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Class                  Name                 Marks              (满分120分)




语 文 试 卷


第I卷(选择题 共30分)







英 语 试 卷











1. When does the man say the film would start?

   A. At 8:05       B. At 8:15          C. At 8:30

2. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Pop star and fan    B. Boss and secretary.  C. Interviewer and interviewee.

3. Where does the conversation probably take place?

  A. In a restaurant     B. In an office     C. In a shop

4. What can you know about the talks?

  A. They haven’t started yet B. They have got an agreement  C. They haven’t achieved much

5. What does the man ask the woman to do ?

  A. Look after something for him  B. Show him the way to the left-luggage office

  C. Tell him some travel information




6. What can you learn about the room?

  A. It’s small       B. It faces the street     C. It’s for non-smokers

7. How many nights will the man stay in the hotel?

  A. Three nights    B. Two nights          C. Four nights

8. How much will Richard probably pay?

A. $104            B. $114               C. $140


9. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Old friends    B. Guide and tourist   C. Driver and passenger

10. What have the speakers been doing together?

A. Doing business    B. Going sightseeing    C. Attending a meeting

11. What does the woman plan to do next September?

A. Visit the man     B. Change her job    C. Make a travel plan


12. Where are the two speakers?

 A. In a concert hall    B. In an ancient palace  C. In a modern museum

13. What does the man like best in this place?

A. The lights    B. The paintings   C. The colors

14. What do you know about the two speakers?

A. They’re uninterested in upper-class life.

B. They wish to become rich soon

C. They are having a good time.


15.What will the woman probably do if she’s caught in a thunderstorm?

A. Stand on the ground   B. Put herself in water  C. Find a place to hide in

16. What does the man think of taking a bath during a thunderstorm?

   A. It is acceptable    B. It is dangerous   C. It is unbelievable

17. What does the woman think about the man’s action?

A. It is unusual      B. It is unnecessary   C. It is very practical


18. What is the speaker talking about?

 A. Her unique experience  B. Her future prospects  C. Her favorite job

19. What does the speaker want most?

 A. Independence         B. A good relationship   C. Authority

20. What will the speaker most probably do in the future?

 A. Open a big restaurant   B. Work in a bookstore   C. Remain single

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45)

第一节:单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15 分)


21.---Do you mind if I smoke here?

  ---_______.I’ve got a bit of cold these days.

A. I’m afraid I do     B. Of course not   C. No trouble at all    D. Yes, just go ahead

22.Song Zhiyong, an ordinary farmer in Tangshang, devoted himself ______the people

in the snow-hit and earthquake-hit areas.

A .to help       B. in helping     C . to helping       D. helping

23.The news has spread all over the country______ the Chang’e-1 has been launched successfully.

A. that         B. which        C. whether          D. what

24.______ the Olympic Games successfully is the most important event of 2009 for us Chinese,_______ proved that China holds a highly significant position in the world.

A. Hosted; which   B. To host; as  C. Hosting; that   D. Hosting; which  

25. ---Why do you look so sad?

  ---There are so many problems _____.

A. remaining to settle      B. remained settling  

C. remaining to be settled   D. remained to be settled

26.---Did you have any problem in getting accustomed to the climate here?

  --- _____ to speak of.

A. None   B. Neither   C. Nothing   D. No one

27.Was it in the factory ______ we used to work _____ the accident occurred ?

A. where; that    B. which; that   C. that ; where   D. where; which

28. He is so tall that you can _______ easily in the crowd.

  A. find him out   B. pick him out   C. work him out   D. speak him out

29.______ looking after her sick mother, the fifteen-year-old girl had to take up two part-time jobs to earn some money for food.

A. As far as    B. As long as     C. As much as      D. As well as

30.The inspectors, _____ the book unhealthy for children, suggested it ______.

A. finding; banned  B. to find; banned   C. found; to be banned  D. finding; be banned

31.Do you know that smoking and drinking has become a _____ problem among teenagers, which worries many parents and  teachers ?

A. popular       B. typical        C. daily         D. traditional

32. John Smith, who _____ in many different countries before he _____ to France, was one of its earliest film directors.

A. lived; came   B. live; had come   C. has lived; came   D. had lived; had came

33.---What’s going on between you and Peter ?

