They are planting more and trees on the hills. A. more B. many C. less D. most 查看更多



One day, Jack's wife was in their bedroom. She found many things in an old box. “look at all these umbrellas,” Jack's wife said to him, “There are eight and they are all broken.” “I'll take them all to the umbrella shop and mend them,” Jack said, “They are too good to throw away.” Jack took the eight umbrellas to the shop and left them there. “They'll be ready tomorrow, ” the shopkeeper said.
That evening Jack went home from the office by bus as usual. he sat next to an old woman. She had an umbrella on the floor near her. When the bus reached his stop, he picked up her umbrella and stood up. “Hey!” the woman said, “That's my umbrella.” “ I'm so sorry,” Jack said And gave it back to her, “ I took it by mistake. Please forgive(原谅) me. ”
The next day he got the umbrellas from the umbrella shop and got on a bus. As he sat down, a voice (声音)behind him said, “ You have certainly had a successful (成功的) day ! ” He turned around and saw the same woman again. He almost (几乎) took her umbrella the day before.
【小题1】Jack's wife found the umbrellas in _______. old boxB.a busC.a shopD.the street
【小题2】On the bus, Jack returned the old woman _______ . of his old umbrellasB.a new umbrella
C.her own umbrellaD.his wife's umbrella
【小题3】The next day, on the bus, Jack met ______.
A.his wifeB.the old friendD.the same woman
【小题4】 At the end of the story, the woman thought that ______ .
A.Jack took others' umbrellas away
B.Jack sold many umbrellas
C.Jack had her umbrella in his hand
D.Jack had a nice day
【小题5】 Which sentence ( 句子 ) is NOT true ?
A.Jack's wife found some umbrellas in their bedroom.
B.Jack took the umbrellas out to throw them away.
C.Jack took the old woman's umbrella by mistake.
D.The old woman thought Jack was not a good man .


Dear friends,
Do you remember your first day at a new school or in a new area? How about the  31   when your family    32   to a new state? Ugh! What about the feelings of being a stranger?
Then, with time, you find someone who likes  33  you like.  Friends are great gifts in life. I have good friends too,  but not because they are completely(完全的)   34 .Sometimes they talk too much; sometimes they need me a lot. I know I ask too much of them. I hope my friends, like my father,   35  about me a lot.
I once told my friends to give me all their love and be generous and gentle. I told my friends, in other words, to love me    36  I loved them.
They didn’t   37  me at first, but then they became kinder. My love for them slowly made them learn to  38  friends. They learned to love others and   39   the idea that LOVE is part of life.
If we listen to and try to understand each other, love    40   .We should work on it, even if it’s hard at first. A true friend loves US at all times.
Your friend,



Li Lei gets an e-mail   16Jackson Wilson. Jack is a student in Canada. He wants to  17 Chinese.
Dear friend,
My name is Jack Wilson. I am from Toronto,   18 . I am 13 years old. I’m a schoolboy. I know China is a great   19 . I want to make friends(交朋友)   20 China and I want to learn Chinese.
There are nineteen students in  21class. My classmates are from six countries. They are learning English. My parents are from France. They  22French . I speak English and French. There are many Chinese   23 in Toronto. I want to learn Chinese ,   24 I don’t have any Chinese textbooks. Could you   25 me?
Please write back soon. Thank you.
Jack Wilson


It's the end of class. When the bell rings, students of Luohu Foreign
Languages School in Shenzhen quickly take out their cell phones.
They want to log on to their micro blogs to check the interesting things that have happened in the last hour.
Since last year, the trend (潮流) of micro blogging has swept the country. Recent surveys shows that most students in middle schools have a micro blog and some even update their blogs over five times per day.
"We learn many fresh and interesting things on micro blogs and they have become popular topics in class," said Andy Liang, 14. "If you do not know about them, you are out of the loop."
It is also a great place for students to let out stress. "My parents always ask me to study hard, and encourage me before exams, but it really adds pressure," said Simon Zhang, 15. "When I share these feelings on my micro blog, I get many replies from friends in the same situation, which makes me feel better."
But parents are worried that micro blogging could be a waste of time. Some misleading messages may even cause danger to kids, they said.
Mr. Shen, a professor at the China Education Association, suggests parents not worry too much as long as kids are not crazy about micro blogging. Maybe it can become a window for parents to understand their children.
"If parents can read their children's micro blogs, they'll know their thoughts, thus leading to better communication and solutions to problems," he said. He also gives some tips for kids.
-Don't micro blog for more than one hour a day.
-Never micro blog in class.
-Try to talk face to face with people from time to time.
-Be critical(批判性的). Don't trust all the messages on a micro blog.
【小题1】Andy Liang thinks students are out of the loop if they don't know.
A.the latest films
B.the famous pop song singers
C.the popular topics in class
D.many flesh things on TV
【小题2】Micro blog made Simon when he shared his feelings and got replies on his micro biog.
A.feel sadB.let out stressC.add stressD.make friends
【小题3】We can know from Mr. Shen that micro blogging can           .
A.make kids crazy while logging on to it
B.bring a lot of misleading messages
C.become a window to understand young kids
D.lead to worse communication
【小题4】Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?
A.It's good for kids to micro blog for more than one hour a day.
B.Kids should trust all the messages on a micro blog because they are useful.
C.The trend of micro blogging has swept the country since five years ago.
D.Kids should try to talk face to face with people, not just micro blogging.


She does her homework   1 day.
【小题2】他们很少乘飞机去北京 。
They   2  go to Bei Jing by plane.
【小题3】我们的书在书架上 。
Our books are 3 the shelf.
【小题4】一班和二班之间下午将有一场篮球比赛 。
There  will  be  a  soccer  game  4 Class  One  and  Class  Two  this  afternoon .
【小题5】他们正在上班会课 。
They are having a class 5.

