,   44   Li Hong still sat there. He   45  the exercises again.   46   he gave his paper to the teacher. This time he got the exercises right.

  47   his classmates said to him, “ 48  did you do the exercises again? You can’t get   more (更多) marks for that.”

With a smile (微笑) Li Hong answered, “I   49  think so. I am not   50   the marks.”

41.A.down                    B.front                    C.back                     D.up

42.A.looked at              B.looked like            C.looked for            D.looked up

43.A.went                     B.go                        C.goes                     D.going

44.A.but                       B.and                      C.or                        D.so

45.A.do                        B.does                     C.doing                   D.did

46.A.So                        B.But                      C.Or                        D.Then

47.A.One in                  B.One of                  C.First in                 D.First of

48.A.What                    B.Why                     C.When                   D.How

49.A.am not                  B.doesn’t                 C.didn’t                   D.don’t

50.A.at                         B.for                       C.to                         D.of




If you visit a Chinese family you should knock at the door first. When the door opens you will not move before the host (主人) says “Come in, please, ” After you enter (进入) the room you will not sit down until the host asks you to take a seat. When a cup of tea is put on a tea table before you, you will say “Thank you!” and receive(接受) it with your two hands, or (否则) they will think you aren’t polite (礼貌的). Before entering the house in Japan, you should take off your shoes. In European countries, if your shoes become very dirty, this is not done (合乎礼俗的). In a Malay (马来西亚) house, a guest (客人) never finishes the food on the table, he leaves (留) a little to show that he has had enough (足够的). In England, a guest always finishes a drink or the food to show that he has enjoyed it. This will make the host very pleased.

51.In China, before the host says, “Come in, please, ” you will not _________.

A.knock at the door                                B.enter the room      

C.sit down                                             D.open the door

52.When the host gives you a cup of tea in China, you should _________.

A.say “I don’t want it”                            B.say nothing

C.receive it with a hand                           D.receive it with two hands

53.In Japan, you’d better _________ before you enter your host’s house.

A.take off your coat                                B.take off your shoes

C.say “Thank you”                                  D.stay outside

54.In England, a guest finishes a drink or the food to show that _________.

A.he likes it                                           B.he doesn’t like it   

C.he needs some drink                             D.he can’t have any more

55.The best title (题目) for this passage(短文) is _________.

A.Chinese and Englishmen                     

B.A Guest in Malay

C.Different Countries, Different Manners (风俗)

D.Take off Your Shoes in Japan


We talked with 300 people. One hundred were aged 11 to 18. One hundred were between 19 and 26 years of age. One hundred were 27 to 35 years old. We talked with them about their favorite things to do on weekends. The results (结果) are in the chart (图表).

56.People aged 19to 26 enjoyed ________ best on weekends.

A.taking a walk        B.playing computer games                          C.watching TV

57.Most of the people aged 11 to 18 didn’t like ________.

A.taking a walk        B.watching TV         C.going to the movies

58.In the 27 ? 35 group, ________ people enjoyed playing computer games on weekends.

A.about 75              B.about 60               C.about 20

59.Most of the people enjoyed ________.

A.playing computer games                         B.taking a walk

C.going to the movies and watching TV

60.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.People aged 27 to 35 enjoyed playing computer games best.

B.People aged 11 to 18 enjoyed going to the movies best.

C.Most of the people aged 19 to 26 didn’t like going to the movies.


Life in Britain

Homes and families

Many British people live in houses, not flats (公寓). Most houses have gardens.

Daily life (日常生活)

Most office (办公室) workers start work at about nine in the morning, and finish (结束) at about five or six in the afternoon. Most people don’t go home for lunch, and they just have a quick meal.

School life

Children start school at about nine am, and finish at about three thirty pm. Most children have lunch at school. All children go to school when (当……的时候) they are four or five years old, and leave (离开) when they are sixteen or seventeen.


Most shops open at about nine am and close at about six pm. Usually, they don’t close for lunch.

61.Many British people live in _________.

A.flats                    B.parks                    C.houses                D.gardens

62.Most offices start work at about _________ in the morning.

A.ten                      B.nine                     C.eight                  D.seven

63.Most office workers and school children don’t have lunch _________.

A.in the garden        B.in the shop            C.at home              D.at school

64.The children in Britain usually study at school for _________.

A.sixteen or seventeen years                       B.twelve or thirteen years

C.four or five years                                   D.four years

65.Can you buy things in the shops at lunch time?

A.No. They close for lunch.

B.Yes. But there are no people in the shop.

C.No. Shops open at 1 pm.

D.Yes. They don’t close for lunch.

第Ⅱ卷 (45分)


66.She is medium h                 and a little heavy.

67.Giraffes often eat l                on tall trees.

68.The Palace M                is an interesting place.

69.I love Chinese food because it is d                .

70.Are there many newspapers and m                in the reading room?



71.That is my dictionary.(改为复数形式)

_______________ are our _______________.

72.She has some nice watches.(改为否定句)

She _______________ have _______________ nice watches.

73.He goes to bed at around 8:00.(就划线部分提问)

_______________ _______________ he go to bed?

74.She is tall and thin.(就划线部分提问)

_______________ does she _______________  _______________?

75.His father is a doctor.(就划线部分提问)

_______________ _______________ his father do?

76.We visited our friends last night.(就划线部分提问)

What _______________ you _______________ last night?


77.A.What’s the price of the computer?

B._______________  _______________ is the computer?.

78.A.How is the weather in summer?

B._______________ is the weather _______________ in summer?

79.A.Most students think English is a little difficult..

B.Most students think English is _______________  _______________ difficult.

80.My father would like to eat dumplings.(改为同义句)

My father ______________  ______________ eat dumplings.


A.That’s interesting.

B.What about you?

C.She wants to be a bank clerk.

D.She’s a bank clerk.

E.You want to be a reporter?

F.That’s boring.

G.I want to be a policeman.

― So, Mary, what does your mother do?


― Do you want to be a bank clerk, too?

― Oh, no, no.   82   They’re usually counting money.

― Then, what do you want to be?


― Oh, it’s busy, dangerous, and difficult.

― But it’s kind of exciting and interesting.   84 

― I like talking to people, meeting pop stars and VIPs and writing stories.


― Yes, I do.

81.__________    82.__________    83.__________    84.__________    85.__________


Like most Chinese   86  , American students have little time to   87  . Most of the time they have to study at and after   88  .

Steven Guzman is only 12. He usually   89   up at 6:00 every weekday morning and he quickly has his   90   in five minutes. He goes to school   91   bus. He  gets to school   92   7:50 in the morning and goes   93   at 4:00 in the afternoon. In the evening, he has to practice the piano   94   two hours after he   95   his homework. Each day is busy for him!

