A wet road is usually slippery. 潮湿的路往往是滑的. 查看更多



On August 26, 1999, New York City was struck by a terrible rainstorm. The rain caused the streets to  1  and the underground system almost came to a stop.

    Unluckily this happened during the  2   rush hour. Many people who were going to work were  3 to go home. Some tried their best to   4   a taxi or to get on a bus. Still others   5   the storm bravely, walking miles to get to work.

    I happened to be one of the people on the way to work that morning. I went from underground line to underground line only to find that most  6  had stopped. After making my way through crowds of people, I finally found an underground line that was   7 . Unluckily, there were so many people waiting to   8 the underground that I could not even get down the stairs to the   9 . So I took the train going in the  10   direction, and then turned back to the downtown(市中心)train. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the train   11   my stop. Then I had to walk several blocks in the heavy rain. When I finally got to my office, I was   12   through, tired and discouraged.

     My co-workers and I spent most of the day drying off. When it was 5:00 pm,I was ready to go home. I was going to  13 off my computer when I received an e-mail from Garth, my Director:

I would like to thank all of you who made the  14  and finally came to work. It is always reassuring (令人欣慰的), at times like these, when workers so clearly show their attention and devotion to their   15 Thank you.

1  A. break              B. flood              C. fall                D. crash

2  A. afternoon     B. evening       C. morning           D. night

3  A. made             B. asked          C. invited           D. gathered

4  A. order              B. pay             C. call               D. search

5  A. showed      B. fought            C. broke            D. faced

6  A. practice            B. order           C. process           D. service

7  A. working            B. acting             C. turning             D. rushing

8  A. check             B. get on          C. jump into        D. find

9  A. street              B. ground           C. floor             D. road

10  A. different          B. opposite         C. changed           D. right

11  A. stopped           B. crossed          C. reached            D. parked

12  A. wet              B. hungry           C. angry            D. cold

13  A. pay              B. get                  C. turn            D. put

14  A. rule              B. effort               C. promise          D. model

15  A. computers       B. lives                 C. actions                  D. jobs




  Long bus rides are like television shows.They have a beginning, a middle, and an end with commercials(商业广告)thrown in every three or four minutes.The commercials are unavoidable.They happen whether you want them or not.Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window.“Buy super Clean Toothpaste.” “Drink Good Wet Root Beer.” “Fill up with Pacific Gas.” Only if you sleep, which is equal to turning the television set off, are you spared the unending cry of “You Need It Now!”

  The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting, even if you’ve traveled that way before.Usually some things have changed-new houses, new buildings, sometimes even a new road.The bus driver has a style of driving and it’s fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so.If the driver is particularly reckless or daring, the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story.Will the driver pass the truck in time?Will the driver move into the right or the left-hand lane?After a while, of course, the excitement dies down.Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride.Food always makes bus rides more interesting.But you’ve got to be careful of what kind of food you eat.Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops.

  The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning.You know it will soon be over and there’s a kind of expectation and excitement in that.The seat, of course, has become harder as the hours have passed.By now you’ve sat with your legs crossed, with your hands in your lap, with your hands on the arm rests-even with your hands crossed behind your head.The end comes just at the right time.There are just no more ways to sit.


According to the passage, what do the passengers usually see when they are on a long bus trip?

[  ]


Buses on the road


Films on television


Advertisements on billboards


Gas stations


What is the purpose of this passage?

[  ]


To show the similarities between long bus trips and TV shows.


To persuade you to take a long bus trip.


To display the differences between long bus trips and TV shows.


To describe the billboards along the road.


The writer of this passage would probably favour ________.

[  ]


bus drivers who weren’t reckless


driving alone


a television set on the bus


no billboards along the road


The writer feels long bus rides are like TV shows because ________.

[  ]


the commercials both on TV shows and on the billboards along the road are fun


they both have a beginning, a middle, and an end, with commercials in between


the drivers are always reckless on TV shows just as they are on buses


both traveling and watching TV are not exciting


The writer thinks that the end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning because both are ________.

[  ]










Are the days  56 in summer or in winter? In China the days  57  longer in summer. There are  58 than sixteen  59 of daylight in the middle  60  summer. In  61 there are only about eight hours of  62.  When is the weather warmest in China? It is the  63 during the summer months. During the winter it is often very 64.  In spring and autumn the weather is usually neither very hot nor very cold. The south has a  65 summer. The north has a cold winter.
【小题1】A. longer   B. longest   C. long
【小题2】 A. is    B. am    C. are
【小题3】A. many   B. much    C. more
【小题4】 A.days   B. hours  C. years
【小题5】 A. of    B. on   C. at
【小题6】A. spring   B. winter   C. summer
【小题7】 A. day   B. light   C. daylight
【小题8】A. warm   B. warmest   C. warmer
【小题9】 A. wet   B. hot    C. cold
【小题10】 A. cold   B. rain    C. hot


Are the days  56 in summer or in winter? In China the days  57  longer in summer. There are  58 than sixteen  59 of daylight in the middle  60  summer. In  61 there ate only about eight hours of  62.  When is the weather warmest in China? It is the  63 during the summer months. During the winter it is often very 64.  In spring and autumn the weather is usually neither very hot nor very cold. The south has a  65 summer. The north has a cold winter.
【小题1】A. longer   B. longest   C. long
【小题2】 A. is    B. am    C. are
【小题3】A. many   B. much    C. more
【小题4】 A.days   B. hours  C. years
【小题5】 A. of    B. on   C. at
【小题6】A. spring   B. winter   C. summer
【小题7】 A. day   B. light   C. daylight
【小题8】A. warm   B. warmest   C. warmer
【小题9】 A. wet   B. hot    C. cold
【小题10】 A. cold   B. rain    C. hot


One Saturday afternoon, Sarah went to buy something for her sister and herself. As Sarah was coming out of a   46  , a young lady walked towards her. She said she was Miss Green—a good friend of Sarah’s sister’s. Sarah   47  her. Then she called a taxi to send Sarah home. She told the driver where he should go. Sarah was   48  that it was not in the direction of her home.

  “Why?” Sarah asked. The lady smiled.

   When they came to a quiet road, a big rough man   49   on the road. He stopped the taxi driver, knocked him down, tied him and threw him out of the taxi. At the same time, Miss Green took out a knife and   50   Sarah. She asked Sarah to keep   51  . The man then started the taxi. “ Oh, God! I’m being kidnapped(绑架),” Sarah said to herself.

   She tried to escape, but not succeeded. Suddenly an   52   came to her. She took out a lipstick(口红) from her pocket, wrote “SOS” on the window, and covered the word with her

  53  . A few minutes later, a police car passed and the policemen saw the   54  . When the kidnappers saw the policemen, they stopped the taxi, jumped into the grass, and ran away.

   The policemen then picked up Sarah and sent her home. When her parents knew what had happened, they were greatly surprised. But they were also   55   because their daughter had finally come back safely.

1.A. school     B. taxi         C. shop         D. friend’s

2.A. knew           B. believed         C. thanked     D. remembered

3.A. surprising     B. excited     C. surprised        D. pleased

4.A. drove        B. climbed        C. fell        D. appeared

5.A. helped     B. played      C. saved       D. frightened

6.A. healthy        B. alive       C. relaxed     D. quiet

7.A. idea           B. answer      C. interest         D. order

8.A. fingers        B. back        C. dress        D. lipstick

9.A. picture        B. map          C. sign        D. knife

10.A. worried       B. happy       C. afraid      D. successful