  --- We had a fight. I regard him as my trustworthy friend ____ to my shock, he gave me away.

A. unless     B. since     C. for        D. until

34.Not until we had stayed together for a couple of days _____ we had a lot in common.

  A. I found   B. that I found   C. did I find   D. had I found

35.______ more and more companies closed down, _____ number of laid-off people is increasing year by year.

A. With; the   B. For; a   C. Since; the    D. Because; a


Father's Day is a fairly new celebration in the British calendar compared with Mother's Day, which has been a very popular and well celebrated festival in the UK for a very long time.

Father’s Day was first celebrated by American  36  it was inspired by the actions of a man named William Smart. He was a veteran(退伍军人)of the US Civil War and his wife          37   away giving birth to their sixth child. He  38  six children alone without remarrying, which was undoubtedly   39   back in those days.

His daughter, Sonora Dodd,  40  when she was an adult what her father had sacrificed for his  41  . It was in the early 1900s and she was actually  42   one day, listening to a sermon(传教) on   43  . She thought there should   44   be a Father's Day celebration.

And so the   45   was born, on the third Sunday every June, close to the anniversary of Sonora's father's death. Britain took the idea of Father's Day from the American celebration and it has been celebrated   46   since the 1970s.

Father's Day is never quite such the big commercial event   47   Mother's Day is, probably because it hasn't been in   48   for so long. But what do British people do for Father's Day?

Well, most people would buy their fathers a card. The card would probably have a nice message in it   49  what a great Dad their father is. Some people do buy presents as well.

50   gifts for Dads are probably ties, chocolates or socks because these are things that Dads can  51   use even if they don't want them. In the run-up(即将到来之际) to Father's Day, or indeed Mother's Day, there will be ads on the TV giving  52  ideas of CDs or gadgets (小玩具,小玩意)we can buy. Card shops will be full of mugs or pens and similar goods with “World's Greatest Dad”  53   on them.

Some families   54  do things together to celebrate Father's Day like going for a meal. As a special treat, British people might give their Dad a bit of a rest ,  55   him a cup of tea, or even wash his car and mow the lawn(除草) to make him feel really appreciated.

36. A. so                      B. or                    C. and                 D. but

37. A. passed          B. ran                    C. went                D. died

38. A. brought            B. raised             C. fed                  D. educated

39. A. unnatural         B. unfair              C. untrue            D. unusual

40. A. realized            B. noticed           C. found             D. heard

41. A. wife                 B. son                  C. daughter         D. children

42. A. at school          B. at church         C. at home          D. at work

43. A. Father’s Day    B. Christmas Day       C.Mother’s Day D. New Year’s Day

44. A. still                   B. also                  C. too                  D. as well

45. A. attraction          B. position           C. tradition          D. congratulation

46. A. specially           B. especially               C. greatly            D. officially

47. A. as                     B. like                 C. that                 D. which

48. A. use                   B. existence          C. effect           D. power

49. A. writing             B. speaking         C. telling             D. saying

50. A. Popular            B. Regular           C. Normal           D. Moral

51. A. sometimes               B. seldom            C. never           D. always

52. A. you                  B. us                    C. them              D. people

53. A. placed              B. put                  C. written            D. laid

54. A. must                 B. might              C. can                  D. should

55. A. make                B. cook                C. boil                  D. steam



Beijing Olympics praised at home and abroad

The curtain of the Beijing Olympics dropped on August 24th with a closing ceremony featured with carnival (狂欢节)festiveness; however ,it seems that the atmosphere of gathering and celebration still goes on in people’s hearts. The readers of People’s Daily Online have left many messages expressing their admiration for the organizers and share their views on the whole games.

Most of them speak highly of the games by using such words as “extremely successful” ,”memorable”and “flawless(无暇的)”.The opening and closing ceremonies have also received wide laud for being “exceptional”, “most attracting”, “unforgettable”, “unique”, “wonderful”,and “splendid”.

The following are some of the messages:

“Wo Ai Beijing!!!Such a great event held by an exceptional  host. Well done to all in Beijing and many thanks to the volunteers . The Chinese government did very well to keep the games safe for all. By Sudesh”.