86.__________    87.__________    88.__________    89.__________    90.__________

91.__________    92.__________    93.__________    94.__________    95.__________













Sunday, June 18th                                                                                                    Sunny

    Today the weather was sunny.                                                   






第Ⅰ卷  (共75分)



1.  A. One year.                          B. Yesterday.                          C. Sometimes.

2.  A. It is yellow.                       B. It is a potato.                      C. It’s delicious.

3.  A. By plane.                          B. That sounds interesting.       C. On Saturday.

4.  A. Yes, she isn’t.                    B. No, she is.                          C. No, she isn’t.

5.  A. Good idea.                        B. No, I don’t.                        C. Yes, good idea.



6.  What does Jenny want to do this afternoon?

A. Have a swim.                    B. See a movie.                      C. Do some reading.

7.  What time will they leave?

A. At 3:00.                            B. At 4:00.                             C. At 4:45.


8.  Where is the new sports center?

A. On Long Road.                  B. In Bridge Street.                 C. On Station Road.

9.  What did Tony do in the sports center last week?

A. He played volleyball and basketball.

B. He played tennis and basketball.

C. He played table tennis and volleyball.

10.  When will Mary and Tony go to the sports center?

A. Next Tuesday.                   B. Next Thursday.                   C. Next Friday.


11.  Peter Brown is ___________.

A. an old farmer                    B. a young farmer                   C. an old doctor.

12.  The most modern building on the farm is ___________.

A. the farmhouse (农舍)    B. the building for cows          C. the kitchen

13.  They have about ___________ hens (母鸡) and ducks.

A. twenty                             B. twelve                               C. ten

14.  What don’t they grow?

A. Wheat (小麦).              B. Corn (玉米).                 C. Rice.

15.  Which sentence is wrong according to the talk?

A. The farmhouse is very nice.

B. Peter doesn’t like riding horses (马).

C. Peter likes farming very much.



16.  Would you mind _________ in class?

A. no talking              B. not talking           C. no talk                   D. not talk

17.  ―_________ have you been in this school?

―For two years.

A. How often             B. When                  C. How soon               D. How long

18.  Our teacher told us light(光) _________ much faster than sound .

A. travels                   B. traveled               C. had traveled            D. will travel

19.  My father _________ Beijing on business for three days. He will be back in two days.

A. have gone to          B. has gone to           C. has been to             D. has been in

20.  The price of this bicycle is quite _________. I don’t have enough money to buy it.

A. low                       B. rich                     C. high                       D. expensive

21.  It has been two years _________ he came to China.

A. since                     B. after                    C. before                    D. till

22.  ― Would you like some butter with your bread?

― ____________.

A. Not at all                                             B. OK. Here you are

C. That is right.                                         D. Yes, a little, please

23.  There isn’t going to be any pollution in the future, _________?

A. be there                 B. be not there          C. is there                   D. isn’t there

24.  ―Would you mind if I smoke here?

―_________. No smoking here.

A. Oh, please don’t                                   B. Yes, please.

C. Of course not                                        D. It doesn’t matter

25.  While we _________, we saw a UFO land on a street.

A. were shopping       B. shopped               C. are shopping           D. shop

26.  He won’t join in the party. I won’t, _________.

A. yet                        B. either                   C. also                       D. too

27.  I don’t know when he _________ tomorrow. If he _________, I’ll let you know.

A. comes, comes                                       B. will come, comes

C. comes, will come                                  D. came, will come

28.  ―You are Jim’s sister, aren’t you?


A. No, I am               B. Yes, I’m not         C. Yes, I am               D. Yes, you are

29.  I had a hard time _________ where the post office is.

A. finding                  B. found                  C. finds                      D. to find

30.  There are lots of shops on _________ of the street.

A. every sides            B. all sides               C. both sides               D. neither sides



I first saw the baby panda when she was only 10 days old. She looked like a white mouse. We   31   her Xi Wang. It means “hope”.

When Xi Wang was born, she was just 100 grams(克). Xi Wang drank her mother’s milk for as   32   as 14 hours a day. When she was six months old, she started to eat bamboo shoots(嫩芽). Eight months   33  , she was not a small baby any more. She grew into a   34   young panda and weighed  35   kilos. When Xi Wang was 20 months old, she had to look after herself because her mother had another baby. Xiao Wang has to live by itself.   35  , it is very difficult for pandas to live in the wild. Here are some problems that pandas like Xi Wang may have in the future.

If hunters(猎人) catch a panda, they will   36   it for its fur(皮毛). If farmers   37   trees and forests, pandas will have no place   38  .

When mothers leave baby pandas   39  , people will often take them away. People think that the baby pandas need help.

If pandas are in danger, we should try our best to protect them. If we do   40  , soon there will be no pandas in the world.

31.  A. made                    B. called                  C. told                       D. kept

32.  A. longer                   B. long                    C. much                     D. little

33.  A. later                      B. sooner                 C. after                      D. in

34.  A. strange                  B. weak                   C. famous                   D. healthy

35.  A. Luckily                 B. But                      C. However                D. Especially

36.  A. kill                       B. feed                     C. have                      D. eat

37.  A. cut down               B. plant                    C. protect                   D. water

38.  A. to play                  B. to eat                   C. to live                    D. to live in

39.  A. lonely                   B. together               C. alone                     D. happy

40.  A. nothing                 B. everything            C. anything                 D. something



A wife and a husband had just come back from London. It was a long journey. They were both very tired. When they went up to the door of their house, the husband put his hands into his pockets and suddenly stopped. “Alas, I lost my key!” he cried out. “What? I knew it well that a man like you must always be careless(粗心的), so I hid(藏) another one,” the wife said with a smile.

“That’s wonderful! Dear! Hurry up to open the door!”

“Oh, I put it in a drawer, ”said the wife with a red face.

41.  The wife and the husband were very tired because __________.

A. they went a short way and had little rest

B. they had just returned from London

C. they both hurried up to the door

D. they walked from morning till evening

42.  What had happened when they got to the door of their house? __________

A. The husband was too tired to move.

B. The husband lost all the money he had.

C. The husband found the door open.

D. The husband lost the key to the door.

43.  The husband was happy again because __________.

A. his wife hid another key to the door

B. his wife was so kind to him as before

C. he found the door was not locked

D. he himself found the key to the door

44.  Where did the wife hide their key?

A. In a box.              B. In a drawer.         C. In a bag.                D. In a pocket.

45.  What do you think of the wife and the husband?

A. The wife was more careless than the husband.

B. The husband was more careless than the wife.

C. The wife was as careless as the husband.

D. The husband was as careful as the wife.


Jack is in Grade Three now. He is a polite boy and studies hard. He is good at his lesson and can answer all the questions in class. His teachers and classmates like him except Henry. They’re deskmates, but Henry likes playing and often fails in the exams. His father is a dentist and gets a lot of money. The boy thinks he lives in the richest family in town. So he looks down upon(瞧不起) others and laughs at them. Of course he has few friends.

