Time is money. 时间就是金钱. 查看更多



Mike gets up at half past seven. He has an egg and some milk for breakfast. Then he goes to school. When he is on his way to school, he is thinking, I tell my teacher that my mother is ill on Mon---day. I tell him my bike doesnt work on my way to school on Tuesday. What should I say to--day? Mike thinks it over, but he doesn’t have a good idea.

“May I come in?” says Mike at the door.

“Oh, my boy,” says Mr. Brown. “Please look at the clock on the wall. What time is it now?” “It’s eight ten,” says Mike. Mr. Brown is not happy and says, “You are late for class three times this

week. If all the students are like you, the clock is no use, I think.”

“ You are wrong, Mr. Brown,” says Mike. “If I don’t have the clock how do I know I am late for school?”

1.What does Mike do?

A. A student B. A teacher C. A worker D. A cook

2.What day is it today?

A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday D. Thursday

3.What time does Mike get to his classroom today?

A. At 7:30 B. At 8:10 C. At 8:20 D. At 8:30

4.The Chinese meaning of the word useis __________.

A. 生命 B. 价格 C. 傻瓜 D.用途

5.How many times is Mike late for class this week?

A .Once B. Twice C. Three D. Four times



Mike gets up at half past seven. He has an egg and some milk for breakfast. Then he goes to school. When he is on his way to school, he is thinking, “ I tell my teacher that my mother is ill on  Mon---day. I tell him my bike doesn’t work on my way to school on Tuesday. What should I say  to--day? Mike thinks it over, but he doesn’t have a good idea. 
“May I come in?” says Mike at the  door. 
“Oh, my boy,” says Mr. Brown. “Please look at the clock on the wall. What time is it now?” “It’s eight ten,” says Mike. Mr. Brown is not happy and says, “You are late for class three times this
week. If all the students are like you, the clock is no use, I think.”
“ You are wrong, Mr. Brown,” says Mike. “If I don’t have the clock how do I know I am late for school?”
小题1:What does Mike do?
A. A studentB. A teacherC.A workerD. A cook
小题2:What day is it today?
小题3:What time does Mike get to his classroom today?
A.At 7:30B.At 8:10C.At 8:20D.At 8:30
小题4:The Chinese meaning of the word “use” is “__________”.
小题5:How many times is Mike late for class this week?
A.OnceB.TwiceC.ThreeD.Four times


Children's Training Center



Time:Mon, Thurs, and Fri, 9:00am - 11:00am


Teacher:Miss Liu

Tel:023-8209643, 13698371652

Time:Tues, Wed, and Fri, 9:00am—11:00am, 3:00pm - 5:00pm


Teacher:Mr. Hu

Tel:023-68206162, 13708256472



Time:Mon, Thurs, and Sunday, 9:00am - 11:00am


Teacher:Miss Yang

Tel:023-8206569, 13783147258

Time:Thurs, Saturday, and Sunday, 9:00am - 11:00am, 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Place:Swimming Pool

Teacher:Miss Wang and Mr. Zhang

Tel:023-68202280, 13057382119


1.If Xiao Ming wants to learn computer, he can call         

A.023-68206162 or 13783147258                  B.023-68206162 or 13708356472

C.023-8206569 or 13708356472                     D.023-68202280 or 13057382119

2.If you want to learn drawing,you can go to         

A.Room 201                                               B.Room 503

C.Room 307                                                 D.the swimming pool

3.If you are free(空闲)on Thursday afternoon,you can go to learn         

A.English                B.drawing               C.swimming              D.computer

4.When does children’s Training Center open every day?

A.10:00am            B.9:00am              C.9:00pm                      D.11:00am

5.Which of the following is right(正确的)?

A.Miss Wang and Mr. Zhang can teach you swimming.

B.Miss Liu and Mr. Hu can teach you drawing.

C.Miss Yang and Mr. Zhang can teach you English.

D.Miss Wang and Miss Liu can't swim.



too much; come from; chat with; wake up; between meals; in front of;

health; be good for; get… ready forkeep fit

1.Reading English ______________________ you to understand it. Many students never spend enough time (about 15 minutes) reading every day.

2.A ______________ diet is very important for young students, so you can’t eat too many hamburgers.

3.Dad, what’s the time? Is it time ____________________ now?

4.The boy likes roller skating very much, but his father doesn’t have the time to take him to People’s Square. So he often skates ____________________ his house.

5.________ Miss Tian _______________ Hunan or Sichuan? She eats so hot food.

6.---- What is your uncle doing?

---- He ___________________________ his e-friends on the Internet.

7.Sometimes she feels hungry , so she eats an apple or a pear.

8.Usually our parents new clothes us.

9.---What sports should I do to ?

---Swimming is the best sport.

10.Cakes and sweets have sugar and are bad for your teeth.



Dear Lucy,
I hope everything is going well with you. And I’m sorry to tell you I have a big problem now. As you know I am in Grade Nine this【小题1】(学期). Sometimes there are many exams. I realize one of the most important time is coming now.  
Before the tests , I always【小题2】(着急) about the tests. I’m【小题3】(害怕的) I can’t pass them.
When I take the tests, I always want to write the answers as【小题4】(快) as possible. In fact, I often make many【小题5】(错误).
After the tests, I can’t sleep well at night. I think how foolish I am. The next day, when I am in【小题6】(上课), I will be very 【小题7】(困倦的). I always want to have a【小题8】(休息).
What’s the【小题9】( 麻烦) with me? If you have any ideas, please【小题10】(回复) to me , I really need your help.

