VII. 61-65 D B A D C 查看更多




Dear Jenny,

It is Thursday, December 12. 1..____________ ! At 8 o’clock I have math. 2..______________. Then at 9:00 I have science. 3..____________. Then at 10:00, I have P.E. 4.._______________! Because it’s fun. I eat lunch at 12:00. After lunch, I have music. 5.._____________ . I like my music teacher, Mr. Morgan.



A. I don’t like math

B. I want to buy a math book

C. It’s difficult, but interesting

D. I’m really busy today

E. I like my school

F. My music class is relaxing

G. That’s my favorite subject



【小题1】 Angle is very interested in law and she enjoys lawprograms on TV.
【小题2】 Rebecca enjoys watching English news on TV every day.
【小题3】Robert it a foothball fan and he enjoys watching football matches and sports news on TV
【小题4】Lynn it very good at singing and performing. She often watches art and music shows on TV.
【小题5】Li Ming is from Guangdong but be works in Beijing.He enjoys watching news aboutGuangdongevery day.
A.CCTV 5 offers sports news and matches home and abroad. It is a very good channel for sports lovers.
B.CCTV 9 offers different kinds of English Programs all the day. News in English and English Speech Competitions are shown on his channel.
C.On Channel CCTV 3, you can enjoy different kinds of art and music shows.
D.CCTV 6 is a movie channel. You can enjoy movies home and abroad 24 hours a day on this channel.
E. Guangdong TV mainly offers news about Guangdong Province. People from Guangdong would like to watch it to know what has happened in their home town.
F. At 12:35 every day, you can watch reports about law on CCTV 1. Law experts(专家) are invited to join the program to give their opinions on law problems.



58. Our head teacher warned us    ▲    (not fly) kites near power lines in spring.

59. Monday is the    ▲   day of a week. (two)

60.    ▲     (wolf) belong to the dog family, living and hunting together.

61. He’d like to buy a present for his father’s     ▲     (forty) birthday.

62. All the people who were at the crime scene that night are made     ▲   ( leave) their fingerprints.

63. Tom said he     ▲    (return) the two books to the library in a week.

64. They moved away from the village for     ▲    (safe).

65. He     ▲    (nod)to me in greeting when I entered the room.


Dear Jenny,
It is Thursday, December 12. 小题1:.____________ ! At 8 o’clock I have math. 小题2:.______________. Then at 9:00 I have science. 小题3:.____________. Then at 10:00, I have P.E. 小题4:._______________! Because it’s fun. I eat lunch at 12:00. After lunch, I have music. 小题5:._____________ . I like my music teacher, Mr. Morgan.
A. I don’t like math                  
B. I want to buy a math book
C. It’s difficult, but interesting         
D. I’m really busy today
E. I like my school                   
F. My music class is relaxing
G. That’s my favorite subject



Nobody likes making mistakes. But, no one is perfect. If you can learn from mistakes correctly, they can move you forward. Therefore, we should analyse how you can learn from them.

If you have made mistakes that harm other people, it is important to offer a sincere apology (道歉)in person. A good apology will likely make the other person forgive you. If you refuse to apologize, the person hurt by you will hold it against you.

If you go through life afraid to make a mistake, you will spend most of you life doing nothing. There is no harm in making mistakes; it is an essential part of going forward. The more duties you take, the more likely you will make mistakes.

Unluckily, it is our natural instinct(本能) to justify(为……辩解) our actions. When you make a mistake, you will first blame someone else. When mistakes are made, the boss is unlikely to be interested in justifications. Sometimes it is best to say, very simply--yes, I made a mistake.

Mistakes happen for various reasons. To avoid(避免)repeating them, you need to understand the main reason. For example, you may have made a mistake by saying some unkind words. If you make mistakes because you are tired, try to get more sleep; if you are stressed, look at ways to relax and keep away from the stress of work.

You should avoid feeling guilty about making mistakes, but at the same time, you should make a decision to learn from them. If you repeat the same mistakes, it shows you aren’t making progress and they cause repeating suffering. Often mistakes are caused by bad habits. To avoid making the same mistakes you need to break these bad habits. The sooner, the better.

How to earn from mistakes



Say sorry___56___

A sincere face-to-face apology helps him___57___ you.

Don’t be a perfectionist(完美主义者).

It is ___58___that people make mistakes. A person who takes more duties will make ___59___ mistakes.

Don’t ___60___ time trying to justify mistakes.

When a mistake is ___61___, you’d better admit it rather than blame it on someone else.

Understand___62___the mistake happened.

You may say some unkind words to other people. Find the right ___63___ and try to avoid the same mistake.

Avoid ___64___ the same mistakes.

___65___ your bad habits as soon as possible.

