迅速地 2. 向远处.离开 3. 往右 查看更多




  One night a hotel caught a fire, and people in it ran out in their night clothes.

    1  (幸运地), nobody was   2  (受伤).

  Two men stood outside and looked at the fire.

  “Before I came out,”said one,“I ran into some of the rooms and found a lot of money.People don't think of money when they're   3  (害怕的).When   4  (任何人)leaves paper money in a fire, the fire burns it.So I took all the bills that I   5  (能够)find.No one will be poor   6  (因为)I took them.”

  “You don't know my work,”said the   7  (另一个).

  “What is your work?”

  “I'm a policeman.”

  “Oh!”cried the   8  (第一)man.He thought   9  (迅速地)and said,“And do you know my work?”

  “No,”said the policeman.

  “I'm a writer.I'm always telling   10  (故事)about things that never happened.”




Lily has a penfriend in America.Her name is Alice.They write to each other every week.They tell each other about their lives.Here is a letter from Lily.

Dear Alice,

Thank you for your letter and telling me about your best friend.In this letter,I'm going to tell you about my friend.Her name is Cathy.She has long brown hair and blue eyes.She is the same age as me,but a little taller.She is always happy.We sit together in class and help each other with our homework.We always play together after school and play computer games for an hour.Cathy thinks quickly(迅速地)and does better than me.She is learning to play the piano(钢琴).I am learning to play the piano,too.We play together every day.It's fun.We always have a good time.  

  Please write to me soon.




How often does Lily write to Alice?

  A.Every two weeks.  B.Every week.

  C.Every day. D.Every three weeks.

[  ]


Who is Lily's best friend?

  A.She doesn't have one.  B.Cathy.

  C.Alice. D.Tommy.

[  ]


What is Cathy's hair like?

  A.Long and green.  B.Long and brown.

  C.Short and brown.D.Short and black.

[  ]


When do they play computer games?

  A.Before school.  B.At school.

  C.After school.D.At the weekend.

[  ]


What other things do they do together every day?

  A.Write letters.  B.Sing.

  C.Play the piano. D.Use the computer.

[  ]


  A man was tired of living in his old house in the country and wanted to sell it and buy a better one. He attempted(试图) to sell it for a long time, but was not successful, so at last he decided to solve the problem by using an estate(房地产) agent(代理) .

  The agent promptly(迅速地) advertised the house, and a few days later, the owner saw a very attractive photograph of it, with a wonderful description(说明) of its gardens, in an expensive magazine.

  After the house owner had read the advertisement through, he hastened to telephone the estate agent and said to him, “I' m sorry, Mr. Jones, but I've decided not to sell my house after all. After reading your advertisement in that magazine, I can see that it's just the kind of house I've wanted to live in all my life. ”

1.Why did the man want to sell his house?

2.Why did he finally have to go to an estate agent?

3.What did the estate agent do about selling the house?

4.How did he lose a sale by being too good at his job?



  One night a hotel caught a fire, and people in it ran out in their night clothes.  1  (幸运地), nobody was   2  (受伤).

  Two men stood outside and looked at the fire.

  “Before I came out,”said one,“I ran into some of the rooms and found a lot of money.People don't think of money when they're   3  (害怕的).When   4  (任何人)leaves paper money in a fire, the fire burns it.So I took all the bills that I   5  (能够)find.No one will be poor   6  (因为)I took them.”

  “You don't know my work,”said the   7  (另一个).

  “What is your work?”

  “I'm a policeman.”

  “Oh!”cried the   8  (第一)man.He thought   9  (迅速地)and said,“And do you know my work?”

  “No,”said the policeman.

  “I'm a writer.I'm always telling   10  (故事)about things that never happened.”


Miss Richards was a teacher at a school for boys and girls.She 1 ndline  chemistry and physics from the lowest to the highest classes in the 2 ndline.Sometimes the new classes 3 ndline  rapidly(迅速地),but sometimes they were very 4 ndline,and then Miss Richards had to 5 ndline  things many times.

  One year,the first class had been studying chemistry for several 6 ndline  when Miss Richards suddenly asked,“What is water? Who knows? 7 ndline  up!”

  There was silence(沉默) for a few seconds,and Miss Richards felt saddened(难过),but then one boy 8 ndline  his hand.

  “Yes,Dick?”said Miss Richards encouragingly(鼓励地).He was not one of the brightest children in the class,so she was 9 ndline  that he could answer.

  “Water is a liquid which has no 10 ndline  until you wash your hands in it,Miss.Then it turns black,” the boy replied with great confidence(信心).


A.teaches B.teaching  C.taught      D.teach

[  ]


A.schooling B.school   C.schools     D.home

[  ]


A.learned B.learning  C.had been learned D.were learned

[  ]


A.slow   B.being slow C.slowly      D.slowest

[  ]


A.repeated B.repeating C.do        D.repeat

[  ]


A.years   B.minutes   C.weeks       D.seconds

[  ]


A.Put   B.Hands   C.Get       D.Look

[  ]


A.lows   B.ride    C.put down     D.put up

[  ]


A.sad   B.glad    C.angry       D.hungry

[  ]


A.colour B.colourful C.colourless    D.with colour

[  ]

