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If you are going to Europe, you might consider taking some time to visit Provence. Whether you are interested in beautiful places, ancient history, good food, or music and theater, Provence has something to offer to you.

 Provence once was a Roman province and is in the southeast of France now. You will be attracted by its green hills, olive* trees, and old towns with pretty houses. Visitors can find forests, colorful flowers, horses, and people with smiles there. Provence is also “the city of dream in Europe.” Some people say it is Provence that makes France so romantic. The palace should play an important part in the romantic stories.

 The Flowers: Provence is the hometown of lavenders* and sunflowers. Lavender means “waiting for love”. It also means beautiful. The mountains of Lubero is the most beautiful area across France. And there are also many kinds of lavenders. Compared with the fantastic flowers Lavender, sunflower is a lot warmer. Under the sunlight, thousands of yellow sunflowers are smiling at the sun.

 The Food: The people there are well-known for keeping their traditional lifestyles. And in the restaurant, you will have the experience of eating the food that has the too much use of olive oil. The food is fresh and healthy. All the things make Provence become the heaven to those who like delicious food.

 The other activities: Provence is the Kingdom of city. They hold many parties, dance, and festivals. You can even see a bullfight* in the towns of Arles and Nimes, or enjoy great shows with the famous stars.

  May to July are the best tourist months. Not only the red sky, the sweet smell of olive, but also the wonderful lavenders, make Provence send out the breath of romantic.


1.The Provence lies ___________.

A. in the southeast of France               

B. in the northeast of France

C. in the southwest of France               

D. in the northwest of France

2.We can do following things EXCEPT____________ in Provence

A. watching a bullfight          

B. enjoying great shows with the famous stars.

C. seeing beautiful sights       

D. eating the food that has the too much use of fish oil

3.According to the passage, which following statement is RIGHT?

A. Provence has green hills, olive trees, and new towns with pretty houses.

B. Lavender is warmer than sunflower.

C. If a person likes food, Provence is a wonderful place for him.

D. June is not a good time to visit Provence.



Many strong and out-of-control emotions are recognized as an illness. People who are always very sad have depression (抑郁症); those who worry a lot have anxiety.
But what about anger problems? Anger is largely viewed as a secondary emotion – one caused by other emotions. People are thought to be angry because they are sad, anxious or stressed. In the past, many doctors didn’t accept the idea that anger could be a problem all on its own.
Today, though, a growing number of mental health experts think that anger is a serious problem that needs its own treatment.
How to tell the difference between “normal” anger and “anger problem” is difficult. After all, everyone gets really mad from time to time. Experts point out a few ways.
Disordered anger, as it is sometimes called, tends to be of greater intensity (强度). It takes very little to set off a person with an anger problem, and their responses (反应) are very strong. An example: While most people would get upset if a driver cut them off, someone with disordered anger might try to chase down the car and force it off the road.
And in cases of disordered anger, the person gets angry more frequently and his/her anger lasts longer. For most people, angry feelings disappear quickly. But people with anger problems often stay angry for days, weeks or even years; their feelings of anger don’t disappear over time.
Consequences are also important to consider: Disordered anger often damages people’s lives. “It interferes (干扰) with people’s relationships and their jobs,” says Raymond Chip Tafrate, a US psychologist. “Even their health is affected.”
Anger clearly increases the risk of certain health problems, as many studies have shown. “When a person is angry, their heart beats faster and their blood pressure goes up,” says Howard Kassinove, a professor at Hofstra University in New York. Over time, these changes take their toll on the body, he adds.
Experts suggest that people with an anger problem take anger-management programs. The programs teach people to control their responses to stressful situations through the use of relaxation techniques. The programs sometimes include life-skills training as well: increasing someone’s level of competence (竞争)– whether on the job or as a parent or partner – helps bring down stress and cut angry feelings.
【小题1】A person who _________ most possibly has disordered anger in the experts’ opinion?
A.can’t get out of anger quickly dissatisfied with relationships
C.has high blood pressure worried about his job
【小题2】What does the underlined word Consequences mean?
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Anger is an secondary emotion that makes people sad and stressed.
B.Anger was recognized as an illness by most doctors in the past.
C.A person with an anger problem gets angry more often and easily.
D.The use of relaxation techniques is the best way to manage anger.
【小题4】 What is the best title of the passage?
A.Can anger be an illness?
B.Is it disordered anger?
C.Can anger influence our life?
D.Is anger management important?