Jack is busy all the time. His father is a shoe-maker. The man has to work hard but he can’t buy enough food for family. He tells Jack to help him after school. So the boy has to do all his homework at school. He’s ready to do so.

One summer afternoon, on his way home, Jack met his sister Lily.

The girl carried a heavy box in her arms without wearing shoes. Jack carried it for her. Henry saw her and said, “Your father is a shoe-maker, but your sister has no shoes!”

“I don’t think it’s strange,” returned Jack. “Your father is a dentist, but your sister has no teeth when she was born!”

46.  The teachers and classmates like Jack because ___________.

A. he does well in his lessons                      B. he’s polite to everybody

C. he’s a bad boy                                      D. A and B

47.  Henry thinks ___________, so he looks down upon any other child.

A. he plays well                                        B. his father is a dentist

C. he’s very clever                                    D. his family is the richest

48.  Henry has few friends because ___________.

A. he is weak in his lessons                        B. he often laughs at others

C. he doesn’t study hard                             D. he always stays at home

49.  One day, Henry laughed at Jack because ___________.

A. Jack’s sister didn’t wear shoes               

B. Jack’s sister had to work

C. Jack had to help his father.                    

D. Jack’s father was a shoe-maker.

50.  We can know from the passage that ___________.

A. Jack didn’t help his father do housework

B. Jack was helpful (有帮助的) to his family

C. Henry did well in all his lessons             

D. Jack’s family was very rich



Personal Information

Norman Bethune

★ Born in 1890 in Canada        ★ A doctor

★ Came to China in 1938        ★ Died in 1939 in China

Celine Dion

★ Born in Montreal, Canada      ★ A singing star

★ In 1997, sang My Heart Will Go On for the film Titanic

Thomas Edison

★ Born in 1847, Kentucky, USA   ★ Made over 1000 inventions (发明)

★ Died in 1931

Bill Getes

★ Born in 1955 in USA          ★ Owns Microsoft Company

★ Wrote Business@the Speed of Thought

Mark Twain

★ Born in 1835 in USA          ★ A writer

★ Wrote the Adventures of Tom Sawyer   ★ Died in 1910

51.  _________ is from Canada.

A. Bill Gates              B. Mark Twain         C. Thomas Edison       D. Celine Dion

52.  The _________ was born in 1835.

A. inventor                B. singer                  C. doctor                    D. writer

53.  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is the name of a _________.

A. book                     B. song                    C. company                D. film

54.  Dr Bethune worked in China for about _________ years.

A. 2                          B. 4                         C. 6                           D. 8

55.  Which of the following is true?

A. Mark Twain wrote Business@ the Speed of Thought.

B. Bill Gate started working for Microsoft Company in 1955.

C. Thomas Edison made over 1000 inventions.

D. Celine Dion stopped singing in 1997.

第Ⅱ卷  (共45分)


1.  I have been to an aquarium.(改为否定句)

I ____________  ____________been to an aquarium.

2.  They should talk about their problems. (改为一般疑问句)

____________ they ____________ about their problems?

3.  Aunt Li had to take Tom to hospital.(对划线部分提问)

What ____________ Aunt Li ____________ to do?

4.  There was nothing interesting at the party, ___________  ___________?(变为反意疑问句)

5.  It’s interesting to play football.(变为同义句)

____________ football ____________ interesting.

6.  My dog is too big to sleep on my bed.(同义句)

My dog isn’t ____________  ____________ to sleep on my bed.

7.  “Who takes my watch?” She asked.(改为间接引语)

She asked who ____________  ____________ watch.

8.  I have already finished my homework.(改为一般疑问句)

____________ you finished your homework ____________?

9.  你为什么不买条围巾呢?

____________  ____________ you buy a scarf?

10.  我的梦想将会实现。

My dream will ____________  ____________.



A.How long have you been in China?

B.What do you think of Chinese people?

C.Not at all.

D.You too.

E.will it?

F.What about Chinese people?

G.isn’t it?

A:It is going to rain,   1 

B:Yes, I think so. The weather here changes so fast.

A:Oh, that’s right.   2 

B:Since I got my Doctor’s degree(博士学位).

A:  3 

B:They are … Wow…quite friendly and warm-hearted. Oh, would you mind telling me how to get to Tian’anmen Square?

A:  4   You can take the 2008 bus here.

B:Thank you very much.

A:It’s my pleasure. Have a nice day.

B:  5 

1.__________    2.__________      3.__________      4.__________      5.__________



A young man went to a mountain village for his holiday. That night he   1   at a small hotel near a train station.   2   going to bed, he went to the owner of the hotel and said, “Excuse me, sir. Will you please   3   me up at a quarter to five? I’ll   4   the five o’clock train tomorrow morning.”

“Oh, sorry,” the owner said in a hurry, “I am afraid I   5  . I can’t get up so   6  .”

The young man just wanted to go   7   to his room when he stopped and asked, “Do you have an alarm clock(闹钟)?   8   it can help me.”

“Yes, here it is, young man.”

The young man got the clock happily and   9   the old man. But when he looked at the clock carefully, it seemed there was something   10   with it.

“Can it ring on time?” he asked the old man.

“Sure! You just give a good shake(摇晃) when time is up. And it will ring.”



1.  彼此友好。

2.  需要帮助时要说“请”和“谢谢”。

3.  公共场合不要大声讲话。

4.  如果上课迟到或把作业忘在家里了,你应该说“对不起”。

5.  如果有人处于困境中,别嘲笑,帮助别人才是礼貌的。


Good Manners







时间:100分钟    分值:120分






  祝考试顺利!Good Luck!


















6.Where does Judy live?

   A.Japanese                    B.America                     C.English

7.What is the woman doing?

   A.She is buying a phone      B.She is asking the way     C.She is making a call

8.How is the weather now?

   A.It’s rainy                       B.It’s windy                   C.It’s sunny

9.What could the man like?

   A.A hamburger and tea    B.A hamburger and coffer C.tea and coffer

10.What subject does the girl like?

   A.English                         B.Science                       C.Math




11.What are they talking?

A.In one’s home             B.On the telephone           C.At school

12.When can Li Wei go to help the girl?

    A.Today                         B.Sunday afternoon         C.tomorrow morning


13.What did Wr Wang ask his students to do one day?

    A.He asked them to play football with him

    B.He asked them to go home quickly after school

    C.He asked them to write a composition

14.Who put up his hand a few seconds later?

    A.Tom                            B.Jack                           C.Linda

15.Who was the weather like the day before?

    A.It was sunny            B.It was cloudy              C.It was rainy



Age:_________________________________________ (16)

Country:_____________________________________________ (17)



Who wants Keiko to her pen pal ________________________________ (20)

第二部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节  多项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.___________  . Is there a post office near here?

