I was so angry that I couldn't . A. say B. speak C. talk D. cry 查看更多




  At eight o'clock this morning the telephone rang. I picked up the receiver(听筒)in a hurry. I knew at once the lady had dialed (拨号)the wrong number. But it took her a long time to find out. She said her name was Mrs Mills and asked if I was Mr Copper's secretary(秘书). I told her she had dialed the wrong number, but  I didn't think she listened to me.

  She told me she wanted to cancel(取消)her two o'clock appointment(约会)because her husband was ill and she had to take care of him. I told her I was sorry to hear that, but she wouldn't  listen to me. Then she wanted to know if she could make an appointment for next week.I told her I couldn't arrange (安排)it, "I'm not Mr Cooper's secretary."

  At last she heard what I said. She wanted to know why I did  not tell her sooner. I tried to explain it wasn't my fault(错误) ,but she would not listen. Before I could say a word, she hung up.


1. Whom did Mrs Mills want to speak to?  

[    ]

A. A secretary.  B. The writer.  

C. Mr Cooper.  D. Mr Cooper's secretary.

2. When would she come to the office if her husband were 

   not ill?      

[    ]

A. This morning.   B. Tomorrow afternoon.

C. This afternoon.   D. Next week.

3. It took the lady a long time to find out that ______.

[    ]

A. she had dialed the wrong number

B. the writer was Copper's secretary

C. she couldn't cancel the appointment

D. she could make an appointment for next week

4. Which of the following is not right?   

[    ]

A. She talked so much and didn't hear what the person said 

    at the other end.

B. She wanted to talk with Mr Cooper's secretary.

    to what the person said at the other end.

C. She talked with Mr Cooper's secretary.

D. The person  at the other end told Mrs Mills that she had dialed the wrong number.

5. "She hung up" means _____.      

[    ]

A. She put down the receiver to stop listening.

B. She was very angry at what she heard.

C. She would hang up the writer.

D. She put down the receiver to stop to listen.


Have you ever wanted something so ①badly that you wanted to do anything to get it? Well, that used to be me. Three years was quite a long time and hard time, but I got what I wanted: a lovely dog named Dion.

My family and I met it at a dog show. We drove for four hours to its owner’s house where she showed us three little dogs. They were all so lovely with their little legs, long bodies and heads that looked too big for their bodies, I couldn’t decide which to choose until ②the smallest dog came up to me and licked my face.

Dion felt quite strange to our home at first. Every night, she cried in a way that sometimes made me cry. She cried almost every second of the day. But after a few weeks, she got used to us.

My mother and I took Dion to a kindergarten for little dogs. It was funny to see all the dogs barking very loudly. She was very shy. But she was very friendly with the other dogs. The trainer says that she is doing very well for a four-month-old dog.

If you want to get a dog, think about your time and the work you must do. I walk Dion four to six times a day. I feed her, spend time with her and watch her when she is out of her doghouse. Even if my favorite TV program is on, or a good part in a movie is coming up, __③__. It is a lot of work to keep her clean. Sometimes when I brush her, ④I end up with hair all over me.

But Dion also gives her love to me in return. She is always there to lick me and lie on me. I enjoy playing with her, I think she can __⑤__ when I am happy, sad, angry or troubled. Dion is my dog, and she is my friend as well.


1. ①badly的英语解释(不超过3个词):


2.       Why did Dion cry at first?             



(   ) 3. 在文中___③___上填上合适的选项:            

A. I still have to take care of her.        B. Dion is barking, too.

(   ) 4. ⑤处单词为:______  

A. say       B. tell       C. speak         D. talk

任务(三)列举“我”为Dion做的事情(用词组表示)。 (at least 3 things)

5. ___________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________


8. ②the smallest dog came up to me   


9. ④I end up with hair all over me.    


