Oh.you are kidding me. 哦.你别拿我开玩笑了. 查看更多




A.Did you use to play the piano?    
B.You’ve changed a lot.         
C.Don’t you remember me?  
D.I am on the swim team.      
E.That is right.
F.I wasn’t very outgoing.
G.You look different.
Girl: Hey, Steve! Over here! ____1____
Boy: Oh, wow! You are Paula, aren’t you?
Girl: ____2___
Boy: But you used to be really quiet, didn’t you?
Girl: Yeah. ____3___
Boy: No, you weren’t. But you were always friendly.
Wait a minute! ___4___
Girl: Yes, I did. But now I am more interested in sports. I play soccer      
and ___5___
Boy: Wow! People sure change.


IX.  补全对话。(有两项多余)(5分)

A.Did you use to play the piano?    

    B.You’ve changed a lot.         

    C.Don’t you remember me?  

    D.I am on the swim team.      

    E.That is right.

    F.I wasn’t very outgoing.

    G.You look different.


Girl: Hey, Steve! Over here! ____1____

Boy: Oh, wow! You are Paula, aren’t you?

Girl: ____2___

Boy: But you used to be really quiet, didn't you?

Girl: Yeah. ____3___

Boy: No, you weren't. But you were always friendly.

     Wait a minute! ___4___

Girl: Yes, I did. But now I am more interested in sports. I play soccer      

      and ___5___

Boy: Wow! People sure change.



There are some students in front of the lost and found box. The duty monitor Alan is asking some questions.

Alan: Jim, is this your English book?
Jim: No, it isn’t.
Alan: Linda, is this your English book?
Linda: Yes, it is. Thanks.
Alan: Gina, what colour is your pencil?
Gina: It’s green.
Alan: Is this your pencil?
Gina: Yes, it is. Thank you.
Alan: What is your name?
Jenny: My name is Jenny.
Alan: Is your ruler green or yellow?
Jenny: It’s green. There’s my name “Jenny” on it.
Alan: Oh, here you are.
Alan: Here’s a nice bag; whose bag is this?
Paul: Let me see. . .  Oh, it’s mine.
Alan: Look at the cute doll. Is this yours, Mary?
Mary: No, it isn’t. I think it’s Betty’s. Is there a watch in it?
Alan: Sorry, I haven’t seen it so far.
根据对话内容, 完成以下任务。
小题1:Students lose things. They can look for them in the            .
小题2:Gina lost a          . The colour is             .
小题3:The owner of the English book is         .
The owner of the bag is        .


A.Did you use to play the piano?    
B.You’ve changed a lot.         
C.Don’t you remember me?  
D.I am on the swim team.      
E.That is right.
F.I wasn’t very outgoing.
G.You look different.
Girl: Hey, Steve! Over here! ____1____
Boy: Oh, wow! You are Paula, aren’t you?
Girl: ____2___
Boy: But you used to be really quiet, didn’t you?
Girl: Yeah. ____3___
Boy: No, you weren’t. But you were always friendly.
Wait a minute! ___4___
Girl: Yes, I did. But now I am more interested in sports. I play soccer      
and ___5___
Boy: Wow! People sure change.



A&B:Good afternoon!

C:Good afternoon! Can I help you?

A:Have you got a book(1)_______Chinese history?

C:Let me see.Ah.here it is.

A:Thank you.What about you,Jim?

B:Oh.I want to borrow a book about football.

C:Oh,you are(2)____.We’ve just got a new book about football.I think you’ll be pleased with it.

B:Thank you very much.

A:How long may I(3)_____the book'?

C:Two weeks.

B:Can I keep it a little longer?

C:Yes,you can.But you’ll have to renew(续借)it(4)______you can’t finish it in time.

B:Must I bring the book back for that?

C:Yes.you must.And you mustn’t lend it to others.

A&B:All right,we(5)_______.