   _____________, I don’s know

    A.Excuse me; sorry                   B.Sorry; Excuse me

    C.Sorry; Sorry                       D.Excuse me ; No

22.Please give the book _________ me

    A.to                       B.of               C.for              D.with

23.How about ____________  for a walk?

    A.goes                   B.to go            C.going                  D.go

24.__________ tall boy he is!

    A.What a                B.How            C.How a          D.What

25.Look! A dog __________ on the load.

    A.is lieing                    B.lies               C.lie                D.is lying

26.He had great fun ________ in the garden yesterday.

    A.pays                  B.play             C.playing         D.played

27.Yao Ming is talking __________ his friend.

They’ re  talking __________ English

A.with ; in             B.with ;with      C.with ; to        D.in ;in


     She is a nurse.

A.What is she?                                   B.What does she do?

C.What’s her job?                                D.A.Band C

29.________________ you in America in 2008?

     Yes , I _____________

A.Were ; were           B.Was ; Were     C.Was; Were       D.Was;was

30.Do you mind___________ here ?

A.I smoking            B.to smoke       C.my smoking  D.smoke

31.My math Teacher has a _______ daughter.

    A.nine years old        B.nine-year-old   C.nine-years-old  D.nine year old

32.I _________ a small girl _________ in the street yesterday.

    A.find; cry              B.found; to cry   C.found; crying   D.find; crying

33.Stop __________ and listen to the teacher______-

A.to talk ; carefully                              B.talking ; careful 

C.talking; carefully                               D.to talk; careful

34.Do you know _______ ?

    A.on the tree the boy                         B.the boy from Beijing

    C.at home the boy                           D.under the tree the boy

35.__________ Mr White _________?

    A.Where is ; come                             B.Where is ; come from

    C.Where does ; come                           D.Where does ; come from

第二节 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


     Steve comes from England. He is now studying in a school in Jingmen. There are lots of school ___36___  in his new school. Such as (例如)“Don’t eat in class. Don’t fight and don’t be late for school.”But he can’t stand some of the rule. In ___37___ ,  he usually gets up at 8:00 , but he has to get up at 6:00 here. He has to wear his uniform at school and sports  shoes for P.E class. He thinks they are too __38 ____  What’s more , there are many kinds of clubs, and everyone has to join a club at 4:00 to 5:00 p.m . It’s rule , too. Steve isn’s good at music, but he joins the music club. Do you know ___39_____ ?  Because every student here must pass(通过,及格) all his ______40____.

36.A.rules            B.teachers         C.work            D.classrooms

37.A.English          B.Japan            C.Jingmen       D.school 

38.A.good            B.strict             C.funny           D.fashion

39.A.what            B.how             C.why             D.when

40.A.sports           B.books           C.homework     D.subjects


   Li Ming is five years old. He is the only child(独生子) in his family. He is a smart boy. He likes to read and write.  He likes playing with older children. He wants to ______41______  from them.

   Li Ming’s mother is a teacher. She teaches Chinese in a middle school. Liming loves very much. Liming  often takes a walk with his father in a small park after supper. He likes walking very much. He tells his father that ___42 ____ is going to be a runner just like Liu Xiang .  Liu Ming thinks his father is the best _____43____ in the word .

     But today Li  Ming sits in the sofa after supper. He doesn’t take a walk with his father. “Why don’t you take a walk with your father ?” asks his mother

     “Because my father is a _____44____ man , ” answers Li Ming

     “Why ?” asks his mother again

     “Animals are our good friends ,”  says Li Ming. “But my father kills ten frogs and ____45____ them .”

41.A.learn             B.look              C.see               D.hear

42.A.he              B.she               C.they              D.his

43.A.boy               B.girl               C.man             D.woman

44.A.had               B.nice              C.good            D.well

45.A.find              B.looks             C.eats               D.drinks

第三部分  阅读理解(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

        阅读下列短文,从46―60, 各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。


  Lily has a black dress. She thinks it’s very nice. Black is Lily’s favourite colour . She doesn’t like colorful dresses at all.

   Lily also has a pair of sunglasses. She bought the sunglasses with all her pocket money ¥20. She thinks they are really cool. She really loves them.

Linda is Lily’s friend. She has a  colorful scarf. It’s red, white and blue. She likes it a lat. This is Linda’s watch. It’s brown. Linda thinks it’s lovely. Today is Monday, June 14th. This Sunday is Linda’s birthday. Lily wants to give her a red and green wallet.

46._________ is Lily’s favorite color.

A.Red            B.Black                  C.Green            D.Colourful

47.How much is Lily’s sunglasses?

A.¥20            B.¥80              C.¥100           D.¥50

48.Linda has a colorful ________

A.dress           B.watch            C.scarf            D.photo

49.When is Linda’s birthday?

A.June 14th    B.June 18th      C.June  20th     D.June  19th

50.Lily wants to give ________  to Linda for her birthday.

A.a  pair of sunglasses                 B.toy   

C.a watch                                     D.a wallet


  We have a new classroom. In the classroom you can see forty-five desks and chairs. They are orange. A map of the word, a clock and a blackboard(黑板) are on the wall. The brooms  are behind the door. On a desk you can see some flowers. They are  beautiful. We give them to our teacher. Miss Lin .Every day we water the flowers.

 Look! You can see a football under a desk. That’s Jimmy’s desk. The football is his ,too. My desk is behind Jimmy’s. You can see some Chinese books on it. They are mine. My friend Mike sits on my left. You can see a nice picture on his desk. It’s a picture of our classroom. Sue’s desk is behind Mike’s. You can see some apples on it.

  Now it’s about four thirty. It’s time for us to play games.

51.What’s a on the wall?

    A.A clock, a blackboard and a picture

    B.A clock, a map of the world and a picture

    C.A clock, a map of the world and a blackboard

    D.A map of the world、a clock and a picture

52.What’s the best title(最好的标题) of the passage?

      A.Our class            B.Our classroom       C.Our school     D.My Friends

53.Where is Mike’s desk?

    A.Behind Jimmy’s      B.behind mine           C.Behind Sue’s   D.On my left

54.What’s the Chinese meaning of “brooms”?

    A.讲台                  B.扫帚                   C.地图             D.椅子

55.What may be Jimmy’s favorite sport?

    A.Football               B.Basketball             C.Volleyball      D.Table tennis


       Welcome  to the Zoo


Monday to Friday      10:00 am ---6:00 pm

Saturday to Sunday     8:00 am ---8:00 pm


Adults      ¥8.00

15-18                             ¥ 6.00

8-14                                 ¥ 3.00

Under 8        Free

  Try our Train Ride for ¥2.00 each person!

56.On Sunday, the zoo opens at ___________.

A.10:00 in the morning               B.8:00 in the morning

C.6:00 in the afternoon                 D.8:00 in the afternoon

57.The zoo opens _______ days a week .

