shelves 2. ninth 3. northern 4. death 5. successfully 查看更多



  Most people always like to collect thingsFor example, they like collecting stamps, books, picturesBut my friend Mr. King likes collecting clocksHe has five hundred clocks now

  There are clocks everywhere in his houseYou can see shelves standing in every roomAll the shelves are full of clocksThough Mr. King is glad to do this, his wife doesn't enjoy it at allShe has a lot of work to do every dayIt's not easy for her to clean hundreds of clocksShe is also angry at the noiseEach clock keeps its own time, so she can hear clock strike()almost any time during the day and night.“There is something even worseI am never able to know what time it is with so many clocks around.”


Mr. King is ________

[  ]


a clock maker


a clock seller


interested in clocks


good at mending clocks


Which one of the following is right?

[  ]


Mr. King keeps the clock only in his bedroom


Mr. King doesn't put any shelves in the sitting-room


There are some shelves with nothing on them


All the shelves are filled with clocks on them


Mrs. King ________

[  ]


is busy cleaning the clocks every day


likes collecting clocks, too


helps Mr King collect clocks


likes cleaning the clocks


Mrs. King doesn't know ________

[  ]


her husband's favorite thing


which clock tells the right time


when the clocks strike


how to clean the clocks


From the passage we know ________

[  ]


few of the clocks keep the right time


most of the clocks keep the right time


all the clocks strike at the same time


it's always quiet in their house


阅读理解 阅读下面短文,然后根据其内容从A、B、C、D中选出最佳选项。

  Peter works in a food factory.He helps the shopkeeper.He puts food on the shelves every day.Then people come into the shop and buy the food.Today there aren't any bags of rice on the shelves.

  “Peter”says the shopkeeper.“We need some bags of rice.Bring some rice to the shelf.”

  Peter runs to get some bags of rice.They are in another room and they are on the top of the shelf.The shelf is high up.Peter is tall, but he can't reach the bags.He brings two boxes and puts one box on top of the other.Then he stands on them.Now he can reach the bags on the shelf.The shopkeeper is coming, He's calling Peter.

  “Peter, hurry up.What are you doing? Where are the bags of rice?”he says.He opens the door.He can't see Peter on the boxes.

  “Don't open the door”Peter says.Then Peter falls down.Now Peter is on the floor.There's some rice on his head.


Peter helps the shopkeeper ________.

[  ]


sell food sometimes


carry bags of oranges


work in a food shop


put food on the shelves today


People come to the shop for ________.

[  ]


the fruits


the food


the drink


the bags


Peter runs to another room to get some bags of rice because ________.

[  ]


his father asks him to carry some


the shopkeeper wants to cook the meal


the shelves are full of rice


the shelves for rice is empty


The bags are ________.

[  ]


easy to reach for Peter


too high for him to reach


difficult to reach for Peter


too low for him to reach


Peter falls down because ________.

[  ]


he is on the boxes behind the door and the shopkeeper opens the door


the bags fall down


the shopkeeper is calling him


there's some rice on head



  You are probably familiar with the saying:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.A recent research carried out by the Chinese University of Hong Kong may change the saying:

  An apple a day may keep aging away.

  The research chose fruit flies(果蝇), as they share many genes(基因)with humans.The fruit flies were either fed normally or had an apple extract(浓缩物)added to their diet.

  It turned out that those fruit flies that were given apple extract lived about 55 days-five days longer than the flies that were normally fed.The research group also found it easier for the flies to walk,climb and move about as they aged.

  According to the result, the researchers believed that the antioxidants(抗氧化剂)in the apple extract helped clean up dangerous chemicals(化学物质)that cause illnesses,as well as aging.

  In another study,researchers examined diets of thousands of women.They discovered that those who regularly ate apples were 20 percent less likely to suffer heart illnesses and stroke.

  The apples' genetic code(遗传密码)was discovered recently.It allows scientists to develop nicer and healthier fruits.Researchers are already using the information to grow a kind of apples full of antioxidants that can keep eyes and joints healthy and protect humans against heart illnesses and cancer.

  Apples that kill the desire(欲望)to eat could also be produced, with the first“extra-healthy''apples on supermarket shelves within just four or five years.

  The team that keeps studying apple DNA includes 100 scientists from five countries.Their research also suggests that around 65 million years ago, when dinosaurs began to die off the plant,which would finally become today's apple tree, experienced a great genetic change.The number of many of its genes doubled.The extra genes allowed the apple to get used to worse conditions and go through a different development from peaches,strawberries and other related fruits.


Why were fruit flies used for the research?

[  ]


Because they have a similar diet to humans.


Because they have a history as long as apples.


Because they share a lot of genes with humans.


Because they feed on nothing but apple extract.


What result did the researchers find out?

[  ]


Apples produce chemicals that can change human genes.


Apples have antioxidants that kill chemicals that cause aging.


Apples are rich in vitamins that are needed in humans'bodies.


