名词(n.) 1纪念品 2馅饼 3饼干 4表演者 5礼物 6蝴蝶结 7寿司 8高兴 9伤害 10帆船运动 11旅游 12象鼻 13意思 14网 15行 动词(v.) 1鼓掌 2前进 3挥手 4讨论 形容词 1可爱的 2供应快餐的 3闪闪发光的 4无助的 5高兴的 6无害的 副词 1当然 2清楚地 介词 1在--整个期间 查看更多




(1).relax(形容词)                 (2).confident(名词)     ?

(3).permit(名词)                  (4).invite(名词)     ?

(5).danger(形容词)                (6).catch(过去式)    



  In 2000 the Chinese novelist Gao Xingjian won the Nobel Prize for Literature(诺贝尔文学奖).He was the first Chinese 1 to win the world's most important

literary prize.It is said that it is 2 best work.

  Gao was born in Jiangxi Province,Eastern China.His father worked in a bank and his mother was an actress.She 3 Gao's interest in the theater.

  When he left school.Gao studied French at the Department of Foreign Languages in Beijing.After he graduated from college,he left 4 to live and work in France in 1987. 5 that time he has worked as a translator(翻译者),theater director and novelist.

His most 6 work is the novel Soul Mountain(灵山).The story happens in the Chinese countryside.And the novel has been changed into 7 languages.

  The Nobel Prize in 2000 was about 915.000 dollars.the Nobel Prizes include prizes for different kinds of sciences 8 the Nobel Peace Prize.The money was left by Alfred Noble.He said that the literature prize 9 accept an author whose Work moves in an "ideal direction"(理想的方向).

  The Nobel Prizes are given to the winners by the Swedish King every year 10 December 10,the anniversary(周年纪念) of Nobel's death in 1896.


A.actor   B.singer   C.writer

[  ]


A.his    B.her     C.one's

[  ]


A.lost   B.encouraged C.showed

[  ]


A.America  B.Britain   C.China

[  ]


A.Since   B.By     C.Before

[  ]


A.difficult B.famous   C.expensive

[  ]


A.no     B.feW     C.many

[  ]


A.nor    B.and     C.neither

[  ]


A.should   B.mustn't   C.couldn't

[  ]


A.at   B.in   C.on

[  ]


In 2000 the Chinese novelist Gao XingJian won the Nobel Prize for Literature(诺贝尔文学奖).He was the first Chinese 1  to win the world's most important literary prize.It is said that 2  work has opened new ways for the Chinese novel.

  Gao was born in 1940 in Jiangxi Province,Eastern China.His father worked in a bank and his mother was an actress.She 3  Gao's interest in the theater.

  When he left school.Gao studied French at the Department of Foreign Languages in Beijing.After he graduated from college,he left 4  to live and work in France in 1987.5  that time he has worked as a translator(翻译者),theater director and novelist.His most 6   work is the novel“Soul Mountain”(《灵山》).The story happens in the Chinese countryside.And the novel has been changed into 7  languages.

  The Nobel Prize in 2000 was about 915 000 dollars.The Nobel Prizes include prizes for different kinds of sciences 8  the Nobel Peace Prize.The money was left by Alfred Nobel.He said that the literature prize 9  accept an author whose work moves in an“ideal direction”(理想的方向).

  The Nobel Prizes are given to the winners by the Swedish King every year 10  December,the anniversary(周年纪念)of Nobel's death in 1896.


A.actor   B.singer   C.writer

[  ]


A.his   B.her    C.one's

[  ]


A.lost   B.encouraged  C.showed

[  ]


A.America  B.Britain  C.China

[  ]


A.Since   B.By     C.Before

[  ]


A.difficult  B.famous  C.expensive

[  ]


A.no   B.few     C.many

[  ]


A.nor   B.and     C.neither

[  ]


A.should  B.mustn't  C.couldn't

[  ]


A.at   B.in     C.on

[  ]



  For hundreds of years,the British people have remembered their mothers on Mothering Sunday.In the old days,workers had time off from work to visit their mothers.

  Today,most people in Britain call Mothering Sunday“Mother's Day.”Children send cards to their mothers on that day.They give their mothers flowers or sweets as presents.Fathers and children do all the cooking and housework to give mothers a rest.They do their best to show their love for them.

  In the USA,mothers are remembered on Mother's Day,too.Mother's Day started quite differently from the way it started in Britain.

  In the 1860s,there was a terrible war in the United States between the North and the South.There was a small town in the middle of the USA called Pruntytown.In this town,half of the people fought on the northern side and another half fought on the southern side.At the end of the war,the people hated each other.

  Mrs Ann Reeves Jarvis wanted the people to make friends with each other again,so she started“Mother's Friendship Day.”On that day,she visited all the other mothers in her town and said。“God bless you.Let's be friends with each other again.”

  Her idea succeeded.The same thing happened in other parts of the country.Soon,all the women in the United States followed her example.After Mrs Jarvis died.her daughter carried on the same idea,but she called“Mother's Friendship Day”as“Mother's Day”.The first Mother's Day was in 1908.In 1914,Mother's Day,the second Sunday in May,became a public holiday.On that day,every public building in the USA flies the American national flag.


Here the underlined word“remembered”means ______.

  A.记得,记住  B.给……礼物

  C.怀念,纪念  D.探望

[  ]


In Britain,children ______ to show their loves for them.

  A.send cards to their mothers on that day

  B.give their mothers flowers or sweets as presents

  C.do all the housework

  D.A,B,C are all right

[  ]


Pruntytown belonged to ______.

  A.the north of the USA  B.the south of the USA

  C.neither A nor B  D.both A and B

[  ]


Mrs Ann Reeves Jarvis started ______.

  A.Mother's Day  B.Mothering Sunday

  C.Mothers'Day   D.Mother's Friendship Day

[  ]


If today is Tuesday,May 1,2001,then Mother's Day is on ______ in 2001.

  A.May 6  B.May 12  C.May 13 D.May 20

[  ]



(1).often (比较级)                        (2).own (名词)     ?

(3).how about (同义词组)                  (4).success(形容词)     ?

(5).late (比较级)                          (6).fail (反义词)     ?

(7).ugly (反义词)                        (8).design (名词)     ?

(9).choose (过去分词)                    (10).important (名词)    

