your, number, what's, phone 2. do, spell, pencil, how, you ? ? 查看更多




(  )1.What's this in English?

(  )2.Is this a backpack in English?

(  )3.How do you spell “ruler”?

(  )4.Is that his pencil case?

(  )5.What's your phone number?

A:No,it's a book.

B:It's 555-2834.

C:It's an English book.

D:No,it's her pencil case.



(     )1. Is this your bag?   
(     )2. What's her name?    
(     )3. How do you spell "book"?  
(     )4. I'm Gina.                           
(     )5. This is your pencil.                       
(     )6.What's his name?                   
(     )7. What's your phone number?             
(     )8. Hello! I'm Mary.                      
(     )9.What's your family name?            
(     )10. What's this in English?                  
A. It's Smith.
B. Hi! I'm Jim.
C. It's a pencil sharpener.
D. His name is Ben.
E. It's 897-235.
F. OK.  Thank you.
G. I'm Jenny.
H. B-O-O-K.
I. Yes, it's my bag.
J. Her name is Sonia.


(     )1. How are you?   
(     )2. How do you do?  
(     )3. Are you a boy? 
(     )4. What’s her name? 
(     )5. What color are the pens?  
(     )6. Nice to meet you! 
(     )7. Is this a green pen?   .
(     )8. What’s this in English? 
(     )9. Can you spell "pencil"? 
(     )10. What’s your phone number? 
A. No, I’m a girl.
B. Fine, thanks.
C. It’s a pen.
D. Her name is Amy.
E. Nice to meet you, too!                                                           
F. How do you do?
G.. 235-236
H. Yes, it is.
I. They’re green.
J. Yes. P-E-N-C-I-L, pencil.


(     )1.Good afternoon, class.        
(     )2.What's his name?            
(     )3.What's your phone number?    
(     )4.Sit down, please.            
(     )5.Is that your backpack?        
(     )6.Hello, I'm Kate.            
(     )7.What's this in English?      
(     )8.What color is your pen?      
(     )9.How do you spell it?          
(     )10.Is this her pencil case?    
A.Thank you.                          
B.Good afternoon, teacher.            
C.It's 2450432.                      
D.His name is John.                    
E.Hi, I'm Jim.                        
F.It's red.                          
G.Yes, it is.                        
H.No, it isn't. It's her backpack.  
I.It's a watch.                      
J.K-E-Y, key.                          



  (1)-What's your name, please?

  -My name is Gina.

  (2)-How are you?

  -Fine, thank you. And you?

  -I'm fine, too.

  (3)-Is this your pencil?

  -Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.

  (4)-How do you spell box?

  -b-o-x, box.

  (5)-Where's my backpack?

  -It's on the desk.

  (6)-Do you have a soccer ball?

  -Yes, I do. /No, I don't.

  (7)-Do you like bananas?

  -Yes, I do. /No, I don't.

  (8)-How much are these pants?

  -They are 80 yuan.

  (9)-Does she like hamburgers?

  -Yes, she does. /No, she doesn't.

  (10)-What color do you like?

  -I like green.

  (11)-What's your phone number?

  -It's 8328278.

  (12)-Let's watch TV.

  -No, that sounds boring. /That sounds great.

  (13)-How much is the blue T-shirt?

  -It's 10 dollars.

  (14)-I write with a pen. What about you?

  -Me, too.

  (15)-What's your last name?

  -My last name is Black.