“It was the most attracting show I’ve ever seen .Unlikely some country will ever be able to measure up! My deepest respect for all of you and sincere congratulations for these amazing ,unique and breathtaking OG.Breathtaking!By Griet”.

“With great respect for the Chinese people and with much interest I have watched closely these unforgettable and unique Olympic Games.    I’ve enjoyed the amazing and breathtaking opening and closing ceremonies in Belgium. Please accept my feelings of gratitude and respect .You were all amazing! Congratulations .by Nancy

“All the Americans I know think that China did a great job in the Olympics, and that the games and ceremonies were a pleasure to watch and were a triumph of China ‘s creativity. Jim Richards, Randolph,Mass ,USA”.

56. What festival was the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympics like?

A. Mid-autumn Day     B. New year’s Day   C. Christmas Day   D. Carnival Day

57. What does the passage tell us about?

  A. The closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.

  B. People’s congratulations on the Beijing Olympics.

  C. People’s praise for the Beijing Olympic Games and the organizers.

  D. People’s admiration for the organizers of the Beijing Olympics.

58. What does the underlined word “laud” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

  A. praise     B. celebration     C. criticism       D. comment


Arriving in New York

There are three airports in New York .When you arrive at one of them ,you can take a bus or a taxi to any place in New York .

     Eating out

There are many kinds of food in New York , and you shouldn’t eat at McDonald’s every day. There are good restaurants in Little Italy and Chinatown , for example.


There are lots of good hotels in New York .The best is the plaza on 5th avenue but you don't have to pay a lot to stay in the city ;there are lots of smaller hotels and the YMCA near central park is great for young people .

Public transport

In New York , there’re good bus and subway services . If you are planning to use the subway a lot , you should buy a subway ticket for the journey because it’s cheaper . But you don’t have to use the public transport―there are lots of places you can go to on foot, such as the Empire State Building , the 5th Avenue and the Central Park . The new taxis are a part of the city experience, so you should take at least one taxi during your visit!

Places to see

Finally ,there are a lot of places to see in New York ---Time square ,the statue of Liberty .And you shouldn't go home without climbing the statue of Liberty to enjoy the scenery of the city .


Shopping in New York is fun .There are big shops on 5th avenue .They are open seven days a week .But be careful when you look at the prices ;you have to pay a special 8% tax on everything you buy in New York .

59.How many airports are there in New York ?

A. Two       B. Three         C. Four           D. Five

60.How much do you have to pay if you buy a book of $10 in New York ?

A. $10.8      B.$10.08          C.$18           D.$10

61.When you visit New York ,you should _____.

A. do as much shopping as possible     B. take a taxi whenever you go out

C. stay at the best hotel---the Plaza      D. try Italian and Chinese food

62. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. You should take a bus to travel because it’s much cheaper.

B. New York is not a good place for shopping , for things there are expensive.

C. People can visit many places of interest in New York on foot.

D. You are not allowed to go home without climbing the Statue of Liberty.


I am one of the many city people who are always saying that given the choice we would prefer to live in the country away from the dirt and noise of a large city. I have managed to convince myself that if it weren’t for my job I would immediately head out for the open spaces and go back to nature in some sleepy village buried in the country. But how realistic is the dream?

Cities can be frightening places. The majority of the population live in massive tower blocks, noisy, dirty and impersonal. The sense of belonging to a community tends to disappear when you live fifteen floors up. All you can see from your window is sky, or other blocks of fiats.

Strangely enough, whereas in the past the inhabitants of one street all knew each other, nowadays people on the same floor in tower blocks don’t even say hello to each other.

Country life, on the other hand, differs from this kind of isolated(隔离)existence because  a sense of community generally ties the inhabitants of small villages together. But country life has disadvantages too. It is true that you are cut off from the exciting and important events that take place in cities. There’s little possibility of going to a new show or the latest movie. Shopping becomes a major problem, and for anything slightly out of the ordinary you have to go on an expedition to the nearest large town. The city-people who leave for the country are often oppressed by a sense of unbearable stillness and quietness.

What , then , of my dreams of leaning on a cottage gate and murmuring “morning” to the locals as they pass by? I’m eager for the idea, but you see there’s my cat, Toby. I’m not at all sure that he would take to all that fresh air and exercise in the long grass. I mean, can you see him mixing with all those hearty males down the farm? No, he would rather have the electric fire any evening.