A.six              B.two                C.five              D.seven

58.If you are 17 years old, you want to go to the zoo, you should pay_____.

A.¥ 3          B.¥ 6            C.¥ 8            D.free

59.Kate is 12, and her little is 6.If they go to the zoo, they should pay______.

A.¥9            B.¥11             C.¥6              D.¥3

60.If you are 14 and your brother is 7,how much do you pay for the train Ride?

A.¥2           B.¥4            C.¥6             D.¥7


第一节 情景交际(共10个小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


(A)It’s between the post office and the the supermarket.

(B)Because they’re strong and brave.

(C)She speaks Japanese.

(D)He lives in China.

(E)Yes, there is.It’s next to the post office.

61.Where is No.1Middle School?

62.Why do you like lions?

63.Is there a bus stop near here?

64.What language dose the girl speak?

65.Where dose Yao Ming live?

 61.______  62.______  63._______   64._______  65._______


Henry: What (66) _______ do you like, Susan?                       66.______

Susan: I like elephant.

Henry: Why do you like elephant?                                      67.____

Susan: Because it’s the (67)_______ animal in the world. And it has a long nose. 

Henry: What other animals do you like ?

Susan; I like koalas, too. Because they are cute .                           68._____

Henry: What do koalas eat?

Susan: They eat (68)_________ .                                    69.______

Henry: Do you like pandas? 

Susan: Yes, I do.I know (69)___________ are very shy and friendly.       70.______

Henry: Would you (70) ________ to go to the zoo with me?

Susan: Yes, I’d love to.

第二节 单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


71.Dose the young man enjoy living with _____ (he) parents?          71.______

72.Today we are _________. (relax)                               72.______

73.There are forty _________ (woman) teachers in our school.         73.______

74.Jay Chou is one of the most p_________ singers in China.              74.______

75.He w______ a letter to his mother yesterday.                         75.______

76.Playing football in the street is d_______.                           76.______

77.They are talking ______(通过)the phone.                         77._______

78._____(每个人)has a dictionary in our class.                       78._______

79.I met him before, but I can’t ______(记住)his name.                79._______

80.How many _______(语言)are there in the world?                  80.________

第三节 句型转换(共5小题,每空1词,满分10分)

81.Is Mary listening to music(给出否定回答)

No, ________ ________ .

82.Wang Liqing is thin and tall.(对划线部分提问)

What ______________ Wang Liqing _________ like?

83.My parents did some cleaning this morning.(用every day 改写句子)

My parents ___________ some __________ every day .

84.She is eight years old.(对划线部分提问)

__________ ___________ is she ?

85.Don’t talk in class!改为同义句)

__________ ___________ in class!

第四节 填空题(共10题;每小题1分,满分10分)仔细观察图中的内容,根据上下文从方框中选出合适的词完成对话,并把答案写在下方横线上。

library, park, bank, left, else, between, across, neighborhood, down, map

A: Look at this 86. What ‘s in my 87?

B: Let me see. There is a school, a post office, a park and a 88 in your neighborhood.

A: That’s right. Where ‘s the 89?

B: It’s90 the school and the post office, and it’s 91 from the library.

A: Yes. You’re at A.Go 92 the Avenue and turn 93 . Walk along Center Street. There is a library on your left. What 94 can you see on your left?

B: Er…I can see the 95. There is a post office across from it.

A: You’re quite right.  

第五节 任务型阅读 阅读下面的短文,按要求完成短文后的各项任务。(共6小题,其中96、97、98、99、100每小题2分,97、101每小题1分,满分10分)

Mike is an Australia boy. Now Mike is calling his friend Kate. Kate lives in London. Mike says, “(96 How’s it? going ?”

“(97)__________.” Kate answers.

“(98)How is the weather there?” Mike asks.

“Terrible! It’s (99) foggy and cold. Now I am reading in my house, because the fog is very thick(浓的 ).We can’t go to school.Now, how’s the weather in Sydney?” Kate asks.

“It’s shining and warm. Now I ‘m walking with my grandmother.  My brother is playing basketball with his friends. Are your parents at home?” Mike asks.

“Yes,” Kate answers.

“(100)_______ ?” Mike asks again.

“Oh, my mother is cooking and my father (101)_______ ((watch) a Chinese action movie Rush Hour on TV. We will go to visit Australia on vacation.” Kate answers.

“Have a good time and welcome to my country.” Mike says.



A.Bad     B.Great   C.Terrible



100.根据上下文的内容,请在(100)处填入一个恰当的句子: _____________。


第六节 书面表达(满分10分)


个人爱好:喜欢动物和唱歌,还喜欢运动。 家庭成员:父亲是记者,母亲是老师。

天气情况:夏天很热,冬天很冷。           个人长相:圆脸,黑头发,喜欢穿红色T恤。

Dear Lucy ,

I’m happy to have you as my pen pal.____________________________________________













第一部分 听力 (共20分)

I. 听句子,在每句中填上所缺的单词,每空一词(每句读一遍)

1. You can’t take ________ in the museum.

2. He wasn’t here today _________ he is ill.

3. What’s the _____________ of the city?

4. After a ________ breakfast, he went to school.

5. Christmas is on ____________ 25th.

II. 听句子,选择适当的答语(句子读一遍)

(  ) 6. A. She is medium height.

        B. She is a student.

        C. She likes her brother very much.

(  ) 7. A. Yes, he is.          B. He is short.        C. He is thin.

(  ) 8. A. It is very long.      B. She has curly hair.   C. Blond.

(  ) 9. A. She is medium build.

   B. She comes from England.

      C. She is wearing a blue shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

(  ) 10. A. Chaplin.           B. He wears a beard.   C. Jim is very funny.


(  ) 11.Bill Gates is a famous computer scientist.

(  ) 12.Bill Gates was born in 1945.

(  ) 13.Bill Gates grew up in America.

(  ) 14.Bill Gates likes reading but doesn’t like playing golf.

(  ) 15.Bill Gates is richer than anyone else in the world.


(  ) 16.Why was Mr. Smith angry ?

A. Because Frank made noise in his class.

B. Because Frank didn’t listen to him carefully.

C. Because Frank was late for school again.

(  ) 17.Mr. Smith told the students _______.

A. to be careful in class

    B. to be careful when they cross the street

    C. to be careful when they wait for the bus

(  ) 18.Frank was late for school again because _______.

    A. the street was busy

    B. there were too many cars

    C. there was a car stopping in the street

(  ) 19.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Frank was a very good student.

B. Frank was late for school again.

C. Mr. Smith didn’t listen to his excuse.

(  ) 20.Did Frank really understand his teacher’s words?

A. Yes, he did.            B. No, he didn’t.         C. We don’t know.

第二部分  笔试  (共100分)

I.单项选择 (本题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

(   ) 1. --- _______________________ ?

