–Have you got a small family or a big family? -- I have got a big family. 查看更多



     A little girl stood near a small church of Philadelphia in the USA. She had been turned away (拒之门
 外) from the Sunday School of the church because it was"too crowded".
     "I really wished to go to Sunday School," she said to the churchman sadly. The churchman felt the girl
  was pitiable (可怜的) so he took her inside the school. She had a good time there. That night when she
  was on the bed, she thought of the kids who had no place to sleep or study.
     Two years later, the girl died in the church. Later an old purse with 57 cents and a note in it was found
  under her bed. The note said, "This is to help make the church bigger so that more kids can go to Sunday
  School". Soon the girl's story was reported in a newspaper. A rich man was moved and he decided to
 sell a piece of his land to the church for only 57 cents.
     Later, the story about the donation (捐赠) was known by more people. Many people offered their
 money to the Church. Within five years, the church had raised $250,000.
     Now no kids in the area will be left outside the school. In one of the classrooms of the school buildings,
 you can see a picture of the sweet face of the little girl.
1. The girl was turned away from Sunday School because _____.
    A. the school didn't have more space for her
    B. girls were not allowed to study in the school
    C. she couldn't afford to go to school
    D. her grades were bad to go to school
2. The girl _____ when she spent her first night in the church.
    A. missed her family very much
    B. thought of other poor and homeless kids
    C. thought of the good time in the school
    D. couldn't fall asleep
3. Why did the rich man sell his land for only 57 cents?
    A. Because he only needed 57 cents.
    B. Because his land was only worth 57 cents.
    C. Because he wanted to help more children to go to the school.
    D. Because he was too rich to care about the money.
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A. Philadelphia is a very small place in the USA.
    B. The girl had been in the church for about two years.
    C. The rich man got the news about the girl from the churchman.
    D. The church became the biggest one in America after the girl died.
5. What can we learn from the passage?
    A. There are many poor people in America.
    B. Sunday School in the church still needs more money.
    C. The girl's kindness made a big difference to the church.
    D. The church has a history of 5 years.


    23 Old Road



My name is Becky Sharp. I’m eleven years old. I have got one brother. His name is Jason and he is fourteen. I haven’t got any sisters.

I live with my mum and dad and grandma in a small house in Chesterfield, in the north of England. There are lots of things to do here. My friends and I go to the cinema on Saturdays.

Do you like games? I like football. My favourite team is Manchester United. I sometimes play football with my brother. I’m brilliant but he isn’t very good.

I have got seven pets — a tortoise and six goldfish. I want a dog or a cat, but my mother doesn’t like them.

Please write to me.


(   ) 47. What’s the boy’s name?

        A. Becky.           B. Tom.         C. Jason.       D. We don’t know.

(   ) 48. His family live in         .

        A. a small house        B. a cinema     C. a big room   D. the west of England

(   ) 49. Does Becky play football well?

        A. No, he doesn’t. B. Yes, he does.    C. Yes, he is.      D. No, he isn’t

(   ) 50. His mother doesn’t like         .

        A. the tortoise or the goldfish         B. the tortoise or the dog

        C. a dog or a cat                   D. the goldfish or the cat


Dear Betty ,
     Thank you for your e-mail.
     From your e-mail, I know something about your family. You have a small family, and there are only
three people in your family. Your parents are teachers. (1) You haven't got any brothers or sisters. Your
family like west-ern-style food ( 西餐). Hamburgers, beef and some vegetables are your favorite food.
     (2) I have a_big family, and there are six peoples in it. They are mygrandparents, my parents, my aunt
and I. We live in Shanghai, hina. (3)My father is a hotel manager and my mother is an English teacheir at
Shanghai Intemational School
. My aunt, my father's sister, is a student of Donghua University. My grandparents are retired (退休). They often play Taijiquan( 太极拳).
                                                                                                                                                    Liu Mei
1. (1)处句子改为肯定句式。
2. (2)处句中的错误,并加以改正。
3. (3)处的句子译成汉语。
4. 从文中找出small的反义词。
5. 回答下列问题。
    ①Who likes playing Taijiquan?
    ②What does Liu Mei's aunt do?


be    people    email    family   big    China    he    have  or   I
Dear Betty, 
     Thank you for your     1   . I have got a small     2     .  There are three    3     in my family-my mother,
my father and    4      .   I haven't got any aunts     5  uncles.
       I have got a good friend.    6    name is Daming,  and he is a    7  boy.  He    8   got a    9     family. 
There  10   eight people in his family.  He has also(也)  got a dog named Beibei.  He likes it very much.


be    people    email    family   big    China    he    have  or   I
Dear Betty,
       Thank you for your __1__ . I have got a small __2__.  There are three__3__ in my family-my
 mother,  my father and__4__.   I haven't got any aunts __5__uncles.
       I have got a good friend. __6__ name is Daming,  and he is a __7__ boy.  He __8__ got a __9__ 
 family.  There __10__ eight people in his family.  He has also(也)  got a dog named Beibei.  He likes it
 very much.