Apples produce chemicals that make apples taste more delicious.


What happened to apples around 65 million years ago according to the research?

[  ]


Their genes stopped their development as the environment got worse.


Their genes became twice in number but they finally died off like dinosaurs.


They experienced a great genetic change making them used to worse conditions.


They went through a similar development to peaches, strawberries and other related fruits.


What can we infer(推断)from the passage?

[  ]


Eating apples may bring us more advantages than we might believe before.


People who have the habit of eating apples don't need to see a doctor.


Apples that kill the desire to eat are already available in supermarkets now.


People will eat apples instead of peaches and strawberries from now on.


The British Museum is the biggest museum in the world. Inside, you feel smaller than usual. There are about a hundred things to see.

    The story of the British Museum goes back three hundred years to one unusual man, Sir Hans Sloane, doctor to King George II. The doctor collected books, drawings, clothes, money, animals, flowers, things from all over the world. The doctor wanted everything to stay together when he died, so that people could come and have a look. The British Museum began. King George II gave his library, and the museum started to grow.

    The British Museum opened in 1759, six years after Sir Hans Sloane died. At first the museum was only open three days a week and only ten people could enter in an hour. There wasn’t much time to see things. Visitors had to run though the rooms.

    By about 1800, things began to get better. Wonderful statues, three thousand years old, arrived from Egypt.

    King George IV sold all his books to the museum secretly. A hundred years ago not only old books but also new ones arrived at the museum, and more people came to read them. Since them many famous men have written and studied there. And the library is growing faster and faster. There are four kilometers of new shelves every year and there are about two million visitors every year.

(  ) 1. Sir Hans Sloane was interested in _______________.

A. collecting all kinds of books   B. collecting all kinds of drawings

C. collecting all kinds of money   D. collecting all kinds of things

(  ) 2. When you go inside the British Museum, you feel smaller than usual because __________.

A. the museum is empty       B. the museum is very big

C. there are too many things in it    D. you are too small

(  ) 3. Sir Hans Sloane died ____________.

A. in 1753   B. in 1975    C. in 1765   D. in 1800

(  ) 4. At first, the visitors had to run through the museum because ____________.

A. there are only several things to see             

B. the museum was the biggest one in the world

C. they were not interested in the things in it       

D. they had only one hour to see all the things in it

(  ) 5. The passage is mainly about ______________.

A. Sir Hans Sloane               B. George II   

C. the history of British Museum    D. the books in the museum



  You are probably familiar with the saying:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.A recent research carried out by the Chinese University of Hong Kong may change the saying:

  An apple a day may keep aging away.

  The research chose fruit flies(果蝇), as they share many genes(基因)with humans.The fruit flies were either fed normally or had an apple extract(浓缩物)added to their diet.

  It turned out that those fruit flies that were given apple extract lived about 55 days-five days longer than the flies that were normally fed.The research group also found it easier for the flies to walk,climb and move about as they aged.

  According to the result, the researchers believed that the antioxidants(抗氧化剂)in the apple extract helped clean up dangerous chemicals(化学物质)that cause illnesses,as well as aging.

  In another study,researchers examined diets of thousands of women.They discovered that those who regularly ate apples were 20 percent less likely to suffer heart illnesses and stroke.

  The apples’ genetic code(遗传密码)was discovered recently.It allows scientists to develop nicer and healthier fruits.Researchers are already using the information to grow a kind of apples full of antioxidants that can keep eyes and joints healthy and protect humans against heart illnesses and cancer.

  Apples that kill the desire(欲望)to eat could also be produced, with the first “extra-healthy’’ apples on supermarket shelves within just four or five years.

  The team that keeps studying apple DNA includes 100 scientists from five countries.Their research also suggests that around 65 million years ago, when dinosaurs began to die off the plant,which would finally become today’s apple tree, experienced a great genetic change.The number of many of its genes doubled.The extra genes allowed the apple to get used to worse conditions and go through a different development from peaches,strawberries and other related fruits.


Why were fruit flies used for the research?

[  ]


Because they have a similar diet to humans.


Because they have a history as long as apples.


Because they share a lot of genes with humans.


Because they feed on nothing but apple extract.


What result did the researchers find out?

[  ]


Apples produce chemicals that can change human genes.


Apples have antioxidants that kill chemicals that cause aging.


Apples are rich in vitamins that are needed in humans’bodies.


Apples produce chemicals that make apples taste more delicious.


What happened to apples around 65 million years ago according to the research?

[  ]


Their genes stopped their development as the environment got worse.


Their genes became twice in number but they finally died off like dinosaurs.


They experienced a great genetic change making them used to worse conditions.


They went through a similar development to peaches, strawberries and other related fruits.


What can we infer(推断)from the passage?

[  ]


Eating apples may bring us more advantages than we might believe before.


People who have the habit of eating apples don’t need to see a doctor.


Apples that kill the desire to eat are already available in supermarkets now.


People will eat apples instead of peaches and strawberries from now on.