--- It’s July 7th.

A. What time is it?                          B. What’s the date today?

C. What’s the weather like today?              D. How are you today?

(   ) 2. --- ______ is it from here to your school?

      --- It is about an hour’s walk.

    A. How long                              B. How much

    C. How far                                D. How many

(   ) 3. It’s difficult ______ English well.

    A. of us to learn                            B. for us to learn

    C. of us learning                           D. for us learning

(   ) 4. Xi’an is one of ______ capital ______ in China.

    A. older; city                                 B. the older; city

    C. oldest; cities                         D. the oldest; cities

(   ) 5. We saw a movie ____ Zhan Tianyou ____ the evening of June 1st.

    A. in; in            B. on; in             C. about; on            D. about; in

(   ) 6. What ______ Tom ______ next weekend?

    A. did; do           B. is; doing         C. is; going to do        D. does; do

(   ) 7. Traveling by air may be ______, but not so______ .

    A. quicker; cheaper                        B. more quickly; cheap

    C. quicker; cheap                         D. more quickly; cheaper

(   ) 8. Let’s _____ about the plan. Can you ____ English?

    A. say, speak     B. talk, speak      C. say, say                D. talk, speak

(   ) 9. Jim is good at playing ___ football, but he doesn’t know how to play ______ piano.

    A. the; the       B. /; the         C. the; /                  D. /; /

(   ) 10. ---Who ______ the piano?

       ---My sister, when she ______ time.

    A. plays; has                             B. is playing; has  

C. plays; is playing                        D. is playing; has had

(   ) 11. What ______ in the middle of the film?

    A. was happen                                  B. does happen

    C. did happen                             D. happened

(   ) 12. The woman has ______ girl.

    A. a 8-year-old                      B. a 8 years old

    C. an 8-year-old                     D. an 8 year old

(   ) 13. I began to teach English _______.

    A. for two years                     B. three years ago

    C. in two years                      D. three years before

(   ) 14. ______ a picnic is great at the weekend. Do you think so?

    A. Have          B. Has             C. Having               D. Had

(   ) 15. A music class is very______. We are really very ______ in it.

    A. relaxing, relaxed                     B. relaxed; relaxing

    C. relaxing; relaxing                    D. relaxed; relaxed

(   ) 16. My grandpa will ______ Beijing tomorrow morning.

    A. arrive         B. get              C. reach                 D. go

(   ) 17. It’s raining outside. You’d better ______ your raincoat.

    A. put on         B. put up          C. dress                  D. to wear

(   ) 18. ---______ Jack late for class this morning?

       --- No, he ______.

    A. Is; isn’t                           B. Was; wasn’t 

C. Were; weren’t                      D. Does; doesn’t

(   ) 19. Tom didn’t come to school yesterday______ he was very ill.

    A. but            B. so               C. because               D. and

(   ) 20. We won't go to town if it ______ tomorrow.

    A. rains           B. rain             C. will rain              D. won’t rain



1. It was raining __________ (heavy), and we didn’t go to school.

2. Mao Zedong was the _________ (found) of the PRC.

3. Our math teacher asked us ______________ (not use) calculators.

4. The book is ______________________ (interesting) one of all the books..

5. Mike ________ (watch) TV yesterday evening.

B. 根据首字母提示完成单词(每小题1分,共10分)

6. Spring F__________ is the most important in China.

7. Tony, what are our p______ at the weekend.

8. J__________ is the first month of the year.

9. The sports meeting will l______ two days.

10. What are you going to do on h_________, Jack?

11. Yang Liwei was called China’s first a_________.

12. Their newspaper is very s___________. Readers like it very much.

13. The Chinese g___________ wanted a Chinese engineer to build it.

14. My uncle is a university p_________.

15. It is a long d___________ from New York to Beijing.

III. 完型填空 (每小题1分,A. B两题共20分)


 India has sent    1   first spaceship to the moon. Scientists sent the spaceship on October 22nd, 2008 in a place    2    Sriharikota in India.  It    3    to the moon on the morning of Wednesday. People all over India watched this important moment    4    TV.  They celebrated their success happily. A head of scientists said    5  _ , “India has started the first step to the moon and this is a very good start for us.” The spaceship will    6    around the moon and it will look for water on the moon. This is    7    important for India but also important for the whole world. And India became the    8    country including(包括) China and Japan in Asia. Japan has sent unmanned(无人的) spaceship to the moon. And our great Chinese astronaut    9    out of the spaceship and started our first spacewalk   10    27th  September 2008.

(  ) 1. A it                B. its              C. it’s                     D. him

(  ) 2. A calling           B. calls            C. called            D. call

(  ) 3. A flew             B. flies             C. fly              D. flying

(  ) 4. A on               B. in                      C. of              D. from

(  ) 5. A sad              B. excitedly         C. excited           D. sadly

(  ) 6. A travels            B. traveling         C. traveled          D. travel

(  ) 7. A not only          B. only not                 C. only            D. so

(  ) 8. A three                   B. four                    C. third            D. two

(  ) 9. A walks            B. walking                 C. walked           D. walk

(  ) 10. A in             B. on              C. after            D. before


Of all the things we eat and drink, water is the most important. Not many people understand this, but it is quite true. The human body (人体) can go without food for a long time, but two or three days without water usually make people dead.

Many people don’t understand how much water the human body needs to work well and many people do not drink enough, especially (尤其) in hot weather. Most people drink when they are thirsty, but they often need more water especially when they take exercises.

A man’s body is 65 to 75 percent (百分之…) water. If we do not have enough water, we feel tired and may become ill.


    The most important drink is    1    , People can    2    for a long time without food, but they will    3    if two or three days 4    water. In    5    weather, many people do not drink    6 water, because they don’t know how much water they    7   . People should know when they take exercises, they need    8    water. The water in the man’s body is    9    more than other matters(物质) We’d better have enough water,    10    we may get ill.

1 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________ 5 _________

6 __________ 7 __________ 8 __________ 9 __________ 10 ________



1. My mum is ill.

2. What does he look like?

3. It’s cold outside.

4. How do you like your Chinese teacher?

5. Your skirt looks beautiful!

1.____  2.____  3._____  4.____  5.____

A. Oh, yes. You’ d better put on your coat. 

B. They were very expensive.

C. Thank you.

D. I am sorry to hear that.

E. He’ s very kind.     

F. He’ s a strong man.

G. The same to you.

B 补全对话 (每小题1分,共5分)

(L=Lucy; T=Tom)

L: Hello, Tom?

T: Lucy? Hi? (1)__________________________?

L: I'm in England! I’m calling to say “Happy New Year!” to you.

T: (2) _______________________________?

L: So, how is it going there?

T: Great! How’s it going with you?

L: Pretty good. (3)__________________________?

