As you know, I am a very kind person. 你知道.我是个很和善的人. 查看更多



Dear Lucy,
I hope everything is going well with you. And I’m sorry to tell you I have a big problem now. As you know I am in Grade Nine this【小题1】(学期). Sometimes there are many exams. I realize one of the most important time is coming now.  
Before the tests , I always【小题2】(着急) about the tests. I’m【小题3】(害怕的) I can’t pass them.
When I take the tests, I always want to write the answers as【小题4】(快) as possible. In fact, I often make many【小题5】(错误).
After the tests, I can’t sleep well at night. I think how foolish I am. The next day, when I am in【小题6】(上课), I will be very 【小题7】(困倦的). I always want to have a【小题8】(休息).
What’s the【小题9】( 麻烦) with me? If you have any ideas, please【小题10】(回复) to me , I really need your help.




Reporter:Can you introduce something about your latest class activity?

Monitor:Sure. The students from our class planted some lines of trees on March 12th, 2008.

Reporter:How did you plant trees?

Monitor:First, the students were                   76              into groups of four. Next, each group of   students planted a tree. Then, they poured some water over the trees.

Reported:How do you    77      for the trees?

Monitor: We plan to come back and look after the trees           78              .

Reported:Sounds good. Could you tell me why you choose to do that?

Monitor:As you know, pollution has become one of the most serious    79    . We would like to try our best to improve our environment. 

Reporter:Well, it’s very meaningful. If everyone can do something to protect the environment         80         , our city will become much more beautiful.




A: Hi, Zhou Qiang. Haven’t seen you for too long!  1. 

B: I’ve just been to the Three Gorges (三峡).

A: Really?   2. 

B: Right. As you know, we’ve built a great dam (坝) across the Changjiang River.

A:   3. 

B: Yes, the dam is stopping water these days. And the water is rising 2 meters every day until it is 135 meters high.

A: Oh, it’s said the beautiful scenery (风景) of Kuimen will be under water. What a pity!

B:   4.   It has been copied in another place with some other places of interest.

A: Great!I want to go to the Three Gorges this summer. Would you like to go there with me again?

B: I’d love to!  5. 

A.Is the dam beginning to work?

B.But I haven’t been there yet.

C.Don’t worry.

D.Is it hard to build the dam?

E.Where have you been?

F.It’s reported that it has changed a lot.

G.We’ll see a new Three Gorges then.




discuss   listen   different   force   translate
【小题1】Long long ago, Many British people __________ to leave their country.
【小题2】After the ___________, they agreed with each other.
【小题3】As you know, English is spoken _________ in many counties.
【小题4】Mr. Wang doesn’t know any French. He needs a __________ to help him in France.
【小题5】If you want to succeed in learning English, you need to do more __________.


 What's wrong with your car?

    - Well, as you know, cars usually_______ start in winter.

A. don't                   B. shan't                  C. can't                   D. won't


