W: The telephone number of our home is 5562828. What about yours? M: Ours is 6652828. 查看更多



【小题1】.Everyone is at school e       Mary. She is ill in hospital.
【小题2】Last night I didn’t go to bed u      the football game was over.
【小题3】Yang Lei made a d      to work at a school in China’s rural areas.
【小题4】Tim said Peter didn’t work there a     . He found a new job.
【小题5】I’m very h_____. Can I have some bread?
【小题6】Don’t talk in the room. The baby is s_____.
【小题7】 All of them are very t_____. But they didn’t stop to have a rest.
【小题8】I wonder w__________ the new house is big enough or not.
【小题9】Many students have h_______, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables in their gardens, and looking after animals.
【小题10】Last Sunday Kate fell off her bike and h ______herself.


1. Today is the f_______ day of your holiday.
2. Don’t w_______ the baby up. She is sleeping.
3. He is playing c_______ games.
4. —How often do you go to the library?
—Three t_______ a week.
5. How long can I k_______ it?
6. Wang Jing usually t_______ a bus to school.
7. Mike wants to rent a fully f_______ house.
8. If you p_______ in the wrong place, you’ll get a ticket.
9. She usually w_______ TV in the living room.
10. The teacher is waiting for us. Let’s go to the t_______ room.


【小题1】Nobody taught Jenny history when she was young. She taught h         .
【小题2】 You need to be patient to wait another two m          for the visa (签证) to Australia.
【小题3】 In order to see the sunrise, they got up even e          this morning.
【小题4】Thanks to Joan, her suggestion was really h          for me to improve my English.
【小题5】Martin, please be quiet! Pay a          to what I’m going to say.
【小题6】 I don’t like making speeches. I feel nervous t        in front of many people.
【小题7】 Everyone else in my class was invited to the evening party e            me.
【小题8】 The nurse w        the baby and recorded in the book, “The baby’s 4.2 kg.”
【小题9】It’s not safe to give out your p          information to your strange net friends.
【小题10】Tom is so sad now because he lost yesterday’s basketball match. Let’s c          him up.



         A schoolboy’s life is in preparation for the real work of life. It is also 1.f        of different experiences and interests. One of the most important parts of a schoolboy’s life is to get as much 2.k        and good mind-training as he can. His mostly business in school is to 3.l       . He has to 4.r          the books in classes. He has to do the homework set to him. Another 5.p       of a schoolboy's life is the school discipline(纪律). At school there are strict rules to be kept. This strict discipline is very (71)u       for him when he enters society(社会) to make a living. It teaches him some very necessary virtues (美德) on the road to a social6.l       .

         School is a place for a schoolboy to learn 7.w        the society(社会) is. For in the classroom and the playground, he has to mix with his classmates and not the 8.

m       of his family.

         This is also the way when he has to carry 9.h        in society.




1.We w________ the first prize in the sports meeting last night.

2.We should speak English as much as p_____ if we want to learn it better.

3.People in our village built many tall b______ last year.

4.His father is an e_______. He can plan the making of bridges.

5.Thank you for i______ me to visit next week.

6.John plays football ________() than his brother Jack.

7.There are some _________ (外国的) friends visiting our school.

8.____________(然而), many young trees died ten days ago.

9.Mr. Black and his son are great _______(科学家)in Green City.

10.I can’t _________(忍受) Healthy Living.


