-- ? -I’ve got a headache and a cough. A. What’s your trouble B. What’s wrong with it C. Can I help you D. How are you 查看更多




(It's Helen's turn to see the doctor.)

Doctor:Morning! Your name, please?

Helen: 1 .

Doctor: What's your trouble?

Helen: 2 .

Doctor: 3 .

Helen: I felt weak yesterday.

Doctor: 4 .

Helen:Yes, I coughed the whole night.

Doctor:Then you've caught a cold. 5 Drink more water and have a good

rest. You'll get better soon.

A. But nothing serious.

B. Anything else?

C. Where is your pen?

D. Helen.

E. I'd like a T-shirt.

F. I've got a headache.

G. Did you cough a lot last night?


根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为多余选取项。

Mother: Why don’t you get up, Kate? It’s time              

for school.

A.     What’s your trouble?

B.     I don’t feel very well.

C.     She’s not feeling well.

D.     Perhaps she’s caught a cold.

E.     You’d better stay in bed till tomorrow.

F.     I want to drink some water.

G.     You should drink more water.

Kate: Sorry, Mum!   1                        

Mother: Oh dear!   2 

Kate: I’ve got a headache and a cough.

Mother:   3 

Father: What’s wrong with Kate?

Mother:  4    I told her to stay in bed till    


Father: Nothing serious I hope!

Mother:   5 



M: Good morning, doctor!
W: Good morning, young man! (1)_____________________________
M: I've got a headache and a cough. W: How long have you been like this?
M: (2)____________________________
W: Have you taken your temperature?
M: Yes. It's a little high.
W: (3)____________________________
M: Yes, only a little porridge. But I don't feel like eating.
W: Well, you have caught a cold.
M: (4)____________________________
W: No. Take this medicine three times a day and drink more water. You'll be all right.
A. Is it serious?
B. What's your trouble?
C. Ever since yesterday afternoon.
D. Have you had anything for breakfast?

