68.We’11 have dinner at a Italian Cafe tonight. 查看更多



It’s already 12:00.I’m afraid we’11 have nothing to eat in the school dining room.

     一You shouldn’t worry about _______to eat.Millie has ordered some food for us.

A. having something        B. not having anything

C. have nothing            D. not have anything



It’s already 12:00.I’m afraid we’11 have nothing to eat in the school dining room.
一You shouldn’t worry about _______to eat.Millie has ordered some food for us.
A.having somethingB.not having anything
C.have nothingD.not have anything



  One day during Mrs White's visit with her daughter Jane, they decided to 1 a bus around the city for a couple of hours 2 the sights(风景). Mrs White reminded(提醒) Jane that she was hard of hearing and that she might have to 3 things. Soon they started to move, the bus driver said, “Have your fares ready, please.”

  Mrs White didn't quite hear what he said.

  “He asked 4 our fares ready.” said Jane.

  A short while later the bus driver shouted to a passenger, “Don't block(拥挤) the door. Let the people off.”

  Mrs White wanted to know what he had just said. “The drive told that man 5 the door.” Jane replied.

  Many times when the driver told the passengers something, Mrs White would ask 6 , and Jane would repeat for her. Finally the driver said in a loud voice, “Does anybody have to get off at the next corner?”

  Mrs White of course wanted a repetition(重复).

  “He wanted to know 7 anybody has to 8 at the next corner.” was her daughter's reply.

  But Jane was so busy 9 everything, and her mother's learning, 10 they forgot to get off. That “next corner” was their stop.


[  ]



[  ]

A.to see
B.to look
C.to look for
D.to find


[  ]

A.ask her to repeat
B.tell her repeat
C.let her to repeat
D.ask her repeat


[  ]

A.us to get
B.we to get
C.we to have
D.us have


[  ]

A.not to block
B.to not block
C.not block
D.don't block


[  ]

A.what did he say
B.what he said
C.he said
D.what he says


[  ]



[  ]

A.get off
B.get on
C.get up
D.get in


[  ]

B.to repeat


[  ]

B.so that



A: Hi, Li Ming. Nice to meet you again.

B: Hi, Zhang Lin.____1______ ___2________ ____3_________ ____4_______, too. _______5____school are you in now?

A: I' m in No. 7 Middle School

B: ________6_______ it big________7_______ small?

A: It's big. It's a new school_______8_________ a new neighborhood.

B. Can you tell me something about your school?

A: Sure. _____9______ _____10_______ a high classroom building in the middle of the school. In ___11_____ of the building there is a garden. There are a __12____ of trees and flowers in it. _____13_________ the building there is a playground. _______14______it there are some trees.

B: Have you_______15__________ a school library?

A: Yes. It’s beside the classroom building. There is a big reading room______16_________ the library.

B: _______17_______ in the classroom building?

A: There____18_______ a lot of classrooms and quite a few teachers' offices. There is a language lab and a computer room_____19_______ the fourth floor. We sometimes have our______20________ there. By the way, would you like to come and visit our school?

B: Yes, I’d love to.



Mr Chen is a farmer who   1  in western China with his wife and two sons. One year ago, he discovered that he had cancer. The doctor told him that he needed   2  at once. And he said the operation would   3  thousands of yuan. It was too much money for Mr Chen and his wife. They had no job and    4   were at school. The situation seemed  5 .

Two weeks later, however, Mr Chen got some   6  news. He was told about a health care project which provides medical treatment for poor patients in   7  China. They  8  to pay only half the cost or even less. Thanks to the project and the kindness of  9  family and neighbours, he was able to receive an operation just   10  to prevent the illness from getting worse.  11  he has returned to his family.

The   12  of this health care project is to improve the situation for poor people in western China. So far, the project has helped more than 5,000 people   13  medical aid. The Chinese government is   14  working together with other countries and international organizations to do this. They hope to develop a new health care model   15  China. As our country develops, we must remember the responsibilities(责任) of caring for the weakest members.

1.                A.live            B.lives           C.are living  D.lived


2.                A.a treatment     B.a rest          C.an operation   D.training


3.                A.pay            B.spend          C.have D.cost


4.                A.both their sons   B.both their daughters  C.all their sons   D.all their daughters


5.                A.hopeful        B.hopeless        C.harmful   D.harmless


6.                A.sad            B.bad            C.terrible   D.good


7.                A.eastern         B.southern        C.western  D.northern


8.                A.want           B.need           C.prefer    D.like


9.                A.my            B.your           C.his  D.her


10.               A.in time         B.on time         C.at the same time D.for a long time


11.               A.Already        B.Just            C.Ever  D.Now


12.               A.chance         B.advice         C.example   D.goal


13.               A.receive        B.receiving       C.received  D.receives


14.               A.too            B.also           C.either D.as well


15.               A.to             B.at             C.for   D.on



