E (第81-85题, 根据文章判断对错.对的符号为A.错的符号 为B ) Eye doctors in Shanghai found out recently that the nearsightednessamong primary and middle school students has something to do with the colour of the paper in their textbooks and notebooks. The doctors suggested that yellow paper be used to replace the white one. According to their research the experts found out white paper reflectstoo much light and easily tires a person’s eyes. The yellow paper, however, doesn’t look so sharp to a person’s eyes. In other words, it is much milder to the eyes of students who may do reading or writing for hours. The experts’ research finding were based on first-hand information and a number of scientific experiments including a recent study among the students from forty-one middle schools. To make the students understand the truth, Shanghai Education Develop- pment Co. Ltd has produced textbooks and exercises-books made of yellow paper. The books will be used in the whole city soon. 81. The passage mainly wants to tell us yellow colour is helpful to students’ eyes. 82. According to the research, the students’ nearsightedness has something to do with the yellow paper in their books. 83. The result of the experts’ research is found in the teachers’ report. 84. From the passage we can know that the backwardof white paper is heavier than that of yellow. 85. The textbooks and exercises-books made of yellow paper have been used all over Shanghai. 第二卷 V. 按要求改写句子.每空只填一词.将答案写在答卷上.(共5小题.每小题2分.每空1分) 查看更多




  A new world champion(冠军)has been born. After his 18th birthday, Ding Junhui b 1 Stephen Hendry, a seven-time world champion, and won first prize at last. This was the first time a C 2 has won a major snooker(斯诺克)champion.

  Ding was born in an o 3 family in the city of Yixing, Jiangsu. He

s 4 to play snooker at the age of eight. By the time he was 10, n 5 in the city could play better than him. Then his father wanted to let Ding make snooker his career(职业). Two years l 6 , his family moved to Dongguan of Guangdong, a city n 7 Hong Kong, where snooker is more p 8 To help him, the family sold e 9 , even their small house. Luckily, Ding has been successful and the p 10 of the Chinese people now. Ding has created(创造)history.

1. b  

2. C  

3. o  

4. s  

5. n  

6. l  

7. n  

8. p  

9. e  

10. p  



  That is a tree. I can s 1 a boy under it. The boy is in a blue T-shirt and white p 2 . He is Jim. He is an E 3 student. He is 13. He h 4 a sister. Her name is Kate. She is on her b 5 .

(1) s     (2) p    (3) E    (4) h    (5) b  



[  ]

A.ie   B.ei   C.e   D.ai



  That is a tree. I can s 1 a boy under it. The boy is in a blue T-shirt and white p 2 . He is Jim. He is an E 3 student. He is 13. He h 4 a sister. Her name is Kate. She is on her b 5 .

(1) s     (2) p    (3) E    (4) h    (5) b  


(选出适当的字母或字母组合,完成单词) t __ ble

A. a   B. e   C. ai   D. ei