The Flying Hat  Shannon Blackman
“The most sidesplitting story I’ve ever read.  I couldn’t stop laughing after I finished it.  Be ready to laugh your heart out.”
Willy King, Best Book winner
“It’s a story that makes you smile in your dreams.  Blackman’s excellent writing cheers you up.”
The tide, London
“One of the best-selling books of the year.  More than two million copies have been sold.”
The Sunday Reader, New York
“This book has become the talk of the country.  The story is making its way into movie theaters.  I can’t wait to see it!”
Marian Miller, author of Ms. Lilly
& comment 评论
【小题1】Which is said about The Flying Hat?
A.A movie about the story is coming out.
B.The story is about a boy who has a magic hat.
C.The writer started the book because of a dream.
D.People can buy the book in different languages.
【小题2】What does sidesplitting mean?


How much do you know about A.I.(Artificial Intelligence)?Artificial means‘man-made’,and intelligence means‘the ability to learn.understand and think about things’ about making machines think,talk,do and used in many fields from、playing games to helping doctors.Many machines around us work very well because they work with the help of A.I.Man has always dreamed of building‘thinking machines’.In 1770,Wolfgand Kempelen(1 734—1804)built a wooden robot called Turk that was able to play chess(SUR).It played very well and even beat some of the top chess players of the time! Later it was found that Turk was not real.Inside the box machine was a chess player.

     John McCarthy(1927—)is thought as the‘Father’of A.I He invented the word‘A.I.’and the LISP computer programming language that many A.I.developers use today.How does

A.I.uses ideas from many fields:


1.What is true about A.I.? a machine.

 B.A.I.can play chess better than man.

 C.A.I.can play games. something that makes machines work  

like man.

2.A.I.means_________in Chinese.

    A.人造能力         B.人造计算机

 C.人工智能         D.人工机器人

3.We can learn from the passage that_________.

     A.we still do not know how

     B.computers are the most important part of A.I.

     C.Wolfgand Kempelen was the first builder of robot.

     D.John McCarthy is good at playing chess.



I do not need a calendar to tell me when it is winter. All I need is my nose. When I wake up in the morning and smell the tasty treats my mom is cooking downstairs, I know winter has arrived.
The first one is the smell of chocolate. During the holiday season (from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day) my mother makes her special hot chocolate. She always adds a peppermint candy cane (薄荷味拐棍糖) to the drink and tops it with cream.
The hot chocolate gets me out of bed, but it is my mother’s chocolate fudge (软糕) that makes me run downstairs. It is a thick chunk (块) of chocolate that tastes like heaven. My mother adds nuts. That gives it more texture (质感).
But my mother isn’t done yet. She also makes a treat she calls “window panes (窗玻璃)”. She takes a few different colored marshmallows (棉花糖) and melts them together with chocolate. The final product looks like a colorful church window, so we call it “window panes”.
These tasty holiday treats are usually eaten after a meal as a dessert. But don’t tell Santa Claus because I secretly eat them all day long.
【小题1】What wakes “me” up in the morning?

A.The alarm clock.B.My mom.
C.The noise upstairs.D.The smell of food.
【小题2】 In the author’s eyes, the taste of the chocolate fudge is ____.
A.terribleB.wonderful so
【小题3】With nuts, the chocolate fudge tastes _____.
【小题4】The “window panes” the author mentions refer to _____.
A.special hot chocolate drink
B.decorations on the window
C.chocolate cake with fruits on it
D.a mixture of marshmallows and chocolate
【小题5】Why does the author look forward to the winter?
A.There is plenty of time to play around.
B.The food his mom cooks is mouthwatering.
C.It’s great fun to play outdoors.
D.He can have a good rest during the winter.

