Let’s make it a little earlier. 让我们早一点吧! (1)Let’s--是提建议的一种句式.意思是“让我们-- .Let’s 后接动词原形. 肯定回答用Ok! 或All right !等, 否定回答则用No, let’s--. (2)Make it 是习惯用语.it 在这里表示“规定时间 .如: Let’s make it half past six. 让我们定在六点半吧. 查看更多



A: Hi, Jim. I phoned you at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. But nobody answered.
小题1:                                                      ?
B: I was shopping with my mom at Dennis.
A: Oh, that' a good place for shopping. By the way,小题2:                              ?
B: No, we didn't. We just used the plastic bags offered by the shop.
A: Oh, no! You should take your own shopping bags.
B: You're right. 小题3:                                                .
A: Tomorrow, we will go to clean up the city parks,小题4:                              ?
B: Sure. Let's join together to save the environment.  小题5:                              ?
A: Let's make it 8:00 in the morning at the school gate.
B: Ok, see you then.



A.Where is the farm?

C.It’s Sunday Tomorrow.

E.Why not make it a little earlier?

B.How far is it?

D.What do you think?

F.What about seven thirty?

(It’s Saturday. Lin Tao and Jim are talking about what they are going to do Tomorrow.)

A:Hi,Jim!1._______ What are you going to do?

B:I’ve no idea. 2.________

A:I’m going to work on my uncle’s farm. Would you like to come with me?

B:I’d love to very much. 3.______

A:About 15 kilometres. We can go there by bus.

B:When are we going to leave?

A:4._______ It will take us about half an hour to get there.

B:5._____ Then we can work there longer.

A:OK. Let’s make it six thirty then.

B:Great! Where shall we meet?

A:Let’s meet at the bus stop.

B:All right. See you then.

A:See you tomorrow.



补全对话 从方框内选择适当的选项完成对话。(每小题1分,共5分)

Lucy: Hi, Jane. Are you free this evening?

Jane: Yes.1._________

Lucy: I hear Titanic in 3D is on at Chuangjiang Theater this evening.

Jane: Really? 2._________

Lucy: Would you like to go with me?

Jane: 3._________ What time will it start?

Lucy: At 7:00. Let's go together.

Jane: Great. 4._________

Lucy: At the gate of the theater.

Jane: 5._________

Lucy: All right. See you then.

Jane: See you.

A. Yes, I'd love to.

B. Then let's make it 6:45.

C. Sorry, I don't have time.

D. What's up?

E. What's wrong with you?

F. Where shall we meet?

G. I'm looking forward to watching it.










l.My parents would like________(work)in Beijing.

2.Let's________(make)a cake for Tony.

3.The boy________(not speak)English.He speaks French.

4.I can________(see)some pictures on the wall.

5.How many presents________Tony________(get) on his birthday?


—We’ll have a hiking trip, but when shall we meet?

—Let’s make it ___ half past eight ___ the morning of June 1.

A. at; in    B. at; on  C. /; in  D. about; by


