stand in line 站队 查看更多




Lan Liang Is Late

  T:It's time for the P. E. class. Stand in line! Count off!

  Ss:One, two, three, four…

  T:Who is absent (缺席)?

  SA:Ian Liang isn't here.

  T:Is he at school?

  SA:No, he isn't.

  T:Where is he?

  SA:I think he is at home.

  SB:No! Look! Who's that boy over there?

  SA:Oh, that's Lan Liang.

  SC:I'm coming.

  Notes 注释:

  T:Teacher(老师), SA:Student A(学生A), SB:Student B(学生B), SC:Student C(学生C); Students(学生)

  It's time for the P. E. class!该到上体育课的时候了!

  Stand in line!站队!

  Count off!报数!

  I think…我想

  Who's that boy over there?那边的那个男孩是谁?

  be late for…迟到


1.The teacher and the students are at school.

(  )

2.Lan Liang is their English teacher.

(  )

3.Lan Liang isn't at home.

(  )

4.Nobody is late for the P. E. class.

(  )

5.They are in the classroom.

(  )

