Our teachers like us ask questions like this. A B C D 查看更多



Open today’s newspaper. What do you see? Ads(广告)!A lot of different Ads ! Look through a   1 . More ads! Turn  2  the TV. Still more ads! Everywhere you look, someone has something to sell.

Here are some ways ads get us to buy.

Some ads use famous people.   3   are paid to sell a product(产品). Think about it. Do they really know about medicine? Do they know about soft drink? These people may be famous. But they may not know about what they are   4   .

Some ads make you think you are getting the words of an expert. They say, “ Doctor said.” A man in a white coat comes on TV. “ I use Bright and White,” he says. This man looks like a doctor. But he is an(a)  5  .

Does soap have anything to do with a pretty child? Not much. But ads may show their product with something nice, such as the sun, the  6    and so on. Such an ad is about feelings rather than   7  .

Some ads make promises. But can they    8   them? No!

Some ads use our   9   of being too late. “Buy now!” they say, “Selling ends soon.” Check to see if this is true. Don’t hurry. Take time to think.

All ads hope we will buy something, do something, or    10   in a certain way. Know what ads are doing. Ask questions to yourself. Don’t let their words and pictures fool you.

1  A. magazine

B. book

C. picture

D. window

2  A. on

B. off

C. down

D. up

3  A. Doctors

B. Stars

C. Teachers

D. Workers

4  A. making

B. selling

C. doing

D. thinking

5  A. nurse

B. doctor

C. actor

D. expert

6  A . tigers

B. rocks

C. flowers

D. people

7  A. money

B. personality

C. appearance

D. facts

8  A. believe

B. break

C. keep

D. record

9  A. hope

B. fear

C. joy

D. sadness

10  A. think

B. act

C. enjoy

D. speak


    CHINESE schools are having a hard time this autumn. The A (H1N1) flu has hit the country as many
students get infected (感染). According to a recent report, more than 42,000 people in China have caught
the A (H1N1) flu. And 96% of the outbreaks (爆发) have happened in schools.
    Students have to check their temperature many times a day. Classes are closed when two A (H1N1) flu
cases are reported within two weeks. Students with flu-like symptoms (流感相似症状) should be sent to
the hospital at once.
    To make things worse, most students will be taking the mid-term exams.
     How can students go on with their study during the time? Schools and students gave us some ideas.
     Wang Feixuan, 14, Xi'an: A class in our grade was suspended (暂停) last week. Teachers recorded
(录像) videos of our classes and put them online for the resting students to download (下载). The suspended
class also had meetings online. The teacher and students chatted in a group online. They could speak and
hear each other's voices.
     Luo Yijing, 13, Shanghai: A girl in my class caught a common flu and got a fever. She had to stay home
for a week. The teacher asked me to help her. Every day when I got home, I'd call her and tell her what the
teacher taught in class that day. When she had problems with homework, she called me too. 
    Jiang Sai, 16, Beijing: Two classes of our grade were suspended. The school put three video cameras and
several computers in our class. If the resting students have the Internet at home, they can connect (连接)
with the computers in our classroom and have classes with us. The resting students and the teacher can see
and hear each other through videos. They can also ask and answer questions.
1. Chinese schools are in some trouble these days because of ______.
[     ]
A. the bad weather
B. the A (H1N1) flu
C. the traffic accidents
D. the earthquake
2. According to the passage, students have to check their temperature ______.
[     ]
A. once a day
B. once a week
C. many times a day
D. every three days
3. Students resting at home can go on with their study by ______.
[     ]
A. watching videos of their classes online
B. calling their classmates for help
C. chatting with teachers and classmates online.
D. Both A, B and C
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
[     ]
A. If students have flu-like symptoms, they should be sent to hospital at once.
B. To make things worse, most students will have their final exams.
C. Only teachers help students to go on with their study at home.
D. The students needn't study while resting at home.
5. What's the best title of the passage?
[     ]
A. Flu can't stop us!
B. People in trouble.
C. What is A (H1N1) flu?
D. Chatting online.