63. We learn from Paragraph I that the writer________.

A. used to live in the country    B. used to work in the city

C. works in the city           D. lives in the country

64. In the writer’s opinion , the following may cause city people to be unhappy EXCEPT_______.

  A. a strong sense of fear             B. a lack of communication

  C. housing conditions            D. a sense of isolation

65. The text implies that it is not easy to buy ______ in the country.

A. agricultural produce     B. fresh fruits   C. fresh vegetables D. designed clothes

66. The passage manly talks about_______

  A. the advantages of living in cities  

B. the difference between living in cities and villages

  C. most people prefer to live in cities  D. the advantages of living in villages


Here are the descriptions of some schools:

Alta Vista High School

Alta Vista High School is a district continuation high school that offers a program focused on building academic and functional skills ,as well as basic work habits . As a continuation high school , Alta Vista offers students a second chance to school.

Call: 690-667-2924 ; fax: 670-467-4848

Mountain View Academy

Mountain View Academy is a Christian high school operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church . It is for boys and girls in Grades 9-12. Mountain View Academy offers quality, personalized education in a contemporary Christian environment.

Call : 650-967-2324; fax : 650-967-6886

Mountain View High School

Mountain View High School’s academic program is designed to meet the needs of a diverse student body. It offers community college classes and advanced programs that allow students to take college-level classes while still in high school.

Call: 650-331-2814

Castilleja School

Castilleja School fosters(培养)intellectual , physical, creative and emotional growth through a college preparatory experience within a diverse and supportive community. The students are all girls in senior high school.

Call: 650-940-4600; fax: 650-961-6349

PoIo Alto Prep School

The school’s purpose is to offer a fresh start toward academic and social success. Summer school offers all subjects and it’s for boys and girls in Grades 8-12.

Call: 650-493-7071; fax: 650-493-7073.

E-mail: info@poloaltoprep.com

67. Tom, a boy in Grade 9, wants to study in a school which can offer students a good beginning in study and relationship. Which school should he choose?

A. Polo Alto Prep School    B. Castilleja School  

C. Alta Vista High school    D. Mountain View High School

68. Elizabeth will graduate from a junior high school this year. Her achievements are very good. She hopes that her senior high school will give her the opportunity to fully develop herself. Which number should she dial?

  A. 650-967-6886    B. 650-967-2324    C. 650-940-4600   D. 650-493-7071

69. The advertisement is intended for ________.

  A. teachers          B. university students  

C. students who want to continue their education

D. students who want to attend universities

70. John , from a poor family , failed the College Entrance Examination in 2008. He decided to attend a continuation high school to study some skills in building , so he should fax his application to ________.

A. 670-467-4848     B. 650-961-6349     C. 650-493-7073    D. 650-940-4600


On the afternoon of September 27,2008 ,astronaut Zhai Zhigang became the first Chinese man to walk in space on Saturday, clambering(攀爬) out of China's Shenzhou VII space craft in a technological feat(成就) that made the Chinese people excited.

"I'm feeling quite well. I greet the Chinese people and the people of the world," Zhai said as he climbed out of the craft at around 16:40 Beijing time, a historic achievement telecast live on CCTV. Tens of millions of Chinese viewers gathered before TV screens to watch the moment.

Chinese President Hu Jintao and other top leaders had appeared at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center to watch the live transmission of Zhai's space walk.
     Zhai, 42, chosen by an expert team for the first "out-of -capsule activity," showed a red national flag, helped by colleague Liu Boming, who also briefly popped his head out of the capsule.
     Zhai slowly made his way towards a test sample of solid lubricant(润滑剂) outside the capsule, took a sample and handed it to Liu.
     Zhai safely returned inside the craft after about 20 minutes. The walk marked the highpoint of China's third manned space journey, which has received widespread media coverage.
    Zhai wore a $4.4 million Chinese-made suit weighing 120-kg. Liu wore a Russian-made one and acted as an assistant.

The third crew member, Jing Haipeng, monitored the ship from inside the re-entry module.

The risky maneuver is a step towards China's longer-term goal of building a space lab and then a larger space station, analysts said.