T: I’m having a party. My classmates and friends are here.

L: Oh, that sounds good. What’s the weather like in your place?

T: (4)__________________________. How’s the weather there?

L: Cold. Cold and wet. And rainy, too.

T: Sounds bad… Then good-bye.

L: (5) __________________________.

V.句型转换(每小题1分,每空0.5分, 共5分)

1. It took us 2 hours to finish the work. (改为同义句)

  We ______ 2 hours ________ the work.

2. Tom is taller than any other boy in his class. (改为同义句)

  Tom is ______ ________ boy in his class.

3. They had lunch at school yesterday. (改为否定句)

  They _______ _______ lunch at school yesterday.

4. The Olympic Games are held every four years.(对画线部分提问)

______ _______ are the Olympic Games held?

5. The government didn’t want foreign engineers because they wanted a Chinese engineer for a Chinese railroad. (对画线部分提问)

  ______ didn’t the government ______ foreign engineers?

VI. 阅读理解 (共四道题, 每小题1分,共20分)


The computer is a very good machine. It can do a lot of everyday work so people can use it in many ways.

Writers can use it to write interesting stories. Painters can use it to draw beautiful pictures. If you like talking, you can talk to people from anywhere on the computer. You can watch movies and listen to music.

Many children like playing games. Computers can help you.

In the shop, someone buys something from you. You can put the information about the sale (销售). Then the computer can work on the information and tell you a report (报告) about shopping. In research (研究), if you want to know about the moon, you can ask the computer and the computer can answer on the screen. In some large factories, you can’t see many people. Why not? Robots can do most of work instead of (代替) people. How does the robot work? The computer tells it what to do.

This is our computer. Perhaps one day the computer can think and feel. Then it will make our life better and better.


(  ) 1.We can _____ on the computer.

   A. not play games                            B. get real fruits

   C. talk to anyone far away                     D. find no information

(  ) 2.You can’t see many people in some large factories because _____.

   A. computers can do anything                  B. some robots help them

   C. people all stay in the room                  D. people work on the computer

(  ) 3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. People need computers’ help  

B. People have to use computers

C. Computers can do most of the work 

D. Computers can think like people

(  ) 4.From the passage we can know the word ‘robot’ means _____ in Chinese.

A. 机器人       B. 储存器       C. 打印机       D.外星人

(  )5.Which is the best title (标题)?

A. People’s Lives                           B. Computers 

C. How Computers Work                    D. The Importance of Computers


William Henry Harrison, the ninth president of the U.S, was born in a small town. When he was a boy, he was very quiet and shy. Because he was so quiet, every one thought that he wasn’t bright (聪明). The people in the town often put a nickel (五分币) and a dime (一角银币) before him and ask him which to choose. He always chose the nickel and they laughed.

One day a woman felt sorry for him. She asked, “Why do you never take a dime and always choose a nickel instead? Do you know a nickel is worth (值…钱) much less than a dime ?”

“Certainly I know it,” William answered slowly. “But if I choose the dime, they will not ask me to choose them any more.

根据短文内容判断正(T), 误(F)

(  ) 1. William Henry Harrison was the ninth president of the United Nations.

(  ) 2.When he was a boy, he liked to speak little.

(  ) 3.The people thought he was not bright because he was shy and quiet.

(  ) 4.When he always chose the nickel, the people thought he didn’t know that a nickel was worth less than a dime.

(  ) 5.He always chose the nickel because he wanted the people to believe that he didn’t know the difference between a nickel and a dime.


   Every day some people are killed(遇车祸) while they are crossing the roads. Most of these people are old people and children. Old people are often killed because they can’t see or hear very well. Children are killed because they are not careful. They forget to look and listen before they cross the roads.

   A car or a bus can’t stop quickly. If a car is going very fast, it will travel many metres before it stops. Some people don’t always understand this. They think a car can stop in a few metres. It is difficult to know how fast a car is moving. The only way to cross the roads safely is to look both ways, right and left. Then if the roads are empty, you can cross them.

根据短文内容回答问题,每空一词 (每空0.5分)

1. Why are old people often killed while they are crossing the roads?

_________ they can’t see ________ hear very well.

2. Do people think a car can stop in a few metres ?

________, they ________

3. Children are often careless while crossing the roads, aren’t they?

________, they _______.

4. What should we do before crossing the roads?

To look ________ ________.

5. When can you cross the roads?

The ________ are ________.


                     TV Programmes

       Channel (频道) 1

       Channel 2

18:00 Around China

18:30 Children’s programme

19:00 CCTV News

19:30 Weather report

19:40 Around the world

20:10 TV play:Sisters

21:00 English for today

21:15 Popular music

22:05 On TV next week

17:45 Computers today

18:10 Foreign arts

18:30 English classroom

19:00 Animal world

19:25 MTV

20:20 Sports

21:00 TV theatre:Tea House

21:45 English news

22:05 Music bridge



(  ) 1. If you want to know something about Japan, Which of the following programmes would be the best one?

A. Weather            B.TV theatre          C. Around the world        D. Animal world

(  )2. You are a basketball fan(迷). You may watch TV at _____.

A.19:20 on Channel 2                                      B.19:40 on Channel 1

C.20:20 on Channel 2                                D.21:15 on Channel 1

(  ) 3. How long does the TV play “Sisters” last?

A.30 minutes         B.50 minutes          C.90 minutes             D.120 minutes

(  ) 4. You can watch the _____ programmes if you want to learn English on TV.

A. English news                                    B. English classroom 

C. English for today                                 D. All the above

(  )5. If you are fond of (爱好) music, you can turn on the TV at the following time except(除…以外) _____.

A.21:15 on Channel 1                                     B.19:25 on Channel 2

C.22:05 on Channel 2                               D.20:10 on Channel 1

VII.书面表达 (10分)  任选一题 (60词以上)

1. My Favourite National Hero

2. My past life

3. Our future life









(   )1.A.first                      B.five                C.fine

(   )2.A.30                   B.130                 C.300

(   )3.A.blue                 B.red                 C.read

(   )4.A.m a long time         B.for a long time       C.on a long time

(   )5.A.3:30                B.yes, she is           C.No, she doesn’t


(   )6.A.See you later.        B.Thanks              C.it’s a quarter to four

(   )7.A.Yes,I do.           B.Not yet              C.No, I am not

(   )8.A.Yes,I have.         B.No, I do            C.Yes I do

(   )9.A.Noodles.             B.Key                C.Pen

(   )10.A.No,she is.          B.Yes, she is          C.No, she doesn’t


(   )11.What time did Li Ming get up?

A.6:15.                          B.5:45.             C.6:45

(   )12.How many boys are there in his class?

    A.12.                              B.14.                  C.22

(   )13.Does Peter 1ike dog?

A.No,he doesn’t.              B.Yes,he does.   C.I don’t know

(   )14.What was the girl wearing in the picture?


