Where is you father? Can you find him? 查看更多



A boy carefully took his blind father to a seat in a noodle restaurant.

He called   1   for two bowls of beef noodles. When the restaurant owner was going to   2   the food, the boy suddenly whispered to him,“Only one bowl with   3  , the other without ---just plain noodles.”

In fact, the boy had a light purse and couldn’t afford   4  bowls of beef noodles. He called loudly just to let his   5  know.

When the noodles were sent to them, the father wasn’t in a hurry. He used his chopsticks to search in his bowls, trying to   6   a piece of beef. As soon as he succeeded in finding one, he picked it out   7  put it into his son’s bowl, saying kindly, “Eat some more. Have enough   8  so that you can study well.”

The boy accepted silently(默默地) and then quietly put the beef   9  to his father’s bowl.

When the restaurant owner saw this, he was   10 , then he asked a waiter to bring   11  some dishes from the kitchen. The boy thought   12  the waiter took the dishes to a wrong table, but the owner came up explaining with a smile, “Today is my restaurant’s anniversary(周年庆). The dishes are  13 .”

After the father and son left, the waiter   14  the bowls from the table and found some coins 15  one of them. The sum is just the price of the dishes.

1.                A.quickly         B.slowly          C.loudly    D.quietly


2.                A.ask            B.prepare        C.eat  D.heat


3.                A.pork           B.chicken         C.beef D.fish


4.                A.five            B.two            C.three D.four


5.                A.mother         B.father          C.friend    D.waiter


6.                A.look           B.listen           C.find  D.see


7.                A.so             B.but            C.or   D.and


8.                A.money         B.book           C.food D.work


9.                A.back           B.up             C.down D.off


10.               A.angry          B.afraid          C.moved    D.nervous


11.               A.us             B.him            C.her   D.them


12.               A.who           B.that           C.where D.how


13.               A.free           B.cheap          C.expensive D.best


14.               A.found          B.cleaned        C.finished   D.came


15.               A.out            B.in             C.on   D.under




One day a farmer walking along a road with his son Thomas , the father said, “look! There’s a horseshoe, pick it up and put it in your bag.” Thomas said, “It isn’t worth (值得)the trouble.” His father said nothing but he picked it up himself. When they got to nearby town, they had a rest. There the farmer sold the horseshoe and with the few money he bought some cherries(樱桃).
The father and the son continued (继续)their way. The sun was well up in the sky, and there wasn’t a house or even a tree where they could have a rest. Thomas felt too thirsty to walk. At this time, his father dropped(掉落) a cherry on the ground and Thomas picked it up quickly and ate it, after a while , his father stopped another cherry and once again, his son was busy picking it up and putting it in his mouth.
And so they went on. The old farmer dropped the cherries and the son picked them up. When Thomas had eaten up all the cherries, his father said to him, “My dear son, if you bent(弯腰) down early to pick up that horseshoe, it would not have been necessary for you to bend so many times for the cherries. Always remember the lesson that he who does not worry about the things will find that he cannot do the great things.”
小题1:Who picked up the horseshoe at last?
A.the sonB.The father
C.both the father and the sonD.Neither the father or the son
小题2:The farmer bought ___ with the money after he sold the horseshoe.
A.some breadB.some waterC.some cherriesD.some pennies
小题3:When the son refused(拒绝)to pick up the horseshoe, the father___
A.beat(打) the sonB.said nothing
C.felt very happy  D.became very angry
小题4:The father dropped the cherries one by one, because_____
A.he wanted to teach his son a lesson.
B.he wanted his son to do more exercise.
C.he wanted his son to eat them all.
D.he wanted to laugh at his son.
小题5:From the story, we can learn that____
A.cherries are so delicious that most of us like to eat them.
B.a horseshoe is so expensive that it can bring us a lot of money.
C.if we want to eat cherries, we must pick up a horseshoe.
D.if we don’t worry about the little things, we cannot do the great things


In 2013, the most p 小题1:TV program must be Dad, where are we going .Most of people fell in love with five lovely children ,and were moved by their childishness.(童真).Five star-daddies took care of them w小题2: mothers’ help. They took us to visit many wonderful places in our country by w小题3: the program.
Do you like Kimi? He is just four years old .He is a boy, b小题4:  he is quite shy .His daddy is a superman in his heart.Angela is a smart girl.She likes eating so much.That is w 小题5:  she looks a bit heavy. She is very polite to ask others for h 小题6:  when she has problems.Cindy is a beautiful girl .We all know she is a crybaby at 小题7: ,but we can find great changes on Cindy .In fact (事实上),She is very helpful and active among (在…...之中) these c 小题8:. Stone is the eldest kid .At the beginning of the programe ,he n 小题9:  cries. He always helps others as much as possible. Tiantian is an outgoing boy ,he and his father get along like b 小题10: . Many people like him because he is handsome and clever .The kids and their dads get to know more about each other through this program.