"On this flight, Chinese people's footprints will be left in space for the first time," said a commentary by the Xinhua news agency.

The astronauts went abroad on their walk after receiving a clean bill of health from doctors on the ground at mission control in Beijing, Xinhua said.

Zhai's suit has 10 layers and takes up to 15 hours to assemble and put on.

China's first manned spaceflight was in 2003. A second, two-manned flight followed in 2005. The only other countries that have sent people into space are Russia and the United States.

Shenzhou VII took off on Thursday and is due to land on the northern steppes (草原)of Inner Mongolia on Sunday.

71. The space walk done by the Chinese astronaut was historic because_______.

A. it was telecast live  

B. there were more Chinese viewers than ever

C. it was the first space walk carried out by Chinese astronauts

D. top leaders watched the space walk

72. The following statements are true EXCEPT________.

  A. the lubricant put outside the capsule was a test sample

  B. it took Zhai Zhigang about 20 minutes to return to the craft safely

C. many televisions and newspapers around the world reported the event

D. there is an aerospace control center in the capital

73. The significance of the space walk is that _________.

  A. the astronaut can work outside the spacecraft

  B. it marks a successful step towards China’s longer-term goal of building a space lab as well as a space station

C. it has attracted tens of millions of people to watch the walk

D. the Chinese-made space suit can be used in space

74. What does the underlined word “clean” mean in the passage?

  A. Healthy      B. Paid-off     C. Not dirty      D. Clear

75. The best title of the passage is ________ .

  A. First Footprints of Chinese People in Space

B. Expensive Space Suit

C. Three Successful Manned Flights by Chinese Astronauts

D. Historic Space Walk by Chinese Astronaut






英 语 试 卷




















A group of scientists were planning to go

to countryside to do a Scientific research in order to                                    76.____________

find out that whether the environment of the country                                  77.____________

had polluted . On arrival , they started to check the                              78.____________

air and water . To our surprise, they found                                                  79.____________

how terribly the situation was. They could see                                      80.____________

the serious pollution . Look into the cause,                                             81.____________

they persuade the government to pass the law                                       82.____________

to protect the environment and kept the balance of                               83.____________

nature . Now everything has changed . Birds are                                         84.____________

singing while tree and grass are waving .                                               85.____________

V. 书面表达 (满分15 分)














Is It the Only Way Out to Go to College?

We had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college. Views vary from person to person.


























生 物 试 卷



第I卷(选择题 共  分)







物 理 试 卷


第Ⅰ卷  选择题






1、一质点由静止开始,先做匀加速直线运动,接着做匀速直线运动,最后做末速度为零的匀减速直线运动,三个过程所经历的时间之比为 3┱4┱1,全过程中的最大速度为v. 则全过程的平均速度为  (  )www.ks5u.com

A.       B.       C.              D.

2、两个物体A、B的质量分别为m1和m2,并排静止在水平地面上,用同向水平拉力F1、F2分别作用于物体A和B上,作用一段时间后撤去,两物体各自滑行一段距离后停止下来。两物体运动的速度-时间图象分别如图中图线a、b所示。已知拉力F1、F2分别撤去后,物体做减速运动过程的速度-时间图线彼此平行(相关数据已在图中标出)。由图中信息可以得出   (    ) 

A.若F1 = F2,则m1小于 m2

B.若m1= m2,则力F1对物体A所做的功较多

C.若m1= m2,则力F1对物体A的冲量较大

D.若m1= m2,则力F1的最大瞬时功率一定是力F2的最大瞬时功率的2倍

3、 我国未来将建立月球基地,并在绕月轨道上建造空间站.如图所示,关闭动力的航天飞机在月球引力作用下向月球靠近,并将与空间站在B处对接, 已知空间站绕月轨道半径为r,周期为T,万有引力常量为G,下列说法中正确的是   (    )





4、在如图所示的电路中,R1、R2、R3 和 R4皆为定值电阻,R5为可变电阻,电源的电动势为E,内阻为 r。设电流表A的读数为I电压表V的读数为U。当 R5的滑动触点向图中a端移动时(   )

