They must keep their hands behind their backs .The other students in the class keep their eyes closed.他们必须把手一直放在背后.班上的其它学生一直闭着眼睛. “keep +宾语+宾补 意为“使-保持某种状态 . 其形式有: (1) keep +宾补+形容词, (2) keep +宾语+动词ing 形式, (3) keep +宾语+介词短语, (4) keep +宾语+副词.如:He kept me waiting for an hour .他让我等了一个小时. 查看更多



【小题1】Wherever you go, w________ you do, I’ll be right here waiting for you.
【小题2】Can you tell me the m________ idea of this passage?
【小题3】Tan Jing is my favorite singer. Her voice is very s________.
【小题4】Gu Changwei is one of the best-k________ photographers in China today.
【小题5】Her grandpa died of c_______ last night. Nobody could save him.
【小题6】Be sure ___________ (close) the windows when you leave.
【小题7】You look tired. Why not ___________ (have) a short rest?
【小题8】It’s too noisy. They must ___________ (listen) to the rock music now.
【小题9】I like singers who ___________ (be) really cool.
【小题10】Shanghai ____________ (become) a modern city over the years.



1.Wherever you go, w________ you do, I’ll be right here waiting for you.

2.Can you tell me the m________ idea of this passage?

3.Tan Jing is my favorite singer. Her voice is very s________.

4.Gu Changwei is one of the best-k________ photographers in China today.

5.Her grandpa died of c_______ last night. Nobody could save him.

6.Be sure ___________ (close) the windows when you leave.

7.You look tired. Why not ___________ (have) a short rest?

8.It’s too noisy. They must ___________ (listen) to the rock music now.

9.I like singers who ___________ (be) really cool.

10.Shanghai ____________ (become) a modern city over the years.



You must have seen them somewhere, whether at the gate of a hotel or a park, standing on the posts (柱子) of a bridge, o___小题1: most famously at the gate of Peking University and along the sides of the Lugou Bridge.
According to stories, stone lions had magical powers. They could predict (预言)  n______小题2: disasters, such as floods and earthquakes. People b______小题3:the eyes of sculpted (雕刻的) lions would turn red or shed (流出) tears of blood when a disaster was about to happen. Stone lions were the protectors of the family and brought p_____小题4:and safety.
Stone lions have been sculpted on b____小题5: in China since the Eastern Han Dynasty (朝代).
H______小题6:, lions are not native(本国的) to China; they were first  i__小题7: during the Eastern Han Dynasty when they were given to the Chinese emperors as a tribute (贡品). They were k____小题8: as pets and were considered a very special animal by royalty (皇室).
In ancient(古代的) times, sculpted lions a________小题9: in palaces, temples and outside the homes of rich people and the aristocracy (贵族). Gradually, the tradition became p____小题10: among common people across China.


小题1:Wherever you go, w________ you do, I’ll be right here waiting for you.
小题2:Can you tell me the m________ idea of this passage?
小题3:Tan Jing is my favorite singer. Her voice is very s________.
小题4:Gu Changwei is one of the best-k________ photographers in China today.
小题5:Her grandpa died of c_______ last night. Nobody could save him.
小题6:Be sure ___________ (close) the windows when you leave.
小题7:You look tired. Why not ___________ (have) a short rest?
小题8:It’s too noisy. They must ___________ (listen) to the rock music now.
小题9:I like singers who ___________ (be) really cool.
小题10:Shanghai ____________ (become) a modern city over the years.


       In different countries around the world, people become grownups at different ages. Being grown-ups
   means to have the right to do certain things. ,Young men and women at this age can get a part-time job
  and begin to receive ari income of their own.  They no longer have to depend on their parents for money
  all the time. In many parts of North America, sixteen is the age when one can get a driver's license; in
  England, it is seventeen.
       There are responsibilities (责任) that go along with both of these rights. Getting a part-time job means
   you have to pay income tax (税). Driving a car means that you have to follow certain rules.
       Voting is another right that marks you have grown up.  In the United States, Canada and the U.K.,
  young people have the right to vote at the age of eighteen. This right also comes with responsibility. They
   must have an understanding of the needs of society, and they must also learn how politics works.
1. When you grow up, it means you ____________________.
2. If you receive an income, you can't have to ____________________ your parents any longer for
    money again and again.
3. When a grown-up person can get a driver's license, the age is ____________________ in England.
4. According to the passage,a grown-up has ____________________ right.
5.  If you have the right to vote, you have to know ____________________.

