( ) Everything is lighter on the moon than on the earth. A. so B. more C. much D. very 查看更多



Believe it or not, the day when you can go to the moon is coming soon. You can go into space   1   space shuttle. It   2   about three days for the shuttle to go from the earth to the moon. The shuttle flies a long way to a space station. You can stay there for a short rest and then it will   3   you to the moon.

       Now you can jump out of the shuttle. But you mustn’t take   4   your spacesuit, because it is very hot in the daytime and very cold at night on the moon. The moon is much smaller than the earth. Things are   5  on the moon than they are on the earth. You can jump high every time you take a step. You will find that it is never tiring to walk on the moon. You don’t need to take an umbrella or a raincoat with you,   6   there is no rain on the moon. You can hear   7   because there is no air on the moon. And there are no animals or   8   living things there.

       The moon moves more slowly than the earth, so one day on the moon is as long as two weeks on the earth and one night is just as long as two weeks on the earth. What could you do in   9   long days and nights and in a silent world? Now scientists are trying to make the   10   of the moon. But our earth is really a far better place to live, as long as we take good care of it.

1.    A. on                           B. in                      C. by                    D. with

2.    A. spends                            B. costs                 C. takes                 D. pays

3.    A. bring                        B. carry                 C. ride                   D. fly

4.    A. up                           B. down                C. on                    D. off

5.    A. light                         B. heavy                C. lighter               D. heavier

6.    A. since                        B. when                C. if                      D. so

7.    A. something                B. anything            C. everything         D. nothing

8.    A. any                          B. other                 C. another             D. /

9.    A. so                            B. such                 C. so a                  D. such a

10.   A. worse                      B. worst                C. better                D. best



      Some day you may go to the moon. A tall rocket will take you into space. The rocket flies a long
way to a space station. You will stop there for a short time. Then a big spaceship will take you to the
      About three days later,the ship slowly goes down and gets to the moon. You are now on the moon,
but you can not leave your spaceship. You must put on a space suit for the moon.It is very hot in the day
and very cold at night.If you don't wear a space suit,you can't live there. You jump out of the spaceship
and begin to walk.The moon is much smaller than the earth. The things on the moon are lighter than those
on the earth. You jump high in the air every time you take a step.
     The moon moves slowly, so one day on the moon is as long as two weeks on the earth and one night
is just as long as two weeks on the earth. It never rains on the moon, and everything on the moon is dry.
There are no trees or other living things of any kind. There is nothing to do there. The earth is a far better
 place to live on,but scientists are trying to make the best of the moon.

1. How can you go into space? By  __      .
A. plane                        
B. spaceship
C. rocket                        
D. space suit
2. How can you get to the moon?
A. By rocket I can go into space.
B. It will take me a long time to get to the moon by rocket.
C. The rocket will take me to the space station and by spaceship I will get there.
D. A and C.
3. Which is right?
A. Days are longer but nights are shorter on the moon.
B. Days are shorter but nights are longer on the moon.
C. Days are shorter than nights on the moon.
D. 28 days on the earth is as long as two days on the moon.
4. There is no life on the moon because     __   .
A. the moon moves very slowly
B. there is no air or water
C. night is hotter but day is colder
D. the moon is much smaller than the earth
5. On the moon if you are in a space suit you can move    __    than on the earth.
A .more easily            
B. harder
C. more slowly                  
D. more quickly