   Books are our best friends. They are very quiet, but we can always find both fun and knowledge once we open them. Here are two good books you can read during the holiday.

   The little Prince(王子)

French Writer: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

   Both adults and children love this classic book. It is about the adventure of a young prince. It shows the importance of innocence (纯真), imagination and love.

   The little prince comes from planet B -612. In his eyes, adults are all very strange. Unlike them, he sees the essence (本质) of things. He cares more about a flower and a sheep than the "important" things of the adult world.

  The prince lives on his planet with a rose. He loves the rose very much. But he soon feels tired and leaves his planet. He meets many more strange adults on other planets.

   On Earth, he discovers interesting things such as a snake, other roses and a fox. The fox tells him a secret: Only the heart can discover the most important things. This helps the prince realize his love for the rose and he goes back to his planet.

   To Succeed on One' s Own

  American Writer: Liu Yong

   Writer Liu Yong from Taiwan wrote this book for his daughter. It can help young people succeed.

   The book teaches you about student, how to use your free time and even what kind of clothes to wear. It answers many teenagers’ most common questions. Liu uses his daughter' s stories as examples to help readers understand the principles(原则).

   His book is far from boring. There are lively stories and dialogues, with objective analysis (客观分析), hope and confidence (信心) from a good father.


56. Where does the writer of "The little Prince" come from?

    A. England.    B. France.     C. America.    D. China.

57. What does the prince do after the fox tells him a secret?

    A. He cares more about a flower and a sheep.

    B. He meets many more strange adults on other planets.

    C. He discovers interesting things such as a snake, other roses and a fox.

    D. He realizes his love for the rose and he goes back to his planet.

58. What does " The little Prince " mainly talk about?

   It' s about     .

    A. the adult world          B. the planet B -612

    C. a rose and a fox          D. the adventure of a young prince

59. Who did Liu Yong write the book "To Succeed on One' s Own" for?

    A. His daughter.   B. His students.  C. Teenagers.    D. Young people.

60. From the passage, we know that we can always find     in books.

    A. the importance of teenagers’, imagination and love

    B. the answers to many of teenagers' most common questions

    C. the objective analysis, hope and confidence

    D. both fun and knowledge


One day, a farmer was walking along a road with his son Thomas. The father said, “Look! There's a horseshoe. Pick it up and put it in your bag.” Thomas said, “It isn't worth the trouble.” His father said nothing but picked it up himself. When they got to a nearby town, they had a rest. There the farmer sold the horseshoe and with the few pennies he bought some cherries.
The father and the son continued their way. The sun was well up in the sky, and there wasn't a house or even a tree where they could have a rest. Thomas felt too thirsty to walk on. At this time, his father dropped a cherry on the ground and Thomas picked it up quickly and ate it. After a while, his father dropped another cherry and once again, his son lost some time in picking it up and putting it in his mouth.
And so they went on. The old farmer dropped the cherries and the son picked them up. When Thomas had eaten up all the cherries, his father said to him, "My dear son, if you had bent down earlier to pick up that horseshoe. it would not have been necessary for you to bend so many times for the cherries. Always remember the lesson that anyone who does not worry about the little things will find that he cannot do the great things.
【小题1】Who picked up the horseshoe at last?
A.Thomas.B.The old father.
C.Both the father and the son.D.Neither the father nor the son.
【小题2】The farmer bought _______ with the money after he sold the horseshoe.
A.some foodB.some waterC.some cherriesD.some pennies
【小题3】When the son refused to pick up the horseshoe, the father _______.
A.felt very happyB.didn't say anythingC.beat the sonD.became a little angry
【小题4】 The father dropped the cherries one by one, because _______.
A.he wanted his son to eat them allB.he wanted his son to do more exercise
C.lie wanted to teach his son a lessonD.he wanted his son to pick them up
【小题5】From the story, we can learn that _______.
A.cherries are so delicious that most of us like to eat them
B.a horseshoe is so expensive that it can bring us a lot of money
C.if the boy wants to eat cherries, he must pick up the horseshoe
D.if we want to do some great things, we should start with some small ones