(   )15.What’s Jim’s favourite food?




(   )16.It’s fun__________ a film(电影).

    A.to see              B.to look                C.to look at                   D.to watch

(   )17.Mr.Smith asked Jenny some new words and let her_________ on the blackboard.

A.write them down                                      B.write it down

C.write down it                                            D.write down them

(   )18.He is ready r_________ someone to his class.

A.introduce            B.introduced                  C.to introduce                 D.introducing

(   )19.There isn’t a problem ___________ .

    A.no more              B.any more            C.no much               D.any much

(   )20.Mary helped me____________ my English yesterday.

    A.in                       B.with                    C.to                          D.and

(   )21.This term school___________ at 8:00 in the morning.

    A.takes                   B.has                      C.comes                  D.begins

(   )22.Bob____________ a lot of pictures about the Palace Museum yesterday.

    A.have                    B.takes                   C.took                          D.had

(   )23.I don’t like to go to Beijing tomorrow.She doesn’t_________.

    A.also                  B.too                    C.want                  D.either

(   )24.I’m tired.I don’t want to go ___________ walks.

    A.to                       B.for                      C.with                   D.a

(   )25.Danny is playing,  and Tom is playing___________.

    A.piano,football                                    B.a piano,a football

    C.piano,the football                                        D.the piano,football

(   )26.Do you want to ___________ the movies?

    A.go                     B.going                C.to go                   D.goes

(   )27.The man ___________ a red sweater is our teacher.

    A.with                  B.in                     C.of                       D.and

(   )28.Lucy’s hat ___________ a cat.

    A.is like               B.tikes                  C.looks like             D.like

(   )29.I have two sweaters,one is made of cotton,and_________ is made of wool.

    A.other                   B.the other              C.Others                D.the others

(   )30.Tom___________ like basketball.He  computer games.

    A.don’t,like          B.doesn’t,likes        C.don’t,likes        D.doesn’t,like

(   )31.The girl isn’t good at_________.

    A.sing                    B.paint                   C.to sing                 D.painting

(   )32.Jack is very funny.He always makes us____________.

    A.laugh                         B.laughing              C.to laugh               D.laughs

(   )33.I have____________ a teacher for ten years.

    A.be                     B.being                C.been                   D.am

(   )34.一What are you going to give your mother for her birthday?   一I’ll buy her_______

    A.something special                                    B.anything special

    C.special something                                    D.special something

(   )35.Everyone is here________ Lei,he is ill in hospital.

    A.and                    B.beside               C.except                D.with


  Jane is a nice girl and she likes small animals. On her way back from school __36__afternoon, she always stops__37__ the animals in the pet(宠物)shop.She likes to see the dogs.One of them is a little white dog,and Jane likes it__38__. she__39__the dog __40__ in the pet shop.She often forgets(忘记)the time.So she comes home very__41__ One day her parents asked __42__she was late.Jane told them about the dog in the pet shop.

The next day Jane stopped to look __43__ the window of the pet shop,but she could not__44__the dog.She was very sad and went home early.

When she __45__home,her mother showed her a big cake and her father gave her the little white dog from the pet shop.It was her birthday.Jane was very glad.From that day.she did not come home lace.She ran home early to play with the little white dog every day.

(   )36.A.each one         B.every               C.this                  D./

(   )37.A.looking at        B.looks at            C.to look at                   D.looked at

(   )38.A.very many       B.very much           C.very                D.1itde

(   )39.A.watches          B.watch              C.see                  D.Saw

(   )40.A.to play          B.play                C.played               D.plays

(   )41.A.the             B.early               C.fast                 D.first

(   )42.A.what            B.why               C.when               D.where

(   )43.A.at                B.to                  C.into                D.onto

(   )44.A.looked           B.looked at           C.saw                 D.see

(   )45.A.got             B.got to              C.arrived in           D.arrived at



  Tom woke up in the middle of the night and saw something white in his garden.It seemed to Be moving towards(向……移动)the house.

    “That is a thief(小偷)!”He thought,and he took his gun and shot(开枪)at him.Then he went back to bed,because he was too frightened(害怕)to go out of the house in the dark.

The next morning Tom went out and saw one of. his white shirts hanging on(挂在)the clothes―line in the garden,his wife had washed it the day before and hung it out to dry.Now it had a bullet―hole(弹孔)right through middle of it.

  “My God” said Tom,“I was lucky 1ast night.If I had been wearing that shirt,the bullet(子弹)would have killed me! ” And he called his neighbours together and asked them to thank God for saving(救)him.

(    )46.At midnight Tom saw __________ in his garden

    A.something strange          B.a thief        C.something white    D.a ghost

(    )47.Tom was so frightened that he _________

A.cried out for help                                   C.dared not stay in his house

B.a thief                                            D.couldn’t say a word

(    )48.The next morning Tom found__________

    A.his wife in the garden                              B.the clothes-line

    C.the thief dead                                      D.a bullet―hole through the white shirt

(    )49.He called his neighbors together in order to __________

A.make a speech                                       B.tell the story

C.thank God                                          D.thank them

(    )50.From the above story we can see that Tom is ________

A.foolish(愚蠢的)       B.clever                C.lively                      D.beautiful


(   )51.Who will sent the e-mail?

    A.Jenny.             B.Lynn.               C.Li Lei                D.The teachers

(   )52.Where did Lynn go on a trip for her summer holiday?

    A.She went on a trip to Canada.               B.She went on a

    C.She went oil a trip to school.                D.She went on a

(   )53.How many cities are metioned (提到)in the e-mail?

    A.0ne                  B.Two                   C.Three.                       D.Four

(   )54.Lynn goes from room to room to _________

    A.have a talk                                            B.meet her friends

    C.have her lessons                                       D.have more fun

(   )55.How many classrooms does a student have in China?

    A.One                    B.Two                  C.Three               D.Many







Some days before Mother’s Day,the teacher wanted to know how his students were going to

show their love to their mothers.Some of the students came from far away to study here.“Are you going home to see your mother during the holiday?” the teacher asked one of them,

The student answered.”I have no time to go home because I’m going to get ready for the

exam.But I’ll write a letter to my mother,”

“Then which do you think is more important 更重要your mother or the exam?”

“Of course the exam is more important。”answered the student.“My mother is always saying so.

判断正误(T or F):

61.The student didn’t love his mother.SO he wouldn’t go back home。(    )

62.The mother thought the exam was very important for her child.(    )


63,Then which do you think is more important(更重要)



64.What did the teacher want to know?


65.Did the students have a holiday on Mother’s Day?


66.He_________________(嗓音)is wonderful.We all love it.

67.He is a_________________(歌手).

68.We have a_________________(数学)exam on Monday.


69.Let’s meet in the_________________(大厅).

70.How many_________________(节日)do you know?




















