sb. spend time (in) doing sth. spend - on sth. It takes sb. some time to do sth. eg. She spend all her time (in) studying . She spent 50 yuan on a new dictionary. It took me three hours to finish my homework. 查看更多



  I’m glad it’s Sunday again. I can stay in bed   1  I like, drinking tea and read those thick newspapers that are brought by the newsboy through the letterbox at 8:30. In this way, I can catch up with all the   2  I haven’t got time to read during my work time.
When I   3  the papers, I then prepare my bath. The Sunday morning bath is   4  of the week. There’s no need to hurry because there’s no bus to   5  and my friends are told not to call me up before noon on Sundays, so there is no danger of being troubled by the telephone.
  6  spend the afternoon after lunch is always a bit of problem. In summer I can go to the park and sit in a chair   7    boys playing football, while in winter I sit in front of the fire and   8  when reading a book, sometimes I turn on the television and sleep through an old film.  
Then there’s the evening ahead of me. Perhaps I’ll call on some friends or go to the cinema   19    a new film I want to see or to town for a concert. Oh, there are   10    pleasant ways of passing Sunday evenings. The only sad thing is that Monday morning is getting near.
【小题1】 long soon well much as
【小题3】 readingB.have readC.had
A.the much pleasantB.the more pleasant
C.the most pleasantD.the very pleasant
A.sitB.catchC.get inD.take
A.What toB.How toC.When toD.Where to
A.lookingB.seeingC.looking atD.watching
A.fall asleepB.go to sleepC.go to bedD.get to sleep
A.when there’sB.if there will be
C.when there hasD.if there will have
【小题10】 manyB.such manyC.a lotD.quite few


Sometimes you may not understand your parents. One minute they are friendly, the next minute they’re shouting and screaming loudly enough for the whole street to hear. So who makes them so____16___ ? You, probably!
Is your room untidy? Do you leave things on the floor? You may find it hard enough to keep one room tidy. So imagine what ___17___like for your mum and dad trying to keep a whole house in order.
When you take your clothes off, remember to ___18__. Get into the habit if taking glasses and plates down to the kitchen. Before long you’ll be doing it without thinking.
Even though you may not realize it, your parents have bought you many clothes. But they’re not buying themselves new things every week, are they? The simple truth is that there are more ___19___ things to spend money on, like the electricity bill and food.
You may hate missing a party to visit some boring old relatives. They may go on and on about what a sweet baby you were. You have no choice but to listen. Even if you ___20____, your parents won’t change their minds. Parents like to show off their family. The best thing you can do is to help entertain(使……高兴) your relatives. Your parents will be so pleased with you afterwards that they’ll probably allow you to go to the next two ___21____.
You might not want to eat, but think of it from the parents’ point of view. If you cook two meals a day, it ___22____ 730 meals a year. Can you imagine how boring this can get? Imagine how your parents feel when you say you’re not really hungry. ___23____, your parents are probably worried that you aren’t eating enough.
Eat ___24___ snacks and leave room for your meals. Finally, offer to ___25___after the meal. Your offer may not be accepted, but your parents will be pleased.

A.friendlyB.lonelyC.changeable D.comfortable
A.hang them upB.leave them alone
C.put them onD.throw them away
A.interestingB.difficultC.important D.surprising
A.In addition(加之)B.In return
C.At mostD.At last
【小题10】 the cookingB.lay the table some snacksD.wash the dishes


I’m glad it’s Sunday again. I can stay in bed   36 I like, drinking tea and   37   those thick newspapers that are brought  38  the newsboy through the letterbox at 8:30. In this way, I can catch up with all the   39  I haven’t got time to read during my work time.
When I   40  the papers, I then prepare my bath. The Sunday morning bath is   41  of the week. There’s no need to hurry because there’s no bus to   42  and my friends are told not to call me up before noon on Sundays, so there is no danger of   43    by the telephone.
  44 spend the afternoon after lunch is always a bit of problem. In summer I can go to the park and sit in a chair   45  boys playing football, while in winter I sit in front of the fire and   46   when reading a book, sometimes I turn on the television and sleep through an old film.  
Then there’s the   47 ahead of me. Perhaps I’ll call on some friends or go to the cinema   48   a new film I want to see or to town for a concert. Oh, there are   49   pleasant ways of passing Sunday evenings. The only sad thing is that Monday morning is getting    50 .

