What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence in the third paragraph? 题号:06 Good afternoon, principal, teachers and all students. It is my 1 to be here to give a talk to all of you. I have studied in this school for five years. In these five years, I learned one precious thing important not only to me 2 to all of you here, and it is “reading . I can always gain knowledge from reading. Reading doesn’t not 3 up a lot of time but I gain a lot. Now I would like to share my reading experiences with you. I once read a book Rare Air: Michael on Michael 4 by the greatest basketball player in the history, Michael Jordan. While we envy his great achievement in the basketball and business aspects, few of us focus on his spirit of persistence. In the book, he talks about his experience of how he walks on the 5 of success. In order to join the NBA, he put in every effort to strengthen his muscle, to improve his skills 6 training hard. Because of his efforts, he successfully entered NBA. However, he did not stop his training. 7 , the training was even stricter, 8 prepared him to deny the statement released by the public, `Michael is a weak guy!’ While the criticism against him diminished, he worked even harder to achieve his next goal--the championship of NBA. Finally, he succeeded. People honor Michael as `God of basketball’ not only for his great basketball skills, but mainly for his spirit of persistence. While we admire his spirit, we can follow his spirit as well. Michael should be our example; we ought to learn from him. As long as we work hard, 9 is impossible. Bear in mind that all of you have the same quality. Nobody is born wise. Putting in effort is the only but effective way to advancement. My fellow schoolmates, before I go, I would like to encourage all of you that we should work as hard as we 10 . When you grow up, you may be the one who is admired by the community. Let’s work hard together! Work for our future! Thank you. 题号:07 物理1-2模块 (1)(本小题共3分.在给出的四个选项中.可能只有一个选项正确.也可能有多个选项正确.全部选对得3分.选对但不全的得1分.有选错的得0分) 下面列出的一些核反应方程其中正确的是 A.是质子.是中子.是正电子 B.是正电子.是质子.是中子 C.是中子.是正电子.是质子 D.是正电子.是中子.是质子 (2)(本题共3分.在给出的四个选项中.可能只有一个选项正确.也可能有多个选项正确.全部选对3分.选对但不全的得1分.有选错的得0分) 下列说法中.正确的说法是 A.布朗运动就是在显微镜下看到的分子的运动 B.气体很难被压缩是由于分子间存在斥力. C.气体自由的向真空膨胀的过程是熵增加的过程 D.温差电现象发生了内能与电能之间的转换. 1896年初.法国物理学家贝克勒尔发现了磷光物质会发出一种能穿透不透光黑纸的辐射.它只与铀元素的存在有关.与磷光无关. 贝克勒尔的发现具有划时代的意义.它敲开了20世纪近代物理的大门.居里夫人首次使用“放射性 一词.并发现一种放射性比铀更强的新金属元素.并以她的祖国波兰来命名.把此元素叫做钋.1903年贝克勒尔和居里夫人分享了诺贝尔物理学奖.各种放射性元素发出的射线是什么?现在放射性有哪些应用?试举出两种应用的例子. 题号:08 物理3-3模块 (1)(本小题共3分.在给出的四个选项中.可能只有一个选项正确.也可能有多个选项正确.全部选对得3分.选对但不全的得1分.有选错的得0分) 下列说法正确的是 A.布朗运动和扩散现象都是分子的无规则运动 B.温度相同的氢气和氧气具有相同的分子平均动能 C.孤立系统中发生的实际过程.系统的熵只能增大或不变.不可能减小 D.容器中气体的压强是由于重力产生的 (2)(本小题共3分.在给出的四个选项中.可能只有一个选项正确.也可能有多个选项正确.全部选对得3分.选对但不全的得1分.有选错的得0分) 如图所示.由导热材料制成的气缸和活塞将一定质量的理想气体封闭在气缸内.活塞与气缸壁间无摩擦.活塞上方存有少量液体.将一细管插入液体.由于虹吸现象.活塞上方液体逐渐流出.在此过程中.大气压强与外界的温度保持不变.关于这一过程.下列说法正确的是 A.气体分子的平均动能逐渐增大 B.单位时间气体分子对活塞撞击的次数增多 C.气体内能增加 D.气体对外界做功等于气体从外界吸收的热量 如图所示.密闭容器内用一活塞封闭一定质量的理想气体.现用力向下推动活塞压缩气体.发现越往下压缩所需力越大.有同学认为这是由于分子之间存在着斥力.你认为正确吗?为什么? 题号:09 下表是某品牌饮料包装盒上的部分说明. 品名 “×× 玉米乳酸菌饮料 配料 纯净水.复原乳.玉米原浆.白砂糖.乳化剂.乳酸菌.山梨酸钾.安赛蜜.食用香料.柠檬黄 保质期 常温保存90天 营养成分 蛋白质≥1.0% ⑴配料中.属于着色剂的是 .该着色剂 天然色素,属于防腐剂是 ,玉米的主要化学成分是 . ⑵蔗糖酯是联合国国际粮农组织推荐使用的食品乳化剂.某蔗糖酯可以由蔗糖与硬脂酸乙酯合成.反应如下: 以下说法中正确的有 . A.蔗糖酯的分子式为C30H56O12 B.蔗糖酯是一种高分子化合物 C.蔗糖酯是蔗糖与高级脂肪酸反应生成的某油酯.属于油脂 D.该蔗糖酯在稀硫酸的作用下完全水解.最终生成3种有机物 ⑶某品牌奶粉的蛋白质含量指标值为15.0%.不法厂商为了牟取暴利.向奶粉中加入三聚氰胺.以提高蛋白质含量的检测值.而该奶粉产品中蛋白质实际含量仅为14.0% (蛋白质中氮的质量分数按16.0%计算).则: ①三聚氰胺的含氮量约是蛋白质的 倍 ②每千克奶粉中掺入了 mg三聚氰胺. 题号:10 查看更多


