They are arguing over who should pay the bill.他们为谁应该付款而争论不休. 查看更多




1.I can work out(算出)the math p_________.

2.We are students.We have a lot of h________ to do every day.

3.He is a cook.He works in a r__________.

4.Tom and I are in the same class.We are c___________.

5.The dress has four c__________.They are black,red,white and green.

6.Han Mei often ________ me ________(帮助)my English.

7._________ __________ (两百)students are in this school.

8.The dress is too expensive(昂贵的),and I’ll _______ ________(考虑)it.

9.We are good friends.We often help ________ ________(互相).

10.She _______ _______(住在)America now.

11.Help ________(you),kids!

12.She is glad _________ (help)you.

13.Mr. Brown is a good teacher.We like________(he) very much.

14.We ar from China.We are____________(China).

15.How about _________(fly) kites with me?



【小题1】I can work out(算出)the math p_________.
【小题2】We are students.We have a lot of h________ to do every day.
【小题3】He is a cook.He works in a r__________.
【小题4】Tom and I are in the same class.We are c___________.
【小题5】The dress has four c__________.They are black,red,white and green.
【小题6】Han Mei often ________ me ________(帮助)my English.
【小题7】_________ __________ (两百)students are in this school.
【小题8】The dress is too expensive(昂贵的),and I’ll _______ ________(考虑)it.
【小题9】We are good friends.We often help ________ ________(互相).
【小题10】She _______ _______(住在)America now.
【小题11】Help ________(you),kids!
【小题12】She is glad _________ (help)you.
【小题13】Mr. Brown is a good teacher.We like________(he) very much.
【小题14】We ar from China.We are____________(China).
【小题15】How about _________(fly) kites with me?


小题1:I can work out(算出)the math p_________.
小题2:We are students.We have a lot of h________ to do every day.
小题3:He is a cook.He works in a r__________.
小题4:Tom and I are in the same class.We are c___________.
小题5:The dress has four c__________.They are black,red,white and green.
小题6:Han Mei often ________ me ________(帮助)my English.
小题7:_________ __________ (两百)students are in this school.
小题8:The dress is too expensive(昂贵的),and I’ll _______ ________(考虑)it.
小题9:We are good friends.We often help ________ ________(互相).
小题10:She _______ _______(住在)America now.
小题11:Help ________(you),kids!
小题12:She is glad _________ (help)you.
小题13:Mr. Brown is a good teacher.We like________(he) very much.
小题14:We ar from China.We are____________(China).
小题15:How about _________(fly) kites with me?


  Fears are something we all have. You need to face your fears and to get over them. However,it's easier (41)  than done. Running away from your fears doesn’t make them leave It just makes them (42) …than ever. We're never going to be (43) fearless everything we do, but we can at least be more fearless and  (44)

  What are the fears that scare you much? Check what they are and get them (45) in the open. Are they things (46) height or snakes? Are you afraid to talk to girl or boy?

Ar. you so  (47)  that you are fearing on saying the wrong thing? These are common fears that (48) your daily lives.

  Before you can face them, you need to learn more about   (49)  makes you fearful of these situations Communicating your fear one way. Other people may be able to(50)  your anxiety(焦虑)because they know something you don’t. It could he from 8 past (51) , something that you could never forget and has made you fearful (52)  then

To face fears, you have to (53)  in something. It's a very healthy way of letting you feel as if nothing can go (54) When you feel that way, you may he able to think (55) about your fears. You will be able 10 believe that everything will be okay. Everything does end up being okay.

41. A called     B. acted     C. dreamed   D. said

42. A. louder     B sillier     C. brighter   D. bigger

43. A. similarly    B. specially    C. completely   D. strongly

44. A. honest     B. confident    C. patient    D energetic

45. A. out     B. below    C. about    D away

46 A. like      B. behind     C. among    D above

47. A. free     B; shy     C. polite    D. peaceful

48. A. wonder     B. pretend    C. influence    D. save

49. A. who      B. why      C where     D. what

50. A. remind     B. realise    C. represent   D. receive

51'. A. season    B. expression   C. subject    D. experience

52. A. before     B. since     C. after     D .until

53. A. believe    B. suggest    C. dream    D. succeed

54. A. guilty     B. wrong    C. direct    D. correct

55. A. mostly     B. fairly     C. differently   D. gently


【小题1】At last, she _____________she was lost(意识到).
【小题2】They all shouted with___________________(激动).
【小题3】The old soldier often tell us his _____(经历) in the past.
【小题4】Riding a bike has more _____ (优势) than driving a car because of the heavy traffic.
【小题5】My father _____ (放松) himself at the weekend.
【小题6】They are _____ to see each other .(please)
【小题7】Eating ______ is good for us. We must eat more vegetables. (health)
【小题8】Look at her ______ (color) face. She must be badly ill.
【小题9】We are celebrating my parents’ 20 years of _________________(marry)
【小题10】His father’s ______ made them feel sad.(die)

