While she was shopping someone to the house. 查看更多



Sitting in the play area of the doctor's office, my children, Paul, four, and Bailey, three, built a Lego tower while we w小题1:to be called for Paul's examination.
"Good job, you guys, "I said, trying not to s小题2:too tired. My husband was away on business, and it was difficult being a 小题3: with the kids. "Don't put the Lego in your mouth, Bailey, " I said. Paul grabbed it from him. "That's not nice, Paul, " I said. He gave back the Lego. I looked around and saw an old gentleman in a c 小题4:was reading something, I wished I could sit q 小题5:for a while. I wanted to be able to take a rest, or go shopping alone. At once, I was ashamed of myself. What kind of mother was I?" God, " I thought, "help me to be the very best mom I can be." The nurse came into the waiting room to get us. Just at that moment, the old gentleman in the waiting room put down his m 小题6:and came up to me. With a smile on his face, he said, "Your children are  l 小题7:to have such a wonderful mother." "Thank you, "I replied in a low v小题8:and watched him walk back to his seat. We f 小题9: the nurse into the examination room. While she weighed Paul, I told her how that man had made my day.
Now when I feel tired I remember the encouraging w 小题10: of the old gentleman.


     I am an American (1)b______. My name is Jerry Black. You can (2)c______ me Jerry.
     I (3)h______ a sister, Ginny. We are twins (双包胎). But we are very (4)d______. I have a long face
(5)w______ a high nose, while she has a round face with a small nose. I like football. But she (6)l______
basketball. I like loud music. She likes light music.
     My father is a doctor in a (7)h______. My mother runs (经营) a clothing (8)s______. We have
(9)a______ family member, Beibei. She is a lovely dog. She will have a puppy (小狗) (10)s______.



  Andy was born in China 15 years ago.In 2005, she w   1   to the USA with her family.As a high school student,she has found many differences b   2   Chinese and Americans:

  About money

  1)Americans like to spend m   3   than they have,so many of them are always in debt(欠债).But Chinese usually spend less than they have, so many 0f them always have m   4   left in the bank.

  2)The American kids themselves make their own money.Most Chinese kids always a   5   their parents for money.

  3)Many American parents think there is n   6   need to send their children to an expensive university.It's different in China.Many Chinese parents would do anything to send their children to expensive universities a   7   their family isn't rich enough.

  About school

  1)Many American girls take part in sports,dancing and singing groups while many Chinese girls take part in study groups.

  2)Many American students think that B is a girl while many Chinese students think that B is too t   8  

  About friends

  Most American parents let their sons or daughters make friends by t   9  .They never ask them about their friends while Chinese parents usually enjoy knowing more about their children's friends i   10   many different ways,and usually stop them from staying out too late with friends.



  Miss Evans was going to give a lecture(演讲)on Friday afternoon.But on Thursday night she was told that she had to go to an important meeting the next day at the same time.“No one can be in two places at the same time.What shall I do?”she thought.But soon,she had an idea.At five to three on Friday afternoon Miss Evans went to the lecture room.There were twenty students waiting there for her.“I'm sorry,”she told them.“I won't be able to give my lecture today.”The students looked surprised,Miss Evans explained that she had an important meeting.“However,”she went on,“though I can't be with you myself,my voice can.”Then she put a small tape recorder(录音机)on the desk,“You see.I've recorded my lecture and you can listen to it without me.”Miss Evans turned on the recorder and left.

  The meeting ended a little early.Miss Evans decided to go back to her students.She stood for a moment outside the lecture room,listening to her own voice.Then quickly,she opened the door.To her surprise,the room was empty.As she looked around,she saw a number of small recorders“listening”to her lecture!

  “Well,”she thought,“if I can be in two places at the same time,why can't they?”


Miss Evans had to ________ on Friday afternoon.

[  ]


give a lecture


go to a meeting


record her lecture


both A and B


The students were surprised to know Miss Evans ________.

[  ]


couldn't give a lecture


had bought a tape recorder


had recorded her lecture


would have a meeting


Miss Evans recorded her lecture so that ________ while she was away.

[  ]


the students could listen to it


she could listen to her own voice


her voice could be with her


the students could do the same


When she returned from the meeting,Miss Evans found ________ her lecture.

[  ]


all her students listening to


every student recording


her students had left some recorders recording


some of her students listening to


Miss Evans thought it was ________.

[  ]


all right for her students to do the same as she did


wrong for her students to be absent(缺席的)from the lecture


kind of her students to leave so many recorders


good for her students to do the same as she did


At lunchtime, Bonnie and Ruth sat together like they always did at school. Ruth and Bonnie were best friends and best friends always sat together for lunch. They  1  sandwiches, cupcakes and almost everything.

But today things were   2  . Bonnie looked upset, and Ruth did not know why. “Why are you sad today, Bonnie?” Ruth asked. “Because my daddy    3  his job yesterday,” she said. “And we may have to move. My mom and dad are very unhappy and they always argue. I am   4 . What is going to happen to us?”

Bonnie’s news made Ruth very sad, too. What would school be like   5  Bonnie? What could she do to help her friend? When Ruth went home she told her mom the bad   6 .

“What can I do to help?” she asked.

“I’m not sure, Ruth,” said her mother sadly.

Ruth thought and thought. She thought while she ate supper and she thought while she did homework. She even thought when she brushed her teeth before going to bed.

“What can I do?” she  7 .

The next day was Saturday and Ruth woke up very early. She dressed and ate a quick breakfast,  8  went to find her friends. They all decided to    9  together to help Bonnie. They pulled weeds, played with babies and walked dogs. They even put on a Talent show in Ruth’s backyard. All the adults paid one dollar to watch the   10  sing and dance and do magic tricks. After the performance, the children   11 their money. They had made three hundred dollars! Ruth’s mom took them to the grocery store and they bought food, soap, paper towels, and all kinds of things that a person might need.

When they left the store they went to Bonnie’s house and each of the children   12  carried a bag to the door, rang the doorbell and ran away quickly. They had so much fun with   13  secret surprise! They knew it would make Bonnie very happy.

Ruth felt happy too,   14 she had helped her friend. She knew it wasn’t much, but all she needed to do was to show her friend that she cared   15 . I think Bonnie got the message, don’t you?

1.                A.found          B.cooked         C.shared   D.bought


2.                A.same          B.good           C.right D.different


3.                A.changed        B.lost            C.enjoyed  D.got


4.                A.worried        B.lonely          C.disappointed   D.surprised


5.                A.to             B.with           C.for  D.without


6.                A.story           B.result          C.news D.report


7.                A.dreamt         B.answered       C.talked    D.wondered


8.                A.so             B.then           C.after D.before


9.                A.work           B.study           C.help D.think


10.               A.parents        B.actors          C.students   D.children


11.               A.counted        B.saved          C.sent D.spent


12.               A.slowly          B.quietly         C.seriously  D.patiently


13.               A.their           B.his            C.her   D.its


14.               A.though         B.and            C.because of D.because


15.               A.helped         B.cared          C.understood D.realized



