keep doing sth. 一直不断作某事 查看更多



If you want to deal with the association(交往) between boys and girls properly, here are some ‘dos and don’ts’ for you to follow.

   Keep a normal and healthy state of mind. Our schools and classes are made up of boys and girls. It is very natural for the boys and girls to make friends with each other. We should make as many friends as possible. We should get along with the other sex in public instead of in secret.

   Don’t be too nervous or too shy. If you are a shy person, you can also find a way out. First of all, you can make friends with the students who have the same interest and hobby as you. As both of you have much in common, you may have much to talk about. If you keep doing like that, little by little, you will gladly find you are also as free to express yourself as others.

   Don’t fall into the ditch of early love. Boys and girls in adolescence (青春期) are rich in feelings. They are easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love and fall in love with each other at an early age. In my opinion, early love is a green apple that can’t be eaten. An apple won’t taste sweet until it is fully ripe. Boys and girls at middle school are too young to carry the heavy duty of love. Do keep out of early love.

1.The main idea of the passage is to _______.

       A. tell students to keep away from early love

       B. give some advice on how to associate(交往) between boys and girls

       C. tell students how to make friends

       D. teach boys how to talk with girls

2.We should get along with the other sex in the following ways EXCEPT _______.

       A. with a good state of mind                 B. in real friendship

       C. in public                             D. in secret

3.If you are a shy person, you can _______.

       A. find friends with the same interest and hobby first

       B. only have a few friends of the same sex

       C. not make friends with the other sex

       D. not fall in love with other students easily I

4.The underlined word ‘ditch’ in the passage means‘_______’ in Chinese.

       A. 波浪          B. 泥潭                 C. 圈套         D. 树枝

5.A person at adolescence is _______.

       A. complicated(复杂的) in feelings

       B. good at making friends with each other

       C. old enough to fall in love                                                     

       D. easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love



If we want to deal with the association (交往) between boys and girls properly, here are some “dos and don’ts” for you to follow.
Keep a normal and healthy state of mind. It is very natural for the boys and girls to make friends with each other . We should make as many friends as possible. We should keep in touch with the other sex(性别) in public instead of in secret.
Don’t be too nervous or too shy. If you are a shy person, you can also find a way out. First of all, you can make friends with the students who have the same interest and hobby as you. As both of you have lunch in common , you may have much to talk about. If you keep doing like that, little by little, you will gladly find you can express yourself freely as others.
Don’t fall into the mire of puppy love. The boys and girls at adolescence(青春期) are rich in feelings. They are easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love and fall in love with each other at an early age. In my opinion , puppy love is a green apple that can’t be eaten. An apple won’t taste sweet until it is fully ripe (成熟的). Boys and girls at middle school are too young to carry the heavy duty of love. Do keep out of puppy love.
【小题1】The main idea of the passage is to _____.

A.tell students to keep away from early love
B.give some advice on how to associate between boys and girls
C.tell students how to make friends.
D.teach boys how to talk with girls
【小题2】We should keep in touch with the other sex in the following ways EXCEPT________.
A.with a good state of a real friendship secret
【小题3】If you are a shy person, you can __________.
A.find friends with the same interest and hobby first
B.only have a few friends of the same sex
C.not make friends with the other sex
D.not fall in love with other students easily
【小题4】What does the underlined word “mire” mean?
【小题5】A person at adolescence is _____.
A.easy to be nervous
B.good at making friends with each other
C.old enough to fall in love
D.easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love


If? you think you are too shy and want to be a little bit braver, just try the following things:

Be open to others. Tell people you are shy. There is no need to hide it. When they get to know you are a shy kid, they will understand you better. This also helps you feel more comfortable in talks.

Try to smile more. When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk with. Remember that other people have feelings too and most people will stay away from an angry-looking face.

Learn to be a good talker. If you find it hard to start a conversation, say something nice about people around you Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you.. Dont make you want to keep talking to that person?

Get your attention elsewhere. Think more about ways to enjoy parties or games. Dont waste time worrying about your look or whether people or not. You will become relaxed and find its not so hard to talk with others.

Take one small step at a time . Each time when you say Hi or smile at someone, say to yourself You can make it. Keeping trying and one day youll never feel shy when you talk to others.

Title:? Advice on? 1.?? to be a little braver

?????? Advice?????????????????????????????????? Reasons

Dont 2.? the fact .

If you tell people you are shy, they will understand you ? 3.

Smile more.

People dont4. the one with an angry-looking face.

Start a conversation with5. words.

People will feel 6. and want to talk to you.

Pay more attention to ways to enjoy 7.?

Or games.

You will become 8. .

Encourage yourself to say Hi or 9. at someone.

Keep doing this and youll be braver to talk to others?? 10.? the future.??



Students learn their lessons in class.In class teachers teach them.Students sit in the classroom listening to the teacher. This is a way of learning.Is this the only way for students to learn? Of course not.There is another way to learn.That is students can teach themselves.Every student can teach himself, and every student is teaching himself when he is learning something.For example,if you cannot remember something when you are doing your homework.what will you do? You can look at your book to find the answer.This is a way to teach yourself.And it is not a difficult way.We can do this at any place and at any time.
How to teach yourself? The first thing you must do is reading.Read something you are interested in,not you have to read.The second is that you must ask yourself questions.The question is something you don’t understand,or you want to know more about.You can write down these questions.A clever student is usually good at asking questions.The third is to answer the question yourself by thinking hard,by reading the text or other books,and sometimes by asking other people.These are the ways of teaching yourself.And you must do these all by yourself.If you keep doing like these for a long time,you are sure to succeed in your study.
【小题1】Listening to the teachers is ______for students to learn

A.not a wayB.the best way C.the only wayD.not the only way
【小题2】If you want to succeed,you’d better learn_________.
A.your lessons in the classroom to teach yourself read and write to ask questions
【小题3】In teaching yourself, the first thing you must do is________.
【小题4】A clever student is usually good at______.
A.asking questions B.answering question
C.finding answersD.asking others
【小题5】Which of the following ideas do you think is right?
A.A student can teach himself but he doesn’t like to
B.It is a difficult way to learn to teach from the teacher
C.A student can learn to teach himself if he wants to be successful.
D.Students know very well how to teach themselves


A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in the year.You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam.
Do not remember only grammar when you are learning English.Try to read stories in English and speak in English as often as you can.A few days before the exam you should go to bed early.Do not study late at night.Before you start the exam,read carefully over the exam paper.Try to understand the exact meaning of each question before you pick up your pen to write.When you have at last finished your exam,read your answers again. Correct the mistakes if there are any and make sure you have not missed anything out.
【小题1】If you want to do well in an exam,you must_____. hard every day in the year hard a few days before the exam 
C.get up early a few days before the exam 
D.keep doing your homework day and night 
【小题2】It is_______ to go to bed late at night before the exam.
A.useful B.not helpful  C.important  D.difficult 
【小题3】If you want to learn English well,you must_______.
A.try to read as many English stories as you can  
B.learn grammar well 
C.try to speak in English as much as possible 
D.both A,B and C 

