It was getting , and the scenery was changing. 查看更多




A.Was it exciting

B.How was your vacation

C.How was the movie

D.Frank helped me study it

E.Where did you go on vacation

F.What did you do last night

G.Did you go to the movies last night

A: 1. ?

B:It was great.I enjoyed it.

A:  2. ?

B:My family went to the Great Wall. We visited my uncle in Beijing.

A:  3. ?

B:No,I stayed at home and studied for the math exam. 4.   Did you go?

A:Yes,I did.I saw Lost in Thailand(《人再囧途之泰囧》)last night.

B:  5.?

A:It was really exciting.






A.I had a good weekend

  B.I went to the cinema

  C.I went to an Indian restaurant

  D.I had an accident

  E.Was there a lot of damage

  F.Yes,very good

  G.What's wrong with the car

  (J=John R=Rose)

  J:How are you?                      

  R:I'm fine.thanks.                    

  J:Did you have a good weekend?              


  J:Did you enjoy the film?                

  R:It was excellent.                    

  J:What did you do after that?              


  J:That sounds nice.What was the food like?

  R:Wonderful.but I ate too much! What about you? How was your weekend?

  J:Terrible! (4)_____ with the car.

  R:Oh dear! I'm sorry to hear that.Are you all right?

  J:Yes.I'm fine now but I had a bad headache for two days.

  R:And what about the car?(5)_____? wasn't.The garage repaired it and I can drive it again now.

  R:Oh well.Come and have lunch with me and forget about the weekend.



How was your weekend?”“It was g    .


完成对话 通读下面的对话.然后根据上下文补全对话内容。

Gina:Hi, Mary.Your skirt is so beautiful.

Mary:Thank you very muck

G:  1  ?

M:I bought it in Yunnan.

G:Yunnan? Oh, you are so hcky.  2  ?

M:Yes, I went there last summer.I had a good time.

G:  3  ?

M:It was sunny and warm.I visited many beautiful places.

G:  4  ?

M:The people there are very friendly and kind.

G:I hope to visit it one day.

M:I'm sure you'll love it.

G:I think I will.Oh, I'm afraid I must go now, See you.

M:  5  


选择所给句子,补全对话。 every time it miaowed,

  B.They were frightened and ran away quickly.

  C.goldfish can only remember things for three seconds.

  D.They found a little cat in the bushes.

  E.They took it to the animal center.

  F.Andy put the little cat into a basket.

  G.A teacher helped Andy find the ghost.


  R:What did Millie and Andy hear?

  A:They heard a strange noise.1 ndline

  R:What did they find?

  A:2 ndline

  R:Why did the little cat sound like a ghost?

  A:It was very weak,3   it sounded like a ghost.

  R:Where is the cat now?

  A:4 ndline

  R:By the way,do you know anything about goldfish?

  A:Yes.I hear 5 ndline

  R:That's interesting.

  1.__________ 2.__________  3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________

