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根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(Choose the best answers according to the passage.)

  Science fiction is a popular kind of writing, and many people think of Jules Verne as the father of science fiction.He was born in France in 1828.His father wanted him to become a lawyer(律师), but from his early twenties Verne decided to become a writer.At first he wrote plays for the theater.Then, in 1863, he wrote a story called Five Weeks in a Balloon.The success of the book encouraged him to write more stories such as A Journey to the Center of the Earth(1864)and From the Earth to the Moon(1865).

  In the 19th century, many people were interested in science and inventions.Jules Verne wrote about scientific subjects in his stories and, as a result, they were very popular.Verne's writing included many predictions(预言)for the 20th century and many of them came true.He described space flight, movies, and very successful and they made Verne rich.

  Jules Verne's books have been the subjects for many movies.20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea was a successful movie for Walt Disney.It was the first Disney movie to use real actors instead of cartoon drawings.Around the World in Eighty Days is another famous movie based on one of Verne's books.The main character is an Englishman called Phileas Fogg.For him, the most important thing is to be always on time!


The phrase“the father of science fiction”means ________.

[  ]


the father who has several children


the man who loves science and inventions


the writer whose father wrote science fiction


the man who first started writing science fiction successfully


What encouraged Jules Verne to write more stories?

[  ]


The plays he wrote for the theater.


The encouragement from his father.


The success of Five Weeks in a Balloon.


The scientific subjects in his stories.


Jules Verne's books were very popular in the 19th century because ________.

[  ]


his books made him rich and famous


he wrote many plays for the theater at that time


his books have been the subjects for many movies


many people were interested in science and inventions


Which of the following has the main character called Phileas Fogg?

[  ]


Five Weeks in a Balloon.


Around the World in Eighty Days.


A Journey to the Center of the Earth.


From the Earth to the Moon.


Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

[  ]


Jules Verne only wrote plays in the 19th century.


Many of the predictions in Verne's stories came true.


The main characters in Verne's books are always on time.


The space flight Verne described was different from others.



Newspapers are not nearly as popular today as they were in the past. ? 1.?? Most people read only the sports pages, the advice or the gossip(闲话,绯闻)columns, the comics, and perhaps the classified advertisements.

Most people don't take the time to read the real news. ??? 2.?? These techniques(技术,手段)are used on the front page because it is the first thing you see when you pick up the paper. The first page attracts attention and encourages the reader to look through the rest of the paper. ??? 3.??? If the headline is horrible(恐惧的)enough or frightening enough or wild enough, perhaps they will go on to read the front page anymore. They may read the headlines, but that is all, then they turn to the sports page, or comics, or advertisements. It seems that people do not want the news from a newspaper anymore.? ? 4.?

More people watch television news because it is easier and more interesting than reading a newspaper. What about you? Do you read news from a newspaper??? 5. Or do you care about news at all? Would you mind if there were no news?

A. They say they get the news on the television now.

B. There are not very many people who seriously read a newspaper every day.

C. More and more people read newspapers every day.

D. They attempt(试图)to catch the reader's interest with pictures and exciting headlines(大字标题,新闻提要)

E. Do you think it is easier to get the news from television?

F. They like reading stories.

G. This is why editors always look for a good first page story and headline to make them stop and look.



Newspapers are not nearly as popular today as they were in the past.   【小题1】  Most people read only the sports pages, the advice or the gossip(闲话,绯闻)columns, the comics, and perhaps the classified advertisements.
Most people don't take the time to read the real news.     【小题2】  These techniques(技术,手段)are used on the front page because it is the first thing you see when you pick up the paper. The first page attracts attention and encourages the reader to look through the rest of the paper.     【小题3】    If the headline is horrible(恐惧的)enough or frightening enough or wild enough, perhaps they will go on to read the front page anymore. They may read the headlines, but that is all, then they turn to the sports page, or comics, or advertisements. It seems that people do not want the news from a newspaper anymore.   【小题4】  
More people watch television news because it is easier and more interesting than reading a newspaper. What about you? Do you read news from a newspaper?  【小题5】  Or do you care about news at all? Would you mind if there were no news?

A. They say they get the news on the television now.
B. There are not very many people who seriously read a newspaper every day.
C. More and more people read newspapers every day.
D. They attempt(试图)to catch the reader's interest with pictures and exciting headlines(大字标题,新闻提要)
E. Do you think it is easier to get the news from television?
F. They like reading stories.
G. This is why editors always look for a good first page story and headline to make them stop and look.


Newspapers are not nearly as popular today as they were in the past.   小题1:  Most people read only the sports pages, the advice or the gossip(闲话,绯闻)columns, the comics, and perhaps the classified advertisements.
Most people don't take the time to read the real news.     小题2:  These techniques(技术,手段)are used on the front page because it is the first thing you see when you pick up the paper. The first page attracts attention and encourages the reader to look through the rest of the paper.     小题3:    If the headline is horrible(恐惧的)enough or frightening enough or wild enough, perhaps they will go on to read the front page anymore. They may read the headlines, but that is all, then they turn to the sports page, or comics, or advertisements. It seems that people do not want the news from a newspaper anymore.   小题4:  
More people watch television news because it is easier and more interesting than reading a newspaper. What about you? Do you read news from a newspaper?  小题5:  Or do you care about news at all? Would you mind if there were no news?
A. They say they get the news on the television now.
B. There are not very many people who seriously read a newspaper every day.
C. More and more people read newspapers every day.
D. They attempt(试图)to catch the reader's interest with pictures and exciting headlines(大字标题,新闻提要)
E. Do you think it is easier to get the news from television?
F. They like reading stories.
G. This is why editors always look for a good first page story and headline to make them stop and look.



  Zhang Yimou’s film Not One Less tells a simple but moving(感人的)story.Mr Gao, the only teacher of the Shuiquan Primary School, has to stay away for a month to take care of his sick mother.The village leader, Mr Tian, asks Wei Minzhi to take Mr Gao’s place until he comes back.Minzhi is only a 13-year-old girl who has finished her primary school.When she is asked to do the job, she says she can read, write and sing.She gets the job because there is nobody else in the village who can take it.The most important thing for young Minzhi is not to lose any more pupils from the school-NOT ONE LESS before Mr Gao returns.

  At first Minzhi doesn’t know what her students need to learn.And she doesn’t know how to keep them quiet in class.She writes the lessons onto the blackboard and then makes her students copy them into their notebooks.She tries to keep the students in the classroom by locking them up in the classroom and running after those who escape(逃跑).

  Many people like this film not just because the story itself is moving, but also because most of the people in the film use their real names and play themselves.



Why does Mr Gao have to stay away from Shuiquan Primary School for a month?

[  ]


Because the school is too small.


Because he cannot make much money.


Because he is ill.


Because he must look after his sick mother.


Why does Wei Minzhi get the job?

[  ]


Because she’s a girl.


Because she likes being a teacher.


Because Mr Tian, the village leader, is her uncle.


Because no one else in the village can take the job.


What is the most important thing for young Minzhi to do?

[  ]


To teach pupils how to read, write and sing.


To play games with the pupils.


Not to lose any more pupils from the school.


To wait until Mr Gao comes back.


How does Minzhi keep the pupils quiet in class?

[  ]


She slaps(拍打)the teacher’s desk.


She makes them copy the lessons on the blackboard into their notebooks.


She orders them not to make any noise.


She asks them to sleep on their desks.


Why do many people like this movie?

[  ]


Because the story is moving and most people in the film use their real names and play themselves.


Because the story happens in the country.


Because the students are very poop.


Because it is about school life.

