20.All the pets can give their keepers a lot of . 查看更多



Which pet is the best pet for you? Different pets are good for different people. People who live in the country can have almost any pet. Dogs need a lot space to run, so the country is a good place for them. The country is a good place for cats, rabbits, horses, and birds, too. People who live in the city can also have pets. Cats are happy inside apartments. Birds, fish, and lizards can live in apartments. Dogs can be very happy in apartments as long as they get lots of exercise and clean air. Dogs need to be walked every day. A runner would make a good pet owner. Then the dog could run with its owner.

Cat and dog owners must train their pets. Training takes time. Birds, fish, and lizards are better pets for people who are very busy.

Cats and dogs both need soft beds to sleep on. Birds sleep on a perch in their cages. Lizards and fish need tanks to live in. one thing all animals need is lots of love.

1. pet 宠物   2. almost 几乎    3. space 空间   4. apartment 公寓   5.owner 主人

45. Peter is busy with his work in the city every day, so he may keep the pets like ___.

   A. cats and birds      B. dogs and fish      C. horses and lizards      D. birds and lizards

46. How many kinds of animals are mentioned(提到) in the passage?

   A. Five              B. Six               C. Seven               D. Eight

47. Which sentence is true according to (根据) the passage?

   A. People in the country can have almost any pet

   B. People in the city can only have cats or dogs

   C. People who own cats can’t only have other pets

   D. All the pets need soft beds and lots of love



Of all the pets, I think cats are ________(popular).


Your homework habits might be affecting your grades. Are you feeling tired or bored when it comes to homework time? Are you arguing with parents about your grades? You can change the way you feel by taking better care of your mind and your body. Get the sleep you need.
Studies show that teens' natural sleeping habits are different from those of adults. This often causes less sleep among teens, since they tend to have trouble going to sleep at night, and have trouble waking in the mornings. You can avoid some of the problems that come with less sleep by changing some of your nighttime habits.
Improve your memory
A great way to improve your homework habits is to improve your memory with brain exercise. There are many theories and ideas about improving memory, but there is one mnemonic(记忆的) method that has been around since ancient times. Ancient accounts show that early Greek and Roman orators used the “loci” method of remembering long speeches and lists. You may be able to use this method to improve your memory at test time.
Fight the desire to delay
Do you get the sudden desire to feed the dog at homework time? Don't fall for it! Delay is like a little white lie we tell ourselves. We often think we'll feel better about studying later if we do something fun now, like playing with a pet, watching a TV show, or even cleaning our room. It's not true.
Avoid repetitive(重复的) stress
During text messaging, Internet surfing, and computer writing, you are using your hand muscles in all new ways, and you're very easily to be influenced by something dangerous or the repetitive stress injury. Find out how to avoid pain in your hands and neck by changing the way you sit at your computer.
【小题1】What differences between the teens and adults are mentioned in the passage?

A.Eating habits. B.Sleeping habits. C.Reading habits. D.Writing habits
【小题2】      can help people to improve the memory.
A. Using the brain more     
B. Doing morning exercises every day
C. Dancing after meals      
C. Listening to the music
【小题3】What should people do to avoid the repetitive stress when they playing computer?
A.Changing the way they sit.
B.Cutting the time.
C.Wearing some special glasses.
D.Using the hand muscles in a new way.
【小题4】Which statement is NOT right according to the passage?
A.Homework habits can affect the study grade.
B.Only Roman orators were able to use the “loci” method to remember.
C.It's not good to desire to feed the pets when you are doing the homework.
D.There are four ideas of behaving Healthy Homework Habits mentioned.


Dogs are friends of man. They work for us. They hunt with us. They also play with us. But a long time ago, all over the world, dogs were wild. Dogs can go back to the Stone Age. All dogs had the same ancestor (祖先). It is believed that this ancestor was much like a wolf. Other animals, like fox, also came from this ancestor. Thousands of years ago, man began to tame (使驯服) the wild dogs. When the dogs were tamed, they were trained well. The strong dogs then became working animals. They were trained to pull heavy loads (担子). They learned to keep watching over sheep and other animals. Working dogs could do other things, too. Some dogs were not strong. But they could help man hunt. Other dogs were best at pets. At first, there were only a few kinds of dogs. Today, there are more than 100 kinds.
【小题1】The word “wild” in the first paragraph means ___.

【小题2】Dogs can go back to the Stone Age. Here “go back” means ___.
【小题3】From this passage, we know that ___.
A.all the animals have the same ancestor
B.all dogs are as wild as they were many years ago
C.man has helped change dogs
D.animals never change
【小题4】What jobs can dogs do?
A.Keep watching over sheep.B.Hunt with man.
C.Pull heavy loads.D.All the above.
【小题5】The main idea of the whole story is that ___.
A.man and dogs have the same ancestor
B.all animals are too wild to be man’s friends
C.dogs and man have been friends for a long time
D.people like to keep foxes as pets because they are tamer


The Most Popular Pets in the world

  What are the most popular pets in the world? Cats and dogs!

1.___.This is around half of the country’s population(人口).About 60% of American families celebrate(庆祝) their pets’ birthday.

  Cats and dogs are also good topics for small talks---“ What a lovely dog! What's his name?”  2.__

People think dogs are loyal(忠诚的) animals. They help do lots of jobs like hunting(打猎 ) and guarding(守卫 ).  3._______. In 1957, Russia put a dog called Laika into space.

  Cats catch mice. They are not as loyal as dogs, but they can make people happy.

  Today, cats and dogs are both people’s good friends.   4.___. The most famous ones are Garfield and Snoopy. Garfield is a lazy fat cat. He likes eating and sleeping all the time. He is smart, too. He can write some letters and tell time sometimes, although he often repeats that he can’t. He is often mad at his master who can understand him well. Snoopy is a kind small dog.  5.______ . He likes to write stories and make his friends feel better.


  1. They are really tiring.
  2. They are in the most popular cartoons
  3. He is quiet and he has many good friends.
  4. People easily become friends because of pets
  5. They even went into space earlier than people
  6. Also, there are many other different types of pets.
  7. In the USA, there are more than 100 million cats and dogs.




