Don't to call me when you get there. 查看更多



I keep a two-dollar bill (纸币) in my wallet. My mother gave it to me when I was six years old.The bill goes with me wherever I go because I believe luck would    1    me everywhere.

Whenever I felt there was a trouble, I would reach my two-dollar bill and put it on the table,I would watch it for several hours and could always come up with    2    .

When I began to look for my first job, I was thirty years old and very    3   .The thought of being interviewed for a job was scary but I had to work.Mrs. Martin, the office manager, asked me some questions and the interview was over.As I got    4    her office, I said, "Mrs. Martin, I know that I am not the best applicants (申请者), but please give me a chance.I learn quickly and can be a very able member of your team."

That evening I received a phone call from Mrs. Martin."Gina," she said."You were not the best applicant, but you have so much confidence in yourself that we have    5   to give you a chance." "Thank you so much, Mrs. Martin!" I said.I was so excited that I forgot to say   36  to Mrs. Martin.

I took out my two-dollar bill."Thanks, Mom.I am going to    7    it, "I said out loud so my mother could hear me.

At that moment, I remember the time she pulled all of us into the living room and said, "You are all clever in my    8    , but if you fail once, don't give up.You will be successful." I still think of Mom every day and keep my two-dollar bill in my wallet. At a family reunion (团聚) years later, I found that my brothers and sisters    9    had two-dollar bills in their wallets.We laughed and talked about how    10    this gift from Mom had been to each of us.

1.A.bring                 B.take                 C.follow                    D.find answer          B.a chance idea                    D.a decision

3.A.sad                   B.lonely              C.weak                   D.shy

4.A.out of                B.into                 C.from                      D.around

5.A.liked                  B.decided            C.offered                D.needed

6.A.hello                  B.sorry               C.goodbye                 D.thanks

7.A.get                     C.have                       D.make

8.A.head                  B.eye                  C.mind                   D.thought

9.A.each                  B.all                    C.most                   D.both

10.A.special             B.surprised                         D.expensive



Don't ________(fail to remember)to call me when you get there.


1. You can look up the word in the d________ if you don't know it.
2. Don't ________ (fail to remember) to call me when you get there.
3. Mobile phones are ________ (流行的,普遍的) in the modern world.
4. Don't w________ water. Can't you see the sign "Save Water"?
5. They won the basketball match yesterday. The s______ was 5:3.



1. You can look up the word in the d ________if you don't know it.

2. Don't________(fail to remember)to call me when you get there.

3. Mobile phones are________(流行的,普遍的)in the modern world.

4. Don't ________water.  Can't you see the sign "Save Water"?

5. They won the basketball match yesterday. The ________was 5:3.


         I keep a two-dollar bill in my wallet (钱包). My mother gave it to me when I was six years old. The bill
goes with me wherever I go because I believe luck would    1     me everywhere.
        Whenever I felt there was a trouble, I would    2     for my two-dollar bill and set it on the table, I would
watch it for several hours and could always come up with    3     .
        When I began to look for my first job, I was thirty years old and very     4    . The thought of being
interviewed (面试) for a job was scary (恐怖的) but I had to work. Mrs. Martin, the office manager, asked me
some questions and the interview was over. As I got     5    her office, I said, "Mrs. Martin, I know that I am
not the best applicant (申请者), but please give me a chance. I learn quickly and can be a very     6    member
of your team."   
        That evening I received a phone call from Mrs. Martin. "Gina," she said. "You were not the best applicant,
but you have so much confidence (信心) in yourself that we have    7     to give you a chance." "Thank you so
much, Mrs. Martin!" I said. I was so excited that I forgot to say     8    to Mrs. Martin.
         I took out my two-dollar bill. "Thanks, Mom. I am going to     9     it," I sad out loud so my mother could
hear me.
        At that moment, I remember the time she pulled all of us into the living room and said, "You are all clever
in my    10     , but if you fail once, don't give up. You will be successful." I still think of Mom every day and
keep my two-dollar bill in my wallet. At a family reunion (团聚) years later, I found that my brothers and sisters
     11      had two-dollar bills in their wallets. We laughed and talked about how    12    this gift from Mom had
been to each of us.
(     )1. A. bring  
(     )2. A. wait    
(     )3. A. an answer
(     )4. A. sad    
(     )5. A. out of  
(     )6. A. clever  
(     )7. A. liked  
(     )8. A. hello  
(     )9. A. get    
(     )10. A. head  
(     )11. A. each  
(     )12. A. special
B. take    
B. reach    
B. a chance 
B. lonely   
B. into   
B. strong    
B. decided  
B. sorry    
B. do      
B. eye        
B. all       
B. nice    
C. follow     
C. feel    
C. an idea   
C. weak    
C. from      
C. friendly  
C. offered  
C. goodbye  
C. have      
C. mind    
C. most      
C. wonderful
D. find      
D. ask       
D. a decision  
D. shy       
D. around    
D. able       
D. needed     
D. thanks     
D. make     
D. thought     
D. both      
D. expensive