【小题1】 long soon well much as
【小题2】 reading
【小题5】 readingB.have readC.had
A.the much pleasantB.the more pleasant
C.the most pleasantD.the very pleasant
A.sitB.catchC.get inD.take
A.troubleB.being be troubled
A.What toB.How toC.When toD.Where to
A.lookingB.seeingC.looking atD.watching
A.fall asleepB.go to sleepC.go to bedD.get to sleep
A.whether there’sB.if there is
C.when there hasD.if there will be
【小题14】 manyB.such manyC.a lotD.quite few


Sometimes you may not understand your parents. One minute they are friendly, the next minute they’re shouting and screaming loudly enough for the whole street to hear. So who makes them so____16___ ? You, probably!
Is your room untidy? Do you leave things on the floor? You may find it hard enough to keep one room tidy. So imagine what ___17___like for your mum and dad trying to keep a whole house in order.
When you take your clothes off, remember to ___18__. Get into the habit if taking glasses and plates down to the kitchen. Before long you’ll be doing it without thinking.
Even though you may not realize it, your parents have bought you many clothes. But they’re not buying themselves new things every week, are they? The simple truth is that there are more ___19___ things to spend money on, like the electricity bill and food.
You may hate missing a party to visit some boring old relatives. They may go on and on about what a sweet baby you were. You have no choice but to listen. Even if you ___20____, your parents won’t change their minds. Parents like to show off their family. The best thing you can do is to help entertain(使……高兴) your relatives. Your parents will be so pleased with you afterwards that they’ll probably allow you to go to the next two ___21____.
You might not want to eat, but think of it from the parents’ point of view. If you cook two meals a day, it ___22____ 730 meals a year. Can you imagine how boring this can get? Imagine how your parents feel when you say you’re not really hungry. ___23____, your parents are probably worried that you aren’t eating enough.
Eat ___24___ snacks and leave room for your meals. Finally, offer to ___25___after the meal. Your offer may not be accepted, but your parents will be pleased.
A.friendlyB.lonelyC.changeable D.comfortable
A.hang them upB.leave them alone
C.put them onD.throw them away
A.interestingB.difficultC.important D.surprising
A.In addition(加之)B.In return
C.At mostD.At last
A.moreB.less C.fewerD.many
【小题10】 the cookingB.lay the table some snacksD.wash the dishes


  I’m glad it’s Sunday again. I can stay in bed   1  I like, drinking tea and read those thick newspapers that are brought by the newsboy through the letterbox at 8:30. In this way, I can catch up with all the   2  I haven’t got time to read during my work time.
When I   3  the papers, I then prepare my bath. The Sunday morning bath is   4  of the week. There’s no need to hurry because there’s no bus to   5  and my friends are told not to call me up before noon on Sundays, so there is no danger of being troubled by the telephone.
  6  spend the afternoon after lunch is always a bit of problem. In summer I can go to the park and sit in a chair   7    boys playing football, while in winter I sit in front of the fire and   8  when reading a book, sometimes I turn on the television and sleep through an old film.  
Then there’s the evening ahead of me. Perhaps I’ll call on some friends or go to the cinema   19    a new film I want to see or to town for a concert. Oh, there are   10    pleasant ways of passing Sunday evenings. The only sad thing is that Monday morning is getting near.

【小题1】 long soon well much as
【小题3】 readingB.have readC.had
A.the much pleasantB.the more pleasant
C.the most pleasantD.the very pleasant
A.sitB.catchC.get inD.take
A.What toB.How toC.When toD.Where to
A.lookingB.seeingC.looking atD.watching
A.fall asleepB.go to sleepC.go to bedD.get to sleep
A.when there’sB.if there will be
C.when there hasD.if there will have
【小题10】 manyB.such manyC.a lotD.quite few