A.I 变大,U 变小        B.I 变大,U 变大

C.I 变小,U 变大         D.I 变小,U 变小

5、氢原子发出a、b两种频率的光,经三棱镜折射后的光路如图所示,若a光是由能级n=4向n=1跃迁时发出的,则b光可能是       (    )





6、直升机悬停在空中向地面投放装有救灾物资的箱子。设投放初速度为零,箱子所受的空气阻力与箱子下落速度的平方成正比,且运动过程中箱子始终保持图示姿态。在箱子下落过程中,下列说法正确的是(    )www.ks5u.com高考资源网版权所有高考资源网版权所有


B.箱子刚从飞机上投下时,www.ks5 u.com箱内物体受到的支持力最大



7、这里是一些核反应方程; 其中(  )

A.X是质子,Y是中子,Z是正电子  B.X是正电子,Y是质子,Z是中子

C.X是中子,Y是正电子,Z是质子  D.X是正电子,Y是中子,Z是质子

8、如图所示,厚壁容器一端通过胶塞插进一支灵敏温度计和一根气针;另一端有可移动的胶塞(用卡子卡住),用打气筒慢慢向容器内打气,增大容器内的压强。当容器内压强增到一定程度时,打开卡子,在气体把胶塞推出的过程中           (    )

A.温度计示数升高      B.气体内能增加

C.气体内能不变        D.气体内能减小

9、一列简谐横波沿x轴正向传播,P点振动周期为0.4s,在某一时刻波形如图所示,可判断      (  )





10、质量M的钢制立方体箱子A,用长为L的细线通过固定在箱壁中心的水平横杆OO′悬吊一质量m的钢球B,线长L小于箱边长的一半,箱A与球B一起以速度v0在光滑水平面匀速前进与正前方的质量也为M的静止的钢制箱子C发生碰撞,碰撞时间极短,碰毕箱A速度突变为零,关于这三个物体A.B.C碰撞前后有下列说法,正确的是  (  )





11、如图所示匀强电场区域内,在O点处放置一点电荷+Q,a、b、c、d、e、f为以O点为球心的球面上的点,aecf平面与电场线平行,bedf平面与电场线垂直,下列说法中正确的是(   )

A.b、d两点的电场强度相同 B.a点的电势等于f点的电势



12、如图a所示,固定在水平桌面上的光滑金属框架cdeg处于方向竖直向下的匀强磁场中,金属杆ab与金属框架接触良好。在两根导轨的端点de之间连接一电阻,其他部分电阻忽略不计。现用一水平向右的外力F作用在金属杆ab上,使金属杆由静止开始向右在框架上滑动,运动中杆ab始终垂直于框架。图b为一段时间内金属杆受到的安培力f随时间t的变化关系,则图c中可以表示外力F随时间t变化关系的图象是 (      )










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2. 答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。

3. 计算题要写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要演算步骤,只写出最后答案的不能得分。有数值计算的题,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位。

4. 本卷共6题,共64分




































由上表可知,复摆的等效摆长        L/2(选填“大于”、“小于”或“等于”)




(1)根据两位同学描绘的直线,可知图线         (填“甲”或“乙”)是根据电压表V1和电流表A的数据所www.ks5u.com描绘的。


(2)图象中两直线的交点表示 (    )

A.滑动变阻器的滑动头P滑到了最右端      B.在本电路中该电源的输出功率最大

C.定值电阻R0上消耗的功率为0.5w         D.在本电路中该电源的效率达到最大值

(3)根据图(b),可以求出定值电阻R0=         Ω,电源电动势E=         V,内电阻r=         Ω.


15、(12分)跳水是一项优美的水上运动,图甲是2008年北京奥运会跳水比赛中小将陈若琳和王鑫在跳台上腾空而起的英姿。其中陈若琳的体重约为30 kg,身高约为1.40m,她站在离水面10m高的跳台上,重心离跳台面的高度约为0.80m,竖直向上跃起后重心升高0.45m达到最高点,入水时身体竖直,当手触及水面时伸直双臂做一个翻掌压水花的动作,如图乙所示,这时陈若琳的重心离水面约为0.80m。设运动员在入水及在水中下沉过程中受到的水的作用力大小不变。空气阻力可忽略不计,重力加速度g取10m/s2。(结果保留2位有效数字)















































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